Bug#387061: Closing bugs filed against jed
Rafael Laboissiere
rafael at debian.org
Tue Jan 16 22:34:21 CET 2007
package jed-common
tags 387061 upstream patch
[I am attaching the dpatch below, so that it is recorded in the BTS.]
* G. Milde <g.milde at web.de> [2007-01-16 14:29]:
> > #387061: jed-common: Highlight on search
> > This bug was filed by Jörg. If it is an upstream problem, it should be
> > tagged accordingly and forwarded upstream.
> There is a patch for this one (I am using it), but I do not know whether it
> is already included upstream.
> It might need some customization option or tweaking, though as the
> highligt of the search string resembles a marked region, which could be
> misleading... Therefore I ask *not* to include it as a dpatch without
> further discussion!
> --- /usr/share/jed/lib/isearch.sl 2006-09-29 22:59:21.000000000 +0200
> +++ /home/milde/.jed/lib/isearch.sl 2006-09-13 10:41:16.000000000 +0200
> [snip]
I tested the patch here and it works. I have nothing against applying it to
the Debian package.
-------------- next part --------------
#! /bin/sh /usr/share/dpatch/dpatch-run
## highlight-isearch-results.dpatch by G. Milde <g.milde at web.de>
## DP: Highlight the results of incremental search
--- jed-0.99.18.orig/lib/isearch.sl
+++ jed-0.99.18/lib/isearch.sl
@@ -21,9 +21,10 @@
%% You may use the following variables to change this behaviour,
%% either here or (better!) in your keybinding defining file (e.g. ".jedrc")
-%% This code fragment checks to see what the isearch keys are bound to
+require ("srchmisc");
+%% This code fragment checks to see what the isearch keys are bound to
private define get_bound_key (search_func, default)
foreach (["", which_key (search_func), pop()])
@@ -168,21 +169,25 @@
prompt = prompt_prefix + "search backward" + prompt_suffix;
message (prompt + str);
push_spot ();
- if ((dir > 0) and looking_at (str))
- go_right (strlen (str));
- update_sans_update_hook (0);
- pop_spot ();
-#ifeval _slang_version >= 20000
+ if (looking_at (str) and (Last_Search_Failed == 0))
+ mark_next_nchars (strlen(str), dir);
+ %if ((dir > 0) and looking_at (str))
+ % go_right (strlen (str));
+ update_sans_update_hook (0);
+ pop_spot ();
+#ifexists AnyError
c = getkey();
-#ifeval _slang_version >= 20000
+#ifexists AnyError
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