[pkg-kde-commits] rev 2513 - in
branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian: . icons man
Luk Claes
luk at costa.debian.org
Sat Dec 3 16:02:37 UTC 2005
Author: luk
Date: 2005-12-03 16:02:31 +0000 (Sat, 03 Dec 2005)
New Revision: 2513
Move manpages and icons in a seperate folder
Deleted: branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/celestrongps.1
Deleted: branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/fliccd.1
Added: branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/icons/kalzium.xpm
--- branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/icons/kalzium.xpm 2005-12-03 15:45:46 UTC (rev 2512)
+++ branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/icons/kalzium.xpm 2005-12-03 16:02:31 UTC (rev 2513)
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+/* XPM */
+static char * kalzium_xpm[] = {
+"32 32 38 1",
+" c None",
+". c #000000",
+"+ c #010000",
+"@ c #020000",
+"# c #030000",
+"$ c #040000",
+"% c #040001",
+"& c #050000",
+"* c #040005",
+"= c #040007",
+"- c #070000",
+"; c #090000",
+"> c #04000F",
+", c #030024",
+"' c #03002A",
+") c #03002F",
+"! c #200000",
+"~ c #020060",
+"{ c #2B0000",
+"] c #010079",
+"^ c #010088",
+"/ c #340000",
+"( c #01008F",
+"_ c #360000",
+": c #0000A4",
+"< c #0000A5",
+"[ c #0000A9",
+"} c #0000AD",
+"| c #0000B1",
+"1 c #0000B2",
+"2 c #0000B3",
+"3 c #5D0000",
+"4 c #780000",
+"5 c #8F0000",
+"6 c #990000",
+"7 c #A80000",
+"8 c #AA0000",
+"9 c #AB0000",
+" ",
+" 2222212 ",
+" 122222222 ",
+" 22222222222 ",
+" 222222222222 ",
+" 2222222222222 ",
+" 2222222222222 ",
+" 2:22222222222 ",
+" )>(2222222222 ",
+" ..... $$$$>122222222 ",
+" ........ $$$$$$$(2|]^[222 ",
+" .........+$$$$$$*~}<%$$'22 ",
+" ...........@$$$$$ 1[$$$,2 ",
+" ............+$$$ $$$= ",
+" .............$ $$$$ ",
+" ............. $$$$ ",
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+" .........##+. $$$$ ",
+" .......@$$$$ ;_!& ",
+" ......#$$$$$$ 999987 ",
+" .....@$$$$$$$$ 999999999 ",
+" ..... $$$$$$${6999999999 ",
+" $$$$$$$39999999999 ",
+" $$$$$49999999999 ",
+" $-/79999999999 ",
+" 5799999999999 ",
+" 9999999999999 ",
+" 999999999999 ",
+" 99999999999 ",
+" 8999999999 ",
+" 99999999 ",
+" 999 "};
Added: branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/icons/kbruch.xpm
--- branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/icons/kbruch.xpm 2005-12-03 15:45:46 UTC (rev 2512)
+++ branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/icons/kbruch.xpm 2005-12-03 16:02:31 UTC (rev 2513)
@@ -0,0 +1,241 @@
+/* XPM */
+static char * kbruch_xpm[] = {
+"32 32 206 2",
+" c None",
+". c #3B2115",
+"+ c #3C2216",
+"@ c #3D2418",
+"# c #3E2419",
+"$ c #40271B",
+"% c #41281C",
+"& c #432A1E",
+"* c #452C21",
+"= c #4A3226",
+"- c #4D362B",
+"; c #4E372C",
+"> c #543E33",
+", c #574036",
+"' c #574137",
+") c #5B463C",
+"! c #5C463C",
+"~ c #FF0100",
+"{ c #FF0201",
+"] c #FF0302",
+"^ c #FF0403",
+"/ c #FF0605",
+"( c #614C42",
+"_ c #FF0706",
+": c #FF0807",
+"< c #634E45",
+"[ c #FF0A09",
+"} c #374EBE",
+"| c #655047",
+"1 c #FF0D0C",
+"2 c #FF1110",
+"3 c #68534A",
+"4 c #6A564D",
+"5 c #6B574E",
+"6 c #FF1716",
+"7 c #6B584F",
+"8 c #6F5C53",
+"9 c #FF1E1D",
+"0 c #715E55",
+"a c #4A5EC4",
+"b c #FF2221",
+"c c #437F35",
+"d c #736158",
+"e c #FF2423",
+"f c #458138",
+"g c #FF2726",
+"h c #468239",
+"i c #FF2A29",
+"j c #78665D",
+"k c #FF2B2A",
+"l c #5266C7",
+"m c #78675E",
+"n c #79685F",
+"o c #7A6860",
+"p c #FF2E2D",
+"q c #7B6961",
+"r c #FF3332",
+"s c #7D6C64",
+"t c #7F6E66",
+"u c #7F6E67",
+"v c #538B48",
+"w c #FF3736",
+"x c #FF3837",
+"y c #FF3938",
+"z c #817069",
+"A c #5F71CB",
+"B c #FF3E3D",
+"C c #5B904F",
+"D c #5B9150",
+"E c #5C9151",
+"F c #5D9151",
+"G c #FF4443",
+"H c #5F9353",
+"I c #897972",
+"J c #609455",
+"K c #FF4746",
+"L c #FF4847",
+"M c #629657",
+"N c #8B7C74",
+"O c #FF4A49",
+"P c #639758",
+"Q c #65975A",
+"R c #FF4C4B",
+"S c #66985B",
+"T c #66985C",
+"U c #67985C",
+"V c #FF4E4D",
+"W c #68995D",
+"X c #FF5251",
+"Y c #7282D1",
+"Z c #FF5453",
+"` c #FF5756",
+" . c #709F66",
+".. c #71A067",
+"+. c #968982",
+"@. c #978983",
+"#. c #7A89D4",
+"$. c #998B85",
+"%. c #FF605F",
+"&. c #9A8D87",
+"*. c #78A46E",
+"=. c #FF6261",
+"-. c #78A56F",
+";. c #79A570",
+">. c #9C8F89",
+",. c #9D908A",
+"'. c #FF6867",
+"). c #7EA875",
+"!. c #FF6968",
+"~. c #A0938D",
+"{. c #A0948E",
+"]. c #A1958F",
+"^. c #A39791",
+"/. c #FF706F",
+"(. c #FF7170",
+"_. c #85AD7D",
+":. c #A59994",
+"<. c #86AD7E",
+"[. c #A69A95",
+"}. c #FF7473",
+"|. c #A79B95",
+"1. c #FF7877",
+"2. c #FF7A79",
+"3. c #ABA09B",
+"4. c #FF7C7B",
+"5. c #90B387",
+"6. c #FF7D7C",
+"7. c #AEA39E",
+"8. c #FF807F",
+"9. c #FF8080",
+"0. c #AFA4A0",
+"a. c #FF8585",
+"b. c #FF8686",
+"c. c #FF8787",
+"d. c #FF8888",
+"e. c #FF8A8A",
+"f. c #B5ABA7",
+"g. c #FF8E8E",
+"h. c #B8AEAA",
+"i. c #FF9090",
+"j. c #FF9191",
+"k. c #FF9292",
+"l. c #FF9393",
+"m. c #FF9494",
+"n. c #FF9595",
+"o. c #BCB3AF",
+"p. c #FF9D9D",
+"q. c #C3BBB7",
+"r. c #FFA1A1",
+"s. c #FFA2A2",
+"t. c #FFA6A6",
+"u. c #FFA8A8",
+"v. c #FFAEAE",
+"w. c #D2CDCA",
+"x. c #D4CECC",
+"y. c #D5CFCD",
+"z. c #FFBEBE",
+"A. c #FFC0C0",
+"B. c #D9D4D2",
+"C. c #FFC7C7",
+"D. c #FFCBCB",
+"E. c #DEDAD8",
+"F. c #DFDBD9",
+"G. c #FFCDCD",
+"H. c #E1DDDB",
+"I. c #FFD0D0",
+"J. c #FFD2D2",
+"K. c #FFD6D6",
+"L. c #DFE9DD",
+"M. c #E9E6E4",
+"N. c #E3E6F5",
+"O. c #E9E7E5",
+"P. c #E6EEE4",
+"Q. c #EDEAE9",
+"R. c #E8F0E7",
+"S. c #E9F0E8",
+"T. c #FFE6E6",
+"U. c #EBEEF8",
+"V. c #F0EEEE",
+"W. c #FFE8E8",
+"X. c #FFE9E9",
+"Y. c #F2F0EF",
+"Z. c #EEF3ED",
+"`. c #F3F1F0",
+" + c #FFECEC",
+".+ c #F4F3F2",
+"++ c #F2F3FA",
+"@+ c #F5F4F3",
+"#+ c #FFF0F0",
+"$+ c #F7F5F5",
+"%+ c #F6F8F5",
+"&+ c #F8F7F7",
+"*+ c #F6F9F6",
+"=+ c #F7F8FC",
+"-+ c #F7F9F7",
+";+ c #FAFAF9",
+">+ c #FFF8F8",
+",+ c #FFF9F9",
+"'+ c #FFFAFA",
+")+ c #FDFCFC",
+"!+ c #FFFCFC",
+"~+ c #FDFDFD",
+"{+ c #FFFDFD",
+"]+ c #FEFEFE",
+"^+ c #FFFEFE",
+"/+ c #FFFFFF",
+" ",
+" ",
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+" U.l } } } } } } a N.L.Q C v c h E U ).-+N.a } } } } } } l U. ",
+" /+/+/+/+/+/+/+/+ /+/+]+F H /+/+/+ /+/+/+/+/+/+/+/+ ",
+" /+$+$.7 4 ,. at +/+ /+S W /+ /+X.a.n.!+/+ ",
+" ]+( . . . . 8 /+ /+-.;./+ >+k ~ ~ j./+ ",
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+" /+x.. . M.y.. . Q. /+J./ 2 Z ~ %./+ ",
+" )+| . * % . o /+ {+w ~ g.'.~ %./+ ",
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+" /+m . 4 /+/+' . N /+ /+m.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ J./+",
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+" /+V.~.d m [.&+/+ /+I.R C./+ ",
+" /+/+/+/+/+/+ /+/+/+ ",
+" ",
+" "};
Added: branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/icons/keduca.xpm
--- branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/icons/keduca.xpm 2005-12-03 15:45:46 UTC (rev 2512)
+++ branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/icons/keduca.xpm 2005-12-03 16:02:31 UTC (rev 2513)
@@ -0,0 +1,291 @@
+/* XPM */
+static char * keduca_xpm[] = {
+"32 32 256 2",
+" c None",
+". c #2D0001",
+"+ c #370001",
+"@ c #3B0000",
+"# c #3A0609",
+"$ c #400406",
+"% c #490003",
+"& c #460202",
+"* c #430602",
+"= c #4F0203",
+"- c #560000",
+"; c #4D0703",
+"> c #540608",
+", c #570904",
+"' c #6C0004",
+") c #5E070A",
+"! c #760004",
+"~ c #680802",
+"{ c #68080A",
+"] c #630D08",
+"^ c #820000",
+"/ c #7B0600",
+"( c #8D0205",
+"_ c #750D0D",
+": c #6F1110",
+"< c #7E0B0C",
+"[ c #900500",
+"} c #791216",
+"| c #741614",
+"1 c #343A02",
+"2 c #930C0A",
+"3 c #5F2223",
+"4 c #7D1719",
+"5 c #642D00",
+"6 c #891A1A",
+"7 c #831D1D",
+"8 c #9A1716",
+"9 c #99171C",
+"0 c #006A02",
+"a c #882220",
+"b c #7D2827",
+"c c #6E2F2E",
+"d c #116700",
+"e c #912325",
+"f c #0E6E00",
+"g c #8D2724",
+"h c #0C6F09",
+"i c #A11F21",
+"j c #196C05",
+"k c #8F292B",
+"l c #9C2425",
+"m c #A32222",
+"n c #1E6F0B",
+"o c #932D2E",
+"p c #992B2B",
+"q c #197402",
+"r c #A12A29",
+"s c #1E7500",
+"t c #983231",
+"u c #277405",
+"v c #1F7808",
+"w c #1A7D00",
+"x c #AB2B2D",
+"y c #257A00",
+"z c #316D2B",
+"A c #9D3635",
+"B c #2E7A0E",
+"C c #AC3431",
+"D c #327C02",
+"E c #A23B39",
+"F c #A93936",
+"G c #367F07",
+"H c #A53E41",
+"I c #A14141",
+"J c #7E5051",
+"K c #924849",
+"L c #338610",
+"M c #3A830D",
+"N c #388804",
+"O c #B04041",
+"P c #AB4340",
+"Q c #3D8511",
+"R c #3B8331",
+"S c #AD4548",
+"T c #AA4948",
+"U c #448A0A",
+"V c #B1494B",
+"W c #389212",
+"X c #409011",
+"Y c #488E10",
+"Z c #B04F53",
+"` c #B3514F",
+" . c #4B9114",
+".. c #4E9207",
+"+. c #B15656",
+"@. c #4E9419",
+"#. c #52960E",
+"$. c #BB5856",
+"%. c #B65B5A",
+"&. c #956B69",
+"*. c #549A20",
+"=. c #BA5E5D",
+"-. c #5C9F0D",
+";. c #60A100",
+">. c #5C9F1C",
+",. c #5A9F26",
+"'. c #B96460",
+"). c #629E1C",
+"!. c #68A100",
+"~. c #7E807D",
+"{. c #5F9B43",
+"]. c #64A504",
+"^. c #BA695E",
+"/. c #BB6769",
+"(. c #699848",
+"_. c #64A129",
+":. c #838482",
+"<. c #6DA60A",
+"[. c #6BA61A",
+"}. c #69A525",
+"|. c #C16C6D",
+"1. c #868784",
+"2. c #69A62E",
+"3. c #BE706E",
+"4. c #C36F76",
+"5. c #888A87",
+"6. c #73AC16",
+"7. c #6FAB2B",
+"8. c #74AD18",
+"9. c #C37473",
+"0. c #A68858",
+"a. c #73A933",
+"b. c #C87977",
+"c. c #7AAE30",
+"d. c #79AF39",
+"e. c #919390",
+"f. c #C67E7F",
+"g. c #80B22B",
+"h. c #A88C8B",
+"i. c #82B322",
+"j. c #CA7D86",
+"k. c #7DB23C",
+"l. c #80B53F",
+"m. c #CB8284",
+"n. c #82B638",
+"o. c #84B730",
+"p. c #C88685",
+"q. c #AE9486",
+"r. c #88B642",
+"s. c #9D9B9F",
+"t. c #CB8988",
+"u. c #C78C88",
+"v. c #9A9FA1",
+"w. c #82B47B",
+"x. c #8ABD36",
+"y. c #8EBB3E",
+"z. c #8CBB46",
+"A. c #91BC37",
+"B. c #AEA661",
+"C. c #D08E8C",
+"D. c #90BD41",
+"E. c #8AC332",
+"F. c #8EBE50",
+"G. c #91BF4A",
+"H. c #D29195",
+"I. c #BE9B9C",
+"J. c #D09491",
+"K. c #D09698",
+"L. c #9AC14D",
+"M. c #99C154",
+"N. c #97BF6E",
+"O. c #CA9D9A",
+"P. c #99C35D",
+"Q. c #97C758",
+"R. c #D59B9C",
+"S. c #CAA48D",
+"T. c #C7A3A4",
+"U. c #9CC660",
+"V. c #A2C16B",
+"W. c #D39F9F",
+"X. c #A4C762",
+"Y. c #A4C86A",
+"Z. c #BBB883",
+"`. c #DF9FA9",
+" + c #D9A4A4",
+".+ c #9FCF60",
+"++ c #A8CC6E",
+"@+ c #ACCD61",
+"#+ c #DCA8A7",
+"$+ c #C4BB8F",
+"%+ c #BAB8BC",
+"&+ c #DAACA9",
+"*+ c #AAC898",
+"=+ c #B6BBBE",
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+"^+ c #BAD78D",
+"/+ c #BCDA96",
+"(+ c #BFDB91",
+"_+ c #E5C0C1",
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+"}+ c #CECED9",
+"|+ c #C5DEA2",
+"1+ c #CCDEA3",
+"2+ c #E9CAC9",
+"3+ c #CAE1B1",
+"4+ c #CEE3AE",
+"5+ c #ECCECD",
+"6+ c #D5E0BA",
+"7+ c #EAD3D0",
+"8+ c #D3E6AA",
+"9+ c #D4E4B6",
+"0+ c #EDD6D3",
+"a+ c #D5E7BF",
+"b+ c #D8E8BA",
+"c+ c #EDD9DB",
+"d+ c #D8ECB6",
+"e+ c #D8EAC2",
+"f+ c #DFE0EA",
+"g+ c #EBDEDE",
+"h+ c #F1DCDE",
+"i+ c #E0EDCD",
+"j+ c #E8E5EA",
+"k+ c #F2E4E5",
+"l+ c #E8EECF",
+"m+ c #EBE9ED",
+"n+ c #E8F3CC",
+"o+ c #E3F4D9",
+"p+ c #EAF2D9",
+"q+ c #EAEFF2",
+"r+ c #F8EAEB",
+"s+ c #F1F5E4",
+"t+ c #F9F0E9",
+"u+ c #F0F7EC",
+"v+ c #EFFAE7",
+"w+ c #F9F3F2",
+"x+ c #F2F9EE",
+"y+ c #F8F5FA",
+"z+ c #F6FAE9",
+"A+ c #F2FCF7",
+"B+ c #FDF7F6",
+"C+ c #F5FAFD",
+"D+ c #FBFAF1",
+"E+ c #FAFCF9",
+"F+ c #FFFCFA",
+"G+ c #FEFFFC",
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+"G+/+y.;+X.Y.P.P.M.M.M.r.r.c.a+G+G+'+6 k k 7 4 4 4 4 | : | ^ C.G+",
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+"C+9+g.P.F.r.r.r.k.d.d.a.2.>.[+G+C+{+_ | | | : : ] ] ) ) ) ( #+G+",
+"G+p+i.r.r.d.d.d.a.a.}._._.#.N.G+C+G+K { : ] ) ) ) ) ) > : 8 5+G+",
+" y+L.c.d.d.2.2._._.,._. at .@.X [+o+q.b { { ] ) ) ) > > ; _ F y+ ",
+" C+:+6.a.}._.,.*.*. at .@. . at .N Q W 1 - = > , > > > > ; > ( C.G+ ",
+" G+v+g.[.*._.#. at .Y U U Q M M M D (.T.I.c > > > ; ; & ~ i 0+G+ ",
+" y+:+<.*.Q .Q Q Q Q L G D s (.A+G+F+k+3 & ; ; $ ; [ C.G+ ",
+" E+L.!.Y L U L M G B v v f *+C+G+G+C+&.$ % $ & ( V y+G+ ",
+" y+v+x.[.G B v v G B B u 0 w.G+G+G+G+J # $ $ < x 0+G+ ",
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+" G+C+4+D.<.#.G q d d d d 0 w 5 ( x +y+F+ ",
+" y+G+8+ at +A.8.-.[.-.[.6.E.B.`.F+C+ ",
+" :.~.e.=+m+C+z+i+b+8+8+b+i+x+C+q+%+e.~.1.1. ",
+" 5.:.1.1.1.:.1.s.%+}+f+f+k+f+}+%+v.5.:.:.:. ",
+" 5.:.1.:.:.1.:.1.1.:.:.:.~.1.:.1.:.1. "};
Added: branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/icons/khangman.xpm
--- branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/icons/khangman.xpm 2005-12-03 15:45:46 UTC (rev 2512)
+++ branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/icons/khangman.xpm 2005-12-03 16:02:31 UTC (rev 2513)
@@ -0,0 +1,224 @@
+/* XPM */
+static char * khangman_xpm[] = {
+"32 32 189 2",
+" c None",
+". c #3B2115",
+"+ c #3C2216",
+"@ c #3D2217",
+"# c #3D2317",
+"$ c #3D2318",
+"% c #3D2418",
+"& c #3E2419",
+"* c #422315",
+"= c #3F251A",
+"- c #432415",
+"; c #40271B",
+"> c #41281C",
+", c #42291D",
+"' c #4C2614",
+") c #422A1E",
+"! c #432A1E",
+"~ c #432B1F",
+"{ c #462A1D",
+"] c #442B20",
+"^ c #452C21",
+"/ c #452D22",
+"( c #462D22",
+"_ c #472E23",
+": c #472F24",
+"< c #483025",
+"[ c #4A3227",
+"} c #4B3328",
+"| c #5E2D17",
+"1 c #4C3429",
+"2 c #5A301D",
+"3 c #4C352A",
+"4 c #4D352A",
+"5 c #4F382D",
+"6 c #50392E",
+"7 c #51392F",
+"8 c #6E3216",
+"9 c #6F3216",
+"0 c #533C31",
+"a c #703318",
+"b c #543E33",
+"c c #71351A",
+"d c #563F35",
+"e c #72361B",
+"f c #574036",
+"g c #594339",
+"h c #5B453B",
+"i c #763C22",
+"j c #5B463C",
+"k c #634638",
+"l c #784026",
+"m c #5F4A40",
+"n c #604B41",
+"o c #7B442A",
+"p c #624D44",
+"q c #7A462D",
+"r c #655047",
+"s c #7E482F",
+"t c #655147",
+"u c #665248",
+"v c #6A564D",
+"w c #6C5950",
+"x c #85513A",
+"y c #71584C",
+"z c #6E5A52",
+"A c #87553F",
+"B c #726057",
+"C c #736158",
+"D c #746159",
+"E c #75625A",
+"F c #75635B",
+"G c #76645C",
+"H c #8D5D46",
+"I c #77655D",
+"J c #78665D",
+"K c #7E6458",
+"L c #90614C",
+"M c #7B6961",
+"N c #936550",
+"O c #946651",
+"P c #817069",
+"Q c #85756D",
+"R c #877770",
+"S c #897A73",
+"T c #8A7B74",
+"U c #9F7664",
+"V c #8C7D76",
+"W c #8D7E77",
+"X c #A27C6A",
+"Y c #A47D6B",
+"Z c #92837D",
+"` c #94867F",
+" . c #958780",
+".. c #A78271",
+"+. c #968881",
+"@. c #998B84",
+"#. c #998B85",
+"$. c #9A8D87",
+"%. c #9B8E88",
+"&. c #9D908A",
+"*. c #AE8B7B",
+"=. c #AA8D7F",
+"-. c #A39791",
+";. c #A49792",
+">. c #B39284",
+",. c #A59994",
+"'. c #A99D98",
+"). c #B89B8D",
+"!. c #B99B8E",
+"~. c #AFA4A0",
+"{. c #B0A5A0",
+"]. c #C0A69A",
+"^. c #C1A79B",
+"/. c #B5ABA7",
+"(. c #BBB2AD",
+"_. c #BBB2AE",
+":. c #BEB5B1",
+"<. c #C9B2A7",
+"[. c #BEB6B2",
+"}. c #CBB5AB",
+"|. c #C3BBB7",
+"1. c #C9C2BF",
+"2. c #CAC3C0",
+"3. c #CBC4C0",
+"4. c #CBC4C1",
+"5. c #D4C2BA",
+"6. c #CFC8C5",
+"7. c #CFC9C6",
+"8. c #D0CAC7",
+"9. c #D5D0CD",
+"0. c #D6D1CE",
+"a. c #DDCFC8",
+"b. c #DED0CA",
+"c. c #DFD1CB",
+"d. c #D9D3D1",
+"e. c #DAD5D3",
+"f. c #E1D4CF",
+"g. c #E2D5CF",
+"h. c #E2D6D0",
+"i. c #DCD8D6",
+"j. c #DDD9D7",
+"k. c #DEDAD8",
+"l. c #E4D9D4",
+"m. c #E0DCDA",
+"n. c #E2DEDC",
+"o. c #E3DFDD",
+"p. c #E3E0DE",
+"q. c #E8DFDA",
+"r. c #E4E1DF",
+"s. c #E5E1E0",
+"t. c #E5E2DF",
+"u. c #E6E2E1",
+"v. c #E7E4E2",
+"w. c #E7E4E3",
+"x. c #EBE3DF",
+"y. c #E8E5E3",
+"z. c #ECE4E0",
+"A. c #EDE5E2",
+"B. c #EBE6E3",
+"C. c #E9E7E5",
+"D. c #EAE7E6",
+"E. c #EBE8E7",
+"F. c #ECE9E8",
+"G. c #F0EAE7",
+"H. c #EDEBEA",
+"I. c #EEEBEA",
+"J. c #EEECEA",
+"K. c #F1EBE8",
+"L. c #EEECEB",
+"M. c #F1ECE9",
+"N. c #EFEDEC",
+"O. c #F2F0EF",
+"P. c #F4F0EE",
+"Q. c #F3F1F0",
+"R. c #F3F2F1",
+"S. c #F7F4F2",
+"T. c #F8F5F3",
+"U. c #F8F5F4",
+"V. c #F7F6F6",
+"W. c #F8F7F7",
+"X. c #F9F8F8",
+"Y. c #FAF8F7",
+"Z. c #FAF9F8",
+"`. c #FBF9F9",
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+".+ c #FCFCFB",
+"++ c #FCFCFC",
+"@+ c #FDFCFB",
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+" #+j.e.e.e.e.e.e.e.e.e.e.e.e.e.e.e.e.e.F. ",
+" #+-.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 O. ",
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+" #+I > #+ #+N q.#+ ",
+" #+I , #+ #+M.L S.#+ ",
+" #+I , #+ #+Z.X l `.#+ ",
+" #+G , #+ #+ at +G.O e a b.#+ ",
+" #+G ! #+ #+T.x o h.K.U ].#+ ",
+" #+G ! #+ #+f.!.>.z.#+U.H x.#+#+ ",
+" #+F ! #+ #+s Y #+#+#+}.i B.u.n.#+ #+R.#+#+#+ ",
+" #+F ~ #+ #+#+*.P.#+#+#+^.g._ . t #+#+p.( 7 P L.#+",
+" #+F ~ #+ #+a.c K.#+Q.x.9 c._ . t #+X.n . . S #+ ",
+" #+F ~ #+ S.H <.3.[ y A J._ . t #+T . . u +#+ ",
+" #+E ] #+ #+#+U q * - | '._ . t (.. . 4 D.#+ ",
+" #+E ] #+ #+A...k ' 8 j._ . 7 ] . = 8.#+ ",
+" #+E ] #+ #+#+V { =.#+_ . . . . j .+#+ ",
+" #+D ^ #+ #+#+#+W.: R #+#+_ . p r . . #.#+ ",
+" #+D ^ #+ #+;.m ; . 4.#+#+_ . t o.! . # 6.#+ ",
+" #+D ^ #+ #+J . . . 9.#+#+_ . t #+~.. . 7 O.#+ ",
+" #+C ( #+ 1.R b . |.#+#+_ . t #+#+D . . M #+ ",
+" #+C ( #+ ++b M #+#+: 1 Q #+#+H.[ 0 W Q. ",
+" #+C ( #+ #+$.+ 7.#+X.#+#+#+#+4.:.#+#+#+ ",
+" #+N./ @ r.#+ #+L.6 . , (..+#+#+Q.S . = [.#+#+ ",
+" #+E.h ) $ 5 m.#+ #+z . . } + < B g # # } . % [.#+ ",
+" #+#+w.d h w ( v 1 i.#+#+ #+{.# Z V.j.v . . G v.V.` ] k.#+ ",
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+" y.] . . . . . . . . . . + 2.#+ D.. . s.#+ ",
+" #+C.e.e.e.e.e.e.e.e.e.e.n.#+ #+0.d.#+ ",
+" #+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+ "};
Added: branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/icons/kig.xpm
--- branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/icons/kig.xpm 2005-12-03 15:45:46 UTC (rev 2512)
+++ branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/icons/kig.xpm 2005-12-03 16:02:31 UTC (rev 2513)
@@ -0,0 +1,291 @@
+/* XPM */
+static char * kig_xpm[] = {
+"32 32 256 2",
+" c None",
+". c #6A2800",
+"+ c #4E504D",
+"@ c #654A44",
+"# c #B82C0D",
+"$ c #565855",
+"% c #C42E0C",
+"& c #5E5C5A",
+"* c #C13C17",
+"= c #C13C1E",
+"- c #60625F",
+"; c #9F4D4B",
+"> c #985557",
+", c #A94F50",
+"' c #985A54",
+") c #6B6D6A",
+"! c #A85843",
+"~ c #AF544E",
+"{ c #8F6357",
+"] c #AD5E29",
+"^ c #BA5152",
+"/ c #A75E4B",
+"( c #A4614C",
+"_ c #D44F40",
+": c #C2564C",
+"< c #D7513C",
+"[ c #876C88",
+"} c #B45F5C",
+"| c #CE5C36",
+"1 c #837682",
+"2 c #B06759",
+"3 c #C56736",
+"4 c #DA5757",
+"5 c #B26B67",
+"6 c #B66E4D",
+"7 c #D75C5D",
+"8 c #DF5E3E",
+"9 c #C5694A",
+"0 c #D5683E",
+"a c #DF643A",
+"b c #698AB1",
+"c c #BA764D",
+"d c #DF692E",
+"e c #BB7269",
+"f c #B17964",
+"g c #BF7749",
+"h c #6390C2",
+"i c #E56837",
+"j c #DF6F29",
+"k c #B77676",
+"l c #608DED",
+"m c #898B88",
+"n c #D47728",
+"o c #DE6F38",
+"p c #DB733F",
+"q c #918B8A",
+"r c #AF826E",
+"s c #D57938",
+"t c #8F918E",
+"u c #E57928",
+"v c #FF7600",
+"w c #639AFA",
+"x c #C2817F",
+"y c #7696E5",
+"z c #66A0DE",
+"A c #6C9AF4",
+"B c #F77B20",
+"C c #EB8026",
+"D c #D97A78",
+"E c #5EA0FE",
+"F c #CF8751",
+"G c #C28588",
+"H c #64A2ED",
+"I c #B58B8E",
+"J c #A9918F",
+"K c #E08349",
+"L c #DB7A8B",
+"M c #E0834F",
+"N c #FF8200",
+"O c #D38A4E",
+"P c #61A5FD",
+"Q c #F87274",
+"R c #EB8539",
+"S c #CC868C",
+"T c #71A1F5",
+"U c #E4874C",
+"V c #E38A3F",
+"W c #C38B93",
+"X c #F5777C",
+"Y c #6DA5FE",
+"Z c #C28F8F",
+"` c #AA9B96",
+" . c #DA8A6F",
+".. c #75A4F9",
+"+. c #B0999C",
+"@. c #C29196",
+"#. c #DA9449",
+"$. c #FE9000",
+"%. c #EB8C4A",
+"&. c #D9898D",
+"*. c #70AAFD",
+"=. c #D58C8D",
+"-. c #FE9207",
+";. c #CC9199",
+">. c #D68CA0",
+",. c #EB914D",
+"'. c #E18A90",
+"). c #EA9153",
+"!. c #DC9859",
+"~. c #B3A0A2",
+"{. c #A5A7A4",
+"]. c #E9898D",
+"^. c #D49397",
+"/. c #EF9449",
+"(. c #7CAEFB",
+"_. c #DD9A61",
