G. Milde
Wed, 1 Jun 2005 09:53:01 +0200
On 31.05.05, Jörg Sommer wrote:
> G. Milde schrieb am Tue 31. May, 12:34 (+0200):
> > Or take for example a class of students in a lab (assuming them to be
> > normally windows users). Switching them to jed will be easier with a
> > cua emulation, so this should be the site-wide default.
> This is the example I thought about. :-))
> I would like to do this. I don't think this is a abuse of debconf.
Yes, IMHO, debconf abuse is asking questions that could be answered by an
automatic script without user interference.
I would be gratefull if you could provide the "right way" debconf
solution. Unfortunately I am unable to provide it myself, due to
time-limits and debconf-ignorance. (This is why I suggested the "light
G.Milde web.de