update of jed-extra
Jörg Sommer
Mon, 4 Jul 2005 15:09:50 +0200
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G. Milde schrieb am Mon 04. Jul, 11:12 (+0200):
> On 3.07.05, J=F6rg Sommer wrote:
> > G. Milde schrieb am Fri 01. Jul, 17:07 (+0200):
> > > On 30.06.05, J=F6rg Sommer wrote:
> I think we need a new reflection on what jed-extra should provide and
> what not.
> > > > No makefile,=20
> > > What kind of makefile should this be?
> > make install would help much
> Again, it would not make sense to install all of Jedmodes.
How should we select? How to know what's good and what's bad?
> > > > no copyright notice (this might cause trouble with Debian)
> > >=20
> > > There is a copyright notice on the site, as well as in most of the
> > > individual files (except rather old ones).
> >=20
> > Can you add a COPYING file to the tar.gz?
> Should this be a full copy of the GPL or would a small pointer with URL
> suffice.
Yes, a full copy is better.
> > > > * why does the old version of 05home-lib.sl take care of site-lib?
> > >=20
> > > home-lib.sl initializes both, home-lib and site-lib. The name is for
> > > historical reasons, as Jed_Site_Library (and Jed_Local_Library) where
> > > added later.
> >=20
> > Why? Why to care about site-lib?=20
> Because caring about the libraries for jed extensions is what home-lib.sl
> was written for. Also non-Debian administrators might want to add
> extensions for all users of their site/machine.
Those admins have the possibility with /etc/jed-init.d/.
> > There is not reference in jed (upstream)
> Of course not, as jed (unfortunately) doesnot care about extensions on a
> higher level than providing set_jed_library_path and Jed_Doc_Files and
> Color_Scheme_Path and Jed_Highlight_Cache_Dir and ... to be used in
> .jedrc or jed.conf.
I think this is enough.
> (This is why I want it to be in jed-common: it is usefull without all the
> rest of jed-extra for both, the end user adding or modifying a mode as
> well as other Debian packages providing a jed mode.)
I see a problem with site-lib when having more than one package. We can't
put them all in /u/s/j/site-lib, because it is to difficult to manage
this melting pot. (Think of removing the slc files of a package)
What comes into my mind is a collection of lib tools. It should provide=20
* a function register_libdir() to register a directory (excatly what is
done in home-lib.sl:register_library() -- BTW: the name is a bit
confusing, because with a library a .so file is assumed)
* and a function precompile_libdir() to build the .slc files and .dfa and
anything als what's done by make_ini.sl
Then we can install files /etc/jed-init.d/20jed-extra.sl to register
/usr/share/jed/site-lib (or .../jed-extra) and 20jed-gtk.sl to register
slgtk stuff and 23usr-local.sl to handle /usr/local/... and 25home-lib.sl
to register ~/.jed/lib. Into the 25home-lib.sl I would also handle the
=2Ejedrc path.
The precompile_libdir() can be used in the compile files.
This libtool I would ship with jed-common (in /u/s/j/jed-common),
because it does not do any action. Your home-lib instead registers
paths and changes variables without any request and without any
patching it may register paths they aren't used. It's too static.
Alle reden von sexueller Bel=E4stigung am Arbeitsplatz.. Wenn das nicht
bald losgeht, k=FCndige ICH!
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