+":. c #E99656",
+"<. c #FF9B00",
+"[. c #E99A43",
+"}. c #E8965C",
+"|. c #EB9750",
+"1. c #6EB6FF",
+"2. c #BBA29A",
+"3. c #C69C9F",
+"4. c #F4973E",
+"5. c #86B1F9",
+"6. c #E09697",
+"7. c #8EB3F6",
+"8. c #E99F6E",
+"9. c #BBACA7",
+"0. c #FFA70A",
+"a. c #FFA900",
+"b. c #EB979B",
+"c. c #F3A73E",
+"d. c #E3A95F",
+"e. c #FEAD00",
+"f. c #FEAE10",
+"g. c #9FBBD2",
+"h. c #8EBCFE",
+"i. c #A2B6E9",
+"j. c #C0B3B4",
+"k. c #C7AFB9",
+"l. c #9ABFE1",
+"m. c #DDA8A8",
+"n. c #FFB125",
+"o. c #F2A0A4",
+"p. c #94C0FC",
+"q. c #F7B045",
+"r. c #F6AC60",
+"s. c #FEB430",
+"t. c #FEB543",
+"u. c #FFBA2A",
+"v. c #E6B29E",
+"w. c #96CAFE",
+"x. c #F0B86C",
+"y. c #A8C4F6",
+"z. c #FEBB3E",
+"A. c #FFBC36",
+"B. c #FBB767",
+"C. c #FFBF49",
+"D. c #F5BB7C",
+"E. c #D4BFC2",
+"F. c #D1C0C8",
+"G. c #F7BC77",
+"H. c #A7CDFD",
+"I. c #ADCDF8",
+"J. c #F4C36D",
+"K. c #F6BE85",
+"L. c #DBC0C4",
+"M. c #E3BEBE",
+"N. c #EABEAE",
+"O. c #F5C180",
+"P. c #DAC1CB",
+"Q. c #EEC198",
+"R. c #F4C286",
+"S. c #B7CFF5",
+"T. c #F3C87D",
+"U. c #BFCEEF",
+"V. c #D1CCCA",
+"W. c #FFCA58",
+"X. c #D0CDD2",
+"Y. c #F9C978",
+"Z. c #DBCBC6",
+"`. c #FFCC61",
+" + c #BCD3F3",
+".+ c #FECF62",
+"++ c #E9C6CC",
+"@+ c #FFCA82",
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+"$+ c #F4D17C",
+"%+ c #FFCD76",
+"&+ c #FED06A",
+"*+ c #FFCF72",
+"=+ c #D1D7D9",
+"-+ c #FFD373",
+";+ c #FDD08B",
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+"^+ c #FED689",
+"/+ c #EAD3D0",
+"(+ c #FDDA84",
+"_+ c #FBDC7F",
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+"<+ c #FFD992",
+"[+ c #DBDCE6",
+"}+ c #FFE074",
+"|+ c #FEDC8D",
+"1+ c #DDDEE8",
+"2+ c #DEE0DD",
+"3+ c #FAE383",
+"4+ c #DBDFEF",
+"5+ c #FEDE95",
+"6+ c #CFE3FC",
+"7+ c #FFDCA1",
+"8+ c #E0E2DF",
+"9+ c #FBE58B",
+"0+ c #E0E1EC",
+"a+ c #FFE09D",
+"b+ c #FFE48D",
+"c+ c #FEE881",
+"d+ c #FBEA88",
+"e+ c #FFE3A6",
+"f+ c #E6E4E8",
+"g+ c #FEE6A1",
+"h+ c #F2E2DD",
+"i+ c #FCEC90",
+"j+ c #E3E8EB",
+"k+ c #FDEA9C",
+"l+ c #E6E6F1",
+"m+ c #FFE6AF",
+"n+ c #E7E9E6",
+"o+ c #EAE7EC",
+"p+ c #EDEAEF",
+"q+ c #EAEBF6",
+"r+ c #FFF29C",
+"s+ c #F6E9E9",
+"t+ c #EFECF1",
+"u+ c #E7EFF8",
+"v+ c #F0EDF2",
+"w+ c #EEF0ED",
+"x+ c #FCECE7",
+"y+ c #F2EFF4",
+"z+ c #F8F1DC",
+"A+ c #EEF3F6",
+"B+ c #F5F2F7",
+"C+ c #F9F6FB",
+"D+ c #F9FBF8",
+"E+ c #F7FCFF",
+"F+ c #FFFCFA",
+"G+ c #FDFFFC",
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+" R u.0.f.a ~.j+o+0+*.4+p+o+b.++j+A+j+u+j+u+T >.j+q+B+{.& ",
+" 7 4.s.< j.1+f+l+o+ +P j+j+b.L.l+l+p+f+l+5.i.].p+p+B+{.- ",
+" ^ & D+o+j+l+f+o+S.E S.b.++j+o+l+ +A y.]+&.u+l+q+{.& ",
+" ) C+l+f+j+l+f+f+0+5.l A 7.P w 5.4+j+#+&.f+f+q+j.& ",
+" ) w+l+f+f+0+0+f+j+j+^.P.U.1+f+0+f+f+/+&.1+f+u+{.- ",
+" ) C+f+1+1+f+f+1+1+1+^.L.]+j+[+j+1+1+#+G 0+0+o+{.& ",
+" ) B+1+1+[+1+0+f+1+1+ at .F.1+1+[+1+1+,+>+G f+1+l+{.& ",
+" ) A+1+1+1+1+]+[+,+1+;.W at .G [+1+q+{.- ",
+" ) C+[+[+[+1+[+1+[+[+F.k.k.k.k.k.k.k.k.F.[+[+l+{.& ",
+" ) D+v+t+t+q+q+t+v+j+A+v+v+v+v+v+v+v+v+j+p+v+q+j.& ",
+" & t t t q q t t q t q q q q q m m m q m m m m ) - ",
+" "};
Added: branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/icons/kiten.xpm
--- branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/icons/kiten.xpm 2005-12-03 15:45:46 UTC (rev 2512)
+++ branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/icons/kiten.xpm 2005-12-03 16:02:31 UTC (rev 2513)
@@ -0,0 +1,176 @@
+/* XPM */
+static char * kiten_xpm[] = {
+"32 32 141 2",
+" c None",
+". c #3F3F3F",
+"+ c #D40000",
+"@ c #D40202",
+"# c #424242",
+"$ c #DD0000",
+"% c #DE0000",
+"& c #DE0202",
+"* c #E70000",
+"= c #464646",
+"- c #E70303",
+"; c #F00000",
+"> c #F10000",
+", c #494949",
+"' c #E70606",
+") c #FA0000",
+"! c #4B4B4C",
+"~ c #F10405",
+"{ c #F00505",
+"] c #F00707",
+"^ c #E71213",
+"/ c #525253",
+"( c #535354",
+"_ c #5D5D5E",
+": c #5F5F61",
+"< c #E72526",
+"[ c #606062",
+"} c #626264",
+"| c #D83133",
+"1 c #646464",
+"2 c #656566",
+"3 c #676769",
+"4 c #686869",
+"5 c #E03739",
+"6 c #6A6A6C",
+"7 c #6A6A6D",
+"8 c #6D6D72",
+"9 c #6E6E72",
+"0 c #6F6F72",
+"a c #727276",
+"b c #747477",
+"c c #747479",
+"d c #F63D3F",
+"e c #7A7A7D",
+"f c #7A7A7F",
+"g c #7B7B81",
+"h c #F5484A",
+"i c #E25658",
+"j c #828287",
+"k c #86868A",
+"l c #EE5B5D",
+"m c #88888E",
+"n c #8A8A90",
+"o c #909095",
+"p c #939398",
+"q c #ED7376",
+"r c #9797A0",
+"s c #9A9AA0",
+"t c #9D9DA4",
+"u c #F27E81",
+"v c #A1A1A6",
+"w c #A4A4AA",
+"x c #EF898D",
+"y c #A9A9B2",
+"z c #AAAAB1",
+"A c #E59599",
+"B c #ADADB6",
+"C c #AEAEB4",
+"D c #EE979C",
+"E c #E29DA1",
+"F c #B2B2B7",
+"G c #B5B5BD",
+"H c #F09DA1",
+"I c #B6B6BC",
+"J c #B8B8C0",
+"K c #B8B8C1",
+"L c #B9B9C1",
+"M c #EBA6AA",
+"N c #F0A4A8",
+"O c #E3AAAE",
+"P c #BBBBC4",
+"Q c #C0C0CB",
+"R c #C1C1D0",
+"S c #C2C2D0",
+"T c #C3C3CE",
+"U c #C4C4CE",
+"V c #EAB7BD",
+"W c #C7C7CE",
+"X c #C7C7D2",
+"Y c #C7C7D3",
+"Z c #EBBABF",
+"` c #C9C9D3",
+" . c #CCCCD6",
+".. c #CECEDB",
+"+. c #CFCFDB",
+"@. c #D0D0D6",
+"#. c #D0D0D9",
+"$. c #E9C6CC",
+"%. c #D2D2DE",
+"&. c #EBC9CF",
+"*. c #D3D3DE",
+"=. c #D3D3DF",
+"-. c #E9CDD2",
+";. c #D7D7E1",
+">. c #E7D1D7",
+",. c #D8D8E0",
+"'. c #D8D8E3",
+"). c #DADAE0",
+"!. c #DADAE3",
+"~. c #DCDCE5",
+"{. c #ECD6DC",
+"]. c #DDDDE4",
+"^. c #EAD9DF",
+"/. c #DEDEE7",
+"(. c #ECD9DE",
+"_. c #DFDFE7",
+":. c #E1E1E9",
+"<. c #E9DFE5",
+"[. c #E9E0E5",
+"}. c #E3E3EA",
+"|. c #E5E3EA",
+"1. c #E5E5EC",
+"2. c #E9E4EA",
+"3. c #E9E5EB",
+"4. c #E7E7ED",
+"5. c #E8E8EE",
+"6. c #E8E8EF",
+"7. c #E9E8EE",
+"8. c #E9E9EF",
+"9. c #EAEAF0",
+"0. c #EBEBF1",
+"a. c #EFEFF3",
+"b. c #F0F0F4",
+"c. c #F1F1F4",
+"d. c #F2F2F6",
+"e. c #F4F4F7",
+"f. c #F6F6F8",
+"g. c #F7F7F9",
+"h. c #F8F8FA",
+"i. c #FCFCFD",
+"j. c #FDFDFD",
+" ",
+" ",
+" ",
+" ",
+" } a o w I F k b ",
+" _ c B ` /.a.e.h.j.i.g.8. .: ",
+" 1 e 6 n P !.[ ",
+" 4 b.).y g 3 0 f j p G #.:.[ ",
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+" 4 e.f.9./.*.%.'._.1.8.8.-.i @ + $ - M 0.b.e.h.j.i.g.d.1.[ ",
+" 4 e.f.9./.*.%.'._.1.8.Z ^ % + + $ * ] {.b.e.h.j.i.g.d.1.[ ",
+" 4 e.f.9./.*.%.'._.1.&.~ * % + + $ * ; H b.e.h.j.i.g.d.1.[ ",
+" 4 e.f.9./.*.%.'._.1.h > * % + + $ * ; u b.e.h.j.i.g.d.1.[ ",
+" 4 e.f.9./.*.%.'._.$.) > * % + + $ * ; N b.e.h.j.i.g.d.1.[ ",
+" 4 e.f.9./.*.%.'._.D ) > * % + + $ * { (.b.e.h.j.i.g.d.1.[ ",
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+" 4 e.f.9./.*.%.'._.V ) > * % + + $ < <.0.b.e.h.j.i.g.d.1.[ ",
+" 4 e.f.9./.*.%.'._.|.d > * % + + 5 [.8.0.b.e.h.j.i.g.d.1.[ ",
+" 4 e.f.9./.*.%.'._.1.^.l ' & | E[ ",
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+" 4 e.f.9./.*.%.'._. r 8 ! , 7 ( ",
+" @.c.9./.*.%.'._.1.8.4.,.J m / ",
+" 9 t Q R S Y U L s 2 , ",
+" . # = , . ",
+" ",
+" ",
+" ",
+" "};
Added: branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/icons/klatin.xpm
--- branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/icons/klatin.xpm 2005-12-03 15:45:46 UTC (rev 2512)
+++ branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/icons/klatin.xpm 2005-12-03 16:02:31 UTC (rev 2513)
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+/* XPM */
+static char * klatin_xpm[] = {
+"32 32 51 1",
+" c None",
+". c #00193F",
+"+ c #162E51",
+"@ c #445773",
+"# c #455A77",
+"$ c #7F8FA4",
+"% c #8191A6",
+"& c #8494A8",
+"* c #8494A9",
+"= c #8897AC",
+"- c #8898AC",
+"; c #8999AD",
+"> c #8A99AD",
+", c #8A9AAE",
+"' c #A79A9F",
+") c #A89EA4",
+"! c #A89FA5",
+"~ c #A89FA6",
+"{ c #A9A4AD",
+"] c #AAA5AE",
+"^ c #AAA6AF",
+"/ c #ABAAB4",
+"( c #ABACB6",
+"_ c #ACAEB9",
+": c #ACAFBB",
+"< c #ACB0BC",
+"[ c #ACB1BD",
+"} c #ADB6C4",
+"| c #AEB7C5",
+"1 c #AEB7C6",
+"2 c #AEB9C8",
+"3 c #AEBCCC",
+"4 c #AFBCCB",
+"5 c #AFBCCC",
+"6 c #AFBDCC",
+"7 c #AFBDCD",
+"8 c #B0BECE",
+"9 c #B5C2D1",
+"0 c #B6C3D1",
+"a c #B8C4D2",
+"b c #B8C5D3",
+"c c #BFCAD7",
+"d c #BFCBD7",
+"e c #C1CCD8",
+"f c #C2CCD9",
+"g c #DBE1E8",
+"h c #DDE3EA",
+"i c #DEE4EA",
+"j c #DEE4EB",
+"k c #FEFEFE",
+"l c #FFFFFF",
+" ",
+" ",
+" ",
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+" ",
+" ",
+" ",
+" ",
+" ",
+" ",
+" ",
+" ",
+" ",
+" "};
Added: branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/icons/klettres.xpm
--- branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/icons/klettres.xpm 2005-12-03 15:45:46 UTC (rev 2512)
+++ branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/icons/klettres.xpm 2005-12-03 16:02:31 UTC (rev 2513)
@@ -0,0 +1,241 @@
+/* XPM */
+static char * klettres_xpm[] = {
+"32 32 206 2",
+" c None",
+". c #000002",
+"+ c #00000C",
+"@ c #00000D",
+"# c #000010",
+"$ c #000011",
+"% c #000012",
+"& c #000013",
+"* c #000014",
+"= c #000017",
+"- c #00001A",
+"; c #000021",
+"> c #000022",
+", c #000023",
+"' c #0D0000",
+") c #020215",
+"! c #0F0000",
+"~ c #02021B",
+"{ c #030313",
+"] c #100000",
+"^ c #110000",
+"/ c #000030",
+"( c #120000",
+"_ c #0E0202",
+": c #130000",
+"< c #140000",
+"[ c #150000",
+"} c #00003A",
+"| c #130101",
+"1 c #160000",
+"2 c #170000",
+"3 c #050517",
+"4 c #180000",
+"5 c #190000",
+"6 c #1A0000",
+"7 c #1B0000",
+"8 c #120505",
+"9 c #000051",
+"0 c #010149",
+"a c #080816",
+"b c #200000",
+"c c #080817",
+"d c #010153",
+"e c #240000",
+"f c #000063",
+"g c #0A0A16",
+"h c #00006E",
+"i c #000070",
+"j c #2A0000",
+"k c #00007B",
+"l c #000081",
+"m c #000084",
+"n c #000085",
+"o c #000086",
+"p c #020276",
+"q c #000087",
+"r c #00008D",
+"s c #101010",
+"t c #000097",
+"u c #000098",
+"v c #000099",
+"w c #00009A",
+"x c #111111",
+"y c #0000A1",
+"z c #0000A3",
+"A c #121212",
+"B c #0000A5",
+"C c #0000A9",
+"D c #0000AA",
+"E c #0E0E39",
+"F c #0000AB",
+"G c #0000AC",
+"H c #131313",
+"I c #0000AD",
+"J c #410000",
+"K c #121221",
+"L c #121222",
+"M c #0301AA",
+"N c #151515",
+"O c #131327",
+"P c #161616",
+"Q c #0904A3",
+"R c #4C0101",
+"S c #17171D",
+"T c #23121D",
+"U c #18181E",
+"V c #191919",
+"W c #1B191A",
+"X c #560000",
+"Y c #281414",
+"Z c #2D1212",
+"` c #12079A",
+" . c #2F1212",
+".. c #5B0000",
+"+. c #281616",
+"@. c #5C0000",
+"#. c #1C1C1C",
+"$. c #291717",
+"%. c #520606",
+"&. c #610000",
+"*. c #1E1D1E",
+"=. c #1E1E1E",
+"-. c #1C0B8F",
+";. c #1F1F1F",
+">. c #1F0C8B",
+",. c #6A0000",
+"'. c #640303",
+"). c #650404",
+"!. c #6C0101",
+"~. c #222224",
+"{. c #6E0202",
+"]. c #232323",
+"^. c #750000",
+"/. c #471414",
+"(. c #291081",
+"_. c #780000",
+":. c #242431",
+"<. c #820000",
+"[. c #8C0000",
+"}. c #292938",
+"|. c #492118",
+"1. c #472318",
+"2. c #4B1D2F",
+"3. c #970000",
+"4. c #2E2E2E",
+"5. c #9B0000",
+"6. c #AB0000",
+"7. c #AC0000",
+"8. c #AE0000",
+"9. c #AF0000",
+"0. c #B10000",
+"a. c #363636",
+"b. c #373738",
+"c. c #58224F",
+"d. c #453737",
+"e. c #662840",
+"f. c #493A3A",
+"g. c #3D3D4D",
+"h. c #4A3B3B",
+"i. c #732D32",
+"j. c #84331B",
+"k. c #8A360F",
+"l. c #8A361A",
+"m. c #4E4E5B",
+"n. c #993B0A",
+"o. c #9B3C07",
+"p. c #9E3E04",
+"q. c #9F3E03",
+"r. c #A03E03",
+"s. c #97420C",
+"t. c #A13F01",
+"u. c #A23F00",
+"v. c #A24206",
+"w. c #5D5D5D",
+"x. c #A6480C",
+"y. c #A7490D",
+"z. c #5F5F5F",
+"A. c #616161",
+"B. c #636363",
+"C. c #646464",
+"D. c #656565",
+"E. c #666666",
+"F. c #6F6F6F",
+"G. c #B2612D",
+"H. c #7F7878",
+"I. c #7E7E7E",
+"J. c #847D7D",
+"K. c #BB7345",
+"L. c #8A8282",
+"M. c #8F8B8B",
+"N. c #C48760",
+"O. c #969696",
+"P. c #979797",
+"Q. c #C88D68",
+"R. c #C88E68",
+"S. c #9E9E9E",
+"T. c #A5A5A5",
+"U. c #A6A6A6",
+"V. c #D09D7D",
+"W. c #AEACAC",
+"X. c #D9B197",
+"Y. c #C1C1C1",
+"Z. c #C3C3C3",
+"`. c #C9C9C9",
+" + c #E4C8B6",
+".+ c #D2D2D2",
+"++ c #E7CDBD",
+"@+ c #E7CEBD",
+"#+ c #EAD3C5",
+"$+ c #DBDBDB",
+"%+ c #DCDCDC",
+"&+ c #ECD9CC",
+"*+ c #DEDEDE",
+"=+ c #EEDDD1",
+"-+ c #E5E5E5",
+";+ c #F2E4DC",
+">+ c #E9E9E9",
+",+ c #F0F0F0",
+"'+ c #F4F4F4",
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+"!+ c #F6F6F6",
+"~+ c #FBF7F4",
+"{+ c #FAFAFA",
+"]+ c #FCFCFC",
+"^+ c #FEFEFE",
+"/+ c #FFFFFF",
+" ",
+" ",
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+" @ h I I I I I I I c.u.q.u.G./+/+/+/+/+/+f. ",
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+" 3 t I I I I I I I I I I S ,+{+S.P ]. ! ^ ^ ",
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+" a m I I I I I I I I D k > s ",
+" c n I I I I I z i / % $ ",
+" c q B n f } = * ",
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+" =.`./+E. ",
+" =.`./+D. ",
+" =.`./+B. ",
+" =.`./+A. ",
+" N #.;.A ",
+" ",
+" "};
Added: branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/icons/kmessedwords.xpm
--- branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/icons/kmessedwords.xpm 2005-12-03 15:45:46 UTC (rev 2512)
+++ branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/icons/kmessedwords.xpm 2005-12-03 16:02:31 UTC (rev 2513)
@@ -0,0 +1,291 @@
+/* XPM */
+static char * kmessedwords_xpm[] = {
+"32 32 256 2",
+" c None",
+". c #001074",
+"+ c #04261A",
+"@ c #330454",
+"# c #002928",
+"$ c #001697",
+"% c #56090B",
+"& c #003128",
+"* c #04331E",
+"= c #002383",
+"- c #3D0A63",
+"; c #760004",
+"> c #003E13",
+", c #00400F",
+"' c #002C7E",
+") c #04401B",
+"! c #7F060F",
+"~ c #034808",
+"{ c #022E9D",
+"] c #571B1C",
+"^ c #740D18",
+"/ c #6F1111",
+"( c #054620",
+"_ c #472423",
+": c #89022B",
+"< c #512121",
+"[ c #003790",
+"} c #1528A9",
+"| c #562123",
+"1 c #4F2627",
+"2 c #07359C",
+"3 c #801019",
+"4 c #A1011D",
+"5 c #612123",
+"6 c #045800",
+"7 c #0F30BA",
+"8 c #004963",
+"9 c #771A1C",
+"0 c #672221",
+"a c #6C2022",
+"b c #9A0920",
+"c c #980E14",
+"d c #930F1D",
+"e c #065B08",
+"f c #B90008",
+"g c #B3030E",
+"h c #742021",
+"i c #BB0201",
+"j c #A30D13",
+"k c #B70023",
+"l c #B8011E",
+"m c #AE0524",
+"n c #C40006",
+"o c #99121B",
+"p c #881A1F",
+"q c #90181D",
+"r c #C60200",
+"s c #C1001C",
+"t c #C30017",
+"u c #B00920",
+"v c #0E3FB9",
+"w c #0E5E15",
+"x c #CD000C",
+"y c #004E99",
+"z c #0F5E1C",
+"A c #D10006",
+"B c #D0000F",
+"C c #D0011E",
+"D c #1F40B1",
+"E c #DD0004",
+"F c #D80013",
+"G c #C60625",
+"H c #12641B",
+"I c #084FA8",
+"J c #D00324",
+"K c #DD010E",
+"L c #D80025",
+"M c #D20618",
+"N c #0E6A18",
+"O c #DD001E",
+"P c #E80001",
+"Q c #CA0730",
+"R c #0C6C22",
+"S c #DA012F",
+"T c #1B48BF",
+"U c #E6001B",
+"V c #E00031",
+"W c #E5002E",
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+"Y c #E5070A",
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+"+. c #156D2F",
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+"$. c #117724",
+"%. c #0958E2",
+"&. c #F70717",
+"*. c #0060DC",
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+"}. c #2C65D5",
+"|. c #0077F2",
+"1. c #236EC9",
+"2. c #1A9134",
+"3. c #F72328",
+"4. c #18971B",
+"5. c #FF2026",
+"6. c #276DDC",
+"7. c #2A6FD8",
+"8. c #EA2E2F",
+"9. c #179932",
+"0. c #1E73F0",
+"a. c #217CC8",
+"b. c #3A6ED8",
+"c. c #E93436",
+"d. c #2578E0",
+"e. c #F52F35",
+"f. c #12A625",
+"g. c #29898F",
+"h. c #FF2F2E",
+"i. c #10A930",
+"j. c #247BF1",
+"k. c #209F3C",
+"l. c #16A53D",
+"m. c #367BCF",
+"n. c #E93D3E",
+"o. c #317FE1",
+"p. c #1588FF",
+"q. c #2483F1",
+"r. c #2581FE",
+"s. c #3E7CDF",
+"t. c #EB4547",
+"u. c #FF3D3D",
+"v. c #25AF2E",
+"w. c #CD5065",
+"x. c #2D8DDD",
+"y. c #23B138",
+"z. c #2AAB51",
+"A. c #4185E2",
+"B. c #3D86E9",
+"C. c #EA4D4F",
+"D. c #2BB147",
+"E. c #FF484C",
+"F. c #24BB39",
+"G. c #338FFE",
+"H. c #28B746",
+"I. c #1DBA56",
+"J. c #398EF6",
+"K. c #26B65A",
+"L. c #28BA40",
+"M. c #C36286",
+"N. c #4290F0",
+"O. c #508DE4",
+"P. c #F85357",
+"Q. c #EC5A5A",
+"R. c #3698FF",
+"S. c #4494FE",
+"T. c #2EBF54",
+"U. c #FF5856",
+"V. c #EB6162",
+"W. c #479AF6",
+"X. c #FB5D5B",
+"Y. c #3F9FFF",
+"Z. c #4C9CFF",
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+"1+ c #DB90A4",
+"2+ c #6CDA68",
+"3+ c #F68D8D",
+"4+ c #71BCFF",
+"5+ c #7BBBFF",
+"6+ c #6FD885",
+"7+ c #73D78E",
+"8+ c #DA9EB0",
+"9+ c #81C3FF",
+"0+ c #88C0FF",
+"a+ c #7CDB99",
+"b+ c #7FDF7C",
+"c+ c #FE9B98",
+"d+ c #91C2FD",
+"e+ c #8BC6FF",
+"f+ c #F9A8A7",
+"g+ c #FFA6A6",
+"h+ c #96CBFF",
+"i+ c #8FE48F",
+"j+ c #94E2A6",
+"k+ c #99E7A0",
+"l+ c #A2D1FF",
+"m+ c #FFB2B3",
+"n+ c #FEB8B6",
+"o+ c #A4E6B5",
+"p+ c #ADD6FF",
+"q+ c #ADEAC0",
+"r+ c #FEC1C3",
+"s+ c #B7DCFF",
+"t+ c #B7EDB7",
+"u+ c #C0E1FE",
+"v+ c #C2EFC8",
+"w+ c #C8F1C4",
+"x+ c #C8F0D1",
+"y+ c #CBE7FF",
+"z+ c #D0F3DB",
+"A+ c #D9EDFF",
+"B+ c #D8F5D7",
+"C+ c #E4F1FF",
+"D+ c #E6F9E4",
+"E+ c #EBFAED",
+"F+ c #EFF7FF",
+"G+ c #F9FFFF",
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+" a i r P /.Y A x f f r Y X Y r g < # # ",
+" 5 j g i i g p 1 0 j f f g c 0 ",
+" _ 1 1 _ _ 1 "};
Added: branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/icons/kmplot.xpm
--- branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/icons/kmplot.xpm 2005-12-03 15:45:46 UTC (rev 2512)
+++ branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/icons/kmplot.xpm 2005-12-03 16:02:31 UTC (rev 2513)
@@ -0,0 +1,277 @@
+/* XPM */
+static char * kmplot_xpm[] = {
+"32 32 242 2",
+" c None",
+". c #323331",
+"+ c #353734",
+"@ c #474549",
+"# c #942627",
+"$ c #484947",
+"% c #494A48",
+"& c #4A4B49",
+"* c #4A4C4A",
+"= c #4C4E4B",
+"- c #4F4D50",
+"; c #4D4F4C",
+"> c #4E504D",
+", c #4F514E",
+"' c #50524F",
+") c #515350",
+"! c #525451",
+"~ c #545553",
+"{ c #D31E22",
+"] c #555654",
+"^ c #565755",
+"/ c #C52728",
+"( c #565855",
+"_ c #575956",
+": c #595B58",
+"< c #5C5A5D",
+"[ c #5A5C59",
+"} c #5D5B5E",
+"| c #5B5D5A",
+"1 c #5C5E5B",
+"2 c #5F5D60",
+"3 c #5D5F5C",
+"4 c #605D61",
+"5 c #615E62",
+"6 c #5F615E",
+"7 c #626064",
+"8 c #E72B33",
+"9 c #716062",
+"0 c #995055",
+"a c #676866",
+"b c #6A686C",
+"c c #6C6A6E",
+"d c #FD2C32",
+"e c #6D6B6F",
+"f c #6E6C70",
+"g c #706E72",
+"h c #F33A3C",
+"i c #B1575C",
+"j c #F53B3D",
+"k c #F63C3E",
+"l c #F53D44",
+"m c #767478",
+"n c #F14143",
+"o c #D04F55",
+"p c #78767A",
+"q c #EB4647",
+"r c #777976",
+"s c #F3444A",
+"t c #FB4242",
+"u c #FC4343",
+"v c #F5464C",
+"w c #F04A4B",
+"x c #7D7B7F",
+"y c #7E7C80",
+"z c #7F7D81",
+"A c #7D7F7C",
+"B c #F94A49",
+"C c #807E82",
+"D c #7E807D",
+"E c #817F83",
+"F c #9C7477",
+"G c #867D83",
+"H c #EE5258",
+"I c #838185",
+"J c #848286",
+"K c #828481",
+"L c #82838C",
+"M c #838582",
+"N c #868488",
+"O c #F3565B",
+"P c #858784",
+"Q c #88868A",
+"R c #868885",
+"S c #F05B5C",
+"T c #878986",
+"U c #F15C5D",
+"V c #888A87",
+"W c #8B898D",
+"X c #898B88",
+"Y c #90878D",
+"Z c #8E8988",
+"` c #8C8A8E",
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+".. c #8B8D8A",
+"+. c #8E8C90",
+"@. c #8C8E8B",
+"#. c #EE636A",
+"$. c #8D8F8C",
+"%. c #8E908D",
+"&. c #918F93",
+"*. c #8D9194",
+"=. c #929094",
+"-. c #90928F",
+";. c #939195",
+">. c #929491",
+",. c #939592",
+"'. c #969498",
+"). c #949693",
+"!. c #959794",
+"~. c #969895",
+"{. c #A09495",
+"]. c #979996",
+"^. c #989A97",
+"/. c #9B999D",
+"(. c #9999A3",
+"_. c #9A9B98",
+":. c #979C9E",
+"<. c #E27C83",
+"[. c #D98182",
+"}. c #9B9D99",
+"|. c #9B9BA5",
+"1. c #DF828B",
+"2. c #9EA09D",
+"3. c #F08285",
+"4. c #A4A5AE",
+"5. c #E18B97",
+"6. c #A5A6AF",
+"7. c #B2A1A9",
+"8. c #A7A8B2",
+"9. c #A9AAB4",
+"0. c #EE8E91",
+"a. c #AAABB5",
+"b. c #ADAEB8",
+"c. c #EE969B",
+"d. c #B0B0BA",
+"e. c #B3B1B5",
+"f. c #F69598",
+"g. c #F79699",
+"h. c #DBA2A9",
+"i. c #B6B3B8",
+"j. c #B7B4B9",
+"k. c #B4B5BE",
+"l. c #B6B7C1",
+"m. c #EBA2A8",
+"n. c #B7B8C2",
+"o. c #E6A5AF",
+"p. c #BABCB9",
+"q. c #BDBEC8",
