bug 219448
Rafael Laboissiere
Rafael Laboissiere <rafael@debian.org>
Mon, 30 May 2005 11:07:47 +0200
* G. Milde <g.milde@web.de> [2005-05-30 11:04]:
> To come to a conclusion...
> Could someone with SVN write access please apply the patch
> --- /etc/jed.conf~ 2005-05-30 10:56:26.000000000 +0200
> +++ /etc/jed.conf 2005-05-30 10:55:28.000000000 +0200
> @@ -11,3 +11,4 @@
> () = evalfile (path_concat ("/etc/jed-init.d", $1));
> }
> +Default_Jedrc_Startup_File = NULL;
> and close bug 219448?
I will let Jörg do it. Unfortunately, I did not have time these last
weeks to follow all the (apparently interesting) discussion about the JED
initialization scheme in Debian. I will be too busy until next Fall to
do any serious work in the Debian packages.
I renew my offer of some time ago: would you like to join the JDG at
Alioth, such that you have SVN access? It would also be great if someone
in the Group becomes an official Debian developer, such that part of the
burden of doing package uploads could be taken off my shoulders.