[Pkg-jed-commit] r627 - in jed/branches/0.99.19: . debian

Rafael Laboissiere rafael at alioth.debian.org
Sun Apr 15 10:29:48 UTC 2007

Author: rafael
Date: 2007-04-15 10:29:48 +0000 (Sun, 15 Apr 2007)
New Revision: 627

Moved everything into debian directory

Deleted: jed/branches/0.99.19/Debian-Jed-Policy.txt
--- jed/branches/0.99.19/Debian-Jed-Policy.txt	2007-04-15 10:22:28 UTC (rev 626)
+++ jed/branches/0.99.19/Debian-Jed-Policy.txt	2007-04-15 10:29:48 UTC (rev 627)
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-This is a draft of a policy.
-* SLang scripts only
-* evaluated in lexicographical order on jed startup
-* name of files should follow this scheme: <NN><packagename>.sl where
-  <NN> is a number of two digits (default: 50) and <packagename> is the
-  name of the Debian package that installs this file
-* every package _should_ install only one file there. If there are
-  _special reasons_ it can be more. Special reason means you have to set
-  some flags before the default packages (e.g. NN=20) get loaded and you
-  need to load your own modes after the default packages (e.g. NN=70)
-Every package should place its slang files for Jed in
-If a package wants to do something after update of the (X)Jed package
-it should create an executable file /usr/share/jed/compile/<packagename>
-that gets called after each update of jed with the argument "install"
-(without quotation marks). The executable can rebuild the precompiled
-SLang and DFA cache files upon invocation.

Deleted: jed/branches/0.99.19/NEWS
--- jed/branches/0.99.19/NEWS	2007-04-15 10:22:28 UTC (rev 626)
+++ jed/branches/0.99.19/NEWS	2007-04-15 10:29:48 UTC (rev 627)
@@ -1,155 +0,0 @@
-jed-common (0.99.18+dfsg.1-1) unstable; urgency=low
-    The handling of "~" in path names changed between version 0.99.16 of
-    JED (the version in sarge) and 0.99.18.  This is an intended feature.
-    According to the upstream author, John E. Davis: "evalfile is slang's
-    lowest level file loading function, and as such it should not tamper
-    with the name passed to it. For example, under Unix ~ is a perfectly
-    valid directory name and it should be possible to load a file in that
-    directory.  For filename expansion, use the expand_filename function.
-    While not as convenient, [one] can also use evalfile("$HOME/foo.sl"$);"
- -- Rafael Laboissiere <rafael at debian.org>  Sun, 15 Apr 2007 11:09:21 +0200
-jed-common (0.99.18-8) unstable; urgency=low
-    Since release of the package, the JED run-time
-    configuration files are put in /etc/jed.d/ instead of
-    /etc/jed-init.d/.  Due to a bug in dpkg (#108587) the config files
-    00site.sl, 00debian.sl and 99defaults.sl as well as /etc/jed.conf are
-    not removed after an upgrade to 0.99.15-1 or higher.
-    A debconf question has been added to the jed-common package to inform
-    the user if modified files are kept in /etc/jed-init.d/. However, the
-    script that was responsible for deleting the files was defective and
-    there may be cases where the files are still in the system but shouldn't
-    be. (The debconf question can be revisited by running "dpkg-reconfigure
-    jed-common".)
-    The directory /etc/jed-init.d/ is no longer needed and should be removed
-    after transferring eventual customizations to /etc/jed.d/.
- -- Rafael Laboissiere <rafael at debian.org>  Fri, 12 Jan 2007 14:11:18 +0100
-jed-common (0.99.18-7) unstable; urgency=low
-Recent changes to the Debian jed packages
-This is a listing of most important changes to the Debian Jed packages
-intended for people upgrading from Sarge (0.99.16-5).
-See "changelog.Debian.gz" for a detailled list of Debian specific changes
-and "changelog.gz" for the upstream changes.
-Packages and contents
-* The jed-sl package is dropped. jed-common contains the SLang source of the
-  runtime files. During the installation of jed or xjed the *.sl
-  files will be converted to *.slc files (preparsed).
-* new executable jed-script (similar to jed -batch but sets the BATCH
-                             variable to 2 and doesnot run the config
-                             scripts in /etc/jed.d/)
-* removed executable jgrep  (did not compile cleanly)
-S-Lang Version 2
-* Jed now uses S-Lang Version 2. There are incompatibilities that
-  break some home-made or downloaded extensions made for Slang-1.
-  This affects also several scripts in the jed-extra (1.0) package!
-  New features and upgrade information for version 2 are described in
-  appendix A. "S-Lang 2 Interpreter NEWS" of
-  /usr/share/doc/libslang2/slang.txt.
-UTF 8 support
-* Unicode via the UTF-8 encoding is available for jed versions 0.99-17
-  and greater that use slang2.
-  This feature is new and still in beta stage. Not all library
-  functions are tested with UTF-8 so expect some "teething problems".
-* Enabling UTF-8 support: If the locale indicates that the character set is
-  UTF-8, then UTF-8 mode will be enabled.
-  Examples:
-    Start xjed in UTF-8 mode:     LANG=de_DE.UTF-8; xjed
-    Start jed in non-UTF-8 mode:  LANG=de_DE; jed
-    ~/.bashrc alias:              alias ujed="LANG=de_DE.UTF-8; xjed"
-  There is no provision for enabling or disabling UTF-8 support during
-  runtime.
-  More details under the menu topic
-    Help>Browse_Docs utf8
-* If the directory "~/.jed/" exists, it will become the `Jed_Home_Directory'
-  and Jed will no longer search for "~/.jedrc" at startup.
-  The user needs to move an eventually existing "~/.jedrc" to
-  "~/.jed/jed.rc" ("~/.jed/.jedrc" is still found but deprecated).
-* However, Jed will not create such a directory. Users are encouraged to
-  create the directory ".jed/" in their home directory and move an
-  eventually existing ~/.jedrc to ~/.jed/jed.rc (and ~/.jedrecent to
-  ~.jed/.jedrecent).
-Debian Jed now supports a per-user "~/.jed/" application directory in
-accordance with the file hierarchy standard (FHS 2.3).
-  User specific configuration files for applications are stored in the
-  user's home directory in a file that starts with the '.' character (a
-  "dot file"). If an application needs to create more than one dot file
-  then they should be placed in a subdirectory with a name starting with
-  a '.' character, (a "dot directory"). In this case the configuration
-  files should not start with the '.' character.
-Debian Jed startup scheme
-* The Jed config directory is renamed from "/etc/jed-init.d/" to
-  "/etc/jed.d".
-  If there are files in "/etc/jed-init.d/" that are unknown to jed-common,
-  the old directory will remain in place (but not used). The sysadmin should
-  check, manually delete remaining files or move them to "/etc/jed.d" and
-  delete "/etc/jed-init.d/".
-  An example are the files 05home-lib.sl and 55ispell.sl installed by the
-  jed-extra (1.0) package. These will no longer be evaluated at startup
-  after the upgrade to jed (0.99.18). (The upcoming jed-extra (2.1) will
-  replace them with the new initialization file /etc/jed.d/50jed-extra.sl.)
-* The file "/etc/jed.conf" has been removed.
-  "/usr/share/jed/lib/defaults.sl" contains the code to evaluate the files
-  in "/etc/jed.d".
-  "/etc/jed.d/05jed-common.sl" contains the site-wide configuration for
-  jed|xjed.
-* Evalutation of "/etc/jed.d/" can be suppressed by the
-  --skip-debian-startup command line option.
-* "/etc/jed.d/" is not evaluated if Jed is started as `jed-script`.
-  If a script depends on the Debian configuration, it can use the function
-  debian_startup() (defined in defaults.sl) or be called with jed -batch.
-For details see README.Debian-startup.

Deleted: jed/branches/0.99.19/README.Debian
--- jed/branches/0.99.19/README.Debian	2007-04-15 10:22:28 UTC (rev 626)
+++ jed/branches/0.99.19/README.Debian	2007-04-15 10:29:48 UTC (rev 627)
@@ -1,152 +0,0 @@
-                  Readme for the Debian Jed packages
-Jed is a highly customizable editor for programmers by John E. Davis. It's
-small, fast and mighty and extensible in the C-like "S-Lang" language.
-Find out more about Jed on its homepage http://www.jedsoft.org/jed/ .
-Jed for Debian comes in four packages
-  jed          console version of Jed
-  xjed         stand-alone X application
-               (failsave: falls back to console app if DISPLAY is not set)
-  jed-common   Files used by both jed and xjed
-  jed-extra    User provided extensions, mainly from http://jedmodes.sf.net/
-Jed was debianized by Charl P. Botha and is now maintained by
-the Debian JED Group:
-  http://pkg-jed.alioth.debian.org/
-  email: <pkg-jed-devel at lists.alioth.debian.org>
-Particular features of Debian Jed
-Startup scheme
-Debian Jed's startup scheme provides for startup code from other packages.
-Instead of a config file, we use a config directory: At startup, Jed will
-evaluate all "*.sl" scripts in /etc/jed.d/. The sysadmin can modify or add
-files in /etc/jed.d/ for site-wide configuration. See README.Debian-startup
-for details.
-Debian Jed supports a per-user "~/.jed/" application directory in accordance
-with the file hierarchy standard (FHS 2.3). However, Jed will not create
-such a directory. Users are encouraged to create the directory ".jed/" in
-their home directory. It will become the `Jed_Home_Directory'
-for personal jed-related files, e.g.
-  jed.rc       user startup configuration (move the jed.rc from the
-               examples/ here and modify to your needs)
-  .jedrecent   last opened files (autogenerated by recent.sl)
-  lib/         personal extension scripts (home-made or downloaded)
-               also for "personalized versions" of standard scripts
-               To use this library dir, you need to add it to the 
-               jed library path in jed.rc with e.g.::
-                 set_jed_library_path(path_concat(Jed_Home_Directory, "lib")
-                                     + "," + get_jed_library_path()
-  templates/   optional dir for templates (with jed-extra)
-ATTENTION: If "~/.jed/" exists, Jed will not find a "~/.jedrc" startup file.
-The user needs to move an eventually existing "~/.jedrc" to "~/.jed/jed.rc".
-Some frequently asked questions
-(see also txt/jed_faq.txt.gz)
-Q: When running Jed in an xterm, alt is not sending meta (and meta is not
-   sending escape) so that alt-f and alt-b e.g. don't skip words forwards and
-   backwards respectively.
-A: According to Thomas Dickey (do a google search to see that there is NO
-   arguing here :) this is normal for xterm.  To have alt "work", add
-   'xterm*metaSendsEscape: true' to your .Xresources (or equivalent) and
-   make sure 'xmodmap -e "keysym Alt_L = Meta_L Alt_L"' is executed
-   somewhere at X-startup (modify e.g. ~/.Xmodmap).
-Q: When I paste text into Jed, it misaligns everything (i.e. every succeeding
-   line is indented more than the previous, yielding horizontally cascading
-   text).
-A: In Jed, carriage return is bound to `newline_and_indent'. While this
-   auto-indention is a great help in normal editing, it stands in the way
-   when text is pasted via the mouse. Unfortunately, Jed cannot tell whether
-   its input comes from a keyboard, another program, or the mouse (XJed can).
-Q:  How can I prevent this?
-A0: Use xjed.
-A1: Use the `paste' function
-      1. M-x paste  (or bind "paste" to a key)
-      2. Now paste your text...
-A2: Temporarily change the keybinding by doing:
-      1. M-X local_setkey("newline","^M") (Alt-Shift-X: the S-Lang prompt)
-      3. Now paste your text...
-      4. M-X local setkey("newline_and_indent","^M")
-A3: Bind "newline_and_indent" to a different key. In jed.rc do e.g.:
-         setkey("newline_and_indent", "\e^M");   % Key_Alt_Return
-         setkey("newline", "^M");
-A4: Use the fact that Jed can tell whether there is input pending after the
-    carriage return. Define in your jed.rc (or any other file evaluated at
-    startup):
-         public define newline_indent ()
-         {
-           if (input_pending(0))
-              newline();
-           else
-              call ("newline_and_indent");
-         }
-         setkey("newline_indent","^M");
-    On a slow terminal (remote login or heavy load) this might fail by
-    non-indenting after fast typing of CR and the first character of the new
-    line.
-Q: TAB does not generate a TAB! Why?
-A: It does something more useful: indenting the line according to the
-   mode's rules. Use `quoted_insert' for a hard TAB. For the full story,
-   see /usr/share/doc/jed-common/jed_faq.txt.gz, question #13.
-Q: Jed makes a difference between a single '/' and multiple '/'
-   in pathnames - e.g. '/usr//bin/' is *not* equal to '/usr/bin/' ! Why?
-A: According to John E. Davis, the author, this is like Emacs behaves, too.
-Q: I have a colour scheme which does NOT modify the background and
-   foreground colours, yet Jed is still changing this, thus overriding the
-   default colours of the terminal it's running in.  What's wrong?
-A: If you're only using set_color() calls but never call set_color_scheme(),
-   Jed uses the _Jed_Default_Color_Scheme. So, to fix your problem, put
-   "_Jed_Default_Color_Scheme = NULL;" in your ~/.jedrc.
-Q: Why is jed linked against libncurses when it uses slang?
-A: Because it has GPM mouse support and these libraries need ncurses.
-Q: My SLang scripts do no longer work.
-Q: After upgrading jed (or xjed), some jed-extra modes are broken.
-A: Since version 0.99.18, jed uses S-Lang 2. See "S-Lang 2 Interpreter NEWS"
-   of /usr/share/doc/libslang2/slang.txt for further explanation.
-Q: Why is copy/paste not working on the console?
-A: First, be sure that the gpm package is installed and correctly
-   configured. Copying and pasting in a JED window on the console should
-   then work like in X-Window (with a three button mouse, for instance,
-   select with left button and paste with middle button).  However, for
-   inserting text selected outside the JED window, you should press down
-   the Alt key when pasting with the mouse.
-.. Copyright (c) 2006 the Debian JED Group
-   Released under the terms of the GNU General Public License (ver. 2 or later)
-   Last update 2007-01-18 Guenter Milde