+"r. c #BFBFC9",
+"s. c #E4B1B6",
+"t. c #DEB4BD",
+"u. c #C1C1CB",
+"v. c #D7B8C4",
+"w. c #C2C2CC",
+"x. c #D4BCC6",
+"y. c #C8C1CD",
+"z. c #C6C3C8",
+"A. c #E2B9C1",
+"B. c #D6BEC8",
+"C. c #C5C6D0",
+"D. c #C4C9CC",
+"E. c #C9C7CB",
+"F. c #C7C8D2",
+"G. c #DEBECA",
+"H. c #D4C3CB",
+"I. c #C8C9D3",
+"J. c #C9CAD4",
+"K. c #E3C0C6",
+"L. c #CACBD5",
+"M. c #E0C4C9",
+"N. c #CCCCD6",
+"O. c #D1CAD6",
+"P. c #F1BEC3",
+"Q. c #CDCDD7",
+"R. c #DAC8D1",
+"S. c #CED0CC",
+"T. c #D2CCD8",
+"U. c #CECED9",
+"V. c #CFD1CE",
+"W. c #CFD0DA",
+"X. c #D0D2CF",
+"Y. c #D0D1DB",
+"Z. c #DDCCD4",
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+"&+ c #D4D5DF",
+"*+ c #D5D7D4",
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+"[+ c #E1E4E0",
+"}+ c #DFE4E6",
+"|+ c #E5E2E6",
+"1+ c #E3E5E1",
+"2+ c #E3E3EE",
+"3+ c #E6E3E8",
+"4+ c #E7E4E9",
+"5+ c #E8E5EA",
+"6+ c #E9E6EB",
+"7+ c #EAE8EC",
+"8+ c #EBE9ED",
+"9+ c #EDEBEF",
+"0+ c #E9EEF0",
+"a+ c #EFECF1",
+"b+ c #F0EDF2",
+"c+ c #F1EEF3",
+"d+ c #F2EFF4",
+"e+ c #EEF3F6",
+"f+ c #F3F1F5",
+"g+ c #F4F2F6",
+"h+ c #F5F3F7",
+"i+ c #F6F4F8",
+"j+ c #F8F5FA",
+"k+ c #F9F6FB",
+"l+ c #F4F9FC",
+"m+ c #FBF8FD",
+"n+ c #F6FBFE",
+"o+ c #FCFAFE",
+"p+ c #FAFCF9",
+"q+ c #FBFDFA",
+"r+ c #F9FFFF",
+"s+ c #FEFFFC",
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+"< - ) - - ) ' - - , - ~ ! - ) - > - ~ - ~ , - ~ - - - ! - - - "};
Added: branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/icons/kpercentage.xpm
--- branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/icons/kpercentage.xpm 2005-12-03 15:45:46 UTC (rev 2512)
+++ branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/icons/kpercentage.xpm 2005-12-03 16:02:31 UTC (rev 2513)
@@ -0,0 +1,291 @@
+/* XPM */
+static char * kpercentage_xpm[] = {
+"32 32 256 2",
+" c None",
+". c #0033A8",
+"+ c #0238A6",
+"@ c #0041AF",
+"# c #0E3BAA",
+"$ c #133CAB",
+"% c #0443B1",
+"& c #0049A2",
+"* c #153DAC",
+"= c #0843B2",
+"- c #0047B4",
+"; c #183EAD",
+"> c #0D44B3",
+", c #004AB7",
+"' c #004CBA",
+") c #1045B4",
+"! c #044DB4",
+"~ c #1849A4",
+"{ c #1647B6",
+"] c #0D4FBD",
+"^ c #0055C2",
+"/ c #0056C3",
+"( c #1351B2",
+"_ c #0257C5",
+": c #1350BF",
+"< c #0658BF",
+"[ c #1651C0",
+"} c #0959C7",
+"| c #005ECB",
+"1 c #1D54BD",
+"2 c #1D53C3",
+"3 c #0E5AC8",
+"4 c #105BC2",
+"5 c #0061CE",
+"6 c #125BC9",
+"7 c #155CC3",
+"8 c #0463D0",
+"9 c #175CCB",
+"0 c #185DC4",
+"a c #195EBF",
+"b c #0F65D3",
+"c c #1F5FCE",
+"d c #2260CF",
+"e c #2361CA",
+"f c #2461D1",
+"g c #066EE3",
+"h c #1A68D6",
+"i c #2963D3",
+"j c #0E70DE",
+"k c #2B65CE",
+"l c #1F6AD8",
+"m c #2C67C9",
+"n c #216AD9",
+"o c #226CD4",
+"p c #246BDB",
+"q c #2F6EB6",
+"r c #266CDC",
+"s c #1972E8",
+"t c #286DDD",
+"u c #2971CC",
+"v c #296FD7",
+"w c #2B6FDE",
+"x c #2C70D9",
+"y c #1F74EA",
+"z c #2075E4",
+"A c #2E74CF",
+"B c #2F71E1",
+"C c #2376EB",
+"D c #2677ED",
+"E c #3474E4",
+"F c #2B7CDE",
+"G c #2D7AF0",
+"H c #387AD6",
+"I c #2F7DE5",
+"J c #2F7CEB",
+"K c #317BF2",
+"L c #3A7DD2",
+"M c #3C79E3",
+"N c #2582F7",
+"O c #337FE8",
+"P c #337EEE",
+"Q c #3481E3",
+"R c #2984F3",
+"S c #407EE1",
+"T c #2D85FB",
+"U c #3981F2",
+"V c #2E86F6",
+"W c #4281DE",
+"X c #3986E1",
+"Y c #3D85EF",
+"Z c #3E84F5",
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+".. c #4288F2",
+"+. c #448DE9",
+"@. c #4689FA",
+"#. c #468CF0",
+"$. c #568ADB",
+"%. c #498DF8",
+"&. c #4A8FF3",
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+"=. c #5290E1",
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+"|. c #7BA3DE",
+"1. c #73A3F7",
+"2. c #6AABEF",
+"3. c #75A4F9",
+"4. c #74A7F4",
+"5. c #79A8E8",
+"6. c #75A8F5",
+"7. c #7BA7EE",
+"8. c #70AAFD",
+"9. c #78AAF7",
+"0. c #79ABF8",
+"a. c #79AEF5",
+"b. c #80ABF3",
+"c. c #79B1F0",
+"d. c #8EABDB",
+"e. c #7DAFFD",
+"f. c #7AB3F2",
+"g. c #7CB4F3",
+"h. c #89AEF0",
+"i. c #84B2F3",
+"j. c #96AED9",
+"k. c #8BB3EF",
+"l. c #8CB4F0",
+"m. c #8FB3F6",
+"n. c #8FB7F3",
+"o. c #89BAF4",
+"p. c #94B6ED",
+"q. c #96B8EE",
+"r. c #9BB8E8",
+"s. c #94BBF8",
+"t. c #B7B3C4",
+"u. c #95BCF9",
+"v. c #B8B4C5",
+"w. c #A2BAE6",
+"x. c #9ABCF2",
+"y. c #9DBDE7",
+"z. c #9BBDF4",
+"A. c #BAB6C8",
+"B. c #A4BCE7",
+"C. c #96C1F6",
+"D. c #A5BDE8",
+"E. c #98C0FC",
+"F. c #A4C0E4",
+"G. c #BCB9CA",
+"H. c #A7BFEA",
+"I. c #9AC2FE",
+"J. c #AFBEDF",
+"K. c #BEBBCC",
+"L. c #A4C1F3",
+"M. c #B4BFDA",
+"N. c #A1C3FA",
+"O. c #B1C0E1",
+"P. c #ADC1E7",
+"Q. c #C0BDCE",
+"R. c #A7C3F5",
+"S. c #BCC0CF",
+"T. c #ABC3EF",
+"U. c #A3C5FC",
+"V. c #B9C1D6",
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+"6+ c #CED2E2",
+"7+ c #D1D2DC",
+"8+ c #C8D4EF",
+"9+ c #C2D5FC",
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+"c+ c #D4D5DF",
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+"e+ c #D2D6E6",
+"f+ c #D5D6E0",
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+"i+ c #D1D9EF",
+"j+ c #D8D8E3",
+"k+ c #CFDAF6",
+"l+ c #C9DDF7",
+"m+ c #D9D9E4",
+"n+ c #D6DAEA",
+"o+ c #DADBE5",
+"p+ c #D8DCEC",
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+"r+ c #DCDDE7",
+"s+ c #DDDEE8",
+"t+ c #D3E2F6",
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+"v+ c #DFE0EA",
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+"x+ c #E3E1E5",
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+" ",
+" "};
Added: branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/icons/kstars.xpm
--- branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/icons/kstars.xpm 2005-12-03 15:45:46 UTC (rev 2512)
+++ branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/icons/kstars.xpm 2005-12-03 16:02:31 UTC (rev 2513)
@@ -0,0 +1,391 @@
+/* XPM */
+static char * kstars_xpm[] = {
+"32 32 356 2",
+" c None",
+". c #EFB641",
+"+ c #F0B640",
+"@ c #FDF692",
+"# c #FDF7BA",
+"$ c #EBB23F",
+"% c #E4902D",
+"& c #F9D863",
+"* c #FEFE86",
+"= c #FEFEA0",
+"- c #FDF6B8",
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+"> c #D9721E",
+", c #F5BA4A",
+"' c #FBE06A",
+") c #FEFE83",
+"! c #FEFE8F",
+"~ c #FDF5B1",
+"{ c #ECB140",
+"] c #D46C1C",
+"^ c #F5B84A",
+"/ c #FCF47B",
+"( c #EFB642",
+"_ c #DD8025",
+": c #DE8527",
+"< c #E28B2A",
+"[ c #E3922D",
+"} c #E5982F",
+"| c #E89E32",
+"1 c #EBA435",
+"2 c #EEAA37",
+"3 c #EDAB38",
+"4 c #EEAC38",
+"5 c #DEA135",
+"6 c #C18328",
+"7 c #D46D1C",
+"8 c #F4B849",
+"9 c #F8D662",
+"0 c #F1BC47",
+"a c #F9E46C",
+"b c #EEB33F",
+"c c #EDAB37",
+"d c #EDAC37",
+"e c #EEAC37",
+"f c #DD8026",
+"g c #F8C04F",
+"h c #F8C553",
+"i c #F9CA57",
+"j c #F9CE5B",
+"k c #FAD35F",
+"l c #FAD863",
+"m c #F7C654",
+"n c #F3A93A",
+"o c #F4A638",
+"p c #F8CD59",
+"q c #EBDC6D",
+"r c #CAB357",
+"s c #D46E1F",
+"t c #DD8126",
+"u c #F4B647",
+"v c #FCE971",
+"w c #FBEF76",
+"x c #F1BF49",
+"y c #FCF685",
+"z c #FEFECA",
+"A c #FEFEB1",
+"B c #EEBA46",
+"C c #D97821",
+"D c #F7BC4B",
+"E c #F7C553",
+"F c #F09C32",
+"G c #EF8E26",
+"H c #E5851F",
+"I c #E57D19",
+"J c #ED6F0B",
+"K c #EE7811",
+"L c #E9CB5D",
+"M c #CCBA5B",
+"N c #C9903F",
+"O c #D66F1E",
+"P c #F6BA4A",
+"Q c #FCE871",
+"R c #FBF076",
+"S c #F1BF57",
+"T c #FCF5E8",
+"U c #F7F7E8",
+"V c #F6F689",
+"W c #ECB945",
+"X c #D6701D",
+"Y c #F6B646",
+"Z c #F6C150",
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+".. c #DB7716",
+"+. c #EE6D08",
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+"$. c #C89745",
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+"&. c #F6B94A",
+"*. c #FCE770",
+"=. c #FBF177",
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+"'. c #F1A73D",
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+"!. c #F1B84B",
+"~. c #DA9D3D",
+"{. c #EC7D16",
+"]. c #EF7F17",
+"^. c #FDEF7B",
+"/. c #ECE7B9",
+"(. c #C39681",
+"_. c #D46B24",
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+"<. c #FCE76F",
+"[. c #FCF278",
+"}. c #E7B446",
+"|. c #F6ED77",
+"1. c #D26518",
+"2. c #E99331",
+"3. c #F6B243",
+"4. c #F9D460",
+"5. c #F39854",
+"6. c #FDFAE2",
+"7. c #FEFEFE",
+"8. c #E8E8E8",
+"9. c #A57B6C",
+"0. c #CD641C",
+"a. c #F6B748",
+"b. c #FCE66F",
+"c. c #FCF379",
+"d. c #F1BE48",
+"e. c #ECB643",
+"f. c #DC7923",
+"g. c #F6AD3F",
+"h. c #F4B547",
+"i. c #F7DA67",
+"j. c #FFFFFF",
+"k. c #FAF6F3",
+"l. c #FAFAFA",
+"m. c #CECECE",
+"n. c #9C9A88",
+"o. c #96925E",
+"p. c #C69B49",
+"q. c #D3681C",
+"r. c #F6B647",
+"s. c #FCE56E",
+"t. c #FCF479",
+"u. c #EFB741",
+"v. c #A57926",
+"w. c #D05E15",
+"x. c #F5A83B",
+"y. c #F6AE40",
+"z. c #FBEC76",
+"A. c #F5F5F5",
+"B. c #D5D5D5",
+"C. c #A19C89",
+"D. c #9D935C",
+"E. c #D9CB63",
+"F. c #F3E672",
+"G. c #E1D96D",
+"H. c #C89F4B",
+"I. c #D2661B",
+"J. c #F5B546",
+"K. c #FCE46D",
+"L. c #FCF47A",
+"M. c #EBB341",
+"N. c #CE5912",
+"O. c #E98D2C",
+"P. c #F5A93B",
+"Q. c #F4DB69",
+"R. c #D3A84A",
+"S. c #EFEFEF",
+"T. c #FBFBFB",
+"U. c #DCDCDC",
+"V. c #9F968A",
+"W. c #9C6C3A",
+"X. c #DEC35C",
+"Y. c #F5DC68",
+"Z. c #FCEB73",
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+"$+ c #EBB441",
+"%+ c #D46518",
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+"*+ c #F1AC41",
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+"}+ c #CB520E",
+"|+ c #EC902C",
+"1+ c #EEC885",
+"2+ c #E8E6D2",
+"3+ c #E9E9E9",
+"4+ c #ADA596",
+"5+ c #987E4F",
+"6+ c #E2A944",
+"7+ c #F3B549",
+"8+ c #F3B547",
+"9+ c #F2A639",
+"0+ c #F09026",
+"a+ c #F17F18",
+"b+ c #EF7913",
+"c+ c #F08A21",
+"d+ c #E6DE70",
+"e+ c #C8A54E",
+"f+ c #CE5D14",
+"g+ c #F5B244",
+"h+ c #F9DC67",
+"i+ c #EAB341",
+"j+ c #E29C7D",
+"k+ c #D6793C",
+"l+ c #E3C8A6",
+"m+ c #E7E4E1",
+"n+ c #B2A28B",
+"o+ c #AB8D51",
+"p+ c #E0BC56",
+"q+ c #F1C356",
+"r+ c #F2B74B",
+"s+ c #F6BC4C",
+"t+ c #F6C151",
+"u+ c #F3AF42",
+"v+ c #DF9733",
+"w+ c #D97A1A",
+"x+ c #ED6B07",
+"y+ c #F8C754",
+"z+ c #E7DF6F",
+"A+ c #BC7C2A",
+"B+ c #CB5511",
+"C+ c #D67924",
+"D+ c #E5E5E5",
+"E+ c #DFDAD7",
+"F+ c #B39C86",
+"G+ c #AC7B3E",
+"H+ c #DF9532",
+"I+ c #F4A73B",
+"J+ c #F7BB4B",
+"K+ c #F8BF4F",
+"L+ c #F4C051",
+"M+ c #C68D34",
+"N+ c #EE6E09",
+"O+ c #FBE66F",
+"P+ c #D8A73E",
+"Q+ c #8F4C14",
+"R+ c #9C9C9C",
+"S+ c #8E8B89",
+"T+ c #A43E0B",
+"U+ c #EC912B",
+"V+ c #F49F33",
+"W+ c #F3BB4E",
+"X+ c #EF8119",
+"Y+ c #F3A537",
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+"1@ c #EBAC3D",
+"2@ c #BA4009",
+"3@ c #CA5210",
+"4@ c #EE8F2A",
+"5@ c #F1AD43",
+"6@ c #F9EB76",
+"7@ c #EFC55A",
+"8@ c #EFAE45",
+"9@ c #F5B749",
+"0@ c #F4B94A",
+"a@ c #E8A53A",
+"b@ c #C64A0C",
+"c@ c #DF761F",
+"d@ c #F39D32",
+"e@ c #F2AA3F",
+"f@ c #F3D465",
+"g@ c #FBF37B",
+"h@ c #F8E36E",
+"i@ c #FADF69",
+"j@ c #F3C354",
+"k@ c #F5BD4E",
+"l@ c #F9C957",
+"m@ c #E5A037",
+"n@ c #B6440B",
+"o@ c #CA5311",
+"p@ c #E58326",
+"q@ c #F5A237",
+"r@ c #F4B748",
+"s@ c #F7B648",
+"t@ c #F8C453",
+"u@ c #E49933",
+"v@ c #BE4C0F",
+"w@ c #CD5A14",
+"x@ c #E28126",
+"y@ c #F1A037",
+"z@ c #F7B647",
+"A@ c #E29430",
+"B@ c #AB490F",
+"C@ c #CC5B14",
+"D@ c #D1671A",
+"E@ c #DF8328",
+"F@ c #EB9A36",
+"G@ c #F2AB40",
+"H@ c #F7BA4A",
+"I@ c #E08E2D",
+"J@ c #96440F",
+"K@ c #BB5E17",
+"L@ c #CC6B1D",
+"M@ c #D6721E",
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+" 1.2.3.).4. ",
+" f.g.h.i. j.k.l.m.n.o.p.q.r.s.t.u.v. ",
+" w.x.y.z. A.7.B.C.D.E.F.G.H.I.J.K.L.M. ",
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+" %+&+*+=+ -+;+>+,+'+)+!+l ~+{+K.]+`.^+/+(+_+:+<+[+ ",
+" }+|+&+1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+j j 9+0+a+b+c+' d+e+f+g+h+i+ ",
+" j+k+l+m+n+o+p+q+r+s+h t+u+v+ w+x+y+z+A+B+C+ ",
+" D+E+F+G+H+I+g.3.).J+K+L+M+ N+O+P+Q+ ",
+" R+S+T+U+V+&+x.g.3.).W+q+ X+Y+Z+ ",
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+" %@&@*@V+&+x.g.=@-@ ;@>@,@ ",
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+" 2 at 3@4 at V+:@5 at 6@7@ 8 at 9@0 at k a@ ",
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+" n at o@p at q@x.y.r at s@J+g t at l@u@ ",
+" v at w@x at y@g.3.z at J+g t at A@ ",
+" B at C@D at E@F at G@H at g I@ ",
+" J at K@L at M@N at O@ ",
+" ",
+" "};
Added: branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/icons/ktouch.xpm
--- branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/icons/ktouch.xpm 2005-12-03 15:45:46 UTC (rev 2512)
+++ branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/icons/ktouch.xpm 2005-12-03 16:02:31 UTC (rev 2513)
@@ -0,0 +1,268 @@
+/* XPM */
+static char * ktouch_xpm[] = {
+"32 32 233 2",
+" c None",
+". c #013618",
+"+ c #003814",
+"@ c #003915",
+"# c #023A10",
+"$ c #003B1C",
+"% c #73090B",
+"& c #004821",
+"* c #014A23",
+"= c #064D14",
+"- c #602118",
+"; c #005319",
+"> c #095E29",
+", c #DC0003",
+"' c #464845",
+") c #474946",
+"! c #484947",
+"~ c #086F2A",
+"{ c #494A48",
+"] c #037529",
+"^ c #DF0A19",
+"/ c #4C4E4B",
+"( c #C51A1A",
+"_ c #893437",
+": c #A12A2E",
+"< c #2D6144",
+"[ c #0B782C",
+"} c #1D773E",
+"| c #AC3436",
+"1 c #BE2C31",
+"2 c #BB3131",
+"3 c #5A5C59",
+"4 c #5C5E5B",
+"5 c #AB3C3E",
+"6 c #5D5F5C",
+"7 c #AC3D3E",
+"8 c #CD302D",
+"9 c #B33B3B",
+"0 c #CE312E",
+"a c #5F615E",
+"b c #626064",
+"c c #119630",
+"d c #646266",
+"e c #626461",
+"f c #606567",
+"g c #656367",
+"h c #636562",
+"i c #646563",
+"j c #0D9E2F",
+"k c #C63D3F",
+"l c #666765",
+"m c #04A52D",
+"n c #686967",
+"o c #6A686C",
+"p c #6D6B6F",
+"q c #00AE34",
+"r c #00AF35",
+"s c #6F716E",
+"t c #0BB12F",
+"u c #448E55",
+"v c #70717A",
+"w c #C1504F",
+"x c #737175",
+"y c #717370",
+"z c #6F7376",
+"A c #747276",
+"B c #737572",
+"C c #C35256",
+"D c #777579",
+"E c #757774",
+"F c #73777A",
+"G c #16B433",
+"H c #C4545D",
+"I c #CA5259",
+"J c #2BAA33",
+"K c #42975B",
+"L c #78767A",
+"M c #C65559",
+"N c #C7565A",
+"O c #0EBC30",
+"P c #26B24F",
+"Q c #26B92E",
+"R c #28BA2F",
+"S c #1BC035",
+"T c #1FBC42",
+"U c #22C02C",
+"V c #4CA35A",
+"W c #41AE4D",
+"X c #45AE5B",
+"Y c #858784",
+"Z c #2BC530",
+"` c #88868A",
+" . c #34C237",
+".. c #8C8786",
+"+. c #2EC733",
+"@. c #888A87",
+"#. c #27CC2E",
+"$. c #4EAF64",
+"%. c #8B898D",
+"&. c #8D8F8C",
+"*. c #5EAF6C",
+"=. c #3ACF3B",
+"-. c #939195",
+";. c #39D145",
+">. c #939592",
+",. c #43CD42",
+"'. c #959794",
+"). c #98969A",
+"!. c #9999A3",
+"~. c #9A9B98",
+"{. c #A49899",
+"]. c #9B9D99",
+"^. c #53D14F",
+"/. c #9C9E9B",
+"(. c #9C9CA6",
+"_. c #9D9F9C",
+":. c #9D9DA7",
+"<. c #9EA09D",
+"[. c #A19EA2",
+"}. c #56D553",
+"|. c #C29297",
+"1. c #A3A0A4",
+"2. c #A1A2AB",
+"3. c #A5A2A7",
+"4. c #A4A6A3",
+"5. c #A7A4A9",
+"6. c #A5A7A4",
+"7. c #A6A8A5",
+"8. c #A4A9AC",
+"9. c #A7A9A6",
+"0. c #A8AAA7",
+"a. c #A9ABA8",
+"b. c #AAACA9",
+"c. c #B9A6A8",
+"d. c #ABADAA",
+"e. c #ACAEAB",
+"f. c #ADAFAC",
+"g. c #C1A6AB",
+"h. c #6FDA76",
+"i. c #AEB0AD",
+"j. c #ACB1B3",
+"k. c #78D580",
+"l. c #ADB2B4",
+"m. c #B0B2AE",
+"n. c #B1B3AF",
+"o. c #B1B1BB",
+"p. c #B2B4B1",
+"q. c #B0B5B7",
+"r. c #B3B5B2",
+"s. c #B4B6B3",
+"t. c #B4B5BE",
+"u. c #B2B7BA",
+"v. c #B8B5BA",
+"w. c #B5B6BF",
+"x. c #B4B9BC",
+"y. c #BAB8BC",
+"z. c #BBB9BD",
+"A. c #B9BAC4",
+"B. c #B7BCBF",
+"C. c #86E084",
+"D. c #BCBABE",
+"E. c #96D2A9",
+"F. c #BBBCC6",
+"G. c #BEBCC0",
+"H. c #BCBEBB",
+"I. c #B9BFC1",
+"J. c #BFBDC1",
+"K. c #C0BEC2",
+"L. c #BCC1C3",
+"M. c #92DE9F",
+"N. c #C3C0C4",
+"O. c #C4C1C5",
+"P. c #C2C4C1",
+"Q. c #C5C2C7",
+"R. c #C0C5C8",
+"S. c #C6C3C8",
+"T. c #C7C4C9",
+"U. c #C2C7CA",
+"V. c #C8C5CA",
+"W. c #C9C7CB",
+"X. c #C7C9C6",
+"Y. c #C5CACD",
+"Z. c #CAC8CC",
+"`. c #9EE7A1",
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+".+ c #C9CBC8",
+"++ c #C6CCCE",
+"@+ c #CCCACE",
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+"$+ c #A9E2B3",
+"%+ c #CDCBCF",
+"&+ c #CBCECA",
+"*+ c #C9CED0",
+"=+ c #CACFD1",
+"-+ c #D0CDD1",
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+"^+ c #D5D3D7",
+"/+ c #D1D7D9",
+"(+ c #D7D5D9",
+"_+ c #D8D6DA",
+":+ c #D9D7DB",
+"<+ c #DBD8DC",
+"[+ c #BFEEBA",
+"}+ c #DCD9DE",
+"|+ c #DEDBE0",
+"1+ c #DFDCE1",
+"2+ c #E0DEE2",
+"3+ c #E1DFE3",
+"4+ c #E2E0E4",
+"5+ c #E3E1E5",
+"6+ c #E5E2E6",
+"7+ c #E1E6E9",
+"8+ c #E7E4E9",
+"9+ c #E2E7EA",
+"0+ c #E8E5EA",
+"a+ c #D6F2DB",
+"b+ c #E9E6EB",
+"c+ c #D5F5D7",
+"d+ c #EAE8EC",
+"e+ c #EFECF1",
+"f+ c #F1EEF3",
+"g+ c #EEF3F6",
+"h+ c #F3F1F5",
+"i+ c #F4F2F6",
+"j+ c #F5F3F7",
+" ; ; ; ; ; = ",
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+" d O.;+++;+;+;+;+;+!.H %+Y.-+K.%+)+;+V.1 t.=+U.=+;+;+;+;+w. ",
+" f +N.D.J.^+^+,+,+[.M {+s.8.x.]+]+]+%+1 A..+6.-+^+^+^+]+A. ",
+" i -+X.n.X./+/+<+<+2.H <+B.r.O.<+<+,+>+2 K.)+v.,+,+2+,+<+K. ",
+" f ~+1+1+<+4+4+2+/+8.C 2+1+3+2+3+2+4+}+1 N./+6+6+2+4+2+2+O. ",
+" f ]+7+6+4+4+7+7+6+1.N 7+4+7+2+7+6+6+]+2 R.6+4+3+7+4+7+7+R. ",
+" g <+7+9+0+6+6+9+9+8.w 9+7+9+6+7+9+b+7+1 Z.9+9+6+9+6+6+b+Z. ",
+" h 7+i+h+g+g+g+h+j+).M j+h+h+g+h+h+g+0+2 Y.j+h+g+h+g+g+g+++ ",
+" i j.0.~.{.~.[._.i.%.w n.<./.[./.).9.j.1 8.j./.[./.{.[.f.9. ",
+" b 0.v.s.u.u.p.q.j. at .k i.v.y.p.u.s.y.e.( {.e.y.p.s.u.n.v.[. ",
+" 6 o n n f n i b / : 5 5 9 0 0 5 5 | _ 3 i f o n f n i ! ",
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+" v %+-+Z.>+=+-+)+%+v v.;+P.-+-+,+-+>+F. ",
+" L ,+H.r.,+(+/+/+!+v o.<+5.]+/+<+,+/+O. ",
+" L ~+K.D.<+<+<+<+(+z u./+s.(+/+<+|+/+V. ",
+" L 2+2+2+2+7+2+2+|+A J.4+4+2+3+7+3+4+Y. ",
+" F 7+7+7+2+7+7+7+4+A K.6+7+6+4+7+6+6+%+ ",
+" B 6+6+6+9+6+6+6+9+y O.9+6+9+9+6+9+9+>+ ",
+" E 9+g+e+g+h+g+e+0+y u.g+e+e+h+e+e+f+Y. ",
+" D p.~.'.>.>.>.~.p.x 6.d.'.'.>.'.'.4.f. ",
+" i 0.p.p.n.p.v.l.b.b ..i.y.n.v.v.n.m.{. ",
+" ! ! ! ! ! ' ! ! ! ! ! ' ' ! ! "};
Added: branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/icons/kturtle.xpm
--- branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/icons/kturtle.xpm 2005-12-03 15:45:46 UTC (rev 2512)
+++ branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/icons/kturtle.xpm 2005-12-03 16:02:31 UTC (rev 2513)
@@ -0,0 +1,261 @@
+/* XPM */
+static char * kturtle_xpm[] = {
+"32 32 226 2",
+" c None",
+". c #000000",
+"+ c #000200",
+"@ c #000300",
+"# c #000400",
+"$ c #000500",
+"% c #000600",
+"& c #010600",
+"* c #000700",
+"= c #010700",
+"- c #010801",
+"; c #020800",
+"> c #020900",
+", c #010A00",
+"' c #030900",
+") c #030A00",
+"! c #020B00",
+"~ c #020B02",
+"{ c #020D00",
+"] c #030D01",
+"^ c #040D02",
+"/ c #030E01",
+"( c #040E02",
+"_ c #021002",
+": c #040F02",
+"< c #041002",
+"[ c #031103",
+"} c #051202",
+"| c #061403",
+"1 c #061404",
+"2 c #051505",
+"3 c #051602",
+"4 c #051605",
+"5 c #071704",
+"6 c #071A05",
+"7 c #071C05",
+"8 c #081C06",
+"9 c #091D06",
+"0 c #0A1E06",
+"a c #0B2408",
+"b c #0D240A",
+"c c #459E35",
+"d c #47A037",
+"e c #48A138",
+"f c #49A239",
+"g c #49A23A",
+"h c #4BA33B",
+"i c #4BA43C",
+"j c #4EA63E",
+"k c #4FA63E",
+"l c #51A841",
+"m c #51A941",
+"n c #54AA43",
+"o c #57AE47",
+"p c #59AE48",
+"q c #5AAF48",
+"r c #59B049",
+"s c #5AB049",
+"t c #5BB04A",
+"u c #5BB14A",
+"v c #5CB14B",
+"w c #5CB24B",
+"x c #5CB24C",
+"y c #5DB24D",
+"z c #5EB34D",
+"A c #5EB34E",
+"B c #5FB44E",
+"C c #5FB44F",
+"D c #60B44F",
+"E c #60B54F",
+"F c #61B54F",
+"G c #60B650",
+"H c #61B650",
+"I c #62B650",
+"J c #62B651",
+"K c #62B751",
+"L c #62B752",
+"M c #63B752",
+"N c #63B852",
+"O c #63B853",
+"P c #64B853",
+"Q c #65B853",
+"R c #64B953",
+"S c #65B954",
+"T c #65BA54",
+"U c #66BA54",
+"V c #66BA55",
+"W c #67BA56",
+"X c #66BB55",
+"Y c #67BB55",
+"Z c #67BB56",
+"` c #68BB56",
+" . c #67BC56",
+".. c #68BC56",
+"+. c #68BC57",
+"@. c #69BC57",
+"#. c #68BD58",
+"$. c #69BD58",
+"%. c #6ABD58",
+"&. c #6ABD59",
+"*. c #6ABE59",
