bug 219448
Jörg Sommer
Tue, 3 May 2005 18:28:50 +0200
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G. Milde schrieb am Mon 02. May, 11:06 (+0200) :
> On 1.05.05, J=F6rg Sommer wrote:
> > The problem is this:
> > please allow /etc/jed-init.d/ to override global settings
> > $ xjed -batch
> > loading /usr/share/jed/lib/site.slc
> > loading /usr/share/jed/lib/os.sl
> > loading /usr/share/jed/lib/menus.slc
> > loading /etc/jed.conf
> >=20
> > Here a admin may make system wide setting
> >=20
> > loading /etc/jed-init.d/00debian.sl
> Or here, in any file that resides in /etc/jed-init.d/ as all these will
> be loaded at every startup.
Right. But in /etc/jed.conf you can be sure your code is ran after
/etc/jed-init.d/ and not overwritten by a 99zzz script.
> > loading /usr/share/jed/lib/jed.rc
> >=20
> > and here they get overwritten by jeds default settings.
> (If and only if the user doesn't have a ~/.jedrc file.)
Right. But I think this is OK.
> > I would say, we should remove /usr/share/jed/lib/jed.rc=20
> I would not remove JED_ROOT/lib/jed.rc, as the original jed documentation
> refers to it as a reference (a la "copy ... to ~/.jedrc and adapt to your
> needs...").
So its an example and should be in doc/jed-common/examples/.
> > Does anyone know, why a command_line_hook is necessary?=20
> To make things more complicated? ;-)
> Well, it allows the user (in .jedrc) or the site-administrator to
> overwrite the command_line_hook. (Unfortunately, that this hook is
> quite long.)
,----[ hooks.txt ]---
| This hook is called from within the editor to parse the command line
| arguments, and it also loads the user's personal initialization file.
| It is defined in the file `site.sl' and should not be customized by
| the user.
"It's been said you aren't a real UNIX system administrator until you've
edited a sendmail.cf file. It's also been said that you are crazy if you=20
attempted to do so twice"=20
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