Deleted: jed/branches/0.99.19/README.Maintainer
--- jed/branches/0.99.19/README.Maintainer	2007-04-15 10:22:28 UTC (rev 626)
+++ jed/branches/0.99.19/README.Maintainer	2007-04-15 10:29:48 UTC (rev 627)
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-# Notes
-New versions have symlinks in /usr/share/doc to jed-common. As dpkg failed to
-delete the old dir and replace it with a symlink I now have to manually remove 
-the (empty) dir in preinst and then let dpkg put the symlink there. strange.
-# Files patched outside the /debian directory.
-1. paste_mode for making pastes into JED behave better
-   * debian/patches/paste_mode.sl (this lives in
-     /usr/share/jed/lib/paste_mode.sl)
-   (superseded by paste() in /u/s/jed/lib/paste.sl)  
-# Also see stuff in debian/init.d/05jed-common.sl

Deleted: jed/branches/0.99.19/TODO
--- jed/branches/0.99.19/TODO	2007-04-15 10:22:28 UTC (rev 626)
+++ jed/branches/0.99.19/TODO	2007-04-15 10:29:48 UTC (rev 627)
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-* fix the build warnings (-Wformat=2)
-* Support add_doc_file, set_doc_files, get_doc_files, _slang_doc_dir from
-  slang.
-* Design a Debian specific jed.rc file for doc/jed/examples/
-  (or several ones).
-* complete (and fix) the NEWS file to inform the user about updates since
-  0.99.16-6