+"=. c #6BBE59",
+"-. c #6BBE5A",
+";. c #6CBE5A",
+">. c #6CBE5B",
+",. c #6BBF5A",
+"'. c #6CBF5A",
+"). c #6CBF5B",
+"!. c #6DBF5B",
+"~. c #6DC05B",
+"{. c #6DC05C",
+"]. c #6EC05C",
+"^. c #6EC15C",
+"/. c #6FC15C",
+"(. c #6FC15D",
+"_. c #6FC15E",
+":. c #6FC25D",
+"<. c #6FC25E",
+"[. c #70C25E",
+"}. c #70C35F",
+"|. c #71C35E",
+"1. c #71C35F",
+"2. c #71C460",
+"3. c #72C460",
+"4. c #72C461",
+"5. c #73C460",
+"6. c #73C461",
+"7. c #72C560",
+"8. c #73C561",
+"9. c #73C562",
+"0. c #74C561",
+"a. c #74C562",
+"b. c #73C662",
+"c. c #74C662",
+"d. c #74C663",
+"e. c #75C662",
+"f. c #75C663",
+"g. c #75C764",
+"h. c #76C764",
+"i. c #77C864",
+"j. c #77C865",
+"k. c #77C866",
+"l. c #78C866",
+"m. c #77C966",
+"n. c #78C966",
+"o. c #79C967",
+"p. c #78CA66",
+"q. c #79CA67",
+"r. c #7ACA67",
+"s. c #7ACA68",
+"t. c #7ACB68",
+"u. c #7BCB68",
+"v. c #7BCB69",
+"w. c #7BCC68",
+"x. c #7BCC69",
+"y. c #7BCC6A",
+"z. c #7DCC6A",
+"A. c #7CCD6A",
+"B. c #7DCD6A",
+"C. c #7DCD6B",
+"D. c #7DCE6B",
+"E. c #7ECE6B",
+"F. c #7ECF6C",
+"G. c #7FCF6B",
+"H. c #7FCF6C",
+"I. c #7FCF6D",
+"J. c #80CF6D",
+"K. c #80D06E",
+"L. c #81D06E",
+"M. c #81D16E",
+"N. c #81D16F",
+"O. c #82D16F",
+"P. c #83D170",
+"Q. c #82D270",
+"R. c #83D270",
+"S. c #83D271",
+"T. c #84D271",
+"U. c #83D371",
+"V. c #84D371",
+"W. c #84D372",
+"X. c #84D471",
+"Y. c #85D472",
+"Z. c #86D473",
+"`. c #85D573",
+" + c #86D573",
+".+ c #86D574",
+"++ c #87D674",
+"@+ c #88D674",
+"#+ c #88D675",
+"$+ c #89D675",
+"%+ c #89D776",
+"&+ c #8AD876",
+"*+ c #8AD877",
+"=+ c #8BD978",
+"-+ c #8BD979",
+";+ c #8CDA79",
+">+ c #8DDA79",
+",+ c #8DDA7A",
+"'+ c #8EDB7A",
+")+ c #8EDB7B",
+"!+ c #8FDC7B",
+"~+ c #90DD7C",
+"{+ c #90DD7D",
+"]+ c #91DD7D",
+"^+ c #91DE7E",
+"/+ c #92DE7F",
+"(+ c #92DF7F",
+"_+ c #93DF7F",
+":+ c #92E07F",
+"<+ c #94E080",
+"[+ c #94E081",
+"}+ c #95E181",
+"|+ c #95E182",
+"1+ c #96E281",
+"2+ c #96E282",
+"3+ c #97E283",
+"4+ c #97E382",
+"5+ c #97E383",
+"6+ c #97E384",
+"7+ c #98E484",
+"8+ c #99E585",
+"9+ c #99E586",
+"0+ c #9AE586",
+"a+ c #9AE686",
+"b+ c #9BE787",
+"c+ c #9CE788",
+" ",
+" ",
+" ",
+" . . . . ",
+" . b+9+5+}+. ",
+" . . 8+3+}+:+. . ",
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+" . 7+2+<+^+!+,+=+%+. ",
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+" ) ~+)+] & #+Y.R.L.F.B.t.p.] 6 2.[.b ",
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+" . ++Y.V.M.H.z.t.n.i.e.3.[.].;.%.` . ",
+" . W.Q.K.G.A.t.l.h.b.3._.~.=.$.Z S . ",
+" . O.J.D.x.r.j.f.6.1.(.!.*.+.V P J . ",
+" . H.C.u.o.i.f.5.}.].>.%. .T N H B . ",
+" . z.t.n.h.c.2.<.{.,. at .Y R K G A w . ",
+" . s.n.g.0.1.(.!.*. at .Y Q K E z v r . ",
+" } / 7.|.^.).&...U O I C y u , { ",
+" a 0 }.{.-.$.Z U M H B x t p 1 3 ",
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+" . ].-. at .W . . h f d c . ",
+" . . . . . . . . ",
+" ",
+" ",
+" "};
Added: branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/icons/kverbos.xpm
--- branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/icons/kverbos.xpm 2005-12-03 15:45:46 UTC (rev 2512)
+++ branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/icons/kverbos.xpm 2005-12-03 16:02:31 UTC (rev 2513)
@@ -0,0 +1,233 @@
+/* XPM */
+static char * kverbos_xpm[] = {
+"32 32 198 2",
+" c None",
+". c #422121",
+"+ c #432121",
+"@ c #452323",
+"# c #492525",
+"$ c #4F2626",
+"% c #4D2727",
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+"* c #562929",
+"= c #6E2121",
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+", c #692727",
+"' c #732322",
+") c #6B2727",
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+"[ c #D60000",
+"} c #7E2626",
+"| c #693030",
+"1 c #7D2928",
+"2 c #E10000",
+"3 c #912523",
+"4 c #932523",
+"5 c #D40A0A",
+"6 c #ED0000",
+"7 c #ED0402",
+"8 c #F80000",
+"9 c #9F2A21",
+"0 c #E30F07",
+"a c #96302B",
+"b c #DB170A",
+"c c #FF0707",
+"d c #DA1A0B",
+"e c #D71F12",
+"f c #B03223",
+"g c #E31F0D",
+"h c #DA2615",
+"i c #A63D2A",
+"j c #DF2222",
+"k c #FF1818",
+"l c #D42F15",
+"m c #F02510",
+"n c #DE2E15",
+"o c #CE361A",
+"p c #AC413C",
+"q c #CF351F",
+"r c #E12C25",
+"s c #D5361C",
+"t c #A5493F",
+"u c #FF231D",
+"v c #E03418",
+"w c #BC4231",
+"x c #B7482E",
+"y c #B64837",
+"z c #FF2929",
+"A c #FF2A29",
+"B c #BA4C3E",
+"C c #FF322D",
+"D c #D14A2A",
+"E c #CA4C38",
+"F c #EB3B3B",
+"G c #C44F3F",
+"H c #EB4128",
+"I c #FF3A3A",
+"J c #E6492E",
+"K c #CA553D",
+"L c #FF3B3A",
+"M c #D8503D",
+"N c #FC4535",
+"O c #FB4A20",
+"P c #D15C4D",
+"Q c #F74D38",
+"R c #DC5A48",
+"S c #FF4E30",
+"T c #FF4C4C",
+"U c #FF4E4D",
+"V c #F65353",
+"W c #E16743",
+"X c #FF5E2D",
+"Y c #E46A4C",
+"Z c #F66053",
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+"+. c #FF5F5E",
+"@. c #FF605F",
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+"*. c #FF6C6C",
+"=. c #E57A6C",
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+"'. c #FC7D36",
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+"{. c #FC7B61",
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+"|. c #FA905C",
+"1. c #F6964D",
+"2. c #EE9087",
+"3. c #FF8982",
+"4. c #FF8A8A",
+"5. c #FE8F79",
+"6. c #FF8C8B",
+"7. c #FC9E44",
+"8. c #FF9182",
+"9. c #FF9090",
+"0. c #FF9963",
+"a. c #FF9C53",
+"b. c #FF986F",
+"c. c #FF9A68",
+"d. c #FE987B",
+"e. c #FF9494",
+"f. c #F8A747",
+"g. c #F79A91",
+"h. c #FE9984",
+"i. c #FAA747",
+"j. c #FF9F67",
+"k. c #FF9796",
+"l. c #FFA262",
+"m. c #FE9995",
+"n. c #F8AC4B",
+"o. c #FFA36E",
+"p. c #FB9E97",
+"q. c #FEA479",
+"r. c #F6B154",
+"s. c #FFA67A",
+"t. c #FFA87A",
+"u. c #FFA29C",
+"v. c #FDB24C",
+"w. c #FFA696",
+"x. c #FFAB8C",
+"y. c #FFAE7E",
+"z. c #FFAD9B",
+"A. c #FFBE51",
+"B. c #F3C64F",
+"C. c #FFBC65",
+"D. c #FDBF5C",
+"E. c #FFC153",
+"F. c #FFC352",
+"G. c #FFC454",
+"H. c #FFB98F",
+"I. c #FCC951",
+"J. c #FFC756",
+"K. c #FFCB5D",
+"L. c #FFCF59",
+"M. c #FFCE64",
+"N. c #FFD357",
+"O. c #FFCF77",
+"P. c #FFD26C",
+"Q. c #FFC8AB",
+"R. c #FFCDA4",
+"S. c #FFDC5C",
+"T. c #FFD77B",
+"U. c #FFD87B",
+"V. c #FFD97F",
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+"Y. c #FEE360",
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+";+ c #FFF7CF",
+">+ c #FFFAD1",
+",+ c #FFFCD6",
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+" ",
+" ",
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+" : B. at +X.N.F.A.E.G.J.K.P.U.`..+$+R.z.u.e.4.<.~.&.*.^.}.q.; ",
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+" ",
+" ",
+" ",
+" "};
Added: branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/icons/kvoctrain.xpm
--- branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/icons/kvoctrain.xpm 2005-12-03 15:45:46 UTC (rev 2512)
+++ branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/icons/kvoctrain.xpm 2005-12-03 16:02:31 UTC (rev 2513)
@@ -0,0 +1,268 @@
+/* XPM */
+static char * kvoctrain_xpm[] = {
+"32 32 233 2",
+" c None",
+". c #000000",
+"+ c #0D0C02",
+"@ c #0F0F02",
+"# c #121102",
+"$ c #131203",
+"% c #070772",
+"& c #080876",
+"* c #08087C",
+"= c #08087F",
+"- c #090984",
+"; c #1A1905",
+"> c #1D1B05",
+", c #1E1C06",
+"' c #231D14",
+") c #241E15",
+"! c #252507",
+"~ c #282607",
+"{ c #28251A",
+"] c #2A2908",
+"^ c #282719",
+"/ c #2B2907",
+"( c #1A1A8D",
+"_ c #2E2C09",
+": c #2F2E09",
+"< c #302F09",
+"[ c #31300A",
+"} c #3B3726",
+"| c #413F11",
+"1 c #413D27",
+"2 c #423E28",
+"3 c #4C4813",
+"4 c #4F4B13",
+"5 c #524E11",
+"6 c #F20000",
+"7 c #4E4A38",
+"8 c #515010",
+"9 c #F60000",
+"0 c #4E4B38",
+"a c #535010",
+"b c #4F4D33",
+"c c #FE0000",
+"d c #FF0000",
+"e c #5B5912",
+"f c #FF0D0D",
+"g c #FF1111",
+"h c #635F1D",
+"i c #665F40",
+"j c #FF1919",
+"k c #FF1A1A",
+"l c #65623F",
+"m c #746D24",
+"n c #FF2626",
+"o c #78741E",
+"p c #7A771E",
+"q c #7F724C",
+"r c #7E7B20",
+"s c #807C27",
+"t c #817F5B",
+"u c #83815C",
+"v c #8E8739",
+"w c #88875D",
+"x c #938E2C",
+"y c #8B895E",
+"z c #8D8B60",
+"A c #938F3B",
+"B c #FF5555",
+"C c #99912F",
+"D c #918D5D",
+"E c #9E972F",
+"F c #FF5E5E",
+"G c #9F9830",
+"H c #959464",
+"I c #A39941",
+"J c #9A9966",
+"K c #9C9A65",
+"L c #9E9C6A",
+"M c #A69967",
+"N c #A9A52F",
+"O c #A89F52",
+"P c #AAA43A",
+"Q c #AEA941",
+"R c #FF7777",
+"S c #A8A76E",
+"T c #A9A76C",
+"U c #AFAC45",
+"V c #ACAB6E",
+"W c #AEAD6D",
+"X c #ABAA8B",
+"Y c #B7AB66",
+"Z c #AFAD73",
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+"+. c #DD9393",
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+"=. c #B7B465",
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+"]. c #BBB977",
+"^. c #B8B693",
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+"(. c #BEBC78",
+"_. c #BEB990",
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+"<. c #C2C078",
+"[. c #C5C26B",
+"}. c #C4C174",
+"|. c #C4C177",
+"1. c #C3C17A",
+"2. c #C5C270",
+"3. c #C3C17C",
+"4. c #C3C17F",
+"5. c #C5C277",
+"6. c #C3C182",
+"7. c #C7C468",
+"8. c #C4BF8C",
+"9. c #C3C185",
+"0. c #F6A4A4",
+"a. c #CBC46F",
+"b. c #C5C387",
+"c. c #C7C59D",
+"d. c #D3CC5A",
+"e. c #FEA9A9",
+"f. c #FFAAAA",
+"g. c #CFCC79",
+"h. c #CFCD91",
+"i. c #D9D267",
+"j. c #D3D181",
+"k. c #D5D281",
+"l. c #DBD872",
+"m. c #E1D870",
+"n. c #DBD883",
+"o. c #D9D49F",
+"p. c #DCD985",
+"q. c #DEDB75",
+"r. c #DEDB77",
+"s. c #DDDA80",
+"t. c #DDDA82",
+"u. c #DFDC72",
+"v. c #E3DD62",
+"w. c #E2DC6C",
+"x. c #DEDB7D",
+"y. c #DCDA89",
+"z. c #DCDA8B",
+"A. c #FFBFBF",
+"B. c #DCDA8F",
+"C. c #DCDA91",
+"D. c #D9D7AB",
+"E. c #DDDB94",
+"F. c #E8DA7D",
+"G. c #E3DA8C",
+"H. c #E3E081",
+"I. c #E3DF93",
+"J. c #E3E19A",
+"K. c #E3E1A0",
+"L. c #EBE48F",
+"M. c #E3E2B7",
+"N. c #ECE78B",
+"O. c #E6E4B5",
+"P. c #ECE98D",
+"Q. c #E7E5B4",
+"R. c #F3EE79",
+"S. c #F1ED84",
+"T. c #FFFF00",
+"U. c #EEECA2",
+"V. c #ECEAB6",
+"W. c #F2EF98",
+"X. c #EEECB5",
+"Y. c #F4F18E",
+"Z. c #F6F381",
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+".+ c #F6F095",
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+"&+ c #F6EFB7",
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+"[+ c #FBF9BE",
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+"|+ c #FFFDA1",
+"1+ c #FFFDA2",
+"2+ c #FCFABB",
+"3+ c #FFFDA6",
+"4+ c #FEFCAF",
+"5+ c #FFFDA7",
+"6+ c #FFFDA8",
+"7+ c #FEFCB5",
+"8+ c #FFFDAD",
+"9+ c #FFFDAF",
+"0+ c #FFFDB0",
+"a+ c #FFFDB3",
+"b+ c #FFFDB5",
+"c+ c #FFFDB6",
+"d+ c #FFFDB8",
+"e+ c #FFFDBA",
+"f+ c #FFFDBC",
+"g+ c #F8F8F8",
+"h+ c #FBFBFB",
+"i+ c #FEFEFE",
+"j+ c #FFFFFF",
+" ",
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+" . d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d . !.O.[+f+b+9+5+|+.+Q . ",
+" . d d d d d 9 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 . X D.X.:+c+0+6+1+S.N . ",
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+" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . e.i+c c - - . 6.B.W.U . ",
+" . d d d d d d d d d d d d d d . 0.= g+h+c d . 4.z.N.P . ",
+" . d d d k %.A.A.g d d d d d d . +.% & * h+i+. 3.y.q.o . ",
+" . d d d j+j+,.,...n d d d d d . . . . . . . . 1.p.:.< ",
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+" . d d %.j+R d d g g f f d d d . J K T (.j.n.t.H.i.a . ",
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+" . . ; 8 h I Y m.F.G . ",
+" . @ ] ~ m C 3 . ",
+" . . . ",
+" "};
Added: branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/icons/kwordquiz.xpm
--- branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/icons/kwordquiz.xpm 2005-12-03 15:45:46 UTC (rev 2512)
+++ branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/icons/kwordquiz.xpm 2005-12-03 16:02:31 UTC (rev 2513)
@@ -0,0 +1,291 @@
+/* XPM */
+static char * kwordquiz_xpm[] = {
+"32 32 256 2",
+" c None",
+". c #191C1E",
+"+ c #191D1F",
+"@ c #1600FF",
+"# c #473916",
+"$ c #FF0000",
+"% c #5866A8",
+"& c #7F6D8C",
+"* c #7071AB",
+"= c #6A78B5",
+"- c #6A7CB2",
+"; c #717AB2",
+"> c #B27B00",
+", c #727BB3",
+"' c #6D7FB5",
+") c #747DB5",
+"! c #B28001",
+"~ c #797EB1",
+"{ c #B38103",
+"] c #757FB7",
+"^ c #B08304",
+"/ c #B18012",
+"( c #95815A",
+"_ c #957F65",
+": c #B58307",
+"< c #C27921",
+"[ c #B18516",
+"} c #A38448",
+"| c #B5870C",
+"1 c #A88636",
+"2 c #BA8700",
+"3 c #7A86B8",
+"4 c #B78B1E",
+"5 c #B38C27",
+"6 c #B08C35",
+"7 c #BF8728",
+"8 c #B48D28",
+"9 c #848CB9",
+"0 c #BC8E16",
+"a c #B18E3E",
+"b c #C4901D",
+"c c #C78D26",
+"d c #A49566",
+"e c #8E92BA",
+"f c #BD9631",
+"g c #BF9729",
+"h c #9194BC",
+"i c #CA9909",
+"j c #9295BD",
+"k c #B89940",
+"l c #B49853",
+"m c #C1992B",
+"n c #C39A23",
+"o c #CC8C59",
+"p c #BB9B3B",
+"q c #9397BF",
+"r c #CA8F54",
+"s c #D39B00",
+"t c #CD9C10",
+"u c #C59C26",
+"v c #9598C0",
+"w c #B99C50",
+"x c #CC9C1E",
+"y c #C19B44",
+"z c #BB9D4B",
+"A c #CF9E14",
+"B c #C99F1F",
+"C c #C89E28",
+"D c #BD9E4C",
+"E c #C69E39",
+"F c #BFA04E",
+"G c #C9A033",
+"H c #C69F41",
+"I c #8CA4CF",
+"J c #CCA22D",
+"K c #C1A250",
+"L c #CDA32E",
+"M c #C3A34A",
+"N c #91A5CA",
+"O c #BFA25D",
+"P c #B8A469",
+"Q c #98A3CA",
+"R c #93A6CB",
+"S c #99A4CB",
+"T c #D0A530",
+"U c #BAA66B",
+"V c #9DA4C5",
+"W c #9AA5CC",
+"X c #CEA929",
+"Y c #B5A77C",
+"Z c #CFAA2A",
+"` c #9FA6C8",
+" . c #BBA873",
+".. c #A0A7C9",
+"+. c #D2AC2C",
+"@. c #D1AC35",
+"#. c #99ACD2",
+"$. c #BFAB70",
+"%. c #A2A9CA",
+"&. c #D4AE2F",
+"*. c #A3AACC",
+"=. c #9EADCD",
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Deleted: branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/indiserver.1
Deleted: branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/kalzium.1
Modified: branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/kalzium.install
--- branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/kalzium.install 2005-12-03 15:45:46 UTC (rev 2512)
+++ branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/kalzium.install 2005-12-03 16:02:31 UTC (rev 2513)
@@ -11,4 +11,4 @@
-../kalzium.xpm usr/share/pixmaps
+debian/icons/kalzium.xpm usr/share/pixmaps
Modified: branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/kalzium.manpages
--- branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/kalzium.manpages 2005-12-03 15:45:46 UTC (rev 2512)
+++ branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/kalzium.manpages 2005-12-03 16:02:31 UTC (rev 2513)
@@ -1 +1 @@
Deleted: branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/kalzium.xpm
Deleted: branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/kbruch.1
Modified: branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/kbruch.install
--- branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/kbruch.install 2005-12-03 15:45:46 UTC (rev 2512)
+++ branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/kbruch.install 2005-12-03 16:02:31 UTC (rev 2513)
@@ -15,4 +15,4 @@
-../kbruch.xpm usr/share/pixmaps
+debian/icons/kbruch.xpm usr/share/pixmaps
Modified: branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/kbruch.manpages
--- branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/kbruch.manpages 2005-12-03 15:45:46 UTC (rev 2512)
+++ branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/kbruch.manpages 2005-12-03 16:02:31 UTC (rev 2513)
@@ -1 +1 @@
Deleted: branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/kbruch.xpm
Deleted: branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/keduca-shrinker.1
Deleted: branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/keduca.1
Modified: branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/keduca.install
--- branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/keduca.install 2005-12-03 15:45:46 UTC (rev 2512)
+++ branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/keduca.install 2005-12-03 16:02:31 UTC (rev 2513)
@@ -18,5 +18,5 @@
-../keduca.xpm usr/share/pixmaps
-../keduca-shrinker usr/bin
+debian/icons/keduca.xpm usr/share/pixmaps
+debian/keduca-shrinker usr/bin
Modified: branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/keduca.manpages
--- branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/keduca.manpages 2005-12-03 15:45:46 UTC (rev 2512)
+++ branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/keduca.manpages 2005-12-03 16:02:31 UTC (rev 2513)
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
Deleted: branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/keduca.xpm
Deleted: branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/keducabuilder.1
Deleted: branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/khangman.1
Modified: branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/khangman.install
--- branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/khangman.install 2005-12-03 15:45:46 UTC (rev 2512)
+++ branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/khangman.install 2005-12-03 16:02:31 UTC (rev 2513)
@@ -14,4 +14,4 @@
-../khangman.xpm usr/share/pixmaps
+debian/icons/khangman.xpm usr/share/pixmaps
Modified: branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/khangman.manpages
--- branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/khangman.manpages 2005-12-03 15:45:46 UTC (rev 2512)
+++ branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/khangman.manpages 2005-12-03 16:02:31 UTC (rev 2513)
@@ -1 +1 @@
Deleted: branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/khangman.xpm
Deleted: branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/kig.1
Modified: branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/kig.install
--- branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/kig.install 2005-12-03 15:45:46 UTC (rev 2512)
+++ branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/kig.install 2005-12-03 16:02:31 UTC (rev 2513)
@@ -36,4 +36,4 @@
-../kig.xpm usr/share/pixmaps
+debian/icons/kig.xpm usr/share/pixmaps
Modified: branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/kig.manpages
--- branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/kig.manpages 2005-12-03 15:45:46 UTC (rev 2512)
+++ branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/kig.manpages 2005-12-03 16:02:31 UTC (rev 2513)
@@ -1 +1 @@
Deleted: branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/kig.xpm
Deleted: branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/kiten.1
Modified: branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/kiten.install
--- branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/kiten.install 2005-12-03 15:45:46 UTC (rev 2512)
+++ branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/kiten.install 2005-12-03 16:02:31 UTC (rev 2513)
@@ -10,4 +10,4 @@
-../kiten.xpm usr/share/pixmaps
+debian/icons/kiten.xpm usr/share/pixmaps
Modified: branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/kiten.manpages
--- branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/kiten.manpages 2005-12-03 15:45:46 UTC (rev 2512)
+++ branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/kiten.manpages 2005-12-03 16:02:31 UTC (rev 2513)
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
Deleted: branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/kiten.xpm
Deleted: branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/kitengen.1
Deleted: branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/klatin.1
Modified: branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/klatin.install
--- branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/klatin.install 2005-12-03 15:45:46 UTC (rev 2512)
+++ branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/klatin.install 2005-12-03 16:02:31 UTC (rev 2513)
