[Pkg-isocodes-devel] [pkg-isocodes-Bugs][314317] iso-code POT template versioning issues between TP and git

pkg-isocodes-bugs at alioth.debian.org pkg-isocodes-bugs at alioth.debian.org
Wed Jun 26 16:14:46 UTC 2013

pkg-isocodes-Bugs item #314317 was changed at 2013-06-26 12:14 by Chris Leonard
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Status: Open
Priority: 3
Submitted By: Chris Leonard (cjl-guest)
Assigned to: Nobody (None)
Summary: iso-code POT template versioning issues between TP and git 
Part: General

Initial Comment:
Dear Maintainers,

I downloaded the latest POT files from the Translation Project website with these links (as they indicate on each of the 6 projects respective textual domain page).


I also cloned the git repo using

git clone git://git.debian.org/git/iso-codes/iso-codes.git

I then closely examined all of the POT files for word count, string count (using Virtaal properties) and version number in POT headwer (using gedit) and identified several issues.

TP  iso_639_3-3.43.pot  14525 words, 9557 strings
git iso_639_3.pot  13896 words, 9278 strings

This DOES NOT match between TP and git, big problem.

iso_639.pot  774 words, 488 strings - this matches between TP and git
iso_15924.pot  329 words, 163 strings - this matches between TP and git
iso_3166.pot  1108 words, 455 strings - this matches between TP and git
iso_3166_2.pot  6650 words, 4699 strings - this matches between TP and git
iso_4217.pot  586 words, 275 strings - this matches between TP and git

There are also some declared version number discrepancies from the POT file header

TP  "Project-Id-Version: iso_639 3.40\n"
git "Project-Id-Version: iso_639 3.40\n"

TP  "Project-Id-Version: iso_639-3 3.39\n"   <-- also string and word count diffs
git "Project-Id-Version: iso_639-3 3.43\n"   <--

TP  "Project-Id-Version: iso_15924 3.39\n"
git "Project-Id-Version: iso_15924 3.39\n"

TP  "Project-Id-Version: iso_3166 3.42\n"
git "Project-Id-Version: iso_3166 3.42\n"

TP  "Project-Id-Version: iso_3166-2 3.43\n"   <-- matching string and word counts
git "Project-Id-Version: iso_3166-2 3.38\n"   <--

TP  "Project-Id-Version: iso_4217 3.15\n"
git "Project-Id-Version: iso_4217 3.15\n"

Please note that only one of these declares itself to be version 3.43 and in one case, there are mismatches between the declared version even when the files superficially appear similar by word count and string count.


Comment By: Chris Leonard (cjl-guest)
Date: 2013-06-26 12:14

I may be confused about your process; but the "update" of the POT to 3.43 on the TP site was recently announced (4 days ago):


so it does not make sense that there would be that great a difference, but maybe I am the one missing something.

In any event, it would be nice if the POT header files reflected versions correctly.


Comment By: Tobias Quathamer (toddy)
Date: 2013-06-26 11:26


I don't see a problem here, because the files are first updated in git, then once a month released as a tarball and uploaded to TP. In the specific case you've mentioned, ISO 639-3, we're currently updating the POT file, so that the files *must* differ between git and TP.

Or am I not getting your point?



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