[Pkg-jed-commit] r153 - in trunk/packages/jed-extra: . debian

Guenter Milde milde-guest at costa.debian.org
Tue Nov 8 10:09:36 UTC 2005

Author: milde-guest
Date: 2005-11-08 10:09:36 +0000 (Tue, 08 Nov 2005)
New Revision: 153

moved build-orig.tar_gz

changelog update

sort-modes.sl sorts the mode files into a tmp dir:
  Should we call this at build time, 
  or change it to prepare a files.install list and sort with
  this list using dh_install?

Copied: trunk/packages/jed-extra/build-orig.tar_gz (from rev 122, trunk/packages/jed-extra/debian/build-orig.tar_gz)

Deleted: trunk/packages/jed-extra/debian/build-orig.tar_gz
--- trunk/packages/jed-extra/debian/build-orig.tar_gz	2005-11-08 10:03:55 UTC (rev 152)
+++ trunk/packages/jed-extra/debian/build-orig.tar_gz	2005-11-08 10:09:36 UTC (rev 153)
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
-set -e
-if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then
-    echo "usage: $(basename $0) version [cvs-date]   (e.g. \"1.2 2005-07-08\")"
-    exit 1
-VER=$1  # 1.2
-DATE=$2 # 2005-07-08
-# cvs -d:pserver:anonymous at cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/jedmodes export \
-#         ${DATE:+-D$DATE} mode
-cp -r ~/programmieren/mode/ .
-mv mode jed-extra-$VER
-cd jed-extra-$VER
-checker() { sed 1,/^[^%]/p $1 | grep -Eq 'GPL|GNU General Public License'; }
-for i in *; do
-  [ -d $i ] || continue;
-  if [ -f $i/$i.sl ]; then
-      if ! checker $i/$i.sl; then
-          case $i in
-            bufed|calc|custmode|email|jedasp|keywords|sql|tar|temabbrv)
-              echo "($i misses the gpl licence note)";;
-            *) echo "$i not gpl"; no_gpl=1;;
-          esac
-      fi;
-  else
-      for j in $i/*.sl; do
-          if ! checker $j; then
-             echo "$j not gpl"
-             no_gpl=1
-          fi
-      done
-  fi
-cd ..
-if [ -n "$no_gpl" ]; then
-    echo 
-    echo "There is at least one file with unsettled copyright"
-    printf "Continue [y/N] "
-    read choise
-    case "$choise" in
-      y|Y) ;;
-      *) exit 2;;
-    esac
-tar -czf jed-extra_$VER.orig.tar.gz jed-extra-$VER

Modified: trunk/packages/jed-extra/debian/changelog
--- trunk/packages/jed-extra/debian/changelog	2005-11-08 10:03:55 UTC (rev 152)
+++ trunk/packages/jed-extra/debian/changelog	2005-11-08 10:09:36 UTC (rev 153)
@@ -3,14 +3,17 @@
+  new upstream release, 
+  all modes should now work with SLang-2
   +++ Changes by Guenter Milde <milde at users.sf.net>
-  * new upstream source [changed build-orig.tar_gz]
-  * updated copyright (source URI, removed explicit listing of authors)
+  * new upstream source URI
+  * updated copyright (source URI, author list, contact info)
   * updated README.Debian (give customization instructions)
-  * pooled initialization/customization in jed.d/50jed-extra.sl
+  * move all initialization/customization to jed.d/50jed-extra.sl
     using libdir.sl for "registering" of library directories
-  * changed location of jed-extra library dir to /usr/lib/jed-extra/
+  * changed location of jed-extra library dir to /usr/share/jed/jed-extra/
     + rules to sort the upstream files into .../jed-extra/ and