@@ -14,4 +14,4 @@
-../klatin.xpm usr/share/pixmaps
+debian/icons/klatin.xpm usr/share/pixmaps
Modified: branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/klatin.manpages
--- branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/klatin.manpages 2005-12-03 15:45:46 UTC (rev 2512)
+++ branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/klatin.manpages 2005-12-03 16:02:31 UTC (rev 2513)
@@ -1 +1 @@
Deleted: branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/klatin.xpm
Deleted: branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/klettres.1
Modified: branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/klettres.install
--- branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/klettres.install 2005-12-03 15:45:46 UTC (rev 2512)
+++ branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/klettres.install 2005-12-03 16:02:31 UTC (rev 2513)
@@ -11,4 +11,4 @@
-../klettres.xpm usr/share/pixmaps
+debian/icons/klettres.xpm usr/share/pixmaps
Modified: branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/klettres.manpages
--- branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/klettres.manpages 2005-12-03 15:45:46 UTC (rev 2512)
+++ branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/klettres.manpages 2005-12-03 16:02:31 UTC (rev 2513)
@@ -1 +1 @@
Deleted: branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/klettres.xpm
Deleted: branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/kmessedwords.1
Modified: branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/kmessedwords.install
--- branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/kmessedwords.install 2005-12-03 15:45:46 UTC (rev 2512)
+++ branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/kmessedwords.install 2005-12-03 16:02:31 UTC (rev 2513)
@@ -11,4 +11,4 @@
-../kmessedwords.xpm usr/share/pixmaps
+debian/icons/kmessedwords.xpm usr/share/pixmaps
Modified: branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/kmessedwords.manpages
--- branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/kmessedwords.manpages 2005-12-03 15:45:46 UTC (rev 2512)
+++ branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/kmessedwords.manpages 2005-12-03 16:02:31 UTC (rev 2513)
@@ -1 +1 @@
Deleted: branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/kmessedwords.xpm
Deleted: branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/kmplot.1
Modified: branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/kmplot.install
--- branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/kmplot.install 2005-12-03 15:45:46 UTC (rev 2512)
+++ branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/kmplot.install 2005-12-03 16:02:31 UTC (rev 2513)
@@ -17,4 +17,4 @@
-../kmplot.xpm usr/share/pixmaps
+debian/icons/kmplot.xpm usr/share/pixmaps
Modified: branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/kmplot.manpages
--- branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/kmplot.manpages 2005-12-03 15:45:46 UTC (rev 2512)
+++ branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/kmplot.manpages 2005-12-03 16:02:31 UTC (rev 2513)
@@ -1 +1 @@
Deleted: branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/kmplot.xpm
Deleted: branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/kpercentage.1
Modified: branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/kpercentage.install
--- branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/kpercentage.install 2005-12-03 15:45:46 UTC (rev 2512)
+++ branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/kpercentage.install 2005-12-03 16:02:31 UTC (rev 2513)
@@ -10,4 +10,4 @@
-../kpercentage.xpm usr/share/pixmaps
+debian/icons/kpercentage.xpm usr/share/pixmaps
Modified: branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/kpercentage.manpages
--- branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/kpercentage.manpages 2005-12-03 15:45:46 UTC (rev 2512)
+++ branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/kpercentage.manpages 2005-12-03 16:02:31 UTC (rev 2513)
@@ -1 +1 @@
Deleted: branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/kpercentage.xpm
Deleted: branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/kstars.1
Modified: branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/kstars.install
--- branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/kstars.install 2005-12-03 15:45:46 UTC (rev 2512)
+++ branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/kstars.install 2005-12-03 16:02:31 UTC (rev 2513)
@@ -24,4 +24,4 @@
-../kstars.xpm usr/share/pixmaps
+debian/icons/kstars.xpm usr/share/pixmaps
Modified: branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/kstars.manpages
--- branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/kstars.manpages 2005-12-03 15:45:46 UTC (rev 2512)
+++ branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/kstars.manpages 2005-12-03 16:02:31 UTC (rev 2513)
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
Deleted: branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/kstars.xpm
Deleted: branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/ktouch.1
Modified: branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/ktouch.install
--- branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/ktouch.install 2005-12-03 15:45:46 UTC (rev 2512)
+++ branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/ktouch.install 2005-12-03 16:02:31 UTC (rev 2513)
@@ -11,4 +11,4 @@
-../ktouch.xpm usr/share/pixmaps
+debian/icons/ktouch.xpm usr/share/pixmaps
Modified: branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/ktouch.manpages
--- branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/ktouch.manpages 2005-12-03 15:45:46 UTC (rev 2512)
+++ branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/ktouch.manpages 2005-12-03 16:02:31 UTC (rev 2513)
@@ -1 +1 @@
Deleted: branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/ktouch.xpm
Deleted: branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/kturtle.1
Modified: branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/kturtle.install
--- branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/kturtle.install 2005-12-03 15:45:46 UTC (rev 2512)
+++ branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/kturtle.install 2005-12-03 16:02:31 UTC (rev 2513)
@@ -9,4 +9,4 @@
-../kturtle.xpm usr/share/pixmaps
+debian/icons/kturtle.xpm usr/share/pixmaps
Modified: branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/kturtle.manpages
--- branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/kturtle.manpages 2005-12-03 15:45:46 UTC (rev 2512)
+++ branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/kturtle.manpages 2005-12-03 16:02:31 UTC (rev 2513)
@@ -1 +1 @@
Deleted: branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/kturtle.xpm
Deleted: branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/kverbos.1
Modified: branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/kverbos.install
--- branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/kverbos.install 2005-12-03 15:45:46 UTC (rev 2512)
+++ branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/kverbos.install 2005-12-03 16:02:31 UTC (rev 2513)
@@ -12,4 +12,4 @@
-../kverbos.xpm usr/share/pixmaps
+debian/icons/kverbos.xpm usr/share/pixmaps
Modified: branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/kverbos.manpages
--- branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/kverbos.manpages 2005-12-03 15:45:46 UTC (rev 2512)
+++ branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/kverbos.manpages 2005-12-03 16:02:31 UTC (rev 2513)
@@ -1 +1 @@
Deleted: branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/kverbos.xpm
Deleted: branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/kvoctrain.1
Modified: branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/kvoctrain.install
--- branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/kvoctrain.install 2005-12-03 15:45:46 UTC (rev 2512)
+++ branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/kvoctrain.install 2005-12-03 16:02:31 UTC (rev 2513)
@@ -12,4 +12,4 @@
-../kvoctrain.xpm usr/share/pixmaps
+debian/icons/kvoctrain.xpm usr/share/pixmaps
Modified: branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/kvoctrain.manpages
--- branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/kvoctrain.manpages 2005-12-03 15:45:46 UTC (rev 2512)
+++ branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/kvoctrain.manpages 2005-12-03 16:02:31 UTC (rev 2513)
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
Deleted: branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/kvoctrain.xpm
Deleted: branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/kwordquiz.1
Modified: branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/kwordquiz.install
--- branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/kwordquiz.install 2005-12-03 15:45:46 UTC (rev 2512)
+++ branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/kwordquiz.install 2005-12-03 16:02:31 UTC (rev 2513)
@@ -19,4 +19,4 @@
-../kwordquiz.xpm usr/share/pixmaps
+debian/icons/kwordquiz.xpm usr/share/pixmaps
Modified: branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/kwordquiz.manpages
--- branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/kwordquiz.manpages 2005-12-03 15:45:46 UTC (rev 2512)
+++ branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/kwordquiz.manpages 2005-12-03 16:02:31 UTC (rev 2513)
@@ -1 +1 @@
Deleted: branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/kwordquiz.xpm
Deleted: branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/langen2kvtml.1
Modified: branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/libkdeedu-dev.manpages
--- branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/libkdeedu-dev.manpages 2005-12-03 15:45:46 UTC (rev 2512)
+++ branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/libkdeedu-dev.manpages 2005-12-03 16:02:31 UTC (rev 2513)
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
Deleted: branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/lx200_16.1
Deleted: branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/lx200autostar.1
Deleted: branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/lx200classic.1
Deleted: branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/lx200generic.1
Deleted: branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/lx200gps.1
Added: branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/man/celestrongps.1
--- branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/man/celestrongps.1 2005-12-03 15:45:46 UTC (rev 2512)
+++ branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/man/celestrongps.1 2005-12-03 16:02:31 UTC (rev 2513)
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+.\" Hey, EMACS: -*- nroff -*-
+.\" First parameter, NAME, should be all caps
+.\" Second parameter, SECTION, should be 1-8, maybe w/ subsection
+.\" other parameters are allowed: see man(7), man(1)
+.TH CELESTRONGPS 1 "March 16, 2005"
+.\" Please adjust this date whenever revising the manpage.
+.\" Some roff macros, for reference:
+.\" .nh disable hyphenation
+.\" .hy enable hyphenation
+.\" .ad l left justify
+.\" .ad b justify to both left and right margins
+.\" .nf disable filling
+.\" .fi enable filling
+.\" .br insert line break
+.\" .sp <n> insert n+1 empty lines
+.\" for manpage-specific macros, see man(7)
+celestrongps \- Celestron GPS driver for INDI telescope control
+.B celestrongps
+[ \fB\-v\fP ]
+KStars allows you to configure
+and control astronomical instruments such as telescopes and focusers via
+the INDI protocol. \fBcelestrongps\fP is a device driver for supporting
+particular types of external hardware.
+You should normally not need to run this driver directly. Instead you
+should use KStars to configure and operate your astronomical instruments.
+Most operations can be found under the Devices menu within KStars.
+KStars will start the INDI server internally, and the INDI server will
+in turn start this device driver.
+Much more detailed information can be found in the KStars Handbook, as
+described below.
+KStars is a graphical desktop planetarium for KDE, and forms part of
+the official KDE edutainment module.
+Write more verbose output to stderr.
+.BR indiserver (1),
+.BR kstars (1).
+The KStars Handbook contains detailed information on how to use INDI for
+telescope control. You can read this handbook in the KDE Help Centre.
+Alternatively you can enter the URL
+directly into konqueror or you can run
+`\fIkhelpcenter help:/kstars/indi.html\fP'
+from the command-line.
+If the KDE Help Centre is not installed then you can install the package
+\fIkdeedu-doc-html\fP and read this documentation in HTML format from
+KStars was written by Jason Harris <jharris at 30doradus.org>,
+Heiko Evermann <heiko at evermann.de>, Thomas Kabelmann <tk78 at gmx.de>,
+Pablo de Vicente <pvicentea at wanadoo.es>, Jasem Mutlaq <mutlaqja at ikarustech.com>,
+Carsten Niehaus <cniehaus at gmx.de>, Mark Hollomon <mhh at mindspring.com>,
+Vincent Jagot <vincent.jagot at free.fr> and
+Martin Piskernig <martin.piskernig at stuwo.at>.
+This manual page was prepared by Ben Burton <bab at debian.org>
+for the Debian GNU/Linux system (but may be used by others).
Added: branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/man/fliccd.1
--- branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/man/fliccd.1 2005-12-03 15:45:46 UTC (rev 2512)
+++ branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/man/fliccd.1 2005-12-03 16:02:31 UTC (rev 2513)
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+.\" Hey, EMACS: -*- nroff -*-
+.\" First parameter, NAME, should be all caps
+.\" Second parameter, SECTION, should be 1-8, maybe w/ subsection
+.\" other parameters are allowed: see man(7), man(1)
+.TH FLICCD 1 "March 16, 2005"
+.\" Please adjust this date whenever revising the manpage.
+.\" Some roff macros, for reference:
+.\" .nh disable hyphenation
+.\" .hy enable hyphenation
+.\" .ad l left justify
+.\" .ad b justify to both left and right margins
+.\" .nf disable filling
+.\" .fi enable filling
+.\" .br insert line break
+.\" .sp <n> insert n+1 empty lines
+.\" for manpage-specific macros, see man(7)
+fliccd \- Finger Lakes Instruments CCD driver for INDI telescope control
+.B v4ldriver
+[ \fB\-v\fP ]
+KStars allows you to configure
+and control astronomical instruments such as telescopes and focusers via
+the INDI protocol. \fBfliccd\fP is a device driver for supporting
+particular types of external hardware.
+You should normally not need to run this driver directly. Instead you
+should use KStars to configure and operate your astronomical instruments.
+Most operations can be found under the Devices menu within KStars.
+KStars will start the INDI server internally, and the INDI server will
+in turn start this device driver.
+Much more detailed information can be found in the KStars Handbook, as
+described below.
+KStars is a graphical desktop planetarium for KDE, and forms part of
+the official KDE edutainment module.
+Write more verbose output to stderr.
+.BR indiserver (1),
+.BR kstars (1).
+The KStars Handbook contains detailed information on how to use INDI for
+telescope control. You can read this handbook in the KDE Help Centre.
+Alternatively you can enter the URL
+directly into konqueror or you can run
+`\fIkhelpcenter help:/kstars/indi.html\fP'
+from the command-line.
+If the KDE Help Centre is not installed then you can install the package
+\fIkdeedu-doc-html\fP and read this documentation in HTML format from
+KStars was written by Jason Harris <jharris at 30doradus.org>,
+Heiko Evermann <heiko at evermann.de>, Thomas Kabelmann <tk78 at gmx.de>,
+Pablo de Vicente <pvicentea at wanadoo.es>, Jasem Mutlaq <mutlaqja at ikarustech.com>,
+Carsten Niehaus <cniehaus at gmx.de>, Mark Hollomon <mhh at mindspring.com>,
+Vincent Jagot <vincent.jagot at free.fr> and
+Martin Piskernig <martin.piskernig at stuwo.at>.
+This manual page was prepared by Ben Burton <bab at debian.org>
+for the Debian GNU/Linux system (but may be used by others).
Added: branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/man/indiserver.1
--- branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/man/indiserver.1 2005-12-03 15:45:46 UTC (rev 2512)
+++ branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/man/indiserver.1 2005-12-03 16:02:31 UTC (rev 2513)
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
+.\" Hey, EMACS: -*- nroff -*-
+.\" First parameter, NAME, should be all caps
+.\" Second parameter, SECTION, should be 1-8, maybe w/ subsection
+.\" other parameters are allowed: see man(7), man(1)
+.TH INDISERVER 1 "October 16, 2004"
+.\" Please adjust this date whenever revising the manpage.
+.\" Some roff macros, for reference:
+.\" .nh disable hyphenation
+.\" .hy enable hyphenation
+.\" .ad l left justify
+.\" .ad b justify to both left and right margins
+.\" .nf disable filling
+.\" .fi enable filling
+.\" .br insert line break
+.\" .sp <n> insert n+1 empty lines
+.\" for manpage-specific macros, see man(7)
+indiserver \- INDI server for telescope control under KStars
+.B indiserver
+[ \fB\-p\fP \fIport\fP ]
+[ \fB\-r\fP \fIattempts\fP ]
+[ \fB\-vv\fP ]
+\fIdriver\fP [ \fIdriver\fP ... ]
+KStars allows you to configure
+and control astronomical instruments such as telescopes and focusers via
+the INDI protocol. \fBindiserver\fP is a server that sits between the
+KStars user interface and the low-level hardware drivers.
+The INDI server is a network server, in that either local or remote clients
+may connect to it to control astronomical instruments. The INDI server must
+be running on the machine that is physically connected to the
+astronomical instruments.
+Note that there is no need for you to run the INDI server directly. Using
+the KStars device manager, you can set up astronomical instruments and start
+or stop the INDI server all from within KStars.
+You may however choose to run the INDI server manually from the command
+line. In this case you must pass the names of one or more drivers for
+individual astronomical instruments. The current list of available
+drivers is:
+celestrongps (Celestron GPS)
+fliccd (Finger Lakes Instruments CCD)
+lx200_16 (LX200 16")
+lx200autostar (LX200 Autostar)
+lx200classic (LX200 Classic)
+lx200generic (LX200 Generic)
+lx200gps (LX200 GPS)
+temma (Temma Takahashi)
+v4ldriver (Video4Linux Generic)
+v4lphilips (Philips Webcam)
+Much more detailed information can be found in the KStars Handbook, as
+described below.
+KStars is a graphical desktop planetarium for KDE, and forms part of
+the official KDE edutainment module.
+\fB\-p\fP \fIport\fP
+Specify the port to listen on (defaults to 7624).
+\fB\-r\fP \fIattempts\fP
+Specify the maximum number of restart attempts for each driver (defaults to 2).
+Write more verbose output to stderr.
+To start an INDI server running an LX200 GPS driver and listening to
+connections on port 8000:
+\fIprompt$\fP indiserver -p 8000 lx200gps
+.BR celestrongps (1),
+.BR fliccd (1),
+.BR lx200_16 (1),
+.BR lx200autostar (1),
+.BR lx200classic (1),
+.BR lx200generic (1),
+.BR lx200gps (1),
+.BR kstars (1),
+.BR temma (1),
+.BR v4ldriver (1),
+.BR v4lphilips (1).
+The KStars Handbook contains detailed information on how to use INDI for
+telescope control. You can read this handbook in the KDE Help Centre.
