Slow down my pace of uploads

Jörg Sommer joerg at
Fri May 18 22:27:21 UTC 2007

Hallo Rafael,

Rafael Laboissiere schrieb am Fri 18. May, 19:29 (+0200):
> I uploaded like crazy these last days and I ended up screwing up the
> unstable version of jed.  This is not something that cannot be undone but I
> decided to impose some discipline on myself from now on.

Yes, it was a crazy time, but in german we say: “Wo gehobelt wird, fallen
auch Spähne” that means it's usual that things go wrong. I've meditated
about your extensive uploading already one or two days before and I
think it's good what you've done. One upload too much is better than one
upload too little.

And the epoch is an ugly thing, but now we can fix the .+ version–which
is also ugly—in experimental, too.

> Before making an upload, I will ask in pkg-jed-devel if there are
> objections.  This will give you guys an opportunity to do a last review
> on the package.

I would like to specify a dead line for objections. Lets say if nobody
says anything against an upload within 2 days the upload is
permitted—if all support the upload it can take place immediately.

Should we write it down in the guilde lines?

Bye, Jörg.
“Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to
build bigger and better idiot—proof programs, and the Universe trying
to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning.”
(Rich Cook)
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