Deleted: jed/branches/0.99.19/changelog
--- jed/branches/0.99.19/changelog	2007-04-15 10:22:28 UTC (rev 626)
+++ jed/branches/0.99.19/changelog	2007-04-15 10:29:48 UTC (rev 627)
@@ -1,1063 +0,0 @@
-jed (0.99.19.svn.60-1) experimental; urgency=low
-  * New upstream release, taken from the upstream SVN repository at
-    gna.org
-  * The package version number contain the SVN revision number on which
-    the package is built [RL]
-  * Uploaded to experimental
-  * In xjed, pasting with middle mouse button into an open mark works now
-    (closes: #330825) [RL]
-  * debian/patches/50_popups.sl.dpatch, debian/patches/doc.dpatch,
-    debian/patches/highlight-isearch-results.dpatch,
-    debian/patches/sane-color-object-return.dpatch,
-    debian/patches/pymode-repeat-shift.dpatch,
-    debian/patches/fix-menu-utf8.dpatch,
-    debian/patches/add-describe-bindings-to-C-h.dpatch:
-    Dropped these patches, which are now applied upstream
-  * debian/patches/fix-pymode-block-end.dpatch:
-    Adapted for the 0.99.19 branch [RL]
-  * debian/po/es.po: Added translation of debconf templates to Spanish.
-    (synched from 0.99.18-8.etch.1) [RL]
-  * Synched with 0.99.18+dfsg.1-2 [RL]
- -- Rafael Laboissiere <rafael at debian.org>  Sun, 15 Apr 2007 11:37:36 +0200
-jed (0.99.18+dfsg.1-1) unstable; urgency=low
-  * Synched with versions 0.99.18-8.etch.3 and 0.99.18-8.etch.4
-  * debian/NEWS: Added note about the changed handling of "~" in path
-    names (closes: #418529)
-  * Changed the version numbering system for the upstream part from
-    0.99.18.dfsg.* to 0.99.18+dfsg.*, such that an eventual upgrade to
- would be possible
-  * Uploaded to lenny, now that etch is released
- -- Rafael Laboissiere <rafael at debian.org>  Sun, 15 Apr 2007 11:12:32 +0200
-jed (0.99.18-8.etch.4) unstable; urgency=low
-  * debian/po/ja.po: Added translation of debconf templates to Japanese.
-    (closes: #413222).  Thanks to Kobayashi Noritada.
- -- Rafael Laboissiere <rafael at debian.org>  Sat,  3 Mar 2007 15:18:45 +0100
-jed (0.99.18-8.etch.3) unstable; urgency=low
-  * debian/po/gl.po: Added translation of debconf templates to Galician.
-    (closes: #412519).  Thanks to Jacobo Tarrio.
- -- Rafael Laboissiere <rafael at debian.org>  Mon, 26 Feb 2007 17:06:09 +0100
-jed (0.99.18.dfsg.1-2) experimental; urgency=low
-  * Synched with version 0.99.18-8.etch.2, which will be in testing [RL]
-  * debian/po/es.po: Added file [RL]
-  * Produce info files from doc/manual/jed.tex using hevea [JS]
- -- Rafael Laboissiere <rafael at debian.org>  Mon, 26 Feb 2007 14:21:30 +0100
-jed (0.99.18-8.etch.2) unstable; urgency=low
-  * Reverted the changes in debian/jed-common and
-    debian/patches/fix-pymode-tab-space.dpatch that were not in 0.99.18-8
-    but were mistakenly introduced into 0.99.18-8.etch.1
- -- Rafael Laboissiere <rafael at debian.org>  Sun, 11 Feb 2007 11:46:46 +0100
-jed (0.99.18-8.etch.1) unstable; urgency=low
-  * debian/po/es.po: Added translation of debconf templates to Spanish.
-    (closes: #409807).  Thanks to Steve Lord Flaubert.
- -- Rafael Laboissiere <rafael at debian.org>  Mon,  5 Feb 2007 20:11:41 +0100
-jed (0.99.18.dfsg.1-1) experimental; urgency=low
-  * Exclude the info/ directory from the upstream, since the files there
-    were outdated, no longer maintained, and without proper licensing
-    conditions.  Also, the texinfo sources were lacking, making these
-    files improper to be distributed by Debian, according to the DFSG.
-    For this reason, the upstream version number contains now ".dfsg.".
-  * debian/rules: Changed according to the above.  Info files are not
-    installed anymore.  In the get-orig-source rule, the info/ directory
-    is removed before building the tarball. [RL]
-  * debian/control: Exclude gpm suggestion for the hurd-i386,
-    kfreebsd-i386, and kfreebsd-amd64 architectures [RL]
- -- Rafael Laboissiere <rafael at debian.org>  Sat, 20 Jan 2007 11:59:40 +0100
-jed (0.99.18-9) experimental; urgency=low
-  * debian/patches/00list: Reintroduced dpatches fix-pymode-tab-space
-    and pymode-repeat-shift, which were temporarily dropped in the last
-    release (again, closes: #305668) [RL]
-  * debian/init.d/05jed-common.sl: Do not call info_mode() for *.info
-    files, since info_mode is no editing mode but an info reader mode
-    (closes: #180577). [GM]
-  * debian/README.Debian: Added a Q&A entry to the FAQ section explaining
-    that the Alt key should be pressed down when pasting text selected
-    outside the console (closes: #174370) [RL]
-  * debian/control: related to the above, suggest the gpm package [RL]
-  * debian/patches/add-describe-bindings-to-C-h.dpatch: Bind "Ch b" to
-    describe bindings in Emacs emulation (closes: #292421) [RL]
-  * debian/patches/highlight-isearch-results.dpatch: When using
-    incremental search, highlight the text found after each find.
-    This is included upstream for jed >= 0.99.19-24 (closes: #387061) [RL]
-  * debian/patches/sane-color-object-return.dpatch: If no colors have been
-    associated with a color-object, return "default" for the
-    foreground/background colors instead of NULL. (This patch was taken
-    from the JED SVN repository at gna.org, revision 34, corresponding to
-    JED release 0.99.19-16; closes: #378396) [RL]
- -- Rafael Laboissiere <rafael at debian.org>  Fri, 19 Jan 2007 10:38:20 +0100
-jed (0.99.18-8) unstable; urgency=low
-  * debian/po/sv.po: Adjusted msgid strings to correspond to those in
-    po/templates.pot, otherwise po2debconf will not include the sv
-    translations [RL]
-  * debian/po/pt_BR.po: Updated file [RL]
-  * debian/po/pt.po: Added the last question which was lacking in the
-    translation (really closes: #400510) [RL]
-  * debian/jed-common.config: Made this debconf script works as expected
-    [RL & JS]
-  * debian/jed-common.preinst: Removed file [RL]
-  * debian/control: Since the preinst script is gone, moved debconf from
-    Pre-Depends to Depends for jed-common [RL]
-  * debian/rules: Reverted the change in last release regarding the
-    naming of the upstream info files.  We have been informed that
-    Lintian will not complain about this in the future and,
-    apparently, it is not really a Policy violation [RL]
-  * debian/patches/fix-pymode-tab-space.dpatch: Dropped this patch for now,
-    until a consensus is reached on how it should be implemented [RL]
-  * debian/patches/pymode-repeat-shift.dpatch: Dropped this patch also,
-    since it depends on fix-pymode-tab-space [RL]
- -- Rafael Laboissiere <rafael at debian.org>  Sun, 14 Jan 2007 11:43:30 +0100
-jed (0.99.18-7) unstable; urgency=low
-  * po/nl.po: Added the translation into Dutch of the deconf messages.
-    Thanks to Vincent Zweije (closes: #395251) [JS]
-  * control: Moved debhelper dependency to the Pre-Depends field, because
-    we need debhelper in the preinst script. [JS]
-  * po/pt.po: Added the translation into Portuguese of the deconf messages.
-    Thanks to Miguel Figueiredo (closes: #400510) [JS]
-  * po/ru.po: Added the translation into Russian of the deconf messages.
-    Thanks to Yuri Kozlov (closes: #405744) [JS]
-  * patches/fix-pymode-tab-space.dpatch: Improved the patch to cover the
-    cases Günther Milde has reported. Thanks Günther (closes: #305668) [JS]
-  * rules: Rename the upstream info files from jed.*in into jed.info-*, as
-    required by section 12.2 of the Debian Policy [RL]
- -- Rafael Laboissiere <rafael at debian.org>  Tue,  9 Jan 2007 17:00:10 +0100
-jed (0.99.18-6) unstable; urgency=low
-  * debian/patches/pymode-repeat-shift.dpatch: Added a patch to make the
-    shift line commands respect the repeat count (the prefix argument) in
-    Python mode. [JS]
-  * Fixed some linker options to reduce unnecessary dependencies on
-    librararies (see http://rerun.lefant.net/checklib/) Now, xjed doesn't
-    depend on libfontconfig1 anymore. [JS]
- -- Rafael Laboissiere <rafael at debian.org>  Fri, 29 Sep 2006 22:38:31 +0200
-jed (0.99.18-5) unstable; urgency=low
-  * jed-common.templates: fixed a typo in the debconf question; thanks
-    to Sven Joachim (closes: #384726) [JS]
-  * po/fr.po: Updated the French debconf translation; thanks to
-    Thomas Huriaux (closes: #384683) [JS]
-  * po/cs.po: Updated the Czech debconf translation; thanks to
-    Miroslav Kure (closes: #384751) [JS]
-  * po/de.po: Added a German debconf translation [JS]
-  * debian/po/sv.po: Swedish translation for debconf templates, thanks to
-    Daniel Nylander [RL]
-  * patches/fix-pymode-tab-space.dpatch: Added a patch to make python mode
-    use the right indention character for a file (tab vs. space)
-    (closes: #305668) [JS]
-  * install README.Debian (to /usr/share/doc/jed-common) [GM]
- -- Rafael Laboissiere <rafael at debian.org>  Fri, 15 Sep 2006 19:11:46 +0200
-jed (0.99.18-4) unstable; urgency=low
-  * debian/watch: Added file [RL]
-  * debian/po/fr.po: Reviewed version, thanks to Thomas Huriaux
-    and Christian Perrier [RL]
-  * piuparts complained about the left config files after the upgrade from
-    sarge. Now they are handled like 00site.sl and 99defauls.sl before. [JS]
-  * Fixed the insufficient detection of block ends in pymode. [JS]
- -- Rafael Laboissiere <rafael at debian.org>  Sun, 20 Aug 2006 13:19:11 +0200
-jed (0.99.18-3) unstable; urgency=low
-  * Reuploaded to unstable with the .changes files containing all the
-    entries since the last version uploaded to unstable, such that all the
-    bugs tagged fixed-in-experimental will be automatically closed with
-    the appropriate explanation from the changelog.
- -- Rafael Laboissiere <rafael at debian.org>  Sat,  8 Jul 2006 13:17:20 +0200
-jed (0.99.18-2) unstable; urgency=low
-  * Documentation update (NEWS, README.Debian, README.Debian-startup) [GM]
-    - document the (beta) UTF8 support with SLang2
-    - warn of SLang2 eventually breaking old *.sl scripts
-    - explain Debian's /etc/jed.d/ startup dir
-  * debian/po/cs.po: Added Czech translations for debconf templates,
-    thanks to Miroslav Kure [RL]
-  * debian/control:
-    - Make sure jed|xjed and jed-common are of the same version.
-       + jed|xjed depend on jed-common (same version),
-       + jed-common recommends jed|xjed and conflicts with earlier versions
-         (as it is not broken without jed|xjed).
-    - Removed the conflict with jed-extra (<= 1.0-1) as jed-extra will not
-      break jed|xjed (jed-common will not work by default, as jed|xjed now
-      uses the startup dir /etc/jed-init.d/ instead of /etc/jed.d/. Some
-      modes of jed-extra will fail with SLang2. See also NEWS)
-    - Removed the obsolete Conflict and Replace of jedslc, jedsl, jedsl-src,
-      and jed (<< 0.99.10-2).
- -- Rafael Laboissiere <rafael at debian.org>  Fri,  7 Jul 2006 22:02:54 +0200
-jed (0.99.18-1) experimental; urgency=low
-  * New upstream release (see changelog.gz for new features)
-  * debian/control:
-    + the kfreebsd-i386 architecture does not have the package
-      libgmpg1-dev; removed it from the Build-Depends list for this
-      architecture (closes: #345268) [JS]
-    + removed the version condition from debhelper and libgmpg1-dev
-      in Build-Depends, because the packages in stable are newer than
-      this version. [JS]
-    + added the Uploaders: field [RL]
-    + removed x-dev as build dependency; this is a transition package [JS]
-    + added the Homepage pseudo header as the developers reference
-      suggests it in section 6.2.4. [JS]
-    + decreased the version from the findutils dependency and replaced the
-      -delete option in the compile script in jed-common; this makes
-      backporting of the package easier. [JS]
-    + splitted the dependency lines to reflect the possible independent
-      build targets. [JS]
-    + increased the Policy standard version; no changed needed [JS]
-  * debian/patches/00list:
-    + disabled xrender extension and gpm support on hurd-i386 and
-      kfreebsd-i386 now uniformly by dpatch [JS]
-    + applied patch from Aurelien Jarno for correct handling xrender
-      and gpm on FreeBSD/Linux; Thanks to him for his help [JS]
-  * debian/rules:
-    + added a get-orig-source target to [JS]
-    + splitted the architecture dependent and independent parts; It's now
-      possible to build just one of them. This should decrease the effort
-      to build the package on slower machines (arm, hppa). [JS]
-  * /usr/share/jed/lib/defaults.sl:
-    + added code to support slang_load_path and doc_path for
-      /usr/share/slsh/ introduced with SLang2 [JS]
-    + new function debian_startup() that evaluates the files in /etc/jed.d
-      (This function is run by default with every startup, but not if
-        * disabled with the --skip-debian-startup command line argument
-        * jed is called via the `jed-script` symlink
-       If a script needs the standard debian initialization (e.g. for
-       functions in the jed-extra package), it can call debian_startup()
-       explicitely. [GM]
-  * /usr/share/doc/jed-common/Debian-Jed-Policy.txt:
-    + added a first draft for a policy about packages for Jed [JS]
-  * debian/jed-common.templates, debian/po/*:
-    + converted to po-debconf [RL]
-  * debian/jed-common.postrm:
-    + fixed bugged shell code that slipped into version 0.99.16-6 of the
-      package that makes the upgrade from that version fails [RL]
-  [JS] Jörg Sommer <joerg at alea.gnuu.de>
-  [GM] Guenter Milde
-  [RL] Rafael Laboissiere <rafael at debian.org>
- -- Rafael Laboissiere <rafael at debian.org>  Tue, 16 May 2006 12:02:52 +0200
-jed ( experimental; urgency=low
-  +++ Changes by Rafael Laboissiere
-  * New upstream release