+Alternatively you can enter the URL
+directly into konqueror or you can run
+`\fIkhelpcenter help:/kstars/indi.html\fP'
+from the command-line.
+If the KDE Help Centre is not installed then you can install the package
+\fIkdeedu-doc-html\fP and read this documentation in HTML format from
+KStars was written by Jason Harris <jharris at 30doradus.org>,
+Heiko Evermann <heiko at evermann.de>, Thomas Kabelmann <tk78 at gmx.de>,
+Pablo de Vicente <pvicentea at wanadoo.es>, Jasem Mutlaq <mutlaqja at ikarustech.com>,
+Carsten Niehaus <cniehaus at gmx.de>, Mark Hollomon <mhh at mindspring.com>,
+Vincent Jagot <vincent.jagot at free.fr> and
+Martin Piskernig <martin.piskernig at stuwo.at>.
+This manual page was prepared by Ben Burton <bab at debian.org>
+for the Debian GNU/Linux system (but may be used by others).
Added: branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/man/kalzium.1
--- branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/man/kalzium.1 2005-12-03 15:45:46 UTC (rev 2512)
+++ branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/man/kalzium.1 2005-12-03 16:02:31 UTC (rev 2513)
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+.\" Hey, EMACS: -*- nroff -*-
+.\" First parameter, NAME, should be all caps
+.\" Second parameter, SECTION, should be 1-8, maybe w/ subsection
+.\" other parameters are allowed: see man(7), man(1)
+.TH KALZIUM 1 "March 16, 2005"
+.\" Please adjust this date whenever revising the manpage.
+.\" Some roff macros, for reference:
+.\" .nh disable hyphenation
+.\" .hy enable hyphenation
+.\" .ad l left justify
+.\" .ad b justify to both left and right margins
+.\" .nf disable filling
+.\" .fi enable filling
+.\" .br insert line break
+.\" .sp <n> insert n+1 empty lines
+.\" for manpage-specific macros, see man(7)
+kalzium \- a chemistry teaching tool for KDE
+.B kalzium
+.RI "[ " generic-options " ]"
+\fBKalzium\fP is a program which shows you the Periodic System of
+Elements (PSE). You can use Kalzium to search for information about
+the elements or to learn facts about the PSE.
+Kalzium provides you with all kinds of information about the PSE. You
+can look up lots of information about the elements and also use
+visualisations to show them.
+You can visualize the Periodic Table of the Elements by blocks, groups,
+acidic behavior or different states of matter. You can also plot data for a
+range of elements (weight, mean weight, density, IE1, IE2, electronegativity),
+and you can go back in time to see what elements were known at a given date.
+This application is part of the official KDE edutainment module.
+For a full summary of options, run \fIkalzium \-\-help\fP.
+Full user documentation is available through the KDE Help Centre.
+You can also enter the URL
+directly into konqueror or you can run
+`\fIkhelpcenter help:/kalzium/\fP'
+from the command-line.
+If the KDE Help Centre is not installed then you can install the package
+\fIkdeedu-doc-html\fP and read this documentation in HTML format from
+Kalzium was written by Carsten Niehaus <cniehaus at kde.org>.
+This manual page was prepared by Ben Burton <bab at debian.org>
+for the Debian GNU/Linux system (but may be used by others).
Added: branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/man/kbruch.1
--- branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/man/kbruch.1 2005-12-03 15:45:46 UTC (rev 2512)
+++ branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/man/kbruch.1 2005-12-03 16:02:31 UTC (rev 2513)
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+.\" Hey, EMACS: -*- nroff -*-
+.\" First parameter, NAME, should be all caps
+.\" Second parameter, SECTION, should be 1-8, maybe w/ subsection
+.\" other parameters are allowed: see man(7), man(1)
+.TH KBRUCH 1 "October 16, 2004"
+.\" Please adjust this date whenever revising the manpage.
+.\" Some roff macros, for reference:
+.\" .nh disable hyphenation
+.\" .hy enable hyphenation
+.\" .ad l left justify
+.\" .ad b justify to both left and right margins
+.\" .nf disable filling
+.\" .fi enable filling
+.\" .br insert line break
+.\" .sp <n> insert n+1 empty lines
+.\" for manpage-specific macros, see man(7)
+kbruch \- a fraction calculation teaching tool for KDE
+.B kbruch
+.RI "[ " generic-options " ]"
+\fBKBruch\fP is a small program to practice calculating with fractions.
+Different exercises are provided for this purpose. The program checks
+the user's input and gives feedback.
+This application is part of the official KDE edutainment module.
+For a full summary of options, run \fIkbruch \-\-help\fP.
+Full user documentation is available through the KDE Help Centre.
+You can also enter the URL
+directly into konqueror or you can run
+`\fIkhelpcenter help:/kbruch/\fP'
+from the command-line.
+If the KDE Help Centre is not installed then you can install the package
+\fIkdeedu-doc-html\fP and read this documentation in HTML format from
+KBruch was written by Sebastian Stein <seb.kde at hpfsc.de>,
+Eva Brucherseifer <eva at kde.org> and others.
+This manual page was prepared by Ben Burton <bab at debian.org>
+for the Debian GNU/Linux system (but may be used by others).
Added: branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/man/keduca-shrinker.1
--- branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/man/keduca-shrinker.1 2005-12-03 15:45:46 UTC (rev 2512)
+++ branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/man/keduca-shrinker.1 2005-12-03 16:02:31 UTC (rev 2513)
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+.\" Hey, EMACS: -*- nroff -*-
+.\" First parameter, NAME, should be all caps
+.\" Second parameter, SECTION, should be 1-8, maybe w/ subsection
+.\" other parameters are allowed: see man(7), man(1)
+.TH KEDUCA-SHRINKER 1 "September 1, 2005"
+.\" Please adjust this date whenever revising the manpage.
+.\" Some roff macros, for reference:
+.\" .nh disable hyphenation
+.\" .hy enable hyphenation
+.\" .ad l left justify
+.\" .ad b justify to both left and right margins
+.\" .nf disable filling
+.\" .fi enable filling
+.\" .br insert line break
+.\" .sp <n> insert n+1 empty lines
+.\" for manpage-specific macros, see man(7)
+keduca-shrinker \- extract a random sample from a large KEduca test file
+.B keduca-shrinker
+[ \fB\-o, \-\-output\fP=\fIfile\fP ]
+[ \fB\-n, \-\-number\fP=\fInumber\fP ]
+\fB\-i, \-\-input\fP=\fIfile\fP
+\fBkeduca-shrinker\fP is a small program that reads a large KEduca
+test file (.edu) and extracts a random sample of questions to create a
+new smaller test file. For example, it could take a 100 question test
+file as input and then output a test file with 20 questions selected at
+Note that the input file \fBmust\fP be uncompressed. When you save the
+original test in the KEduca Editor, you should explicitly clear the "Compress
+the file" checkbox. Otherwise keduca-shrinker will not be able to read it.
+\fBKEduca\fP is a flash-card application for working with interactive
+form-based tests. It is shipped as part of the official KDE edutainment
+\fB\-i, \-\-input\fP=\fIfile\fP
+The large KEduca test file that should be read as input.
+\fB\-o, \-\-output\fP=\fIfile\fP
+The smaller KEduca test file that should be written as output.
+This defaults to the input filename with \fI-shrinked\fP appended to its
+base. For example, if the input file is \fIfoo.edu\fP then the
+default output file is \fIfoo-shrinked.edu\fP.
+\fB\-n, \-\-number\fP=\fInumber\fP
+The number of random questions to select from the input file.
+This defaults to 20.
+.BR keduca (1),
+.BR keducabuilder (1).
+This tool is not yet part of the official KDE edutainment module.
+Its upstream site is
+keduca-shrinker was written by Mathieu Roy <yeupou at coleumes.org>.
+It is licensed under the GNU General Public License (see the script
+itself for details).
+This manual page was prepared by Ben Burton <bab at debian.org>
+for the Debian GNU/Linux system (but may be used by others).
Added: branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/man/keduca.1
--- branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/man/keduca.1 2005-12-03 15:45:46 UTC (rev 2512)
+++ branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/man/keduca.1 2005-12-03 16:02:31 UTC (rev 2513)
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+.\" Hey, EMACS: -*- nroff -*-
+.\" First parameter, NAME, should be all caps
+.\" Second parameter, SECTION, should be 1-8, maybe w/ subsection
+.\" other parameters are allowed: see man(7), man(1)
+.TH KEDUCA 1 "September 1, 2005"
+.\" Please adjust this date whenever revising the manpage.
+.\" Some roff macros, for reference:
+.\" .nh disable hyphenation
+.\" .hy enable hyphenation
+.\" .ad l left justify
+.\" .ad b justify to both left and right margins
+.\" .nf disable filling
+.\" .fi enable filling
+.\" .br insert line break
+.\" .sp <n> insert n+1 empty lines
+.\" for manpage-specific macros, see man(7)
+keduca \- interactive form-based tests for KDE
+.B keduca
+.RI "[ " generic-options " ]"
+[ \fIfile\fP ]
+\fBKEduca\fP is a flash-card application that allows you to work with
+interactive form-based tests. This application is used only for viewing
+and taking these tests \- you can create and edit tests using the
+related application \fBKEducaBuilder\fP.
+This application is part of the official KDE edutainment module.
+For a full summary of options, run \fIkeduca \-\-help\fP.
+.BR keduca-shrinker (1),
+.BR keducabuilder (1).
+Full user documentation is available through the KDE Help Centre.
+You can also enter the URL
+directly into konqueror or you can run
+`\fIkhelpcenter help:/keduca/\fP'
+from the command-line.
+If the KDE Help Centre is not installed then you can install the package
+\fIkdeedu-doc-html\fP and read this documentation in HTML format from
+KEduca was written by Javier Campos <javi at asyris.org>,
+Klas Kalass <klas at kde.org>, Henrique Pinto <henrique.pinto at kdemail.net>
+and Anne-Marie Mahfouf <annma at kde.org>.
+This manual page was prepared by Ben Burton <bab at debian.org>
+for the Debian GNU/Linux system (but may be used by others).
Added: branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/man/keducabuilder.1
--- branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/man/keducabuilder.1 2005-12-03 15:45:46 UTC (rev 2512)
+++ branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/man/keducabuilder.1 2005-12-03 16:02:31 UTC (rev 2513)
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+.\" Hey, EMACS: -*- nroff -*-
+.\" First parameter, NAME, should be all caps
+.\" Second parameter, SECTION, should be 1-8, maybe w/ subsection
+.\" other parameters are allowed: see man(7), man(1)
+.TH KEDUCABUILDER 1 "September 1, 2005"
+.\" Please adjust this date whenever revising the manpage.
+.\" Some roff macros, for reference:
+.\" .nh disable hyphenation
+.\" .hy enable hyphenation
+.\" .ad l left justify
+.\" .ad b justify to both left and right margins
+.\" .nf disable filling
+.\" .fi enable filling
+.\" .br insert line break
+.\" .sp <n> insert n+1 empty lines
+.\" for manpage-specific macros, see man(7)
+keducabuilder \- test/exam editor for KEduca
+.B keducabuilder
+.RI "[ " generic-options " ]"
+[ \fIfile\fP ]
+\fBKEducaBuilder\fP is the test editor for \fBKEduca\fP, a flash-card
+application for working with interactive form-based tests.
+KEducaBuilder is used to create and edit these tests, whereas KEduca
+itself can be used to view and take these tests.
+This application is part of the official KDE edutainment module.
+For a full summary of options, run \fIkeduca \-\-help\fP.
+.BR keduca (1),
+.BR keduca-shrinker (1).
+Full user documentation is available through the KDE Help Centre.
+You can also enter the URL
+directly into konqueror or you can run
+`\fIkhelpcenter help:/keduca/\fP'
+from the command-line.
+If the KDE Help Centre is not installed then you can install the package
+\fIkdeedu-doc-html\fP and read this documentation in HTML format from
+KEduca was written by Javier Campos <javi at asyris.org>,
+Klas Kalass <klas at kde.org>, Henrique Pinto <henrique.pinto at kdemail.net>
+and Anne-Marie Mahfouf <annma at kde.org>.
+This manual page was prepared by Ben Burton <bab at debian.org>
+for the Debian GNU/Linux system (but may be used by others).
Added: branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/man/khangman.1
--- branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/man/khangman.1 2005-12-03 15:45:46 UTC (rev 2512)
+++ branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/man/khangman.1 2005-12-03 16:02:31 UTC (rev 2513)
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+.\" Hey, EMACS: -*- nroff -*-
+.\" First parameter, NAME, should be all caps
+.\" Second parameter, SECTION, should be 1-8, maybe w/ subsection
+.\" other parameters are allowed: see man(7), man(1)
+.TH KHANGMAN 1 "October 16, 2004"
+.\" Please adjust this date whenever revising the manpage.
+.\" Some roff macros, for reference:
+.\" .nh disable hyphenation
+.\" .hy enable hyphenation
+.\" .ad l left justify
+.\" .ad b justify to both left and right margins
+.\" .nf disable filling
+.\" .fi enable filling
+.\" .br insert line break
+.\" .sp <n> insert n+1 empty lines
+.\" for manpage-specific macros, see man(7)
+khangman \- the classical hangman game for KDE
+.B khangman
+.RI "[ " generic-options " ]"
+\fBKHangMan\fP is a game based on the well known hangman game. It is aimed
+for children aged 6 and above. It has four levels of difficulty:
+Animals (animals words), Easy, Medium and Hard.
+A word is picked at random and the letters are hidden. You must guess
+the word by trying one letter after another. Each time you guess a wrong
+letter, a picture of a hangman is drawn. You must guess the word before
+getting hanged! You have 10 tries.
+This application is part of the official KDE edutainment module.
+For a full summary of options, run \fIkhangman \-\-help\fP.
+Full user documentation is available through the KDE Help Centre.
+You can also enter the URL
+directly into konqueror or you can run
+`\fIkhelpcenter help:/khangman/\fP'
+from the command-line.
+If the KDE Help Centre is not installed then you can install the package
+\fIkdeedu-doc-html\fP and read this documentation in HTML format from
+KHangMan was written by Primoz Anzur <zerokode at gmx.net> and
+Anne-Marie Mahfouf <annma at kde.org>.
+This manual page was prepared by Ben Burton <bab at debian.org>
+for the Debian GNU/Linux system (but may be used by others).
Added: branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/man/kig.1
--- branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/man/kig.1 2005-12-03 15:45:46 UTC (rev 2512)
+++ branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/man/kig.1 2005-12-03 16:02:31 UTC (rev 2513)
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+.\" Hey, EMACS: -*- nroff -*-
+.\" First parameter, NAME, should be all caps
+.\" Second parameter, SECTION, should be 1-8, maybe w/ subsection
+.\" other parameters are allowed: see man(7), man(1)
+.TH KIG 1 "October 16, 2004"
+.\" Please adjust this date whenever revising the manpage.
+.\" Some roff macros, for reference:
+.\" .nh disable hyphenation
+.\" .hy enable hyphenation
+.\" .ad l left justify
+.\" .ad b justify to both left and right margins
+.\" .nf disable filling
+.\" .fi enable filling
+.\" .br insert line break
+.\" .sp <n> insert n+1 empty lines
+.\" for manpage-specific macros, see man(7)
+kig \- an interactive geometry program for KDE
+.B kig
+.RI "[ " generic-options " ]"
+[ \fIURL\fP ]
+.B kig \-c, \-\-convert\-to\-native
+[ \fB\-o, \-\-outfile\fP \fInative-file\fP ]
+\fBKig\fP is an application for interactive geometry. It is intended to
+serve two purposes:
+\- to allow students to interactively explore mathematical figures and
+concepts using the computer;
+\- to serve as a WYSIWYG tool for drawing mathematical figures and
+including them in other documents.
+With this program you can do geometry on a computer just like you would
+on a blackboard in a classroom. However, the program allows you to move
+and change parts of a geometrical drawing so that you can see how the other
+parts change as a result.
+Kig supports loci and user-defined macros. It also supports imports
+and exports to/from foreign file formats including Cabri, Dr. Geo, KGeo,
+KSeg and XFig.
+This application is part of the official KDE edutainment module.
+Below are the kig-specific options.
+For a full summary of options, run \fIkig \-\-help\fP.
+.B \-c, \-\-convert\-to\-native
+Do not show a GUI. Instead, convert the specified file to the native
+Kig format. The native Kig file will be written to standard output
+unless \-\-outfile is passed (see below).
+\fB\-o, \-\-outfile\fP \fInative-file\fP
+Used with \-\-convert\-to\-native to specify where to save the newly
+created Kig file. Note that a filename of '\-' means standard
+output (which is also the default).
+Full user documentation is available through the KDE Help Centre.
+You can also enter the URL
+directly into konqueror or you can run
+`\fIkhelpcenter help:/kig/\fP'
+from the command-line.
+If the KDE Help Centre is not installed then you can install the package
+\fIkdeedu-doc-html\fP and read this documentation in HTML format from
+Kig was written by Dominique Devriese <devriese at kde.org>,
+Maurizio Paolini <paolini at dmf.bs.unicatt.it>,
+Franco Pasquarelli <pasqui at dmf.bs.unicatt.it>,
+Pino Toscano <toscano.pino at tiscali.it> and others.
+This manual page was prepared by Ben Burton <bab at debian.org>
+for the Debian GNU/Linux system (but may be used by others).
Added: branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/man/kiten.1
--- branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/man/kiten.1 2005-12-03 15:45:46 UTC (rev 2512)
+++ branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/man/kiten.1 2005-12-03 16:02:31 UTC (rev 2513)
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+.\" Hey, EMACS: -*- nroff -*-
+.\" First parameter, NAME, should be all caps
+.\" Second parameter, SECTION, should be 1-8, maybe w/ subsection
+.\" other parameters are allowed: see man(7), man(1)
+.TH KITEN 1 "May 12, 2003"
+.\" Please adjust this date whenever revising the manpage.
+.\" Some roff macros, for reference:
+.\" .nh disable hyphenation
+.\" .hy enable hyphenation
+.\" .ad l left justify
+.\" .ad b justify to both left and right margins
+.\" .nf disable filling
+.\" .fi enable filling
+.\" .br insert line break
+.\" .sp <n> insert n+1 empty lines
+.\" for manpage-specific macros, see man(7)
+kiten \- a Japanese reference/study tool for KDE
+.B kiten
+.RI "[ " generic-options " ]"
+\fBKiten\fP is a Japanese reference and study tool for KDE. It is an
+application with multiple functions. Firstly, it is a convenient
+English to Japanese and Japanese to English dictionary. Secondly, it is
+a Kanji dictionary, with multiple ways to look up specific characters.
+Thirdly, it is a tool to help you learn Kanji.
+This application is part of the official KDE edutainment module.
+For a full summary of options, run \fIkiten \-\-help\fP.
+.BR kitengen (1).
+Full user documentation is available through the KDE Help Centre.
+You can also enter the URL
+directly into konqueror or you can run
+`\fIkhelpcenter help:/kiten/\fP'
+from the command-line.
+If the KDE Help Centre is not installed then you can install the package
+\fIkdeedu-doc-html\fP and read this documentation in HTML format from
+Kiten was written by Jason Katz-Brown <jason at katzbrown.com>,
+Jim Breen <jwb at csse.monash.edu.au> and
+Neil Stevens <neil at qualityassistant.com>.
+This manual page was prepared by Ben Burton <bab at debian.org>
+for the Debian GNU/Linux system (but may be used by others).
Added: branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/man/kitengen.1
--- branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/man/kitengen.1 2005-12-03 15:45:46 UTC (rev 2512)
+++ branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/man/kitengen.1 2005-12-03 16:02:31 UTC (rev 2513)
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+.\" Hey, EMACS: -*- nroff -*-
+.\" First parameter, NAME, should be all caps
+.\" Second parameter, SECTION, should be 1-8, maybe w/ subsection
+.\" other parameters are allowed: see man(7), man(1)
+.TH KITENGEN 1 "May 12, 2003"
+.\" Please adjust this date whenever revising the manpage.
+.\" Some roff macros, for reference:
+.\" .nh disable hyphenation
+.\" .hy enable hyphenation
+.\" .ad l left justify
+.\" .ad b justify to both left and right margins
+.\" .nf disable filling
+.\" .fi enable filling
+.\" .br insert line break
+.\" .sp <n> insert n+1 empty lines
+.\" for manpage-specific macros, see man(7)
+kitengen \- index table generator for Kiten
+.B kitengen
+.I input output.xjdx
+\fBkitengen\fP is an index table generator for Kiten.
+This program is for Kiten's internal use and should \fBnot\fP be run
+\fBKiten\fP is a Japanese reference and study tool for KDE. It is an
+application with multiple functions. Firstly, it is a convenient
+English to Japanese and Japanese to English dictionary. Secondly, it is
+a Kanji dictionary, with multiple ways to look up specific characters.
+Thirdly, it is a tool to help you learn Kanji.
+This application is part of the official KDE edutainment module.
+.BR kiten (1).
+Full user documentation for Kiten is available through the KDE Help Centre.
+You can also enter the URL
+directly into konqueror or you can run
+`\fIkhelpcenter help:/kiten/\fP'
+from the command-line.
+If the KDE Help Centre is not installed then you can install the package
+\fIkdeedu-doc-html\fP and read this documentation in HTML format from
+Kiten was written by Jason Katz-Brown <jason at katzbrown.com>,
+Jim Breen <jwb at csse.monash.edu.au> and
+Neil Stevens <neil at qualityassistant.com>.
+This manual page was prepared by Ben Burton <bab at debian.org>
+for the Debian GNU/Linux system (but may be used by others).
Added: branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/man/klatin.1
--- branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/man/klatin.1 2005-12-03 15:45:46 UTC (rev 2512)
+++ branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/man/klatin.1 2005-12-03 16:02:31 UTC (rev 2513)
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+.\" Hey, EMACS: -*- nroff -*-
+.\" First parameter, NAME, should be all caps
+.\" Second parameter, SECTION, should be 1-8, maybe w/ subsection
+.\" other parameters are allowed: see man(7), man(1)
+.TH KLATIN 1 "March 16, 2005"
+.\" Please adjust this date whenever revising the manpage.
+.\" Some roff macros, for reference:
+.\" .nh disable hyphenation
+.\" .hy enable hyphenation
+.\" .ad l left justify
+.\" .ad b justify to both left and right margins
+.\" .nf disable filling
+.\" .fi enable filling
+.\" .br insert line break
+.\" .sp <n> insert n+1 empty lines
+.\" for manpage-specific macros, see man(7)
+klatin \- an application to help revise/teach Latin
+.B klatin
+.RI "[ " generic-options " ]"
+\fBKLatin\fP is a program to help revise Latin. There are three "sections"
+in which different aspects of the language can be revised. These are the
+vocabulary, grammar and verb testing sections. In addition there is a
+set of revision notes that can be used for self-guided revision.
+In the vocabulary section an XML file is loaded containing various
+words and their local language translations. KLatin asks you what each
+of these words translate into. The questions take place in a
+multiple-choice environment.
+In the grammar and verb sections KLatin asks for a particular part of a
+noun or a verb, such as the "ablative singular", or the "1st person
+indicative passive plural", and is not multiple choice.
+This application is part of the official KDE edutainment module.
+For a full summary of options, run \fIklatin \-\-help\fP.
+Full user documentation is available through the KDE Help Centre.
+You can also enter the URL
+directly into konqueror or you can run
+`\fIkhelpcenter help:/klatin/\fP'
+from the command-line.
+If the KDE Help Centre is not installed then you can install the package
+\fIkdeedu-doc-html\fP and read this documentation in HTML format from
+KLatin was written by George Wright <gwright at kde.org> and others.
+This manual page was prepared by Ben Burton <bab at debian.org>
+for the Debian GNU/Linux system (but may be used by others).
Added: branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/man/klettres.1
--- branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/man/klettres.1 2005-12-03 15:45:46 UTC (rev 2512)
+++ branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/man/klettres.1 2005-12-03 16:02:31 UTC (rev 2513)
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+.\" Hey, EMACS: -*- nroff -*-
+.\" First parameter, NAME, should be all caps
+.\" Second parameter, SECTION, should be 1-8, maybe w/ subsection
+.\" other parameters are allowed: see man(7), man(1)
+.TH KLETTRES 1 "March 16, 2005"
+.\" Please adjust this date whenever revising the manpage.
+.\" Some roff macros, for reference:
+.\" .nh disable hyphenation
+.\" .hy enable hyphenation
+.\" .ad l left justify
+.\" .ad b justify to both left and right margins
+.\" .nf disable filling
+.\" .fi enable filling
+.\" .br insert line break
+.\" .sp <n> insert n+1 empty lines
+.\" for manpage-specific macros, see man(7)
+klettres \- a foreign alphabet tutor for KDE
+.B klettres
+.RI "[ " generic-options " ]"
+\fBKLettres\fP is an application specially designed to help the user to
+learn the alphabet in a new language and then to learn to read simple
+syllables. The user can be a young child aged from two and a half or an
+adult that wants to learn the basics of a foreign language.
+Seven languages are currently available: Czech, Danish, Dutch, English,
+French, Italian and Slovak.
+This application is part of the official KDE edutainment module.
+For a full summary of options, run \fIklettres \-\-help\fP.
+Full user documentation is available through the KDE Help Centre.
+You can also enter the URL
+directly into konqueror or you can run
+`\fIkhelpcenter help:/klettres/\fP'
+from the command-line.
+If the KDE Help Centre is not installed then you can install the package
+\fIkdeedu-doc-html\fP and read this documentation in HTML format from
+KLettres was written by Anne-Marie Mahfouf <annma at kde.org> and many others.
+This manual page was prepared by Ben Burton <bab at debian.org>
+for the Debian GNU/Linux system (but may be used by others).
Added: branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/man/kmessedwords.1
--- branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/man/kmessedwords.1 2005-12-03 15:45:46 UTC (rev 2512)
+++ branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/man/kmessedwords.1 2005-12-03 16:02:31 UTC (rev 2513)
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+.\" Hey, EMACS: -*- nroff -*-
+.\" First parameter, NAME, should be all caps
+.\" Second parameter, SECTION, should be 1-8, maybe w/ subsection
+.\" other parameters are allowed: see man(7), man(1)
+.TH KMESSEDWORDS 1 "March 16, 2005"
+.\" Please adjust this date whenever revising the manpage.
+.\" Some roff macros, for reference:
+.\" .nh disable hyphenation
+.\" .hy enable hyphenation
+.\" .ad l left justify
+.\" .ad b justify to both left and right margins
+.\" .nf disable filling
+.\" .fi enable filling
+.\" .br insert line break
+.\" .sp <n> insert n+1 empty lines
+.\" for manpage-specific macros, see man(7)
+kmessedwords \- a letter order game for KDE
+.B kmessedwords
+.RI "[ " generic-options " ]"
+\fBKMessedWords\fP is a game that is based on the word/letter puzzles that the
+author played as a child. A word is picked at random and displayed with
+its letters in a messed order, with difficulty dependent on the chosen level.
+You have an unlimited number of attempts, and scores are kept.