Modified: trunk/packages/jed-extra/debian/sort-modes.sl
--- trunk/packages/jed-extra/debian/sort-modes.sl	2005-11-08 10:03:55 UTC (rev 152)
+++ trunk/packages/jed-extra/debian/sort-modes.sl	2005-11-08 10:09:36 UTC (rev 153)
@@ -1,63 +1,83 @@
 % TODO?: slsh or jed-script shebang line
+_debug_info = 1;
 % Semi-Constants
 % --------------
 % customize these ...
+% the list of modes and their categories
 private variable modelist = "jedmodes-list.txt";
-private variable build_dir = "jed-extra-upstream";
-private variable tarname = build_dir;
-private variable lib_dir = "jed-extra-lib";
+private variable orig_dir = "jed-extra-1.2";
+% the dir to build the package. New Maintainer guide recomments tmp
+private variable build_dir = "tmp";
+%these will become subdirs of `build_dir'
+private variable lib_dir = "/usr/share/jed/jed-extra";
+private variable colors_dir = path_concat(lib_dir, "colors");
 private variable drop_in_dir = path_concat(lib_dir, "drop-in");
+private variable verbose = 1;
+% Types
+% -----
+% *A*ddition  *C*olor  *D*rop-In  *E*nhancement 
+% *O*bsolete  *U*tils  e*X*perimental (or e*X*otic)
 private variable destinations = Assoc_Type[String_Type, ""];
 destinations["A"] = lib_dir;
+destinations["C"] = colors_dir;
+destinations["D"] = drop_in_dir;
 destinations["E"] = lib_dir;
 destinations["U"] = lib_dir;
-destinations["D"] = drop_in_dir;
 % Main
 % ----
 % Variables for internale use
-private variable cwd=getcwd(), rv, line, modedir, file, dest, fp;
+private variable cwd=getcwd(), rv, line, mode, file, dest, fp;
+private variable category, modes = Assoc_Type[String_Type, ""];
 % Preparation
 % -----------
 rv = chdir(buffer_dirname());
+% set up a working directory hierarchy
-% set up a working directory and change there
-rv = mkdir(build_dir);
-rv = chdir(build_dir);
-% the dirs to sort into
-rv = mkdir(lib_dir);
-rv = mkdir(drop_in_dir);
+% create a dir under build-dir, creating parent dirs on the fly (as `mkdir -p`)
+static define mk_build_dir(dir)
+   variable d, path="";
+   % prepend the build dir and parse
+   dir = [build_dir, strtok(dir, "/")]; 
+   % show(dir);
+   foreach (dir)
+     {
+        d = ();
+        path = path_concat(path, d);
+        if (file_status(path) != 2)
+          rv = mkdir(path);
+     }
+   if (rv != 0)
+     vshow("error creating '%s', %s", path, errno_string());
-% get the sources tar archive from Jedmodes
-% (better done in 'rules')
-# iffalse
-rv = system("wget http://jedmodes.sf.net/cvs/jedmodes.tgz")
-if (rv != 0)
-    verror("could not get the upstream tar, %s", errno_string());
-# endif
+mk_build_dir("");  % create build_dir itself
-% unpack: this will create a directory mode/ in the build-dir
-rv = system("tar -xzf jedmodes.tgz");
-if (rv != 0)
-  verror("could not unpack jedmodes.tgz, %s", errno_string());
-% Sorting
-% -------
+% read in modelist
+% ----------------
-% The source files are in subdirs of 'mode/' and should be sorted to
-% 'libdir' and 'drop_in_dir'.
 % 'modelist' contains a list of modes at Jedmodes and their categorization.
-fp = fopen(path_concat("..", modelist), "r");
+fp = fopen(modelist, "r");
 if (fp == NULL)
   verror("fopen %s failed, %s", modelist, errno_string());
@@ -68,43 +88,62 @@
    if (orelse{length(line) < 2 }{line[0] == "#"})
    % show(line[0], line[1]);
-   modedir = path_concat("mode", line[1]);
-   dest = destinations[line[0]];
-   if (dest == "")
-     { 
-        vshow("skipping: %s ", strjoin(line, " "));
-        continue;
-     }
-   % show(mode, dest);
-   foreach (listdir(modedir))
-     {
-        file = ();
-        rv = copy_file(path_concat(modedir, file), 
-                       path_concat(dest, file));
-        if (rv != 0)
-          vshow("error copying '%s' to '%s', %s", 
-                path_concat(modedir, file), dest, errno_string());
-     }
+   modes[line[1]] = line[0];
+% show(modes);
 rv = fclose(fp);
-% pack and clean up
-% -----------------
+% Sorting
+% -------
-% (better be done in 'rules')
-rv = system(sprintf("tar -czf %s.tar.gz %s", tarname, lib_dir));
-if (rv != 0)
-  vshow("error packing %s, %s, %d", build_dir, errno_string(), rv);
+% The source files are in subdirs of 'jed-extra-$VER' and should be sorted to
+% 'libdir', colors_dir, and 'drop_in_dir'.
+foreach (listdir(orig_dir))
+   mode = ();
+   category = modes[mode];
+   if (andelse{category == ""}{file_status(path_concat(orig_dir, mode)) == 2})
+     {
+        vshow("skipping: unknown '%s'", mode);
+        continue;
+     }
+   dest = destinations[category];
+   if (dest == "")
+     { 
+        if (verbose)
+          vshow("skipping: %s '%s'", category, mode);
+        continue;
+     }
+   % prepend the common part of the path
+   mode = path_concat(orig_dir, mode);
+   dest = path_concat(build_dir, strtrim_beg(dest, "/"));
+   % show(mode, dest);
+   rv = system(sprintf("cp --backup %s/* %s", mode, dest));
+   if (rv == -1 or rv == 127)
+     vshow("error copying '%s/*' to '%s', %s", mode, dest, errno_string());
+   % OS independent SLang variant of sorting
+   % foreach (listdir(mode))
+   %   {
+   %      file = ();
+   %      file = path_concat(mode, file);
+   %      !if (file_status(file))
+   %        verror("file %s missing %d", file, file_status(file));
+   %      !if (file_status(dest))
+   %        verror("dest %s missing %d", dest, file_status(dest));
+   %      if (verbose)
+   %        vshow("copying %s", file);
+   %      rv = copy_file(file,
+   %                     path_concat(dest, file));
+   %      if (rv == 0)
+   %        vshow("error copying '%s' to '%s', %s", 
+   %              file, dest, errno_string());
+   %   }
-% (now pack the drop-in dir, if it is not a subdir of lib_dir)
-% clean up
-% remove "mode/", lib_dir and drop_in_dir
 % reset the working dir
 rv = chdir(cwd);

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