next upload (was: Re: bug 219448)
Jörg Sommer
Tue, 17 May 2005 19:53:20 +0200
Rafael Laboissiere schrieb am Tue 17. May, 18:11 (+0200):
> I am dropping this note in this thread just to say that I did not have
> time to follow the discussion around this bug report. Since you
> apparently know what you talking about, I will let to you the final
> decision about the actual changes in the jed package.
> Jörg, please tell me when you are done in SVN and when we think I sho=
> make the upload.
Did anyone tried the current version in SVN? If no one has problems, we
can upload this version.
Man(n) sollte nie einer Frau widersprechen !
Man(n) sollte immer warten, bis sie es selbst erledigt.