+It is a very simply constructed game, with 3 dificulty levels of play.
+It is fully customizable, allowing you to write in your own words and set
+your own 'look and feel' of the game. It is aimed for children aged 10+
+because of the dificulty, but of course everyone is welcome to try.
+This application is part of the official KDE edutainment module.
+For a full summary of options, run \fIkmessedwords \-\-help\fP.
+Full user documentation is available through the KDE Help Centre.
+You can also enter the URL
+directly into konqueror or you can run
+`\fIkhelpcenter help:/kmessedwords/\fP'
+from the command-line.
+If the KDE Help Centre is not installed then you can install the package
+\fIkdeedu-doc-html\fP and read this documentation in HTML format from
+KMessedWords was written by Primoz Anzur <zerokode at gmx.net>,
+Waldo Bastian <bastian at kde.org>, Daniel Molkentin <molkentin at kde.org>,
+Reuben Sutton <reuben at microsucks.co.uk> and Anne-Marie Mahfouf <annma at kde.org>.
+This manual page was prepared by Ben Burton <bab at debian.org>
+for the Debian GNU/Linux system (but may be used by others).
Added: branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/man/kmplot.1
--- branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/man/kmplot.1 2005-12-03 15:45:46 UTC (rev 2512)
+++ branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/man/kmplot.1 2005-12-03 16:02:31 UTC (rev 2513)
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+.\" Hey, EMACS: -*- nroff -*-
+.\" First parameter, NAME, should be all caps
+.\" Second parameter, SECTION, should be 1-8, maybe w/ subsection
+.\" other parameters are allowed: see man(7), man(1)
+.TH KMPLOT 1 "March 16, 2005"
+.\" Please adjust this date whenever revising the manpage.
+.\" Some roff macros, for reference:
+.\" .nh disable hyphenation
+.\" .hy enable hyphenation
+.\" .ad l left justify
+.\" .ad b justify to both left and right margins
+.\" .nf disable filling
+.\" .fi enable filling
+.\" .br insert line break
+.\" .sp <n> insert n+1 empty lines
+.\" for manpage-specific macros, see man(7)
+kmplot \- a mathematical function plotter for KDE
+.B kmplot
+.RI "[ " generic-options " ]"
+[ \fIURL\fP ]
+\fBKmPlot\fP is a mathematical function plotter for KDE.
+It has a powerful built-in parser. You can plot different functions
+simultaneously and combine them to build new functions.
+KmPlot supports parametric functions and functions in polar
+coordinates. Several grid modes are supported. Plots may be printed
+with high precision in the correct scale.
+KmPlot also provides some numerical and visual features, like
+filling and calculating the area between the plot and the first axis,
+finding maximum and minimum values,
+changing function parameters dynamically and
+plotting derivatives and integral functions.
+This application is part of the official KDE edutainment module.
+For a full summary of options, run \fIkmplot \-\-help\fP.
+Full user documentation is available through the KDE Help Centre.
+You can also enter the URL
+directly into konqueror or you can run
+`\fIkhelpcenter help:/kmplot/\fP'
+from the command-line.
+If the KDE Help Centre is not installed then you can install the package
+\fIkdeedu-doc-html\fP and read this documentation in HTML format from
+KmPlot was written by Klaus-Dieter Moeller <kdmoeller at foni.net>,
+Matthias Messmer <bmlmessmer at web.de> and Fredrik Edemar <f_edemar at linux.se>.
+This manual page was prepared by Ben Burton <bab at debian.org>
+for the Debian GNU/Linux system (but may be used by others).
Added: branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/man/kpercentage.1
--- branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/man/kpercentage.1 2005-12-03 15:45:46 UTC (rev 2512)
+++ branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/man/kpercentage.1 2005-12-03 16:02:31 UTC (rev 2513)
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+.\" Hey, EMACS: -*- nroff -*-
+.\" First parameter, NAME, should be all caps
+.\" Second parameter, SECTION, should be 1-8, maybe w/ subsection
+.\" other parameters are allowed: see man(7), man(1)
+.TH KPERCENTAGE 1 "May 12, 2003"
+.\" Please adjust this date whenever revising the manpage.
+.\" Some roff macros, for reference:
+.\" .nh disable hyphenation
+.\" .hy enable hyphenation
+.\" .ad l left justify
+.\" .ad b justify to both left and right margins
+.\" .nf disable filling
+.\" .fi enable filling
+.\" .br insert line break
+.\" .sp <n> insert n+1 empty lines
+.\" for manpage-specific macros, see man(7)
+kpercentage \- a percentage calculation teaching tool for KDE
+.B kpercentage
+.RI "[ " generic-options " ]"
+\fBKPercentage\fP is a small math application that will help pupils to
+improve their skills in calculating percentages.
+There is a special training section for the three basic tasks. Finally
+the pupil can select a random mode, in which all three tasks are mixed
+This application is part of the official KDE edutainment module.
+For a full summary of options, run \fIkpercentage \-\-help\fP.
+Full user documentation is available through the KDE Help Centre.
+You can also enter the URL
+directly into konqueror or you can run
+`\fIkhelpcenter help:/kpercentage/\fP'
+from the command-line.
+If the KDE Help Centre is not installed then you can install the package
+\fIkdeedu-doc-html\fP and read this documentation in HTML format from
+KPercentage was written by Matthias Messmer <bmlmessmer at web.de>,
+Carsten Niehaus <cniehaus at gmx.de> and Robert Gogolok <mail at robert-gogolok.de>.
+This manual page was prepared by Ben Burton <bab at debian.org>
+for the Debian GNU/Linux system (but may be used by others).
Added: branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/man/kstars.1
--- branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/man/kstars.1 2005-12-03 15:45:46 UTC (rev 2512)
+++ branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/man/kstars.1 2005-12-03 16:02:31 UTC (rev 2513)
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+.\" Hey, EMACS: -*- nroff -*-
+.\" First parameter, NAME, should be all caps
+.\" Second parameter, SECTION, should be 1-8, maybe w/ subsection
+.\" other parameters are allowed: see man(7), man(1)
+.TH KSTARS 1 "March 16, 2005"
+.\" Please adjust this date whenever revising the manpage.
+.\" Some roff macros, for reference:
+.\" .nh disable hyphenation
+.\" .hy enable hyphenation
+.\" .ad l left justify
+.\" .ad b justify to both left and right margins
+.\" .nf disable filling
+.\" .fi enable filling
+.\" .br insert line break
+.\" .sp <n> insert n+1 empty lines
+.\" for manpage-specific macros, see man(7)
+kstars \- a desktop planetarium for KDE
+.B kstars
+.RI "[ " generic-options " ]"
+[ \fB\-\-date\fP \fIdate-and-time\fP ]
+[ \fB\-\-paused\fP ]
+.B kstars \fB\-\-dump\fP
+[ \fB\-\-filename\fP \fIimage-file\fP ]
+[ \fB\-\-height\fP \fIpixels\fP ] [ \fB\-\-width\fP \fIpixels\fP ]
+[ \fB\-\-date\fP \fIdate-and-time\fP ]
+[ \fB\-\-script\fP \fIscript-file\fP ]
+\fBKStars\fP is a graphical desktop planetarium for KDE. It depicts an
+accurate simulation of the night sky, including stars, constellations,
+star clusters, nebulae, galaxies, all planets, the Sun, the Moon,
+comets and asteroids. You can see the sky as it appears from any
+location on Earth, on any date.
+The user interface is highly intuitive and flexible. The display can
+be panned and zoomed with the mouse, and you can easily identify
+objects and track their motion across the sky. KStars includes many
+powerful features, yet the interface is clean and simple and fun to use.
+Normally KStars launches a full graphical user interface. By passing the
+\fB\-\-dump\fP option, you can make KStars dump an image of the sky to
+a graphics file and exit immediately without launching a graphical user
+interface at all. Several other options are available to control
+precisely how this image is dumped.
+This application is part of the official KDE edutainment module.
+Below are the kstars-specific options.
+For a full summary of options, run \fIkstars \-\-help\fP.
+Options that can be used when starting the full graphical user interface
+are as follows.
+\fB\-\-date\fP \fIdate-and-time\fP
+Starts with the simulation clock set to the given date and time (default is
+current date and time).
+Starts with the simulation clock paused.
+Options that can be used when dumping an image of the sky are as
+Dumps the sky image to a graphics file and exits immediately.
+Several other options (described below) are available to control
+precisely how the image is dumped.
+\fB\-\-date\fP \fIdate-and-time\fP
+Specifies the date and time for the sky image to dump (default is
+current date and time).
+\fB\-\-filename\fP \fIimage-file\fP
+Dumps the sky image to the given file (default is \fIkstars.png\fP).
+\fB\-\-height\fP \fIpixels\fP
+Specifies the height of the sky image to dump (default is 480).
+\fB\-\-script\fP \fIscript-file\fP
+Specifies a DCOP script to run before the sky image is dumped.
+The script can be used to set where the image is pointing, set the
+geographic location, set the time and date, change the zoom level, and
+adjust other view options.
+KStars includes a script builder (found in the Tools menu) to help
+with writing DCOP scripts. The full user documentation (discussed
+below) contains a more detailed explanation of how such scripts can
+be written and used.
+\fB\-\-width\fP \fIpixels\fP
+Specifies the width of the sky image to dump (default is 640).
+.BR indiserver (1).
+Full user documentation is available through the KDE Help Centre.
+You can also enter the URL
+directly into konqueror or you can run
+`\fIkhelpcenter help:/kstars/\fP'
+from the command-line.
+If the KDE Help Centre is not installed then you can install the package
+\fIkdeedu-doc-html\fP and read this documentation in HTML format from
+KStars was written by Jason Harris <jharris at 30doradus.org>,
+Heiko Evermann <heiko at evermann.de>, Thomas Kabelmann <tk78 at gmx.de>,
+Pablo de Vicente <pvicentea at wanadoo.es>, Jasem Mutlaq <mutlaqja at ikarustech.com>,
+Carsten Niehaus <cniehaus at gmx.de>, Mark Hollomon <mhh at mindspring.com>,
+Vincent Jagot <vincent.jagot at free.fr> and
+Martin Piskernig <martin.piskernig at stuwo.at>.
+This manual page was prepared by Ben Burton <bab at debian.org>
+for the Debian GNU/Linux system (but may be used by others).
Added: branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/man/ktouch.1
--- branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/man/ktouch.1 2005-12-03 15:45:46 UTC (rev 2512)
+++ branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/man/ktouch.1 2005-12-03 16:02:31 UTC (rev 2513)
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+.\" Hey, EMACS: -*- nroff -*-
+.\" First parameter, NAME, should be all caps
+.\" Second parameter, SECTION, should be 1-8, maybe w/ subsection
+.\" other parameters are allowed: see man(7), man(1)
+.TH KTOUCH 1 "January 31, 2004"
+.\" Please adjust this date whenever revising the manpage.
+.\" Some roff macros, for reference:
+.\" .nh disable hyphenation
+.\" .hy enable hyphenation
+.\" .ad l left justify
+.\" .ad b justify to both left and right margins
+.\" .nf disable filling
+.\" .fi enable filling
+.\" .br insert line break
+.\" .sp <n> insert n+1 empty lines
+.\" for manpage-specific macros, see man(7)
+ktouch \- a touch typing tutor for KDE
+.B ktouch
+.RI "[ " generic-options " ]"
+[ \fIURL\fP ]
+\fBKTouch\fP is a program for learning touch typing \- it helps you learn to
+type on a keyboard quickly and correctly. Every finger has its place on
+the keyboard with associated keys to press.
+KTouch helps you learn to touch type by providing you with text to
+train on, and adjusts to different levels depending on how good you are.
+It can display which key to press next, and the correct finger to use.
+This application is part of the official KDE edutainment module.
+Below are the ktouch-specific options.
+For a full summary of options, run \fIktouch \-\-help\fP.
+The training file to open.
+Full user documentation is available through the KDE Help Centre.
+You can also enter the URL
+directly into konqueror or you can run
+`\fIkhelpcenter help:/ktouch/\fP'
+from the command-line.
+If the KDE Help Centre is not installed then you can install the package
+\fIkdeedu-doc-html\fP and read this documentation in HTML format from
+KTouch was written by Haavard Froeiland <haavard at users.sourceforge.net>
+and Andreas Nicolai <Andreas.Nicolai at gmx.net>.
+This manual page was prepared
+for the Debian GNU/Linux system (but may be used by others).
Added: branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/man/kturtle.1
--- branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/man/kturtle.1 2005-12-03 15:45:46 UTC (rev 2512)
+++ branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/man/kturtle.1 2005-12-03 16:02:31 UTC (rev 2513)
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+.\" Hey, EMACS: -*- nroff -*-
+.\" First parameter, NAME, should be all caps
+.\" Second parameter, SECTION, should be 1-8, maybe w/ subsection
+.\" other parameters are allowed: see man(7), man(1)
+.TH KTURTLE 1 "March 16, 2005"
+.\" Please adjust this date whenever revising the manpage.
+.\" Some roff macros, for reference:
+.\" .nh disable hyphenation
+.\" .hy enable hyphenation
+.\" .ad l left justify
+.\" .ad b justify to both left and right margins
+.\" .nf disable filling
+.\" .fi enable filling
+.\" .br insert line break
+.\" .sp <n> insert n+1 empty lines
+.\" for manpage-specific macros, see man(7)
+kturtle \- an educational Logo programming environment
+.B kturtle
+.RI "[ " generic-options " ]"
+\fBKTurtle\fP is an educational programming environment using the Logo
+programming language. It tries to make programming as easy and
+accessible as possible. This makes KTurtle suitable for teaching kids
+the basics of mathematics, geometry and programming.
+The commands used to program are in the style of the Logo programming
+language. The unique feature of Logo is that the commands are often
+translated into the speaking language of the programmer.
+KTurtle is named after "the turtle" that plays a central role in the
+programming environment. The user programs the turtle, using the Logo
+commands, to draw a picture on the canvas.
+Note that this version of Logo is only focused on the educational
+qualities of the programming language and will not try to suit
+professional programmers' needs.
+This application is part of the official KDE edutainment module.
+For a full summary of options, run \fIkturtle \-\-help\fP.
+Full user documentation is available through the KDE Help Centre.
+You can also enter the URL
+directly into konqueror or you can run
+`\fIkhelpcenter help:/kturtle/\fP'
+from the command-line.
+If the KDE Help Centre is not installed then you can install the package
+\fIkdeedu-doc-html\fP and read this documentation in HTML format from
+KTurtle was written by Cies Breijs <cies # kde.nl>,
+Walter Schreppers <Walter.Schreppers # ua.ac.be> and
+Anne-Marie Mahfouf <annemarie.mahfouf # free.fr>.
+This manual page was prepared by Ben Burton <bab at debian.org>
+for the Debian GNU/Linux system (but may be used by others).
Added: branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/man/kverbos.1
--- branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/man/kverbos.1 2005-12-03 15:45:46 UTC (rev 2512)
+++ branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/man/kverbos.1 2005-12-03 16:02:31 UTC (rev 2513)
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+.\" Hey, EMACS: -*- nroff -*-
+.\" First parameter, NAME, should be all caps
+.\" Second parameter, SECTION, should be 1-8, maybe w/ subsection
+.\" other parameters are allowed: see man(7), man(1)
+.TH KVERBOS 1 "October 16, 2004"
+.\" Please adjust this date whenever revising the manpage.
+.\" Some roff macros, for reference:
+.\" .nh disable hyphenation
+.\" .hy enable hyphenation
+.\" .ad l left justify
+.\" .ad b justify to both left and right margins
+.\" .nf disable filling
+.\" .fi enable filling
+.\" .br insert line break
+.\" .sp <n> insert n+1 empty lines
+.\" for manpage-specific macros, see man(7)
+kverbos \- a Spanish verb form study application for KDE
+.B kverbos
+.RI "[ " generic-options " ] [ " file " ]"
+\fBKverbos\fP allows the user to learn the forms of Spanish verbs. The program
+suggests a verb and a time and the user enters the different verb forms.
+The program corrects the user input and gives feedback.
+The user can edit the list of the verbs that can be studied. The program
+can build regular verb forms by itself. Irregular verb forms have to be
+entered by the user.
+If a form of a verb is uncertain then the internet offers good sources:
+This application is part of the official KDE edutainment module.
+For a full summary of options, run \fIkverbos \-\-help\fP.
+Full user documentation is available through the KDE Help Centre.
+You can also enter the URL
+directly into konqueror or you can run
+`\fIkhelpcenter help:/kverbos/\fP'
+from the command-line.
+If the KDE Help Centre is not installed then you can install the package
+\fIkdeedu-doc-html\fP and read this documentation in HTML format from
+Kverbos was written by Arnold Kraschinski <arnold.k67 at gmx.de>.
+This manual page was prepared by Ben Burton <bab at debian.org>
+for the Debian GNU/Linux system (but may be used by others).
Added: branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/man/kvoctrain.1
--- branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/man/kvoctrain.1 2005-12-03 15:45:46 UTC (rev 2512)
+++ branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/man/kvoctrain.1 2005-12-03 16:02:31 UTC (rev 2513)
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+.\" Hey, EMACS: -*- nroff -*-
+.\" First parameter, NAME, should be all caps
+.\" Second parameter, SECTION, should be 1-8, maybe w/ subsection
+.\" other parameters are allowed: see man(7), man(1)
+.TH KVOCTRAIN 1 "March 16, 2005"
+.\" Please adjust this date whenever revising the manpage.
+.\" Some roff macros, for reference:
+.\" .nh disable hyphenation
+.\" .hy enable hyphenation
+.\" .ad l left justify
+.\" .ad b justify to both left and right margins
+.\" .nf disable filling
+.\" .fi enable filling
+.\" .br insert line break
+.\" .sp <n> insert n+1 empty lines
+.\" for manpage-specific macros, see man(7)
+kvoctrain \- a vocabulary trainer for KDE
+.B kvoctrain
+.RI "[ " generic-options " ] [ " file " ]"
+\fBKVocTrain\fP is a little utility to help you train your vocabulary when you
+are trying to learn a foreign language. You can create your own database
+with the words you need. It is intended as a replacement for index
+(flash) cards.
+You probably remember flashcards from school. The teacher would write the
+original expression on the front side of the card and the translation on
+the back. Then look at the cards one after another. If you knew the
+translation, you could put it away. If you failed, you put it back to
+try again.
+KVocTrain is not intended to teach you grammer or other sophisticated
+things. This is and probably will stay beyond the scope of this application.
+This application is part of the official KDE edutainment module.
+For a full summary of options, run \fIkvoctrain \-\-help\fP.
+.BR langen2kvtml (1),
+.BR spotlight2kvtml (1).
+Full user documentation is available through the KDE Help Centre.
+You can also enter the URL
+directly into konqueror or you can run
+`\fIkhelpcenter help:/kvoctrain/\fP'
+from the command-line.
+If the KDE Help Centre is not installed then you can install the package
+\fIkdeedu-doc-html\fP and read this documentation in HTML format from
+KVocTrain was written by Ewald Arnold <kvoctrain at ewald-arnold.de>
+and Peter Hedlund <peter at peterandlinda.com>.
+This manual page was prepared by Ben Burton <bab at debian.org>
+for the Debian GNU/Linux system (but may be used by others).
Added: branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/man/kwordquiz.1
--- branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/man/kwordquiz.1 2005-12-03 15:45:46 UTC (rev 2512)
+++ branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/man/kwordquiz.1 2005-12-03 16:02:31 UTC (rev 2513)
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+.\" Hey, EMACS: -*- nroff -*-
+.\" First parameter, NAME, should be all caps
+.\" Second parameter, SECTION, should be 1-8, maybe w/ subsection
+.\" other parameters are allowed: see man(7), man(1)
+.TH KWORDQUIZ 1 "March 16, 2005"
+.\" Please adjust this date whenever revising the manpage.
+.\" Some roff macros, for reference:
+.\" .nh disable hyphenation
+.\" .hy enable hyphenation
+.\" .ad l left justify
+.\" .ad b justify to both left and right margins
+.\" .nf disable filling
+.\" .fi enable filling
+.\" .br insert line break
+.\" .sp <n> insert n+1 empty lines
+.\" for manpage-specific macros, see man(7)
+kwordquiz \- a flashcard and vocabulary learning program for KDE
+.B kwordquiz
+.RI "[ " generic-options " ]"
+.B kwordquiz
+.RI "[ " generic-options " ]"
+[ \fB\-m, \-\-mode\fP \fInumber\fP ]
+[ \fB\-g, \-\-goto\fP \fIsession\fP ]
+.I file
+\fBKWordQuiz\fP is a flashcard-based tool that helps you to master new
+vocabularies. It may be a language or any other kind of terminology.
+KWordQuiz can open several types of vocabulary data. Supported
+are \fI.kvtml\fP files used by other KDE programs such as KVocTrain,
+\fI.wql\fP files used by WordQuiz for Windows, \fI.csv\fP files with
+comma-separated text, and \fI.xml.gz\fP
+files created by Pauker (\fIhttp://pauker.sourceforge.net/\fP).
+This application is part of the official KDE edutainment module.
+Below are the kwordquiz-specific options.
+For a full summary of options, run \fIkwordquiz \-\-help\fP.
+\fB\-m, \-\-mode\fP \fInumber\fP
+Specify the order and direction in which questions are asked.
+The \fInumber\fP argument must be 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 (corresponding to the
+five entries in the Mode menu).
+\fB\-g, \-\-goto\fP \fIsession\fP
+Begin a quiz immediately. The \fIsession\fP argument may be
+\fBflash\fP (for a flashcard quiz), \fBmc\fP (for a multiple choice
+quiz) or \fBqa\fP (for a question and answer quiz).
+Full user documentation is available through the KDE Help Centre.
+You can also enter the URL
+directly into konqueror or you can run
+`\fIkhelpcenter help:/kwordquiz/\fP'
+from the command-line.
+If the KDE Help Centre is not installed then you can install the package
+\fIkdeedu-doc-html\fP and read this documentation in HTML format from
+KWordQuiz was written by Peter Hedlund <peter at peterandlinda.com>.
+This manual page was prepared by Ben Burton <bab at debian.org>
+for the Debian GNU/Linux system (but may be used by others).
Added: branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/man/langen2kvtml.1
--- branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/man/langen2kvtml.1 2005-12-03 15:45:46 UTC (rev 2512)
+++ branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/man/langen2kvtml.1 2005-12-03 16:02:31 UTC (rev 2513)
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+.\" Hey, EMACS: -*- nroff -*-
+.\" First parameter, NAME, should be all caps
+.\" Second parameter, SECTION, should be 1-8, maybe w/ subsection
+.\" other parameters are allowed: see man(7), man(1)
+.TH LANGEN2KVTML 1 "November 22, 2002"
+.\" Please adjust this date whenever revising the manpage.
+.\" Some roff macros, for reference:
+.\" .nh disable hyphenation
+.\" .hy enable hyphenation
+.\" .ad l left justify
+.\" .ad b justify to both left and right margins
+.\" .nf disable filling
+.\" .fi enable filling
+.\" .br insert line break
+.\" .sp <n> insert n+1 empty lines
+.\" for manpage-specific macros, see man(7)
+langen2kvtml \- convert Langenscheidt data files to KVocTrain data files
+.B langen2kvtml
+[ \fB\-\-lang=\fP\fIxx\fP ] [ \fB\-\-trans=\fP\fIxx\fP ]
+[ \fB\-\-author=\fP\fIname\fP ] [ \fB\-\-longlesson\fP ]
+[ \fB\-\-outdir=\fP\fIdir\fP ] [ \fB\-\-proxy=\fP\fIproxy\fP ]
+{ \fB\-\-country=\fP\fIxx\fP | \fIvocfile\fP ... }
+\fBlangen2kvtml\fP is a script that will convert Langenscheidt
+data files (*.voc) to KVocTrain data files (*.kvtml).
+For each Langenscheidt data file given on the command-line, a
+corresponding KVocTrain data file will be created. If no Langenscheidt
+data files are given, a set of data files for the given country (see
+the \fB\-\-country\fP option) will be downloaded from the internet and
+converted. If neither data files nor a country are specified, country
+GB (Great Britain) will be assumed.
+Note that you \fBmust\fP run KVocTrain at least once before this script
+can be used. In some circumstances this script will edit the user's
+KVocTrain preferences file.
+This utility is part of the official KDE edutainment module.
+Specifies the original language used in the data file(s). The script
+will try to guess this based on the names of the Langenscheidt data files.
+Specifies the translated language used in the data file(s). This
+defaults to de (Deutsch).
+Specifies the author of the data file(s). This defaults to
+Specifies that long lesson names should be used in the converted
+KVocTrain data file(s). Short lesson names are the default.
+Specifies that the converted KVocTrain data files be written in the
+given directory. This defaults to the current directory.
+Specifies a proxy to use when downloading Langenscheidt data files from
+the internet.
+Requests that Langenscheidt data files for the given country be
+downloaded from the internet and converted. The country should be
+specified by the code used at \fIhttp://www.vokabeln.de/\fP, such as
+GB for Great Britain, D for Germany and so on.
+.BR kvoctrain (1),
+.BR spotlight2kvtml (1).
+Langenscheidt data files can be downloaded directly from
+langen2kvtml was written by Andreas Neuper.
+This manual page was prepared by Ben Burton <bab at debian.org>
+for the Debian GNU/Linux system (but may be used by others).
Added: branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/man/lx200_16.1
--- branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/man/lx200_16.1 2005-12-03 15:45:46 UTC (rev 2512)
+++ branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/man/lx200_16.1 2005-12-03 16:02:31 UTC (rev 2513)
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+.\" Hey, EMACS: -*- nroff -*-
+.\" First parameter, NAME, should be all caps
+.\" Second parameter, SECTION, should be 1-8, maybe w/ subsection
+.\" other parameters are allowed: see man(7), man(1)
+.TH LX200_16 1 "March 16, 2005"
+.\" Please adjust this date whenever revising the manpage.
+.\" Some roff macros, for reference:
+.\" .nh disable hyphenation
+.\" .hy enable hyphenation
+.\" .ad l left justify
+.\" .ad b justify to both left and right margins
+.\" .nf disable filling
+.\" .fi enable filling
+.\" .br insert line break
+.\" .sp <n> insert n+1 empty lines
+.\" for manpage-specific macros, see man(7)
+lx200_16 \- LX200 16" driver for INDI telescope control
+.B lx200_16
+[ \fB\-v\fP ]
+KStars allows you to configure
+and control astronomical instruments such as telescopes and focusers via
+the INDI protocol. \fBlx200_16\fP is a device driver for supporting
+particular types of external hardware.
+You should normally not need to run this driver directly. Instead you
+should use KStars to configure and operate your astronomical instruments.
+Most operations can be found under the Devices menu within KStars.
+KStars will start the INDI server internally, and the INDI server will
+in turn start this device driver.
+Much more detailed information can be found in the KStars Handbook, as
+described below.
+KStars is a graphical desktop planetarium for KDE, and forms part of
+the official KDE edutainment module.
+Write more verbose output to stderr.
+.BR indiserver (1),
+.BR kstars (1).
+The KStars Handbook contains detailed information on how to use INDI for
+telescope control. You can read this handbook in the KDE Help Centre.
