[Pkg-isocodes-devel] [pkg-isocodes-Bugs][314299] Change request in Language Name from Oriya to Odia. [Language Code: or]

pkg-isocodes-bugs at alioth.debian.org pkg-isocodes-bugs at alioth.debian.org
Sat Jan 27 16:33:56 UTC 2018

pkg-isocodes-Bugs item #314299 was changed at 2018-01-27 17:33 by Tobias Quathamer
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>Status: Closed
Priority: 3
Submitted By: MANOJ KUMAR GIRI (mgiri-guest)
>Assigned to: Tobias Quathamer (toddy)
Summary:  Change request in Language Name from Oriya to Odia. [Language Code: or] 
Part: General

Initial Comment:
Oriya language has been changed to Odia. So it needs to be updated accordingly. 

Ref: http://orissamatters.com/2011/11/07/orissa-became-odisha/

Also provided some references in attachment.



>Comment By: Tobias Quathamer (toddy)
Date: 2018-01-27 17:33

This is still not changed in the ISO standard, so closing this bug.


Comment By: Christian Perrier (bubulle)
Date: 2013-06-23 17:07

By principle, the iso-codes package stick to the standard, either ISO 639 or ISO 639-3. So, we'll wait for the official list of languages in the standard to be updated and then we'll adapt iso-codes....as we always do.


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