-  * debian/rules: Prevent compression of *.txt files in package
-    jed-common.
-  +++ Changes by Guenter Milde
-  * jed.d/05jed-common.sl: Support ~/.jed/jed.rc config file in accordance
-    with  FHS 2.3
-      User specific configuration files for applications are stored in the
-      user's home directory in a file that starts with the '.' character (a
-      "dot file"). If an application needs to create more than one dot file
-      then they should be placed in a subdirectory with a name starting with
-      a '.' character, (a "dot directory"). In this case the configuration
-      files should not start with the '.' character.
-    ATTENTION: This change means that if a user has a ~/.jed/ directory, JED
-    will no longer search for ~/.jedrc at startup. Instead it expects the
-    config file in ~/.jed/ (which will become the `Jed_Home_Directory').
-    If a user creates a "~/.jed/" directory, he|she must move ~/.jedrc to
-    ~/.jed/jed.rc (~/.jed/.jedrc is still found but deprecated).
-  * linked the Debian specific startup configuration system
-    (/etc/jed.d/ directory) to the native JED startup config via a defaults.sl
-    file. As defaults.sl itself is not intended for configuration, it may
-    reside in /usr/share/jed/lib/ without violating the FHS.
-  * Added dependency on findutils (>= 4.2.9) which introduces the
-    -delete option to `find` needed for update and removal.
- -- Debian JED Group <pkg-jed-devel at lists.alioth.debian.org>  Wed,  9 Nov 2005 10:52:41 +0100
-jed ( experimental; urgency=low
-  * New upstream release
-  +++ Changes by Rafael Laboissiere
-  * Starting with this release, the *.slc files are generated at install
-    time and not at build time as before.  This means that the *.sl files
-    are included in jed-common and the jed-sl package is dropped.
-  * Also, we have now a new scheme for byte-compiling all files in jed
-    add-on package each time the jed-common package is upgraded.
-  * debian/control:
-    - Removed entry for jed-sl package
-    - jed-common Conflicts with and Replaces jed-sl
-    - Conflicts with jed-extra <= 1.0-1, because we are now using SLang2
-      (Get SLang2-compatible extra modes from http://jedmodes.sf.net/)
-  * debian/rules:
-    - Dropped stuff related to jed-sl
-    - (clean) Remove src/config.h, which is automatically generated by
-      configure, but is not removed by make distclean.
-  * debian/compile: New script to compile/remove the *.slc files.
-  * debian/jed-common.postinst, debian/jed-common.prerm: Run
-    /usr/share/jed/compile/jed-common with the appropriate arguments.
-  * debian/jed-sl.*: Removed files
-  +++ Changes by Jörg Sommer <joerg at alea.gnuu.de>
-  * changed headline of 00debian.sl to name the correct file name
-    (Closes: 307110)
-  * moved /u/s/j/l/jed.conf to /u/s/d/jed-common/examples (Closes: 287781)
-  * described the handling of ~/.jed/, if jed-extra is installed
-    (Closes: 210274)
-  * changed build strategy of installing files in packages. The old way
-    (copying the files from the source tree) had some problems. Files
-    are excluded by upstream installation were installed (jed.conf,
-    vms_shell.com). Now, upstream Makefile installs in debian/tmp and
-    from there the packages become filled.
-  * build the executables without RPATH; lintian had warned
-  * added jed-script and its man-page
-  * debian/control:
-    + removed jed-common dependency on slang
-    + jed-common recommends xjed
-    + changed description of jed-common
-    + updated Standards-Version field; no points of the policy update
-      affected this package
-    + removed perl-base from Build-Depends because it is an essential
-      package
-    + added debconf-2.0 as dependency for jed-common (needed by the user
-      dialog for compiling sl-files or removing 00site.sl)
-  * rewrote rules to make more use of debhelper
-  * moved /u/s/j/lib/jed.rc to examples and disabled searching for it in
-    00debian.sl by setting Default_Jedrc_Startup_File = NULL
-    (Closes: 219448)
-  * removed 50_emacs-bindings.dpatch, because jed.rc is out of the way
-    and emacs emulation is the default of jed
-  * from now the user is asked if the sl files in jed-common should get
-    pre-compiled after installation
-  * if 00site.sl and 99defaults.sl exist and were changed, the user is
-    asked if they should be removed; otherwise they are dropped silently
-    (Closes: 266981)
-  * added a space at the beginning of line in changelog file for the entry
-    of the "14 Feb 2000"; lintian complained
-  +++ Changes by Guenter Milde
-  * moved the basic debian configuration stuff to jed.conf and removed
-    00debian.sl
-  * removed the setup of paste mode now superseded by the `paste' function
-    in paste.sl
-  * removed indent_buffer() and indent_region_or_line() from the basic
-    configuration. (These functions are now in txtutils.sl in jed-extra.)
-  * removed the "registration" of home and local library directories from
-    /etc/jed.d/05jed-common.sl (this should be done by the user in .jedrc).
-    Leaved the Jed_Home_Directory rewriting, as this allows the hiding of
-    .jedrc in ~/.jed/.
- -- Debian JED Group <pkg-jed-devel at lists.alioth.debian.org>  Thu, 22 Sep 2005 10:07:34 +0200
-jed (0.99.16.pre. experimental; urgency=low
-  +++ Changes by Rafael Laboissiere
-  * New upstream release.  This is the development branch, a.k.a. the
-    pre-0.99.17 series.  I am using a funny version number in order to
-    avoid using epochs when jed 0.99.17 will be released.
-  * This versions makes extensive use of dpatch.  The big Debian-specific
-    patch that used to be in 0.99.16-* is now broken down in smaller
-    pieces:
-    - debian/patches/40_freetype-include
-    - debian/patches/50_slangfun-txt.dpatch
-    - debian/patches/50_jed-manpage-option-g
-    - debian/patches/50_enable-xrenderfont
-    - debian/patches/50_emacs-bindings
-    - debian/patches/50_paste-mode-sl
-    - debian/patches/60_gpm-mouse-support
-  * debian/rules:
-    - Do not build/install jgrep, because this program does not even
-      compile against libslang2.
-    - On-the-fly patching of src/Makefile for gpm and xrender support is
-      dropped.  Used
-  * debian/control: Build-depends on libslang2-dev (>= 1.99pre2r7-1)
- -- Debian JED Group <pkg-jed-devel at lists.alioth.debian.org>  Fri,  8 Apr 2005 15:04:02 +0200
-jed (0.99.16-6) unstable; urgency=low
-  * Acknowledged NMU
-  * debian/control:
-    - Build-depends on libxt-dev instead of xlibs-dev (closes: #346733)
-    - Upgraded Standards-Version to 3.6.2 (no changes needed)
- -- Debian JED Group <pkg-jed-devel at lists.alioth.debian.org>  Thu, 12 Jan 2006 12:47:14 +0100
-jed (0.99.16-5.1) unstable; urgency=low
-  * NMU fixing build-dependency on libslang1-dev and
-    dependency of jed-common. Closes: #324982.
- -- Thomas Viehmann <tv at beamnet.de>  Fri, 28 Oct 2005 10:05:52 +0200
-jed (0.99.16-5) unstable; urgency=low
-  +++ Changes by Rafael Laboissiere
-  * Changed maintainer to the Debian JED Group, which is the new official
-    maintainer of the jed packages (closes: #282297).
-  * debian/control: Build-depends on dpatch
-  * debian/rules: Adjust for using dpatch
-  * debian/patches/:
-    - 50_debian_0.99.16-4.dpatch: Legacy patch from version 0.99.16-4
-    - 50_increase-MAX_USER_FLIST.dpatch: Increase the number of autoload
-      definitions. This will be useful for the upcoming jed-extra package.
-  * Lintian fixes:
-    - debian/control: Removed periods (".") from short descriptions
-    - debian/rules, debian/xjed.dirs, debian/xjed.menu:
-      + Do not install files in /usr/X11R6
-      + Install xjed man page with extension .1, not .1x
- -- Debian JED Group <pkg-jed-devel at lists.alioth.debian.org>  Wed, 16 Mar 2005 15:26:52 +0100
-jed (0.99.16-4) unstable; urgency=low
-  * QA Upload
-  * Change maintainer to QA Group
-  * Acknowledge NMUs (Closes: #221338, #239186)
-  * Fix hyphens in man page (Closes: #236711)
-  * Lintian fixes:
-    - remove DH_COMPAT from rules since there is already debian/compat
-    - correct quoting in xjed.menu
-    - add reference to GPL-2 file in jed-common.copyright
-    - remove latin1 char from changelog
-    - un-capitalize first words of descriptions
-    - increase Standards-Version to 3.6.1, no changes
- -- Frank Lichtenheld <djpig at debian.org>  Sun,  6 Feb 2005 18:52:28 +0100
-jed (0.99.16-3.2) unstable; urgency=low
-  * NMU during BSP
-  * fixed missing build-depends. Closes: #239186
- -- Andreas Barth <aba at not.so.argh.org>  Sat, 17 Apr 2004 12:27:53 +0200
-jed (0.99.16-3.1) unstable; urgency=low
-  * NMU
-  * Uses hevea instead of latex2html to generate html documentation,
-    patch available on the BTS
-    (Closes: Bug#221338)
- -- Stefano Zacchiroli <zack at debian.org>  Tue,  6 Jan 2004 14:09:20 +0100
-jed (0.99.16-3) unstable; urgency=low
-  * New package maintainer.
-  * Problem with invisible documentation fixed (closes: #197595).
-  * Added Slang function reference (slangfun.txt) to jed-common.
- -- Adam Byrtek <alpha at debian.org>  Fri, 27 Jun 2003 13:50:40 +0200
-jed (0.99.16-2) unstable; urgency=low
-  * Fixed uid/gid handling bug as suggested by Petr Linke <petr at novicom.cz>
-  * Fixed typo in package description (s/commono/common/g).  Closes: #177682.
- -- Charl P. Botha <cpbotha at debian.org>  Mon, 17 Feb 2003 20:08:57 +0100
-jed (0.99.16-1) unstable; urgency=low
-  * New upstream version.
-  * Fixed description of jed-sl.  Closes: #172578.
- -- Charl P. Botha <cpbotha at debian.org>  Mon, 16 Dec 2002 21:36:49 +0100
-jed (0.99.15-6) unstable; urgency=low
-  * Moved linux.sl to jed-sl.  This is where it should be: if a user wishes
-    to use linux.sl as default.sl, she can install jed-sl. Closes: #146830.
- -- Charl P. Botha <cpbotha at debian.org>  Sun, 19 May 2002 21:32:04 +0200
-jed (0.99.15-5) unstable; urgency=low
-  * Added note about colour schemes to README.Debian.  Closes: #135080.
-  * Changed default colour to "default1", see debian/patches/
-    site.sl-color_scheme-default1.diff.  This kills bug 135080 even more.
-    debian/patches/site.sl-color_scheme-default1.diff
-  * Changed default jed.rc so that emacs emulation is default.  Upstream has
-    NO default and this causes confusion with enable_menu_keys().
-    debian/patches/jed.rc-emacs_default.diff
-  * Applied patch by John E. Davis to fix honouring of variable
-    C_Autoinsert_CPP_Comments.  See
-    debian/patches/cmode.sl-auto_cpp_comment_fix.diff.  Closes: #139142.
- -- Charl P. Botha <cpbotha at debian.org>  Wed, 20 Mar 2002 20:04:54 +0100
-jed (0.99.15-4) unstable; urgency=low
-  * This time _really_ added paste_mode.sl to jed/lib/.
-  * Corrected information about JED startup sequence in README.Debian-startup.
-  * Added code to 00debian.sl to make idiot "Delete" key delete character
-    under cursor.  Unfortunately, this is in section 10.8 of Debian policy.
-    Closes: #129731.
- -- Charl P. Botha <cpbotha at debian.org>  Fri, 18 Jan 2002 00:10:41 +0100
-jed (0.99.15-3) unstable; urgency=low
-  * Added clarification of xterm alt->meta->esc situation to
-    jed-common/README.Debian.  Closes: #121523.
-  * Added information about paste_mode to jed-common/README.Debian.
-  * Applied debian/patches/site.sl-strcompress-slashes.diff as supplied by
-    John E. Davis on the mailing list.  This makes the behaviour of JED w.r.t.
-    directory slashes identical to that of emacs.  Closes: #120573.
-  * Changed /etc/jed.conf to the version supplied by John E. Davis.
- -- Charl P. Botha <cpbotha at debian.org>  Sat, 15 Dec 2001 19:24:48 +0100
-jed (0.99.15-2) unstable; urgency=low
-  * Implemented new startup scheme as suggested by Rafael Laboissiere.
-    Updated all pertinent documentation an scripts. Closes: #119196.
-  * Activated xfontrender patch by me.
- -- Charl P. Botha <cpbotha at debian.org>  Tue, 13 Nov 2001 22:45:50 +0100
-jed (0.99.15-1) unstable; urgency=low
-  * New upstream release.  Closes: #112721.
-  * Removed 00site.sl and 99defaults.sl to be replaced by single 00debian.sl,
-    which will be used for most debian-specific changes
-  * Added paste_mode.sl (by John) and an autoload for it in 00debian.sl
-  * Added indent_buffer and indent_region_or_line functions to 00debian.sl
- -- Charl P. Botha <cpbotha at debian.org>  Sat, 13 Oct 2001 01:57:59 +0200
-jed (0.99.14-2) unstable; urgency=low
-  * Removed some out-of-date text from the package description.
-  * Fixed pymode.sl.  See README.Maintainer.
-  * Added site.sl patch (by John, from mailing list) for correct startup.
- -- Charl P. Botha <cpbotha at debian.org>  Tue,  3 Jul 2001 18:45:04 +0200
-jed (0.99.14-1) unstable; urgency=low
-  * New upstream release.
-  * Added [!hurd-i386] to libgpmg1-dev Build-Depends.  Closes: #95843.
-  * Removed calls to dh_testversion (Build-Depends includes debhelper with
-    version).
-  * Added --section to install-info in jed-common.postinst.
-  * Added INACTIVE xft patch (by me)
- -- Charl P. Botha <cpbotha at debian.org>  Sun,  3 Jun 2001 01:54:04 +0200
-jed (0.99.12-9) unstable; urgency=low
-  * Disabled DFA.  DFA does not work across lines, and this is quite
-    disturbing with many highlighting schemes.
- -- Charl P. Botha <cpbotha at debian.org>  Sun,  8 Apr 2001 17:07:41 +0200
-jed (0.99.12-8) unstable; urgency=low
-  * The pressure is too much; I've re-included rgrep, but now as jgrep (so
-    as not to cause conflict with rgrep in package grep, thanks to
-    Josh Cogliati for the suggestion).
- -- Charl P. Botha <cpbotha at debian.org>  Sat,  3 Mar 2001 21:41:09 +0100
-jed (0.99.12-7) unstable; urgency=low
-  * Changed menu hints from "text" to "Text" (my fault).  Closes: #80019.
