[pkg-jboss-maintainer] JBoss Ports / Debian

Philipp Hug debian@hug.cx
Sun, 23 May 2004 17:16:21 +0200

JBoss listens on those ports in the default configuration:
1098/tcp open  unknown
1099/tcp open  unknown
4444/tcp open  krb524
4445/tcp open  unknown
8009/tcp open  ajp13
8080/tcp open  http-proxy
8083/tcp open  unknown
8093/tcp open  unknown

I think it's a bad idea to keep them open in default install...

1098/tcp RMI
1099/tcp JNP-Invoker
can be disabled by default
would be nice, if user could enable/disable them

4444/tcp RMI/JRMP invoker
4445/tcp pooled invoker
same here

8009/tcp ajp13 port - apache connector
needed, but maybe we should use a different port to prevent conflicts with

8080/tcp http server port
should be disabled, use apache as webserver

8083/tcp JBoss Remote Classloader
might be needed sometimes... damn...

8093/tcp Unified Invocation Layer / JBossMQ
enable/disable option??

ok, we need way to generate jboss-service.xml from a template and fill in
some variables from debconf. does anyone know a nice tool which can handle