Bug#677834: writes to /usr/share/jed/lib during postinst
Marc Haber
mh+debian-packages at zugschlus.de
Mon Nov 25 08:10:09 UTC 2013
On Mon, Jun 18, 2012 at 10:52:36AM +0200, Guenter Milde wrote:
> > I am not sure whether this is a policy violation, but it is most
> > probably a surprise for most users. In Debian I expect all files under
> > /usr to come from packages, and thus be static. This is not the case
> > for the *.slc files that are written to /usr/share/jed/lib during
> > postinst with a call to /usr/share/jed/compile/jed-common install.
> The *.slc files are bye-compiled versions of the corresponding *.sl files in
> the packages jed-common and jed-extra.
> Placing them alongside the sources is common practice and prevents
> surprises when customizing the editor (using a custom jed-library-path,
> using drop-in replacements from jed-extra or locally installed).
It might be easy for packaging, but is confusing for users. One
usually expects that dpkg --search is able to give an owner for every
file under /usr sans /usr/local.
> The same scheme is used by Python-2 packages: the generated *.pyc files are
> stored alongside the *.py source under usr/lib/...
python-support tries hard to place those files in /var, but not all
packages do already use it.
> > In my expectations, such files should be in /var/lib since they're
> > variable data and not registered with the packaging system.
> The byte-compiled filea are no more variable than the rest of the
> package, as they are only generated/deleted when the package is
> (de)installed or updated.
But they do not originate from a package, cannot have their checksum
verified, dpkg --search doesn't find them. All of those are usually
signs for a file that was put there in an unauthorized way, and one
cannot find out whether it was a dumb colleague, a postinst or an
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