update of jed-extra
Jörg Sommer
Sun, 3 Jul 2005 20:51:22 +0200
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G. Milde schrieb am Fri 01. Jul, 17:07 (+0200):
> I just updated http://jedmodes.sourceforge.net/cvs/jedmdoes.tgz and
> did a new "release" of the files from the Jedmodes CVS repository.
> Quite a lot of the files by Paul Boekholt are now no longer in the CVS
> and must be fetched separately. =20
Why is? What's the reason?
> On 30.06.05, J=F6rg Sommer wrote:
> > firstly I must say the provided files of jedmodes.sf.net are dirty!
> What do you mean with provided files? jedmodes.sf. is quite heterogen, wi=
> files provided by several different developers. The primary inteded use
> is browsing the site and downloading individual modes.
But that's not the intent of the Debian package.
> > No makefile,=20
> What kind of makefile should this be?
make install would help much
> > no copyright notice (this might cause trouble with Debian)
> There is a copyright notice on the site, as well as in most of the
> individual files (except rather old ones).
Can you add a COPYING file to the tar.gz?
> > and no README or something similar.
> Added one to the latest jedmodes.tgz (but not yet in the release).
> > I have some problems/questions:
> >=20
> > * should apsmode/apsconf/SLang.ssh go to /usr/share/a2ps/sheets/? Is it
> > the same like a2ps/slang.ssh?
> apsmode and a2ps are distinct modes (by different developers) that
> happen to do similar things. Please do not confuse.
Oh. I didn't recognize this. What do you think? Should we use SLang.ssh
as Rafael suggested?
> > * why does the old version of 05home-lib.sl take care of site-lib?
> home-lib.sl initializes both, home-lib and site-lib. The name is for
> historical reasons, as Jed_Site_Library (and Jed_Local_Library) where
> added later.
Why? Why to care about site-lib? There is not reference in jed (upstream)
or jedmodes (exclude home-lib) on Jed_Site_Library?
> I still recommend moving home-lib.sl to jed-common (as a Debian patch).
> Instead of a init.d file, the above command could then be inserted to
> /etc/jed.conf.
I am not sure, but I would follow Rafaels arguments.
Bye, Joerg.
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