-  * Moved the debian specific startup changes in site.sl so that /etc/
-    jed-init.d/*.sl files are called at the right time.  Closes: #88076.
-  * Modified README.Debian in jed-common to reflect the new startup details.
- -- Charl P. Botha <cpbotha at debian.org>  Fri,  2 Mar 2001 18:35:58 +0100
-jed (0.99.12-6) unstable; urgency=low
-  * Removed linux.sl from bytecomp.sl.  Closes: #86612.
-  * update-alternatives --remove now in jed.prerm (lintian warning).
-  * fixed lintian package-contains-upstream-install-documentation.
- -- Charl P. Botha <cpbotha at debian.org>  Sat, 24 Feb 2001 21:22:34 +0100
-jed (0.99.12-5) unstable; urgency=low
-  * Added build-deps.  Closes: #85786.
-  * Added some "sgml"s to Mode_List_{Exts,Modes} in site.sl.  Closes: #86190.
- -- Charl P. Botha <cpbotha at debian.org>  Sun, 18 Feb 2001 21:38:38 +0100
-jed (0.99.12-4) unstable; urgency=low
-  * Added "hints" entries to menu entries.  Closes: 80019.
-  * Rewrote jed-update-startup for better handling of .sl files in
-    /etc/jed-init.d. Closes: 84112, 57630.
-  * Changed jed startup scheme to be simpler and more consistent with
-    the native JED method.
-  * Added isearch.sl patch from jed mailing list. Closes: 81366.
- -- Charl P. Botha <cpbotha at debian.org>  Sun, 18 Feb 2001 16:16:05 +0100
-jed (0.99.12-3) unstable; urgency=low
-  * Rescheduled some of the clean stuff in rules (else we have latex2html
-    generated documentation in the diff).
-  * Also added more cleanup to the clean clause to handle the extra dfa
-    cache files, and more slc files lying around.
-  * Added dependency on slang1 > 1.3.11 (upstream requirement).
-  * Added pymode.sl to preparse.sl (for DFA cache generation)
-  * Fixed changelog moving in debian/rules (this would break repeated builds).
- -- Charl P. Botha <cpbotha at debian.org>  Sun, 26 Nov 2000 00:38:45 +0100
-jed (0.99.12-2) unstable; urgency=low
-  * New maintainer
-  * Changed TAB behaviour back to the _correct_ default, i.e. bound to
-    indent_line.  Please see question #13 in
-    /usr/share/doc/jed-common/jed_faq.txt.gz
-  * Applied patch by John that fixes mode-menu bug in this version.
-  * Enabled DFA syntax highlighting (Closes: #69966).
-  * Added cua.sl from jed ftp site (it's missing from the archive).
-  * DFA syntax tables aren't created for tpascal during preparsing (slc file
-    creation) as tpascal has some issues with tpascal.sl.
-  * added Q and A to README.Debian explaining how to paste text without it
-    being indented by JED (Closes: #74970).
-  * Added INSTALL.unx, changes.txt (-> changelog), doc/README to package.
- -- Charl P. Botha <cpbotha at debian.org>  Fri, 17 Nov 2000 00:10:32 +0100
-jed (0.99.12-1) unstable; urgency=low
-  * New upstream release.
- -- Christian Hammers <ch at debian.org>  Thu, 16 Nov 2000 20:54:59 +0100
-jed (0.99.11-1) unstable; urgency=low
-  * New upstream version.
- -- Christian Hammers <ch at debian.org>  Thu,  1 Jun 2000 03:02:46 +0200
-jed (0.99.10-3) unstable; urgency=low
-  * TAB didn't generate a TAB by default. John even called it a feature,
-    but I didn't get it so I put a workaround in the startup-defaults file.
- -- Christian Hammers <ch at debian.org>  Sun, 28 May 2000 13:55:41 +0200
-jed (0.99.10-2) unstable; urgency=low
-  * Added upstream patch for syntax hilighting. Closes: 61572
- -- Christian Hammers <ch at debian.org>  Sat, 27 May 2000 12:21:51 +0200
-jed (0.99.10-1) unstable; urgency=low
-  * New upstream release.
-  * Fixed jed-update-startup(8) manpage. Closes: #60473
-  * Added symlinks to /usr/share/doc/jed-common. Closes: #61013
- -- Christian Hammers <ch at debian.org>  Tue, 23 May 2000 21:48:15 +0200
-jed (0.99.9-14) frozen unstable; urgency=low
-  * Finally corrected configuration scheme. Closes: #59133
-  * Now deletes empty /etc/jed-init.d. Closes: #60171
- -- Christian Hammers <ch at debian.org>  Sat, 11 Mar 2000 15:38:57 +0100
-jed (0.99.9-13) frozen unstable; urgency=low
-  * Fixed documentation error in README.Debian. Closes: #59133
- -- Christian Hammers <ch at debian.org>  Mon, 28 Feb 2000 23:10:28 +0100
-jed (0.99.9-12) frozen unstable; urgency=low
-  * For some reasons jed crashes when moving the mouse on console
-    terminals. Recompiling helped. Closes: #58041
- -- Christian Hammers <ch at debian.org>  Mon, 14 Feb 2000 16:11:56 +0100
-jed (0.99.9-11) frozen unstable; urgency=low
-  * Added "elif" as syntax hilighting keyword for sh. Closes: 57424
- -- Christian Hammers <ch at debian.org>  Wed,  9 Feb 2000 12:05:14 +0100
-jed (0.99.9-10) frozen unstable; urgency=low
-  * Package descriptions referred to renamed packages. Closes: #55899
-  * Removed obsolete Q&A in README.Debian. Closes: #56502
-  * Fixed dangling manpage symlink. Closes: #55332
- -- Christian Hammers <ch at debian.org>  Sat, 29 Jan 2000 16:01:28 +0100
-jed (0.99.9-9) unstable; urgency=low
-  * GPM support back again. Closes: #52269
-  * Updated info/man notes about docs location. Closes: 47377
- -- Christian Hammers <ch at debian.org>  Thu,  9 Dec 1999 21:13:29 +0100
-jed (0.99.9-8) unstable; urgency=medium
-  * Damn! Important "tmp race fix" didn't reach me.
-    Just found it in the BTS. Now mailed to upstream and applied.
-    Closes: 51213
- -- Christian Hammers <ch at debian.org>  Fri,  3 Dec 1999 21:38:56 +0100
-jed (0.99.9-7) unstable; urgency=low
-  * Applied upstream patch for tex-verbatim mode. Closes: #50111
- -- Christian Hammers <ch at debian.org>  Sun, 14 Nov 1999 22:00:06 +0100
-jed (0.99.9-6) unstable; urgency=low
-  * Fixed typo in README.Debian-startup. Closes: #48367
- -- Christian Hammers <ch at debian.org>  Thu, 28 Oct 1999 00:19:48 +0200
-jed (0.99.9-5) unstable; urgency=low
-  * The following changes were made by Rafael Laboissiere:
-  *******************************************************************
-  * Added support for a new startup strategy for JED.  The new files are :
-      - debian/init.d/jed-update-startup: to be called in postinst and
-        prerm scripts of packages with add-on support for JED.
-      - debian/init.d/jed-update-startup.1: man page for the said command.
-      - debian/init.d/README.Debian-startup: documentatation for the new
-        startup strategy.
-      - debian/init.d/00site.sl: placeholder (conffile).
-      - debian/init.d/99default.sl: placeholder (conffile).
-  * debian/jed-defaults.sl has been removed from the source, as it is
-    automatically generated by jed-update-startup.
-  * debian/jed-common.postinst: Added call to jed-update-startup when
-    called with "configure" as argument.  This insures that
-    /etc/jed-defaults.sl is generated at the outset.
-  * debian/jed-common.prerm: Deletes /etc/jed-defaults.sl.
-  * debian/rules:
-      - Install everything in debian/init.d for the jed-common package.
-      - Comment out the installation of jed-startup.sl.
-  * debian/jed-common.dirs: added etc/jed-init.d, usr/share/man/man8, and
-    usr/sbin.
- -- Christian Hammers <ch at debian.org>  Thu, 28 Oct 1999 00:19:35 +0200
-jed (0.99.9-4) unstable; urgency=low
-  * Never released...
- -- Christian Hammers <ch at debian.org>  Mon, 11 Oct 1999 19:54:07 +0200
-jed (0.99.9-3) unstable; urgency=low
-  * Fixed java hilighting (thanks to J.Aylett). Closes: #47160
-  * Made script whatelse.sl executable to please lintian.
- -- Christian Hammers <ch at debian.org>  Mon, 11 Oct 1999 19:54:07 +0200
-jed (0.99.9-2) unstable; urgency=low
-  * Tighten dependencies for jed-common. Closes: #46827
-  * Dynamically linked against libslang_1.3: Closes: #46769
-  * Fixed perl syntax hilighting. Closes: #46803
- -- Christian Hammers <ch at debian.org>  Mon, 11 Oct 1999 19:44:57 +0200
-jed (0.99.9-1) unstable; urgency=low
-  * New upstream version ! Fixes a lot of bugs.
-  * This one's static linked against the slang1_1.3.8 since the maintainer of
-    slang didn't upload the latest version within the last two month :-(
- -- Christian Hammers <ch at debian.org>  Sun,  3 Oct 1999 13:17:33 +0200
-jed (0.98.7-17) unstable; urgency=low
-  * New upload due to buggy slang1-dev files.
- -- Christian Hammers <ch at debian.org>  Thu, 26 Aug 1999 18:47:41 +0200
-jed (0.98.7-16) unstable; urgency=low
-  * added some missing depends to the latest jed-common !
- -- Christian Hammers <ch at debian.org>  Wed,  4 Aug 1999 18:25:15 +0200
-jed (0.98.7-15) unstable; urgency=low
-  * Will perhaps fix bugs 40988 and 41549 ... I hope so !
-  * Added HTML docs (using jed.tex).
-  * Added doc-base compatibility.
-  * Made FHS compatible (/usr/share/doc, /usr/share/jed)
-  * Abadoned rgrep in favour of the new "grep -r".
- -- Christian Hammers <ch at debian.org>  Sun,  1 Aug 1999 16:26:28 +0200
-jed (0.98.7-14) frozen unstable; urgency=low
-  * linked against new ncurses version.
-  * Someone had problems with an environment variable called $ARCH.
- -- Christian Hammers <ch at debian.org>  Sat,  2 Jan 1999 14:59:43 +0100
-jed (0.98.7-13) frozen unstable; urgency=low
-  * README.Debian had a typo and therefore was not in the package.
- -- Christian Hammers <ch at debian.org>  Thu, 10 Dec 1998 18:38:46 +0100
-jed (0.98.7-12) frozen unstable; urgency=low
-  * Argh ! Another timeout while uploading ?!
-  * Unlike the author I like to link against the shared slang library
-  * small bug fix
- -- Christian Hammers <ch at debian.org>  Mon,  3 Dec 1998 01:00:23 +0100
-jed (0.98.7-11) frozen unstable; urgency=low
-  * Unlike the author I like to link against the shared slang library
-  * small bug fix
- -- Christian Hammers <ch at debian.org>  Mon, 30 Nov 1998 18:35:23 +0100
-jed (0.98.7-10) frozen unstable; urgency=low
-  * grrr. forgot the "frozen" statement... and now ??
- -- Christian Hammers <ch at debian.org>  Mon, 23 Nov 1998 22:57:38 +0100
-jed (0.98.7-9) unstable; urgency=low
-  * grrr. forgot the "frozen" statement
- -- Christian Hammers <ch at debian.org>  Sun, 22 Nov 1998 20:57:38 +0100
-jed (0.98.7-8) frozen unstable; urgency=low
-  * Made changes to make the order of the configuration files easier.
-  * Closes bugs 29564, 29563 and hopefully 29561.
- -- Christian Hammers <ch at debian.org>  Thu, 17 Nov 1998 23:26:21 +0100
-jed (0.98.7-7) unstable; urgency=low
-  * version -6 didn't upload...
-  * Bug in upstream: not all .sl files were compiled so some are missing now.
- -- Christian Hammers <ch at debian.org>  Tue, 28 Jul 1998 01:14:23 +0200
-jed (0.98.7-6) unstable; urgency=low
-  * fixed some minor bugs
-  * Bug in upstream: not all .sl files were compiled so some are missing now.
- -- Christian Hammers <ch at debian.org>  Mon, 20 Jul 1998 23:59:28 +0200
-jed (0.98.7-5) unstable; urgency=low
-  * Puh, another upload. I suggested finally to name the different
-    packages like thos of emacs are called:
-    jed,xjed,jed-common,jed-sl.
- -- Christian Hammers <ch at debian.org>  Mon, 20 Jul 1998 01:10:25 +0200
-jed (0.98.7-4) unstable; urgency=low
-  * Jed is now splittet in jed,xjed,jedslc,jedsl-src
- -- Christian Hammers <ch at debian.org>  Sat, 18 Jul 1998 17:06:08 +0200
-jed (0.98.7-3) unstable; urgency=low
-  * Many bugfixes...
-  * Now jed ships with compiled .slc files.
- -- Christian Hammers <ch at debian.org>  Sun,  5 Jul 1998 21:48:56 +0200
-jed (0.98.7-1) unstable; urgency=low
-  * New maintainer upload.
-  * New upstream release.
- -- Christian Hammers <ch at debian.org>  Sun, 21 Jun 1998 05:38:17 +0200
-jed (0.98.2-2.2) unstable; urgency=low
-  * Another non-maintainer upload
-  * Modified debian/rules set JED_ROOT for compilation (fixes #14683)
-  * Package should probably be orphaned:
-     - no maintainer work has been done since February 1997
-     - new version 0.98.4 is available at ftp://space.mit.edu/pub/davis/jed
- -- Dirk Eddelbuettel <edd at debian.org>  Sun, 21 Dec 1997 10:30:48 -0500
-jed (0.98.2-2.1) unstable; urgency=low
-  * Non-maintainer upload.
-  * Libc6 compile.
-  * Remove elf-x11r6lib from Suggests field.
- -- Martin Mitchell <martin at debian.org>  Sat,  8 Nov 1997 17:40:14 +1100
-jed (0.98.2-2) unstable; urgency=high
-  * fixed bug #7004 and #6555 (problem with ';' at the end of the last line
-    in /etc/jed.rc)
- -- "Boris D. Beletsky" <borik at isracom.co.il>  Sun, 02 Feb 1997 01:27:11 +0200
-jed (0.98.2-1) unstable; urgency=medium
-  * New upstream release.
-  * Compiled on libc5-5.4.17.
-  * Rgrep is now separated pkg.
-  * Jedsl is built from the same upstream src archive.
-  * Added folding support. (testing new gpm support, not yet
-    implemented)
-  * Modified jed(1) manpage alittle bit.
- -- "Boris D. Beletsky" <borik at isracom.co.il>  Thu, 26 Dec 1996 03:02:22 +0200
-jed (0.98b-4) unstable; urgency=high
-  * minor changes to src tree
- -- "Boris D. Beletsky" <borik at isracom.co.il>  Thu, 29 Oct 1996 02:44:42 +0200
-jed (0.98b-3) unstable; urgency=high
-  * fixed bug #4938
- -- "Boris D. Beletsky" <borik at isracom.co.il>  Thu, 24 Oct 1996 23:00:23 +0200
-jed (0.98b-2) unstable; urgency=high
-  * fixed bug #4874 (thks to Dirk Eddelbuettel)
-  * jed dist now includes only the compiled .slc files and .sl files
-    that can not be compiled (or should not), new pkg 'jedsl' will be
-    provided for .sl srcs
-  * a few other little things fixed
- -- "Boris D. Beletsky" <borik at isracom.co.il>  Thu, 24 Oct 1996 00:23:10 +0200
-jed (0.98b-1) unstable; urgency=medium
-  * New maintainer - Boris D. Beletsky
-  * New upstream version
-  * changed JED_ROOT to /usr/lib/jed
-  * jed.rc is now in /etc
-  * changed jed.rc defaults
-  * optimized sl conf files for Linux
-  * bytecompiled .sl files (.slc)
-  * written manpage for jed(1) and rgrep(1)
-  * new dpkg standarts (
- -- "Boris D. Beletsky" <borik at isracom.co.il>  Sun, 6 Oct 1996 04:45:10 +0200