+Alternatively you can enter the URL
+directly into konqueror or you can run
+`\fIkhelpcenter help:/kstars/indi.html\fP'
+from the command-line.
+If the KDE Help Centre is not installed then you can install the package
+\fIkdeedu-doc-html\fP and read this documentation in HTML format from
+KStars was written by Jason Harris <jharris at 30doradus.org>,
+Heiko Evermann <heiko at evermann.de>, Thomas Kabelmann <tk78 at gmx.de>,
+Pablo de Vicente <pvicentea at wanadoo.es>, Jasem Mutlaq <mutlaqja at ikarustech.com>,
+Carsten Niehaus <cniehaus at gmx.de>, Mark Hollomon <mhh at mindspring.com>,
+Vincent Jagot <vincent.jagot at free.fr> and
+Martin Piskernig <martin.piskernig at stuwo.at>.
+This manual page was prepared by Ben Burton <bab at debian.org>
+for the Debian GNU/Linux system (but may be used by others).
Added: branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/man/lx200autostar.1
--- branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/man/lx200autostar.1 2005-12-03 15:45:46 UTC (rev 2512)
+++ branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/man/lx200autostar.1 2005-12-03 16:02:31 UTC (rev 2513)
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+.\" Hey, EMACS: -*- nroff -*-
+.\" First parameter, NAME, should be all caps
+.\" Second parameter, SECTION, should be 1-8, maybe w/ subsection
+.\" other parameters are allowed: see man(7), man(1)
+.TH LX200AUTOSTAR 1 "March 16, 2005"
+.\" Please adjust this date whenever revising the manpage.
+.\" Some roff macros, for reference:
+.\" .nh disable hyphenation
+.\" .hy enable hyphenation
+.\" .ad l left justify
+.\" .ad b justify to both left and right margins
+.\" .nf disable filling
+.\" .fi enable filling
+.\" .br insert line break
+.\" .sp <n> insert n+1 empty lines
+.\" for manpage-specific macros, see man(7)
+lx200autostar \- LX200 Autostar driver for INDI telescope control
+.B lx200autostar
+[ \fB\-v\fP ]
+KStars allows you to configure
+and control astronomical instruments such as telescopes and focusers via
+the INDI protocol. \fBlx200autostar\fP is a device driver for supporting
+particular types of external hardware.
+You should normally not need to run this driver directly. Instead you
+should use KStars to configure and operate your astronomical instruments.
+Most operations can be found under the Devices menu within KStars.
+KStars will start the INDI server internally, and the INDI server will
+in turn start this device driver.
+Much more detailed information can be found in the KStars Handbook, as
+described below.
+KStars is a graphical desktop planetarium for KDE, and forms part of
+the official KDE edutainment module.
+Write more verbose output to stderr.
+.BR indiserver (1),
+.BR kstars (1).
+The KStars Handbook contains detailed information on how to use INDI for
+telescope control. You can read this handbook in the KDE Help Centre.
+Alternatively you can enter the URL
+directly into konqueror or you can run
+`\fIkhelpcenter help:/kstars/indi.html\fP'
+from the command-line.
+If the KDE Help Centre is not installed then you can install the package
+\fIkdeedu-doc-html\fP and read this documentation in HTML format from
+KStars was written by Jason Harris <jharris at 30doradus.org>,
+Heiko Evermann <heiko at evermann.de>, Thomas Kabelmann <tk78 at gmx.de>,
+Pablo de Vicente <pvicentea at wanadoo.es>, Jasem Mutlaq <mutlaqja at ikarustech.com>,
+Carsten Niehaus <cniehaus at gmx.de>, Mark Hollomon <mhh at mindspring.com>,
+Vincent Jagot <vincent.jagot at free.fr> and
+Martin Piskernig <martin.piskernig at stuwo.at>.
+This manual page was prepared by Ben Burton <bab at debian.org>
+for the Debian GNU/Linux system (but may be used by others).
Added: branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/man/lx200classic.1
--- branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/man/lx200classic.1 2005-12-03 15:45:46 UTC (rev 2512)
+++ branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/man/lx200classic.1 2005-12-03 16:02:31 UTC (rev 2513)
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+.\" Hey, EMACS: -*- nroff -*-
+.\" First parameter, NAME, should be all caps
+.\" Second parameter, SECTION, should be 1-8, maybe w/ subsection
+.\" other parameters are allowed: see man(7), man(1)
+.TH LX200CLASSIC 1 "March 16, 2005"
+.\" Please adjust this date whenever revising the manpage.
+.\" Some roff macros, for reference:
+.\" .nh disable hyphenation
+.\" .hy enable hyphenation
+.\" .ad l left justify
+.\" .ad b justify to both left and right margins
+.\" .nf disable filling
+.\" .fi enable filling
+.\" .br insert line break
+.\" .sp <n> insert n+1 empty lines
+.\" for manpage-specific macros, see man(7)
+lx200classic \- LX200 Classic driver for INDI telescope control
+.B lx200classic
+[ \fB\-v\fP ]
+KStars allows you to configure
+and control astronomical instruments such as telescopes and focusers via
+the INDI protocol. \fBlx200classic\fP is a device driver for supporting
+particular types of external hardware.
+You should normally not need to run this driver directly. Instead you
+should use KStars to configure and operate your astronomical instruments.
+Most operations can be found under the Devices menu within KStars.
+KStars will start the INDI server internally, and the INDI server will
+in turn start this device driver.
+Much more detailed information can be found in the KStars Handbook, as
+described below.
+KStars is a graphical desktop planetarium for KDE, and forms part of
+the official KDE edutainment module.
+Write more verbose output to stderr.
+.BR indiserver (1),
+.BR kstars (1).
+The KStars Handbook contains detailed information on how to use INDI for
+telescope control. You can read this handbook in the KDE Help Centre.
+Alternatively you can enter the URL
+directly into konqueror or you can run
+`\fIkhelpcenter help:/kstars/indi.html\fP'
+from the command-line.
+If the KDE Help Centre is not installed then you can install the package
+\fIkdeedu-doc-html\fP and read this documentation in HTML format from
+KStars was written by Jason Harris <jharris at 30doradus.org>,
+Heiko Evermann <heiko at evermann.de>, Thomas Kabelmann <tk78 at gmx.de>,
+Pablo de Vicente <pvicentea at wanadoo.es>, Jasem Mutlaq <mutlaqja at ikarustech.com>,
+Carsten Niehaus <cniehaus at gmx.de>, Mark Hollomon <mhh at mindspring.com>,
+Vincent Jagot <vincent.jagot at free.fr> and
+Martin Piskernig <martin.piskernig at stuwo.at>.
+This manual page was prepared by Ben Burton <bab at debian.org>
+for the Debian GNU/Linux system (but may be used by others).
Added: branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/man/lx200generic.1
--- branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/man/lx200generic.1 2005-12-03 15:45:46 UTC (rev 2512)
+++ branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/man/lx200generic.1 2005-12-03 16:02:31 UTC (rev 2513)
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+.\" Hey, EMACS: -*- nroff -*-
+.\" First parameter, NAME, should be all caps
+.\" Second parameter, SECTION, should be 1-8, maybe w/ subsection
+.\" other parameters are allowed: see man(7), man(1)
+.TH LX200GENERIC 1 "March 16, 2005"
+.\" Please adjust this date whenever revising the manpage.
+.\" Some roff macros, for reference:
+.\" .nh disable hyphenation
+.\" .hy enable hyphenation
+.\" .ad l left justify
+.\" .ad b justify to both left and right margins
+.\" .nf disable filling
+.\" .fi enable filling
+.\" .br insert line break
+.\" .sp <n> insert n+1 empty lines
+.\" for manpage-specific macros, see man(7)
+lx200generic \- LX200 Generic driver for INDI telescope control
+.B lx200generic
+[ \fB\-v\fP ]
+KStars allows you to configure
+and control astronomical instruments such as telescopes and focusers via
+the INDI protocol. \fBlx200generic\fP is a device driver for supporting
+particular types of external hardware.
+You should normally not need to run this driver directly. Instead you
+should use KStars to configure and operate your astronomical instruments.
+Most operations can be found under the Devices menu within KStars.
+KStars will start the INDI server internally, and the INDI server will
+in turn start this device driver.
+Much more detailed information can be found in the KStars Handbook, as
+described below.
+KStars is a graphical desktop planetarium for KDE, and forms part of
+the official KDE edutainment module.
+Write more verbose output to stderr.
+.BR indiserver (1),
+.BR kstars (1).
+The KStars Handbook contains detailed information on how to use INDI for
+telescope control. You can read this handbook in the KDE Help Centre.
+Alternatively you can enter the URL
+directly into konqueror or you can run
+`\fIkhelpcenter help:/kstars/indi.html\fP'
+from the command-line.
+If the KDE Help Centre is not installed then you can install the package
+\fIkdeedu-doc-html\fP and read this documentation in HTML format from
+KStars was written by Jason Harris <jharris at 30doradus.org>,
+Heiko Evermann <heiko at evermann.de>, Thomas Kabelmann <tk78 at gmx.de>,
+Pablo de Vicente <pvicentea at wanadoo.es>, Jasem Mutlaq <mutlaqja at ikarustech.com>,
+Carsten Niehaus <cniehaus at gmx.de>, Mark Hollomon <mhh at mindspring.com>,
+Vincent Jagot <vincent.jagot at free.fr> and
+Martin Piskernig <martin.piskernig at stuwo.at>.
+This manual page was prepared by Ben Burton <bab at debian.org>
+for the Debian GNU/Linux system (but may be used by others).
Added: branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/man/lx200gps.1
--- branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/man/lx200gps.1 2005-12-03 15:45:46 UTC (rev 2512)
+++ branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/man/lx200gps.1 2005-12-03 16:02:31 UTC (rev 2513)
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+.\" Hey, EMACS: -*- nroff -*-
+.\" First parameter, NAME, should be all caps
+.\" Second parameter, SECTION, should be 1-8, maybe w/ subsection
+.\" other parameters are allowed: see man(7), man(1)
+.TH LX200GPS 1 "March 16, 2005"
+.\" Please adjust this date whenever revising the manpage.
+.\" Some roff macros, for reference:
+.\" .nh disable hyphenation
+.\" .hy enable hyphenation
+.\" .ad l left justify
+.\" .ad b justify to both left and right margins
+.\" .nf disable filling
+.\" .fi enable filling
+.\" .br insert line break
+.\" .sp <n> insert n+1 empty lines
+.\" for manpage-specific macros, see man(7)
+lx200gps \- LX200 GPS driver for INDI telescope control
+.B lx200gps
+[ \fB\-v\fP ]
+KStars allows you to configure
+and control astronomical instruments such as telescopes and focusers via
+the INDI protocol. \fBlx200gps\fP is a device driver for supporting
+particular types of external hardware.
+You should normally not need to run this driver directly. Instead you
+should use KStars to configure and operate your astronomical instruments.
+Most operations can be found under the Devices menu within KStars.
+KStars will start the INDI server internally, and the INDI server will
+in turn start this device driver.
+Much more detailed information can be found in the KStars Handbook, as
+described below.
+KStars is a graphical desktop planetarium for KDE, and forms part of
+the official KDE edutainment module.
+Write more verbose output to stderr.
+.BR indiserver (1),
+.BR kstars (1).
+The KStars Handbook contains detailed information on how to use INDI for
+telescope control. You can read this handbook in the KDE Help Centre.
+Alternatively you can enter the URL
+directly into konqueror or you can run
+`\fIkhelpcenter help:/kstars/indi.html\fP'
+from the command-line.
+If the KDE Help Centre is not installed then you can install the package
+\fIkdeedu-doc-html\fP and read this documentation in HTML format from
+KStars was written by Jason Harris <jharris at 30doradus.org>,
+Heiko Evermann <heiko at evermann.de>, Thomas Kabelmann <tk78 at gmx.de>,
+Pablo de Vicente <pvicentea at wanadoo.es>, Jasem Mutlaq <mutlaqja at ikarustech.com>,
+Carsten Niehaus <cniehaus at gmx.de>, Mark Hollomon <mhh at mindspring.com>,
+Vincent Jagot <vincent.jagot at free.fr> and
+Martin Piskernig <martin.piskernig at stuwo.at>.
+This manual page was prepared by Ben Burton <bab at debian.org>
+for the Debian GNU/Linux system (but may be used by others).
Added: branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/man/spotlight2kvtml.1
--- branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/man/spotlight2kvtml.1 2005-12-03 15:45:46 UTC (rev 2512)
+++ branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/man/spotlight2kvtml.1 2005-12-03 16:02:31 UTC (rev 2513)
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+.\" Hey, EMACS: -*- nroff -*-
+.\" First parameter, NAME, should be all caps
+.\" Second parameter, SECTION, should be 1-8, maybe w/ subsection
+.\" other parameters are allowed: see man(7), man(1)
+.TH SPOTLIGHT2KVTML 1 "March 16, 2005"
+.\" Please adjust this date whenever revising the manpage.
+.\" Some roff macros, for reference:
+.\" .nh disable hyphenation
+.\" .hy enable hyphenation
+.\" .ad l left justify
+.\" .ad b justify to both left and right margins
+.\" .nf disable filling
+.\" .fi enable filling
+.\" .br insert line break
+.\" .sp <n> insert n+1 empty lines
+.\" for manpage-specific macros, see man(7)
+spotlight2kvtml \- convert a Spotlight Online vocabulary list to a
+KVocTrain data file
+.B spotlight2kvtml
+.I spotfile month year
+\fBspotlight2kvtml\fP is used to convert a Spotlight Online vocabulary
+list to a KVocTrain data file (*.kvtml).
+The given vocabulary list (\fIspotfile\fP) must be in plain text format
+(i.e., you will need to convert the downloaded RTF or Word document into
+a plain text file). The name of the new KVocTrain data file
+will be derived from the given \fIspotfile\fP.
+The given month and year will be used in the title and lesson names
+in the new KVocTrain data file.
+Note that Spotlight Online changes its vocabulary list format from time
+to time, so spotlight2kvtml might be out of date and might not behave
+This utility is part of the official KDE edutainment module.
+.BR kvoctrain (1),
+.BR langen2kvtml (1).
+Spotlight Online vocabulary lists can be downloaded from
+spotlight2kvtml was written by Ewald Arnold <kvoctrain at ewald-arnold.de>
+and others.
+This manual page was prepared by Ben Burton <bab at debian.org>
+for the Debian GNU/Linux system (but may be used by others).
Added: branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/man/temma.1
--- branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/man/temma.1 2005-12-03 15:45:46 UTC (rev 2512)
+++ branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/man/temma.1 2005-12-03 16:02:31 UTC (rev 2513)
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+.\" Hey, EMACS: -*- nroff -*-
+.\" First parameter, NAME, should be all caps
+.\" Second parameter, SECTION, should be 1-8, maybe w/ subsection
+.\" other parameters are allowed: see man(7), man(1)
+.TH TEMMA 1 "March 16, 2005"
+.\" Please adjust this date whenever revising the manpage.
+.\" Some roff macros, for reference:
+.\" .nh disable hyphenation
+.\" .hy enable hyphenation
+.\" .ad l left justify
+.\" .ad b justify to both left and right margins
+.\" .nf disable filling
+.\" .fi enable filling
+.\" .br insert line break
+.\" .sp <n> insert n+1 empty lines
+.\" for manpage-specific macros, see man(7)
+temma \- Temma Takahashi driver for INDI telescope control
+.B temma
+[ \fB\-v\fP ]
+KStars allows you to configure
+and control astronomical instruments such as telescopes and focusers via
+the INDI protocol. \fBtemma\fP is a device driver for supporting
+particular types of external hardware.
+You should normally not need to run this driver directly. Instead you
+should use KStars to configure and operate your astronomical instruments.
+Most operations can be found under the Devices menu within KStars.
+KStars will start the INDI server internally, and the INDI server will
+in turn start this device driver.
+Much more detailed information can be found in the KStars Handbook, as
+described below.
+KStars is a graphical desktop planetarium for KDE, and forms part of
+the official KDE edutainment module.
+Write more verbose output to stderr.
+.BR indiserver (1),
+.BR kstars (1).
+The KStars Handbook contains detailed information on how to use INDI for
+telescope control. You can read this handbook in the KDE Help Centre.
+Alternatively you can enter the URL
+directly into konqueror or you can run
+`\fIkhelpcenter help:/kstars/indi.html\fP'
+from the command-line.
+If the KDE Help Centre is not installed then you can install the package
+\fIkdeedu-doc-html\fP and read this documentation in HTML format from
+KStars was written by Jason Harris <jharris at 30doradus.org>,
+Heiko Evermann <heiko at evermann.de>, Thomas Kabelmann <tk78 at gmx.de>,
+Pablo de Vicente <pvicentea at wanadoo.es>, Jasem Mutlaq <mutlaqja at ikarustech.com>,
+Carsten Niehaus <cniehaus at gmx.de>, Mark Hollomon <mhh at mindspring.com>,
+Vincent Jagot <vincent.jagot at free.fr> and
+Martin Piskernig <martin.piskernig at stuwo.at>.
+This manual page was prepared by Ben Burton <bab at debian.org>
+for the Debian GNU/Linux system (but may be used by others).
Added: branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/man/test_extdate.1
--- branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/man/test_extdate.1 2005-12-03 15:45:46 UTC (rev 2512)
+++ branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/man/test_extdate.1 2005-12-03 16:02:31 UTC (rev 2513)
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+.\" Hey, EMACS: -*- nroff -*-
+.\" First parameter, NAME, should be all caps
+.\" Second parameter, SECTION, should be 1-8, maybe w/ subsection
+.\" other parameters are allowed: see man(7), man(1)
+.TH TEST_EXTDATE 1 "October 16, 2004"
+.\" Please adjust this date whenever revising the manpage.
+.\" Some roff macros, for reference:
+.\" .nh disable hyphenation
+.\" .hy enable hyphenation
+.\" .ad l left justify
+.\" .ad b justify to both left and right margins
+.\" .nf disable filling
+.\" .fi enable filling
+.\" .br insert line break
+.\" .sp <n> insert n+1 empty lines
+.\" for manpage-specific macros, see man(7)
+test_extdate \- text-based tests for the ExtDate classes
+.B test_extdate
+This is a simple test program for testing the non-GUI functionality of the
+ExtDate classes. It compares the results of several operations against
+the results from QDate and writes the results to the console.
+The \fBExtDate library\fP consists of a group of classes allowing KDE
+applications to access calendar dates outside of the limited range of
+years imposed by QDate.
+The QDate class has a limited range of valid dates. It does not
+recognize dates prior to 14 Oct 1752 (when the Gregorian calendar
+was adopted by England), nor dates after 31 Dec 8000. Both of these
+limits are arbitrary.
+This library is part of the official KDE edutainment module.
+.BR test_extdatepicker (1).
+See \fI/usr/share/doc/libkdeedu-dev/README.extdate\fP for further
+information on this library.
+The ExtDate library was written by Jason Harris <jharris at 30doradus.org>
+and others.
+This manual page was prepared by Ben Burton <bab at debian.org>
+for the Debian GNU/Linux system (but may be used by others).
Added: branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/man/test_extdatepicker.1
--- branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/man/test_extdatepicker.1 2005-12-03 15:45:46 UTC (rev 2512)
+++ branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/man/test_extdatepicker.1 2005-12-03 16:02:31 UTC (rev 2513)
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+.\" Hey, EMACS: -*- nroff -*-
+.\" First parameter, NAME, should be all caps
+.\" Second parameter, SECTION, should be 1-8, maybe w/ subsection
+.\" other parameters are allowed: see man(7), man(1)
+.TH TEST_EXTDATEPICKER 1 "October 16, 2004"
+.\" Please adjust this date whenever revising the manpage.
+.\" Some roff macros, for reference:
+.\" .nh disable hyphenation
+.\" .hy enable hyphenation
+.\" .ad l left justify
+.\" .ad b justify to both left and right margins
+.\" .nf disable filling
+.\" .fi enable filling
+.\" .br insert line break
+.\" .sp <n> insert n+1 empty lines
+.\" for manpage-specific macros, see man(7)
+test_extdatepicker \- GUI-based tests for the ExtDate classes
+.B test_extdatepicker
+[ \fIgeneric-options\fP ]
+This is a simple test program for testing the graphical functionality of
+the ExtDate classes. It presents a KDatePicker widget and an
+ExtDatePicker widget side by side for user interaction.
+The \fBExtDate library\fP consists of a group of classes allowing KDE
+applications to access calendar dates outside of the limited range of
+years imposed by QDate.
+The QDate class has a limited range of valid dates. It does not
+recognize dates prior to 14 Oct 1752 (when the Gregorian calendar
+was adopted by England), nor dates after 31 Dec 8000. Both of these
+limits are arbitrary.
+This library is part of the official KDE edutainment module.
+For a full summary of options, run \fItest_extdatepicker \-\-help\fP.
+.BR test_extdate (1).
+See \fI/usr/share/doc/libkdeedu-dev/README.extdate\fP for further
+information on this library.
+The ExtDate library was written by Jason Harris <jharris at 30doradus.org>
+and others.
+This manual page was prepared by Ben Burton <bab at debian.org>
+for the Debian GNU/Linux system (but may be used by others).
Added: branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/man/v4ldriver.1
--- branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/man/v4ldriver.1 2005-12-03 15:45:46 UTC (rev 2512)
+++ branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/man/v4ldriver.1 2005-12-03 16:02:31 UTC (rev 2513)
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+.\" Hey, EMACS: -*- nroff -*-
+.\" First parameter, NAME, should be all caps
+.\" Second parameter, SECTION, should be 1-8, maybe w/ subsection
+.\" other parameters are allowed: see man(7), man(1)
+.TH V4LDRIVER 1 "March 16, 2005"
+.\" Please adjust this date whenever revising the manpage.
+.\" Some roff macros, for reference:
+.\" .nh disable hyphenation
+.\" .hy enable hyphenation
+.\" .ad l left justify
+.\" .ad b justify to both left and right margins
+.\" .nf disable filling
+.\" .fi enable filling
+.\" .br insert line break
+.\" .sp <n> insert n+1 empty lines
+.\" for manpage-specific macros, see man(7)
+v4ldriver \- Video4Linux Generic driver for INDI telescope control
+.B v4ldriver
+[ \fB\-v\fP ]
+KStars allows you to configure
+and control astronomical instruments such as telescopes and focusers via
+the INDI protocol. \fBv4ldriver\fP is a device driver for supporting
+particular types of external hardware.
+You should normally not need to run this driver directly. Instead you
+should use KStars to configure and operate your astronomical instruments.
+Most operations can be found under the Devices menu within KStars.
+KStars will start the INDI server internally, and the INDI server will
+in turn start this device driver.
+Much more detailed information can be found in the KStars Handbook, as
+described below.
+KStars is a graphical desktop planetarium for KDE, and forms part of
+the official KDE edutainment module.
+Write more verbose output to stderr.
+.BR indiserver (1),
+.BR kstars (1).
+The KStars Handbook contains detailed information on how to use INDI for
+telescope control. You can read this handbook in the KDE Help Centre.
+Alternatively you can enter the URL
+directly into konqueror or you can run
+`\fIkhelpcenter help:/kstars/indi.html\fP'
+from the command-line.
+If the KDE Help Centre is not installed then you can install the package
+\fIkdeedu-doc-html\fP and read this documentation in HTML format from
+KStars was written by Jason Harris <jharris at 30doradus.org>,
+Heiko Evermann <heiko at evermann.de>, Thomas Kabelmann <tk78 at gmx.de>,
+Pablo de Vicente <pvicentea at wanadoo.es>, Jasem Mutlaq <mutlaqja at ikarustech.com>,
+Carsten Niehaus <cniehaus at gmx.de>, Mark Hollomon <mhh at mindspring.com>,
+Vincent Jagot <vincent.jagot at free.fr> and
+Martin Piskernig <martin.piskernig at stuwo.at>.
+This manual page was prepared by Ben Burton <bab at debian.org>
+for the Debian GNU/Linux system (but may be used by others).
Added: branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/man/v4lphilips.1
--- branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/man/v4lphilips.1 2005-12-03 15:45:46 UTC (rev 2512)
+++ branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/man/v4lphilips.1 2005-12-03 16:02:31 UTC (rev 2513)
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+.\" Hey, EMACS: -*- nroff -*-
+.\" First parameter, NAME, should be all caps
+.\" Second parameter, SECTION, should be 1-8, maybe w/ subsection
+.\" other parameters are allowed: see man(7), man(1)
+.TH V4LPHILIPS 1 "March 16, 2005"
+.\" Please adjust this date whenever revising the manpage.
+.\" Some roff macros, for reference:
+.\" .nh disable hyphenation
+.\" .hy enable hyphenation
+.\" .ad l left justify
+.\" .ad b justify to both left and right margins
+.\" .nf disable filling
+.\" .fi enable filling
+.\" .br insert line break
+.\" .sp <n> insert n+1 empty lines
+.\" for manpage-specific macros, see man(7)
+v4lphilips \- Philips Webcam driver for INDI telescope control
+.B v4lphilips
+[ \fB\-v\fP ]
+KStars allows you to configure
+and control astronomical instruments such as telescopes and focusers via
+the INDI protocol. \fBv4lphilips\fP is a device driver for supporting
+particular types of external hardware.
+You should normally not need to run this driver directly. Instead you
+should use KStars to configure and operate your astronomical instruments.
+Most operations can be found under the Devices menu within KStars.
+KStars will start the INDI server internally, and the INDI server will
+in turn start this device driver.
+Much more detailed information can be found in the KStars Handbook, as
+described below.
+KStars is a graphical desktop planetarium for KDE, and forms part of
+the official KDE edutainment module.
+Write more verbose output to stderr.
+.BR indiserver (1),
+.BR kstars (1).
+The KStars Handbook contains detailed information on how to use INDI for
+telescope control. You can read this handbook in the KDE Help Centre.
+Alternatively you can enter the URL
+directly into konqueror or you can run
+`\fIkhelpcenter help:/kstars/indi.html\fP'
+from the command-line.
+If the KDE Help Centre is not installed then you can install the package
+\fIkdeedu-doc-html\fP and read this documentation in HTML format from
+KStars was written by Jason Harris <jharris at 30doradus.org>,
+Heiko Evermann <heiko at evermann.de>, Thomas Kabelmann <tk78 at gmx.de>,
+Pablo de Vicente <pvicentea at wanadoo.es>, Jasem Mutlaq <mutlaqja at ikarustech.com>,
+Carsten Niehaus <cniehaus at gmx.de>, Mark Hollomon <mhh at mindspring.com>,
+Vincent Jagot <vincent.jagot at free.fr> and
+Martin Piskernig <martin.piskernig at stuwo.at>.
+This manual page was prepared by Ben Burton <bab at debian.org>
+for the Debian GNU/Linux system (but may be used by others).
Deleted: branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/spotlight2kvtml.1
Deleted: branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/temma.1
Deleted: branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/test_extdate.1
Deleted: branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/test_extdatepicker.1
Deleted: branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/v4ldriver.1
Deleted: branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdeedu/debian/v4lphilips.1
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