[Pkg-isocodes-devel] [pkg-isocodes-Bugs][315881] Include code ISO for each item as msgctxt in the PO file

pkg-isocodes-bugs at alioth.debian.org pkg-isocodes-bugs at alioth.debian.org
Sat Jan 27 16:39:20 UTC 2018

pkg-isocodes-Bugs item #315881 was changed at 2018-01-27 17:39 by Tobias Quathamer
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>Status: Closed
Priority: 3
Submitted By: Jordi Mas (jordimas-guest)
Assigned to: Tobias Quathamer (toddy)
Summary: Include code ISO for each item as msgctxt in the PO file 
Part: General

Initial Comment:

Right now the PO files look like:

#. name for afr, af
msgid "Afrikaans"
msgstr "afrikaans"

It will be much better if the codes instead of been comments are included in as msgctxt, that is:

msgctxt "afr, af"
msgid "Afrikaans"
msgstr "afrikaans"

Two benefits:
* When used with translation memories will provide a context. For example, the currency "Gold" is a pretty standard name. This will allow to differentiate to which code they refer.
* PO is a poor format. This will allow to parse this information by scripts and conversion tools in a more structured way



>Comment By: Tobias Quathamer (toddy)
Date: 2018-01-27 17:39

Closing this bug as "wontfix".


Comment By: Tobias Quathamer (toddy)
Date: 2017-11-19 11:12

Hi Jordi,

thanks for your suggestion. However, I'm not convinced that this change is worthwhile.

It adds another layer on top of all programs using the translations in their output. All those programs already need to switch to another gettext domain (e.g. "iso_3166-1") to be able to get the translations. Within those gettext domains, the msgid is unique, so there's no need to use a message context.

Most (or even all?) .po file editors support the display of comments, so the information "afr, af" is already available to the translators.

Regarding the structured parsing of .po files by scripts, the automatic comment inserted into our .po files is really rather stable and has not been changed in the last few years (to the best of my knowledge).



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