Deleted: jed/branches/0.99.19/compat
--- jed/branches/0.99.19/compat	2007-04-15 10:22:28 UTC (rev 626)
+++ jed/branches/0.99.19/compat	2007-04-15 10:29:48 UTC (rev 627)
@@ -1 +0,0 @@

Deleted: jed/branches/0.99.19/compile
--- jed/branches/0.99.19/compile	2007-04-15 10:22:28 UTC (rev 626)
+++ jed/branches/0.99.19/compile	2007-04-15 10:29:48 UTC (rev 627)
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-#!/bin/sh -e
-case "$1" in
-  install)
-	jed-script $PREPARSE || true
-        # don't worry if jed-script is missing, because jed runs this scipt
-        # again at installation
-	;;
-  remove)
-	find $LIBDIR \( -name \*.slc -o -name \*.dfa \) -print0 \
-        | xargs -0 --no-run-if-empty rm
-	;;
-  *)
-	echo "unknown argument --> \"$1"\" >&2
-	exit 1
-	;;

Deleted: jed/branches/0.99.19/control
--- jed/branches/0.99.19/control	2007-04-15 10:22:28 UTC (rev 626)
+++ jed/branches/0.99.19/control	2007-04-15 10:29:48 UTC (rev 627)
@@ -1,88 +0,0 @@
-Source: jed
-Section: editors
-Priority: optional
-Maintainer: Debian JED Group <pkg-jed-devel at lists.alioth.debian.org>
-Uploaders: Rafael Laboissiere <rafael at debian.org>
-Standards-Version: 3.7.2
-Build-Depends-Indep: hevea
-Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 4.1.16), dpatch, libslang2-dev, libxft-dev,
- libgpmg1-dev [!hurd-i386 !kfreebsd-i386 !kfreebsd-amd64], libxt-dev,
- pkg-config
-XS-Vcs-Svn: svn://svn.debian.org/svn/pkg-jed/jed/
-XS-Vcs-Browser: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-jed/jed/
-Package: jed
-Architecture: any
-Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, jed-common (>= ${Source-Version})
-Suggests: gpm [!hurd-i386 !kfreebsd-i386 !kfreebsd-amd64]
-Provides: info-browser, mail-reader, editor
-Description: editor for programmers (textmode version)
- Jed is a small, fast (faster startup than bash) and powerful text editor.
- .
- Completely customizable with prepared emulation modes for Emacs, CUA
- (similar to KDE/Gnome/Openoffice), Borland-IDE, Brief, and EDT. Extensible
- in the S-Lang scripting language (with a syntax resembling C).
- .
- Editing functions: folding support; rectangular cut/paste; regular
- expression search/replace; incremental searches; search/replace across
- multiple files; multiple windows; multiple buffers; ...
- .
- Tools: directory editor (dired); info (browse GNU info files); mail;
- rmail; ispell; shell mode; ...
- .
- Special modes (syntax highlight, indention, compile, ...) for
- Basic, C, C++, DCL, FORTRAN, IDL, Java, NROFF, Pascal,
- Perl, PHP, PostScript, Python, SH.
- Modes for markup languages include HTML and (La)TeX (with AUC-TeX style
- editing and BibTeX)
- .
- Additional tools and modes can be found in the jed-extra package.
- .
-  Homepage: http://www.jedsoft.org/jed/
-Package: xjed
-Architecture: any
-Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, jed-common (>= ${Source-Version})
-Provides: info-browser, mail-reader, editor
-Description: editor for programmers (x11 version)
- Jed is a small, fast (faster startup than xterm with bash),
- and powerful text editor.
- .
- Completely customizable with prepared emulation modes for Emacs, CUA
- (similar to KDE/Gnome/Openoffice), Borland-IDE, Brief, and EDT. Extensible
- in the S-Lang scripting language (with a syntax resembling C).
- .
- Editing functions: folding support; rectangular cut/paste; regular
- expression search/replace; incremental searches; search/replace across
- multiple files; multiple windows; multiple buffers; ...
- .
- Special modes (syntax highlight, indention, compile, ...) for
- Basic, C, C++, DCL, FORTRAN, IDL, Java, NROFF, Pascal,
- Perl, PHP, PostScript, Python, SH.
- Modes for markup languages include HTML and (La)TeX (with AUC-TeX style
- editing and BibTeX)
- .
- Tools: directory editor (dired); info (browse GNU info files); mail;
- rmail; ispell; shell mode; ...
- .
- The native X11 version provides improved mouse support, key configuration
- and X selection interaction. If no display is available, xjed falls back to
- text mode, thus there is no need to install both jed and xjed packages.
- .
- Additional tools and modes can be found in the jed-extra package.
- .
-  Homepage: http://www.jedsoft.org/jed/
-Package: jed-common
-Architecture: all
-Replaces: jed-sl
-Conflicts: jed-sl, jed (<< ${Source-Version}), xjed (<< ${Source-Version})
-Recommends: jed | xjed
-Depends: findutils (>= 4.1.20-6), debconf | debconf-2.0
-Description: S-Lang runtime files for jed and xjed
- Jed is a small, fast and powerful text editor.
- .
- This package provides the S-Lang runtime files that are needed by both
- jed and xjed.
- .
-  Homepage: http://www.jedsoft.org/jed/

Copied: jed/branches/0.99.19/debian/Debian-Jed-Policy.txt (from rev 626, jed/branches/0.99.19/Debian-Jed-Policy.txt)

Copied: jed/branches/0.99.19/debian/NEWS (from rev 626, jed/branches/0.99.19/NEWS)

Copied: jed/branches/0.99.19/debian/README.Debian (from rev 626, jed/branches/0.99.19/README.Debian)

Copied: jed/branches/0.99.19/debian/README.Maintainer (from rev 626, jed/branches/0.99.19/README.Maintainer)

Copied: jed/branches/0.99.19/debian/TODO (from rev 626, jed/branches/0.99.19/TODO)

Copied: jed/branches/0.99.19/debian/changelog (from rev 626, jed/branches/0.99.19/changelog)

Copied: jed/branches/0.99.19/debian/compat (from rev 626, jed/branches/0.99.19/compat)

Copied: jed/branches/0.99.19/debian/compile (from rev 626, jed/branches/0.99.19/compile)

Copied: jed/branches/0.99.19/debian/control (from rev 626, jed/branches/0.99.19/control)

Copied: jed/branches/0.99.19/debian/defaults.sl (from rev 626, jed/branches/0.99.19/defaults.sl)

Copied: jed/branches/0.99.19/debian/init.d (from rev 626, jed/branches/0.99.19/init.d)

Copied: jed/branches/0.99.19/debian/jed-common.config (from rev 626, jed/branches/0.99.19/jed-common.config)

Copied: jed/branches/0.99.19/debian/jed-common.copyright (from rev 626, jed/branches/0.99.19/jed-common.copyright)

Copied: jed/branches/0.99.19/debian/jed-common.dirs (from rev 626, jed/branches/0.99.19/jed-common.dirs)

Copied: jed/branches/0.99.19/debian/jed-common.doc-base (from rev 626, jed/branches/0.99.19/jed-common.doc-base)

Copied: jed/branches/0.99.19/debian/jed-common.postinst (from rev 626, jed/branches/0.99.19/jed-common.postinst)

Copied: jed/branches/0.99.19/debian/jed-common.postrm (from rev 626, jed/branches/0.99.19/jed-common.postrm)

Copied: jed/branches/0.99.19/debian/jed-common.prerm (from rev 626, jed/branches/0.99.19/jed-common.prerm)

Copied: jed/branches/0.99.19/debian/jed-common.templates (from rev 626, jed/branches/0.99.19/jed-common.templates)

Copied: jed/branches/0.99.19/debian/jed.menu (from rev 626, jed/branches/0.99.19/jed.menu)

Copied: jed/branches/0.99.19/debian/jed.postinst (from rev 626, jed/branches/0.99.19/jed.postinst)

Copied: jed/branches/0.99.19/debian/jed.preinst (from rev 626, jed/branches/0.99.19/jed.preinst)

Copied: jed/branches/0.99.19/debian/jed.prerm (from rev 626, jed/branches/0.99.19/jed.prerm)

