[Pkg-jed-commit] r100 - trunk/packages/jed-extra/debian

Guenter Milde milde-guest at costa.debian.org
Mon Oct 10 09:29:41 UTC 2005

Author: milde-guest
Date: 2005-10-10 09:29:40 +0000 (Mon, 10 Oct 2005)
New Revision: 100

Updated list of choices (after Pauls mail) + small patches

Modified: trunk/packages/jed-extra/debian/README.Maintainer
--- trunk/packages/jed-extra/debian/README.Maintainer	2005-10-05 20:44:02 UTC (rev 99)
+++ trunk/packages/jed-extra/debian/README.Maintainer	2005-10-10 09:29:40 UTC (rev 100)
@@ -184,61 +184,61 @@
 Modes at Jedmodes
-Types: *A*ddition *D*rop-In *E*nhancement *O*bsolete *U*tils
+Types: *A*ddition *D*rop-In *E*nhancement *O*bsolete *U*tils e*X*clude
 Type Name           Abstract
- A   a2ps:          Pretty-printing tools
- A   apache:        mode for editing Apache configuration files
+ X   a2ps:          Pretty-printing tools
+ X   apache:        mode for editing Apache configuration files
  E   apsmode:       pretty printing mode using a2ps
- E   autotext:      autotext a la MS Word
- A   awk:           mode for editing Awk scripts
+ X   autotext:      autotext a la MS Word
+ X   awk:           mode for editing Awk scripts
  D   brief:         Brief editor emulation
  A   browse_url:    Functions for display of web pages from within JED.
- D   bufed:         buffer manager
+ X   bufed:         buffer manager
  U   bufutils:      Tools for buffer and windows handling
  D?  cal:           calendar and diary
  A   calc:          SLang calculator
- A   cdecl:         S-Lang version of K&R's dcl program
+ X   cdecl:         S-Lang version of K&R's dcl program
  E   ch_table:      A "popup_buffer" with a table of characters
  U   circle:        Circular array with relational indexing
  A   colors:        collection of color schemes
  A   complete:      keyword completion function
  A   css1:          Mode for Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)
  A   csvutils:      Utilities to work with csv data
- O   cua:           CUA (Windows/Mac/CDE/KDE-like) bindings for Jed
+ X   cua:           CUA (Windows/Mac/CDE/KDE-like) bindings for Jed
  A   cuamark:       CUA style of marking ("volatile regions")
- O   cuamisc:       Helper functions for the cua suite
+ X   cuamisc:       Helper functions for the cua suite
  A   cuamouse:      CUA compatible mouse mode
  A   custmode:      Custom syntax highlighting
- O   dabbrev:       Complete the current word looking for similar
+ X   dabbrev:       Complete the current word looking for similar
  U   datutils:      Convenience functions for several Data_Types
- O   diagnose:      Diagnostic functions for SLang programmers
- A   dict:          A dict client.
+ X   diagnose:      Diagnostic functions for SLang programmers
+ X   dict:          A dict client.
  A   ding:          Ding dictionary lookup function and mode
  A   email:         mode for editing emails
- A   ffap:          Find File At Point
+ X   ffap:          Find File At Point
  E   filelist:      A special mode for file listings (ls, locate)
- A   fileview:      configurable file viewing function
+ X   fileview:      configurable file viewing function
  E   filter-buffer: Filter buffer: show/hide lines that match a pattern
  A   gdbmrecent:    another recent mode
  A   gnuplot:       Mode for the Gnuplot plotting program
  A   grep:          JED interface to the `grep` command
  E   history:       Save the content of the minibuffer across jed sessions
- O   home-lib:      Initialize libraries for jed extensions easily
- A   howto:         howto-reader
+ X   home-lib:      Initialize libraries for jed extensions easily
+ X   howto:         howto-reader
  D   hyperhelp:     Hypertext help browser.
  D   hyperman:      hypertextish man pager
- D   info:          Info reader for JED
+ X   info:          Info reader for JED
  A   ishell:        Interactive shell ("workbook mode")
  D   ispell:        spell checking utilities
  A   jedasp:        Try to simulate MS IIS Active Server Pages with JED
- A   jedgtk:        slgtk dialogs for JED
- A   jedmodes:      Utilities for the publication of modes at Jedmodes
- A   jedscape:      html browser
- ?   kcomplete:     keyword completion from the syntax table
+ X   jedgtk:        slgtk dialogs for JED
+ X   jedmodes:      Utilities for the publication of modes at Jedmodes
+ X   jedscape:      html browser
+ X   kcomplete:     keyword completion from the syntax table
  A   keywords:      Create keyword lists for syntax tables
  D   latex-jlm:     Yet another latex mode for Jed
  A   libdir:        Support for library directories with jed extensions
@@ -250,39 +250,39 @@
  A   md5:           MD5 message digest algorithm implemented in SLang
  A   menutils:      popup menu extensions
  A   minued:        Minibuffer edit mode
- ?   misc:          miscellaneous modes
+ X   misc:          miscellaneous modes
  A   mtools:        Interface to mtools for easy floppy read/write under
  A   mupad:         Mode for Mupad (computer algebra system) files.
  E   navigate:      "History feature" known from many browsers
  E   numbuf:        Number the buffers and bind Alt-[n] to go to buffer n
  D   occur:         occur with context
- A   outline:       outline mode
- A   pcre:          Perl-compatible searching functions
+ X   outline:       outline mode
+ X   pcre:          Perl-compatible searching functions
  A   po_mode:       Mode for editing PO-files
  A   print:         printer interface
  D   recent:        Provide easy access to recently opened/saved files.
- A   rfcview:       RFC viewer
-A/O? rmail:         MUA suite
+ X   rfcview:       RFC viewer
+ X   rmail:         MUA suite
  A   rst:           Mode for reStructured Text
- O   scrnhelp:      Show little help buffers
+ X   scrnhelp:      Show little help buffers
  U   sl_utils:      Basic SLang programming utils
  A   snake:         Eat the apples and stay away from the walls
  A   sql:           Syntax highlighting for SQL modes
  U   strutils:      String processing functions
- A   subpar:        paragraph reformatter
- A   tar:           interface to GNU tar
+ X   subpar:        paragraph reformatter
+ X   tar:           interface to GNU tar
  A   temabbrv:      On request replaces the word at cursor with a
                     user-defined template
- A   templates:     Open templates and do some replacements
+ X   templates:     Open templates and do some replacements
  U   tm:            TM documentation parser and TM creation tools
- A   tree:          Recursive directory listing utility
- E   turbo:         dynamic word completion (like in StarOffice)
+ X   tree:          Recursive directory listing utility
+ X   turbo:         dynamic word completion (like in StarOffice)
  U   txtutils:      Tools for text processing (marking, string processing,
  E   uri:           Let jed handle Universal Ressource Indicators (URIs)
  E   vi:            vi editor emulation mode
  A   view:          A generic view mode for readonly buffers
  A   window:        Window management routines
- A   x-keydefs:    extended set of Key_* variables for xjed
- A   yodl:         mode for editing yodl documents
+ A   x-keydefs:     extended set of Key_* variables for xjed
+ X   yodl:          mode for editing yodl documents

