Pkg-jed-devel digest, Vol 1 #27 - 13 msgs
Paul Boekholt
Tue, 26 Apr 2005 11:30:14 +0200
On Tue, 26 Apr 2005 06:22:03 +0000, said:
[When I have time I'll look for a splitdigest that can digest this]
> Do you know, what this should do? I tried it with SLang1 and it is valid.
> "message(string(i--))" brings 1. So the construct above should leave a 1
> upon the stack, because goal is removed from insert_spaces. Curious.
This is in the manual:
++ and -- operators in function calls
Previously the ++ and {--} operators were permitted in a
function argument list, e.g.,
some_function (x++, x);
Such uses are flagged as syntax errors and need to be changed to
x++; some_function (x);