[Bug 125688] fails to properly play files with names containing '#' character

Christoph Pfister christophpfister at gmail.com
Sat Feb 17 12:35:32 CET 2007

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christophpfister gmail com changed:

           What    |Removed                     |Added
             Status|NEW                         |RESOLVED
         Resolution|                            |FIXED

------- Additional Comments From christophpfister gmail com  2007-02-17 12:35 -------
SVN commit 634455 by pfister:

fix bug with file names containing #
patch based on comment #9 but without (hopefully) introducing any regressions
BUG: 125688

 M  +8 -13     kaffeine.cpp  

--- trunk/extragear/multimedia/kaffeine/src/kaffeine.cpp #634454:634455
 @ -302,7 +302,7  @
 			url = path.absFilePath(url);
-		urls.append(url);
+		urls.append(KURL::fromPathOrURL(url).url());
 @ -1159,20 +1159,15  @
 	KURL::List kurlList = KFileDialog::getOpenURLs(":kaffeine_openFile", fileFilter, 0, i18n("Open File(s)"));
+	for (KURL::List::Iterator it = kurlList.begin(); it != kurlList.end(); ++it)
+		if ((*it).isLocalFile() && (*it).path().endsWith(".iso", false))
+			(*it).setProtocol("dvd");
 	QStringList urlList = kurlList.toStringList();
-	for ( QStringList::Iterator it = urlList.begin(); it != urlList.end(); ++it )
-	{
-		KURL suburl = *it;
-		if (suburl.protocol() == "file")
-			*it = suburl.path();
-		if ( suburl.path().endsWith(".iso",false) ) {
-			*it = suburl.path().prepend("dvd://");
-		}
-	}
-	if (!urlList.count())
-		return;
-	load(urlList);
+	if (urlList.count() > 0)
+		load(urlList);
 void Kaffeine::slotTogglePlaylist()

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