Modified: trunk/packages/jed-extra/debian/build-orig.tar_gz
--- trunk/packages/jed-extra/debian/build-orig.tar_gz	2005-10-05 20:44:02 UTC (rev 99)
+++ trunk/packages/jed-extra/debian/build-orig.tar_gz	2005-10-10 09:29:40 UTC (rev 100)
@@ -5,10 +5,9 @@
 wget http://jedmodes.sf.net/cvs/jedmodes.tgz
 tar -xzf jedmodes.tgz
 mv mode jed-extra-1.2
-cd jed-extra-1.2
-# TODO: update these
-wget -O window.sl 'http://cvs.sourceforge.net/viewcvs.py/jedmodes/mode/window/window.sl?view=checkout&rev=HEAD'
-wget -O subpar.sl 'http://jedmodes.sourceforge.net/cvs/mode/subpar/subpar.sl'
-wget -O complete.sl 'http://cvs.sourceforge.net/viewcvs.py/jedmodes/mode/complete/complete.sl?view=checkout&rev=HEAD'
-cd ..
+# # get some more actual modes
+# cd jed-extra-1.2
+# # TODO: update these
+# wget -O complete.sl 'http://cvs.sourceforge.net/viewcvs.py/jedmodes/mode/complete/complete.sl?view=checkout&rev=HEAD'
+# cd ..
 tar -czf jed-extra_1.2.orig.tar.gz jed-extra-1.2

Modified: trunk/packages/jed-extra/debian/control
--- trunk/packages/jed-extra/debian/control	2005-10-05 20:44:02 UTC (rev 99)
+++ trunk/packages/jed-extra/debian/control	2005-10-10 09:29:40 UTC (rev 100)
@@ -12,6 +12,6 @@
 Conflicts: dictionaries-common (<< 0.14.0)
 Description: collection of useful JED modes and utilities
  This package contains add-on packages for the JED text editor from
- the JEDmodes repository at SourceForge and elsewhere.
+ the Jedmodes repository at SourceForge and elsewhere.
  Homepage: http://jedmodes.sourceforge.net/

Modified: trunk/packages/jed-extra/debian/rules
--- trunk/packages/jed-extra/debian/rules	2005-10-05 20:44:02 UTC (rev 99)
+++ trunk/packages/jed-extra/debian/rules	2005-10-10 09:29:40 UTC (rev 100)
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
 	chmod -x $(debroot)$(jed_root)/site-lib/apsconf/*
 	# fill up /etc
-	dh_install debian/init/*.sl etc/jed-init.d/
+	dh_install debian/init/*.sl etc/jed.d/
 	# install compile script to build *.slc files after installation
 	dh_install debian/compile usr/share/jed/compile

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