Copied: jed/branches/0.99.19/debian/patches (from rev 626, jed/branches/0.99.19/patches)

Copied: jed/branches/0.99.19/debian/po (from rev 626, jed/branches/0.99.19/po)

Copied: jed/branches/0.99.19/debian/rules (from rev 626, jed/branches/0.99.19/rules)

Copied: jed/branches/0.99.19/debian/watch (from rev 626, jed/branches/0.99.19/watch)

Copied: jed/branches/0.99.19/debian/xjed.menu (from rev 626, jed/branches/0.99.19/xjed.menu)

Copied: jed/branches/0.99.19/debian/xjed.postinst (from rev 626, jed/branches/0.99.19/xjed.postinst)

Copied: jed/branches/0.99.19/debian/xjed.preinst (from rev 626, jed/branches/0.99.19/xjed.preinst)

Copied: jed/branches/0.99.19/debian/xjed.prerm (from rev 626, jed/branches/0.99.19/xjed.prerm)

Deleted: jed/branches/0.99.19/defaults.sl
--- jed/branches/0.99.19/defaults.sl	2007-04-15 10:22:28 UTC (rev 626)
+++ jed/branches/0.99.19/defaults.sl	2007-04-15 10:29:48 UTC (rev 627)
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-% defaults.sl
-% Evaluate all *.sl files in /etc/jed.d/
-% At startup, site.sl looks for the existence of "defaults.sl" and loads
-% it.  This file IS NOT distributed with JED (upstream) but added by the
-% Debian jed-common package.
-%  Copyright (c) 2005 The Debian Jed Maintainers Group
-%  Released under the terms of the GNU General Public License (ver. 2 or later)
-% dummy function, enables skipping the startup procecure from the command line
-% with `jed --skip-debian-startup`
-define skip_debian_startup() {}
-% Evaluate all *.sl files in the jed configuration directory "/etc/jed.d/"
-% in alphabetical order
-define debian_startup()
-    variable file, dir = listdir("/etc/jed.d/");
-    foreach ( dir[array_sort(dir)] ) 
-     {
-        file = ();
-        if (path_extname(file) == ".sl")
-          () = evalfile(strcat("/etc/jed.d/", file));
-     }
-if ( andelse {BATCH != 2} 
-     % skip startup scripts if jed is started as `jed-script`
-     {wherefirst(__argv == "--skip-debian-startup") == NULL}
-     % skip startup scripts if jed is started with --skip-debian-startup
-   )
-     debian_startup();

Deleted: jed/branches/0.99.19/jed-common.config
--- jed/branches/0.99.19/jed-common.config	2007-04-15 10:22:28 UTC (rev 626)
+++ jed/branches/0.99.19/jed-common.config	2007-04-15 10:29:48 UTC (rev 627)
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-set -e
-# md5sums from jed-0.99.9 (potato)
-# md5sums from jed-0.99.15-5 (woody)
-# md5sums from SVN revisions 2 to 35
-# md5sums from SVN revisions 36 to 41
-# md5sums from SVN revisions 42 to 55
-# md5sums from SVN revisions 50 to 56
-# md5sums from SVN revisions 57
-# md5sums from SVN revisions 58
-# (starting at SVN revision 59, the /etc/jed-init.d/ was not used anymore)
-for n in `seq 1 10` ; do
-    eval "tmp=\$file_$n"
-    md5sum=${tmp%%:*}
-    file=${tmp##*:}
-    if [ -e $file ] ; then
-        if echo "$md5sum  $file" | md5sum -c >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then
-	    # The configuration file was not changed by the user: remove it
-	    # silently
-	    rm -f $file
-	else
-	    changed=true
-	fi
-    fi
-if $changed; then
-    . /usr/share/debconf/confmodule
-    db_input medium jed-common/rm-site-defaults || true
-    db_go
-    db_get jed-common/rm-site-defaults
-    if [ "$RET" = true ] ; then
-        for n in `seq 1 10` ; do
-            eval "rm -f \${file_$n##*:}"
-	done
-    fi

Deleted: jed/branches/0.99.19/jed-common.copyright
--- jed/branches/0.99.19/jed-common.copyright	2007-04-15 10:22:28 UTC (rev 626)
+++ jed/branches/0.99.19/jed-common.copyright	2007-04-15 10:29:48 UTC (rev 627)
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-This package was debianized by Charl P. Botha <cpbotha at debian.org> on
-Sat Jun  2 23:18:10 CEST 2001
-It was downloaded from ftp://space.mit.edu/pub/davis/jed.
-    Addition information about JED is available from
-    <http://www.jedsoft.org/jed/> The documentation for the slang library
-    and interpreter is available from <http://www.s-lang.org> and
-    <http://www.jedsoft.org/slang/>.  Useful newsgroups include
-    comp.editors and alt.lang.s-lang.  A mailing list is also available.
-    See <http://www.jedsoft.org/jed/mailinglists.html> for more
-    information about it.
-Copyright (C) by John E. Davis <davis at space.mit.edu>
-    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-    (at your option) any later version.
-    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-    GNU General Public License for more details.
-    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-    Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
-On Debian systems the full text of the GPL, version 2 can be found
-in /usr/share/common-licenses/GPL-2

Deleted: jed/branches/0.99.19/jed-common.dirs
--- jed/branches/0.99.19/jed-common.dirs	2007-04-15 10:22:28 UTC (rev 626)
+++ jed/branches/0.99.19/jed-common.dirs	2007-04-15 10:29:48 UTC (rev 627)
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@

Deleted: jed/branches/0.99.19/jed-common.doc-base
--- jed/branches/0.99.19/jed-common.doc-base	2007-04-15 10:22:28 UTC (rev 626)
+++ jed/branches/0.99.19/jed-common.doc-base	2007-04-15 10:29:48 UTC (rev 627)
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-Document: jed-common
-Title: JED manual
-Author: John E. Davis
-Abstract: This is the manual to the Jed editor.
-Section: Apps/Editors
-Format: HTML
-Index: /usr/share/doc/jed-common/html/index.html
-Files: /usr/share/doc/jed-common/html/*.html

Deleted: jed/branches/0.99.19/jed-common.postinst
--- jed/branches/0.99.19/jed-common.postinst	2007-04-15 10:22:28 UTC (rev 626)
+++ jed/branches/0.99.19/jed-common.postinst	2007-04-15 10:29:48 UTC (rev 627)
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-#!/bin/sh -e
-. /usr/share/debconf/confmodule
-case "$1" in
-  configure)
-	install-info --quiet --section Editors Editors --description='Programmers editor.' /usr/share/info/jed.info.gz;
-	TEMP=$(tempfile)
-	printf "Running /usr/share/jed/compile/jed-common..."
-	if ! /usr/share/jed/compile/jed-common install >$TEMP 2>&1; then
-		echo "failed (see $TEMP)"
-                exit 1
-	fi
-	echo "done"
-	rm $TEMP
-	;;
-  abort-upgrade|abort-remove|abort-deconfigure)
-  	;;
-  *)
-	echo "unknown argument --> \"$1"\" >&2
-	exit 0
-	;;

Deleted: jed/branches/0.99.19/jed-common.postrm
--- jed/branches/0.99.19/jed-common.postrm	2007-04-15 10:22:28 UTC (rev 626)
+++ jed/branches/0.99.19/jed-common.postrm	2007-04-15 10:29:48 UTC (rev 627)
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-#!/bin/sh -e
-if [ -d /etc/jed-init.d ]; then
-  rmdir --ignore-fail-on-non-empty /etc/jed-init.d

Deleted: jed/branches/0.99.19/jed-common.prerm
--- jed/branches/0.99.19/jed-common.prerm	2007-04-15 10:22:28 UTC (rev 626)
+++ jed/branches/0.99.19/jed-common.prerm	2007-04-15 10:29:48 UTC (rev 627)
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-set -e
-case "$1" in
-    remove|upgrade|deconfigure)
-        # jeds info file is broken. debhelper cannot handle it
-        # (this used to be the case, I haven't check with woody dh yet)
-        install-info --quiet --remove /usr/share/info/jed.info.gz
-        TEMP=$(tempfile)
-        printf "Running /usr/share/jed/compile/jed-common..."
-        RET=0
-        /usr/share/jed/compile/jed-common remove >$TEMP 2>&1 || RET=$?
-        if test "$RET" -ne 0 ; then
-            echo "failed (see $TEMP)"
-            exit $RET
-        fi
-        echo "done"
-        rm -f $TEMP
-    ;;
-    failed-upgrade)
-    ;;
-    *)
-        echo "prerm called with unknown argument \`$1'" >&2
-        exit 1
-    ;;
-exit 0

Deleted: jed/branches/0.99.19/jed-common.templates
--- jed/branches/0.99.19/jed-common.templates	2007-04-15 10:22:28 UTC (rev 626)
+++ jed/branches/0.99.19/jed-common.templates	2007-04-15 10:29:48 UTC (rev 627)
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-Template: jed-common/rm-site-defaults
-Type: boolean
-Default: false
-_Description: Remove old files in /etc/?
- Due to a bug in dpkg (#108587) the config files 00site.sl, 00debian.sl and
- 99defaults.sl in /etc/jed-init.d/ and /etc/jed.conf aren't removed after
- an upgrade to 0.99.15-1 or higher.
- .
- It seems you have modified one of these files, because their md5 sums
- differ from the originals.

Deleted: jed/branches/0.99.19/jed.menu
--- jed/branches/0.99.19/jed.menu	2007-04-15 10:22:28 UTC (rev 626)
+++ jed/branches/0.99.19/jed.menu	2007-04-15 10:29:48 UTC (rev 627)
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-?package(jed):needs="text" \
-		section="Apps/Editors" \
-		title="jed" \
-		command="/usr/bin/jed" \
-		hints="Text"

Deleted: jed/branches/0.99.19/jed.postinst
--- jed/branches/0.99.19/jed.postinst	2007-04-15 10:22:28 UTC (rev 626)
+++ jed/branches/0.99.19/jed.postinst	2007-04-15 10:29:48 UTC (rev 627)
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-#!/bin/sh -e
-case "$1" in
-  configure)
-    update-alternatives \
-    	--install /usr/bin/editor editor /usr/bin/jed 42 \
-    	--slave /usr/share/man/man1/editor.1.gz editor.1.gz /usr/share/man/man1/jed.1.gz;
-    update-alternatives \
-    	--install /usr/bin/jed-script jed-script /usr/bin/jed 50 \
-    	--slave /usr/share/man/man1/jed-script.1.gz jed-script.1.gz /usr/share/man/man1/jed.1.gz;
-    TEMP=$(tempfile)
-    RET=0
-    printf "Updating precompiled files..."
-    run-parts --exit-on-error --arg=install /usr/share/jed/compile/ \
-        >$TEMP 2>&1 || RET=$?
-    if test "$RET" -ne 0 ; then
-	echo "failed (see $TEMP)"
-	exit $RET
-    fi
-    echo "done"
-    rm $TEMP
-    ;;
-  abort-upgrade|abort-remove|abort-deconfigure)
-    ;;
-  *)
-    echo "unknown argument --> \"$1"\" >&2
-    exit 0
-    ;;

Deleted: jed/branches/0.99.19/jed.preinst
--- jed/branches/0.99.19/jed.preinst	2007-04-15 10:22:28 UTC (rev 626)
+++ jed/branches/0.99.19/jed.preinst	2007-04-15 10:29:48 UTC (rev 627)
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-#! /bin/sh
-# see: dh_installdeb(1)
-set -e
-# summary of how this script can be called:
-#        * <new-preinst> `install'
-#        * <new-preinst> `install' <old-version>
-#        * <new-preinst> `upgrade' <old-version>
-#        * <old-preinst> `abort-upgrade' <new-version>
-case "$1" in
-    install|upgrade)
-    # I want symlinks to jed-common
-    test -d /usr/share/doc/jed && rm -rf /usr/share/doc/jed
-    ;;
-    abort-upgrade)
-    ;;
-    *)
-        echo "preinst called with unknown argument \`$1'" >&2
-        exit 0
-    ;;
-# dh_installdeb will replace this with shell code automatically
-# generated by other debhelper scripts.
-exit 0

