Maintainership of the S-Lang modules

Paul Boekholt p.boekholt at
Tue Nov 8 12:17:22 UTC 2005

On Tue, 8 Nov 2005 09:13:48 +0100, Rafael Laboissiere <rafael at> said:

> Guenter asked me privately whether I could create a separate mailing list
> for the slang-modules-related posts (from debian-installer, ftp-master,
> etc).  He rightly arguments that this Alioth group is mainly for jed
> maintainership and we are getting too much noise in pkg-jed-devel about
> the S-Lang modules.
> What do you think?

Now that the spelling mistakes and missing dependencies in these packages
have been taken care of, there shouldn't be that much noise.  Günter, if the
bug reports of e.g. slang-gdbm go into another mailing list, you'd have to
subscribe to that list to stay informed about them - OK bugs in cfitsio may
not be very relevant to jed or jed-extra, but bugs in the gdbm, gtk or curl
modules may be - so should gdbm, gtk and curl go into one list, and the others
into another list?

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