update of jed-extra
G. Milde
Thu, 7 Jul 2005 11:36:38 +0200
On 6.07.05, Jörg Sommer wrote:
> G. Milde schrieb am Wed 06. Jul, 12:39 (+0200):
> > On 5.07.05, Jörg Sommer wrote:
> >
> > 2. a *.sl file must not be preparsed because of preprocessor
> > constructs like #if XWINDOWS
> > -> add it to a list of not-to-be-preparsed *.sl files
> > (make ini has already an exclusion list)
> >
> > Ideally, all such files will be patched to become
> > "preparsable". We might make this a requirement for Debian
> > packages.
> But the admin can decide, not to preparse the files.
Preparsing files is a sensible default. If a file poses a problem, the
admin could set it on the exclusion list in jed.conf.
> With the error in email, I had the problem, that the preparsed file did
> not report a useful line number. I decided to not preparse this files
> and got better results.
For debugging, you can place a line
_debug_info = 1;
at the beginning of the file. Jed will realise the file is changed and
not use the preparsed version. If you re-preparse, line-numbers are
still shown (at the expense of a longer slc file).
> I would give all packages with SLang files a debconf dialog to let the
> admin decide if the SLang files become preparsed or not (or the decision
> for jed-common) is used.
As I said, preparsing is a sensible default, so IMHO no debconf
question needed.
> > The "compile" script should
> >
> > * delete all *.slc files in site-lib and jed-init.d
> ...that it build before.
OK, the algorithm to find related *.slc files from *.sl files is easy,
isn't it?
> And I would not preparse the files in jed-init.d, because a admin may
> make changes there.
No problem, outdated slc files are ignored by evalfile().
> > And the following scenarios:
> >
> > a) install jed or xjed: call the "compile" script, also compile the
> > relevant *.sl files in JED_ROOT/lib/.
> >
> > b) purge jed and xjed: remove all *.slc files.
> This cause problems if you remove one of them. It's tricky to find out if
> the removed package is the last jed/xjed. Otherwise you remove the .slc
> files for xjed, if you remove only jed.
> There is no need to remove the .slc files upon deinstallation of jed or
> xjed.
I see. So de-installation of jed-common should take care of removing
*.slc files?
> > > We can build the documentation upon buildtime. Any objections?
> > > Can we build the dfa caches too?
> >
> > The case is similar to the slc files: Why ship them, if they could be
> > built at install time.
> IIRC, the problem with the slc files was that they can become broken if
> the were build with a slang version != the installed slang version.
> Building dfa file can take very long. This is time you can save at build
> time
> But I remember I had problems with dfa files build with another slang
> version. We can't build the dfa files at build time, otherwise we get the
> same problems like we have with SLang files.
So it is the same problem but my question was the wrong way: it would
be simpler to prebuild, but more secure to build at install time.
> > The preference in jed-library-path should be
> >
> > home-lib, local-lib, package-specific, site-lib, lib
> >
> > register_libdir() prepends the argument to the path, so jed.conf should
> >
> > register_libdir(site-lib)
> >
> > % run the scripts in jed-init.d
% scripts in jed-init.d might register more libraries
> >
> > register_libdir(local-lib)
> > register_libdir(home-lib)
> But if a site admin decide to use a patched version of a file used in
> jed-init.d is version get not recognized.
Do you mean: if a file in jed-init.d should use a file in local-lib or
home-lib instead of site-lib?
Well, this is the prize we have to pay if we want packages to be able
to register their own libdirs. Otherwise this libdirs would take
precedence over local-lib and home-lib.
A more fine-grained support would be possible with a pair of functions:
add_libdir() vs. append_libdir().
> What if a user decide to place a newer version of ispell.sl in its
> home-lib. It never get loaded, because the ispell of site-lib is used,
> because home-lib comes to late to the path.
No, register_libdir *pre*pends its argument, so the last will be the
> > > This is also a reason, why home-lib should only provide the register
> > > function.
> >
> > You convinced me. Maybe it could be a compromise, providing the register
> > function and sensible defaults for Jed_Home_Library, Jed_Local_Library
> > and Jed_Site_Library. Instead of the current require("home-lib");
> > the two liner
> >
> > require("home-lib");
> Why not evalfile("home-lib.sl")? What's the advantage of require?
evalfile() leaves stuff on the stack. Of course you can also use
() = evalfile() but it looks not so nice. Also, require only evaluates
once, a second call will not re-evaluate.
> > register_libdirs(Jed_Home_Library, Jed_Local_Library, Jed_Site_Library);
> > will loop over _NARGS).
> Do you gain time, when looping over the whole function body than calling
> the function again.
I gain the (negligible) time needed for the function call. But the resulting
code is shorter (and in a clause, no braces are needed).
> > > Following proposal:
> >
> > I rather change home-lib.sl. than define a function in jed.conf.
> FullACK. But if you strip down home-lib (how I think) you get
> register_libdir().
> > Do your think the check and change of Jed_Home_Directory belongs to
> > home-lib or to jed.conf?
> jed.conf, because the admin should have the possibility to revert this
> change.
> BTW: Why you append the color path in register_library()? Is there a
> reason to not prepend the path?
No, this is a bug. I'll fix it.
All done, see jedmodes.sf.net/mode/home-lib/ (may take some hours until
the CVS is synchronized).
G.Milde web.de