[pkg-jboss-maintainer] deploy/, farm/ the FHS and srv/
Guido Guenther
Mon, 21 Jun 2004 13:37:31 +0200
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On Fri, Jun 18, 2004 at 03:38:30PM +0200, Philipp Hug wrote:
> > ...or not, i'd like to put out a first version in an apt'apble
> > repository.
> > Full sentences help sometimes...
> ok, go ahead, move deploy to /srv, compile and upload to apt-able archive=
> I'll start to test it, when everything is ok on your side...
I decided to not move to srv/ for a simple reaseon: The user will have
to modify the deploy/ and farm/ dirs anyway, so I'm providing a script
(not yet in CVS) that copies a default config from
/usr/share/jboss3/server to /srv/jboss3. The user can then safely modify
this one and be sure he won't interfere with the package management
system. This looks more sane to me, since we can't preserve user
changes on upgrades in /usr or /var anyway.
The repository is at:
deb ftp://alioth.debian.org/pub/pkg-jboss/jboss3/ unstable/
I have already a bunch of fixes for -2...=20
-- Guido
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