Deleted: jed/branches/0.99.19/jed.prerm
--- jed/branches/0.99.19/jed.prerm	2007-04-15 10:22:28 UTC (rev 626)
+++ jed/branches/0.99.19/jed.prerm	2007-04-15 10:29:48 UTC (rev 627)
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-update-alternatives --remove editor /usr/bin/jed
-update-alternatives --remove jed-script /usr/bin/jed

Deleted: jed/branches/0.99.19/rules
--- jed/branches/0.99.19/rules	2007-04-15 10:22:28 UTC (rev 626)
+++ jed/branches/0.99.19/rules	2007-04-15 10:29:48 UTC (rev 627)
@@ -1,185 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/make -f
-#export DH_VERBOSE=1
-# These additional compiler flags should bring up warnings about common
-# sources of errors.
-CFLAGS += -Wall -Wformat=2 -Wunused -Wundef -Wextra
-ifneq (,$(findstring debug,$(DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS)))
-	CFLAGS += -g
-ifneq (,$(findstring noopt,$(DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS)))
-	CFLAGS += -O0
-	CFLAGS += -O2
-include /usr/share/dpatch/dpatch.make
-# get upstream version from changelog (FIXME)
-# UPSTREAM_VERSION = $(shell perl -ne '/([\d.]+)-/; print $$1; exit' < \
-#                       $(dir $(firstword $(MAKEFILE_LIST)))/changelog)
-clean: unpatch
-	dh_testdir
-	dh_clean
-	-make distclean
-	rm -f build-stamp install-stamp
-	# fixme-upstream
-	rm -f src/config.h
-config.status: patch-stamp
-	dh_testdir
-	./configure "CFLAGS=$(CFLAGS)" --prefix=/usr/share --exec-prefix=/usr --with-x
-build: build-stamp
-build-stamp: config.status
-	dh_testdir
-	#
-	# --- MAKE ---
-	#
-        # These settings of DL_LIB, OTHERLIBS and XRENDERFONTLIBS are to get
-        # right of unnecessary dependencies on libraries.
-        # http://rerun.lefant.net/checklib/
-        #
-        # DL_LIB introduces a dependency on libdl that is already solved by
-        # libc. OTHERLIBS introduces a dependency on libm that is also solved
-        # by libc. XRENDERFONTLIBS fixes a problem with libxft-dev that defines
-        # libfontconfig.
-	make DL_LIB="" OTHERLIBS=-lutil XRENDERFONTLIBS=-lXft jed xjed # getmail
-	touch build-stamp
-binary-indep: config.status
-	dh_testdir
-	dh_testroot
-	# keep dh_install informations (debian/files) and debian/tmp
-	dh_clean -i --keep
-	dh_installdirs -i
-	if ! [ -e src/objs/jed ]; then > src/objs/jed; fi
-	make DESTDIR=$(jed-common) install
-	if ! [ -s src/objs/jed ]; then rm src/objs/jed; fi
-	rm -r $(jed-common)/usr/bin/ $(jed-common)/usr/share/man/
-	# fixme-upstream
-	rm -r $(jed-common)/usr/share/jed/bin/
-	#
-	# --- JED-COMMON ---
-	#
-	# fill up /usr/share/doc/jed-common
-	dh_installchangelogs -pjed-common changes.txt
-	mv $(jed-common)/usr/share/jed/doc/* \
-	    $(jed-common)/usr/share/doc/jed-common
-	rmdir $(jed-common)/usr/share/jed/doc
-	dh_link -pjed-common usr/share/doc/jed-common usr/share/jed/doc
-	dh_installdocs -pjed-common debian/README.Debian \
-	    debian/init.d/README.Debian-startup \
-	    debian/Debian-Jed-Policy.txt
-	# generate info files from jed.tex
-	rmdir $(jed-common)/usr/share/jed/info
-	mkdir -p $(jed-common)/usr/share/info
-	cd $(jed-common)/usr/share/info/; hevea -fix -info -o jed.info \
-	    $(jed-common)/usr/share/doc/jed-common/manual/jed.tex
-	mv $(jed-common)/usr/share/doc/jed-common/manual \
-	    $(jed-common)/usr/share/doc/jed-common/html
-	# generate html files from jed.tex
-	hevea -fix -o $(jed-common)/usr/share/doc/jed-common/html/jed.hevea \
-	    $(jed-common)/usr/share/doc/jed-common/html/jed.tex
-	cd $(jed-common)/usr/share/doc/jed-common/html/; hacha jed.hevea
-	cd $(jed-common)/usr/share/doc/jed-common/html/; \
-	    rm jed.hevea jed.haux jed.htoc jed.tex
-	# install some extra docs from the source
-	dh_installexamples -pjed-common lib/jed.conf \
-	    $(jed-common)/usr/share/jed/lib/jed.rc
-	# install *.sl files
-	dh_install -pjed-common debian/defaults.sl usr/share/jed/lib/
-	rm $(jed-common)/usr/share/jed/lib/jed.rc # it's moved to examples above
-	# install compile script to build *.slc files after installation
-	dh_install -pjed-common debian/compile usr/share/jed/compile
-	mv $(jed-common)/usr/share/jed/compile/compile \
-	    $(jed-common)/usr/share/jed/compile/jed-common
-	chmod +x $(jed-common)/usr/share/jed/compile/jed-common
-	# fill up /etc
-	dh_install -pjed-common debian/init.d/*.sl etc/jed.d/
-	dh_link -i usr/share/doc/jed-common/README.Debian-startup etc/jed.d/README
-	dh_installdebconf -i
-	#
-	#
-	dh_compress -i --exclude=libfuns.hlp --exclude=jedfuns.hlp
-	dh_fixperms -i
-	dh_installdeb -i
-	dh_gencontrol -i
-	dh_md5sums -i
-	dh_builddeb -i
-binary-arch: build-stamp
-	dh_testdir
-	dh_testroot
-	# keep dh_install informations (debian/files) and debian/tmp
-	dh_clean -a
-	dh_installdirs -a
-	#
-	# --- JED ---
-	#
-	dh_install -pjed src/objs/jed usr/bin/
-	dh_installman -pjed doc/manual/jed.1
-	dh_link -pjed usr/share/doc/jed-common usr/share/doc/jed
-	#
-	# --- XJED ---
-	#
-	dh_install -pxjed src/objs/xjed usr/bin/
-	dh_installman -pxjed doc/manual/jed.1
-	mv $(xjed)/usr/share/man/man1/jed.1 $(xjed)/usr/share/man/man1/xjed.1
-	dh_link -pxjed usr/share/doc/jed-common usr/share/doc/xjed
-	#
-	# --- INSTALL-ARCH-DEP ---
-	#
-	dh_installmenu -a
-	dh_fixperms -a
-ifeq (,$(findstring debug,$(DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS)))
-	dh_strip -a
-	dh_compress -a
-	dh_installdeb -a
-	dh_shlibdeps -a
-	dh_gencontrol -a
-	dh_md5sums -a
-	dh_builddeb -a
-binary: binary-arch binary-indep
-	( url="svn://svn.gna.org/svn/jed/trunk" ;		\
-	  rev=$$(svn info $$url | grep ^Rev | sed "s/.*: //") ;	\
-	  ver=0.99.19.svn.$$rev ;				\
-	  dir=jed-$$ver ;					\
-	  svn export $$url $$dir ;				\
-	  rm -rf $$dir/info ;					\
-	  tar czf jed_$$ver.orig.tar.gz $$dir ;			\
-	  rm -rf $$dir )
-.PHONY: build clean binary binary-arch binary-indep get-orig-source

Deleted: jed/branches/0.99.19/watch
--- jed/branches/0.99.19/watch	2007-04-15 10:22:28 UTC (rev 626)
+++ jed/branches/0.99.19/watch	2007-04-15 10:29:48 UTC (rev 627)
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-opts="uversionmangle=s/-/./" \
-  ftp://space.mit.edu/pub/davis/jed/v0.99 jed-(.*)\.tar\.gz

Deleted: jed/branches/0.99.19/xjed.menu
--- jed/branches/0.99.19/xjed.menu	2007-04-15 10:22:28 UTC (rev 626)
+++ jed/branches/0.99.19/xjed.menu	2007-04-15 10:29:48 UTC (rev 627)
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-?package(xjed):needs="x11" \
-		section="Apps/Editors" \
-		title="xjed" \
-		command="/usr/bin/xjed" \
-		hints="Text"

Deleted: jed/branches/0.99.19/xjed.postinst
--- jed/branches/0.99.19/xjed.postinst	2007-04-15 10:22:28 UTC (rev 626)
+++ jed/branches/0.99.19/xjed.postinst	2007-04-15 10:29:48 UTC (rev 627)
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-#!/bin/sh -e
-case "$1" in
-  configure)
-    update-alternatives \
-    	--install /usr/bin/editor editor /usr/bin/xjed 35 \
-    	--slave /usr/share/man/man1/editor.1.gz editor.1.gz /usr/share/man/man1/xjed.1.gz;
-    update-alternatives \
-    	--install /usr/bin/jed-script jed-script /usr/bin/xjed 40 \
-    	--slave /usr/share/man/man1/jed-script.1.gz jed-script.1.gz /usr/share/man/man1/xjed.1.gz;
-    TEMP=$(tempfile)
-    RET=0
-    printf "Updating precompiled files..."
-    run-parts --exit-on-error --arg=install /usr/share/jed/compile/ \
-        >$TEMP 2>&1 || RET=$?
-    if test "$RET" -ne 0 ; then
-	echo "failed (see $TEMP)"
-	exit $RET
-    fi
-    echo "done"
-    rm $TEMP
-    ;;
-  abort-upgrade|abort-remove|abort-deconfigure)
-    ;;
-  *)
-    echo "unknown argument --> \"$1"\" >&2
-    exit 0
-    ;;

Deleted: jed/branches/0.99.19/xjed.preinst
--- jed/branches/0.99.19/xjed.preinst	2007-04-15 10:22:28 UTC (rev 626)
+++ jed/branches/0.99.19/xjed.preinst	2007-04-15 10:29:48 UTC (rev 627)
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-#! /bin/sh
-# see: dh_installdeb(1)
-set -e
-# summary of how this script can be called:
-#        * <new-preinst> `install'
-#        * <new-preinst> `install' <old-version>
-#        * <new-preinst> `upgrade' <old-version>
-#        * <old-preinst> `abort-upgrade' <new-version>
-case "$1" in
-    install|upgrade)
-    # I want symlinks to jed-common
-    test -d /usr/share/doc/xjed && rm -rf /usr/share/doc/xjed
-    ;;
-    abort-upgrade)
-    ;;
-    *)
-        echo "preinst called with unknown argument \`$1'" >&2
-        exit 0
-    ;;
-# dh_installdeb will replace this with shell code automatically
-# generated by other debhelper scripts.
-exit 0

Deleted: jed/branches/0.99.19/xjed.prerm
--- jed/branches/0.99.19/xjed.prerm	2007-04-15 10:22:28 UTC (rev 626)
+++ jed/branches/0.99.19/xjed.prerm	2007-04-15 10:29:48 UTC (rev 627)
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-update-alternatives --remove jed-script /usr/bin/xjed
-update-alternatives --remove editor /usr/bin/xjed

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