update of jed-extra
Jörg Sommer
Mon, 4 Jul 2005 15:21:44 +0200
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G. Milde schrieb am Mon 04. Jul, 10:34 (+0200):
> On 3.07.05, J=F6rg Sommer wrote:
> > Rafael Laboissiere schrieb am Fri 01. Jul, 14:43 (+0200):
> > > * J=F6rg Sommer <joerg@alea.gnuu.de> [2005-06-30 18:30]:
> > OK, should we make it be written as lower cases?
> >=20
> > > > * where should *.hlp files go? currently I installed them in
> > > > /u/s/j/site-lib/. Maybe they can go into a subdirectory site-lib/=
> > > > or in /usr/share/doc/jed-extra.
> > >=20
> > > I think that the *.hlp must be in the path, in order to help.sl to wo=
> >=20
> > Can we change this and place them in $path/hlp/?
> This would be possible by modifying help() to look in both,
> <jed-library-path> and <jed-library-path>/hlp for the file to display.
> Still, I wonder whether it is worth the effort. It complicates things (at
> least for the non Debian user that has to set up the dir and move the fil=
> Also, if we want to go this way, we should consider moving the online
> help libfuns.txt into a subdir as well, so maybe "site-lib/doc/" would be
> more appropriate.
Yes. Maybe we can use a uniform layout for all lib dirs:
$LIB/ the directory with the sl and slc files
$LIB/colors the directory with color modes (sl+slc)
$LIB/dfa/ the directory for dfa files
$LIB/doc/ the directory for documentations like *.hlp
I would propose to apply the scheme to jed-common too.
> > I would place them in jed-extra to avoid name conflicts.=20
> So in case of name conflicts, should jed-extra or site-lib take
> precedence? When evaluating a file, the order of <jed-library-path>
> determines which file is chosen -- such hidden conficts might be
> harder to find and solve.
But if all jed extrension packages put their files in site-lib if grows
'til infinity and the scripts like compile it is hard to distinguish
between the files.
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