Fwd: Re: Backport of jed 0.99.18

Jörg Sommer joerg at alea.gnuu.de
Mon Aug 21 21:06:55 UTC 2006


I've got this question on the backports mailing list and I don't know
really what I should answer. Can someone help me?

Bye, Jörg.

From: backports at nixda.org (Martin Reising)
Newsgroups: local.mailinglist.backports
Subject: Re: Backport of jed 0.99.18
Date: Sat, 29 Jul 2006 19:02:36 +0200

On Sat, Jul 29, 2006 at 12:24:51PM +0000, Joerg Sommer wrote:

> And jedstate is replaced by gdbmrecent.

No package named or contains gdbmrecent is found by packages.debian.org.

> I must ask, why jed-extra did not lower the dependency as I requested

I can not remember why I installed findutils 4.2.20-1 from
snapshot.debian.net, but one reason was this part of debian/rules

# install mode documentation
dh_install $$(find . -wholename ./debian -prune -o \( -name \*.html \
	-o -name \*.otl -name \*.example -o -name README \) -print) \
> and what should happen with jedstate.

jedstate works if 99jedstate_hook.sl is moved from /etc/jed-init.d to

Nicht Absicht unterstellen, wenn auch Dummheit ausreicht!

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