[pkg-kde-commits] rev 2666 - in trunk/packages/koffice/debian: . patches

Isaac Clerencia isaac at costa.debian.org
Mon Dec 19 15:12:49 UTC 2005

Author: isaac
Date: 2005-12-19 15:12:31 +0000 (Mon, 19 Dec 2005)
New Revision: 2666

Yet another branch pull to fix security thing

Modified: trunk/packages/koffice/debian/changelog
--- trunk/packages/koffice/debian/changelog	2005-12-19 00:22:49 UTC (rev 2665)
+++ trunk/packages/koffice/debian/changelog	2005-12-19 15:12:31 UTC (rev 2666)
@@ -1,3 +1,9 @@
+koffice (1:1.4.2-6) unstable; urgency=low
+  * Yet another branch pull to fix #342294. 
+ -- Isaac Clerencia <isaac at debian.org>  Mon, 19 Dec 2005 16:10:27 +0100
 koffice (1:1.4.2-5) unstable; urgency=low
   * koffice branch pull, adding missing bit to completely fix #342294.

Added: trunk/packages/koffice/debian/patches/01_koffice_branch_r489703.diff
--- trunk/packages/koffice/debian/patches/01_koffice_branch_r489703.diff	2005-12-19 00:22:49 UTC (rev 2665)
+++ trunk/packages/koffice/debian/patches/01_koffice_branch_r489703.diff	2005-12-19 15:12:31 UTC (rev 2666)
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+--- filters/kword/pdf/xpdf/xpdf/JBIG2Stream.cc	(revision 488386)
++++ filters/kword/pdf/xpdf/xpdf/JBIG2Stream.cc	(revision 489703)
+@@ -979,13 +979,14 @@
+   h = hA;
+   line = (wA + 7) >> 3;
+-  if (h < 0 || line <= 0 || h >= INT_MAX / line) {
++  if (h < 0 || line <= 0 || h >= (INT_MAX - 1)/ line) {
+     error(-1, "invalid width/height");
+     data = NULL;
+     return;
+   }
+-  data = (Guchar *)gmalloc(h * line);
++  // need to allocate one extra guard byte for use in combine()
++  data = (Guchar *)gmalloc(h * line + 1);
+ }
+ JBIG2Bitmap::JBIG2Bitmap(Guint segNumA, JBIG2Bitmap *bitmap):
+@@ -995,13 +996,14 @@
+   h = bitmap->h;
+   line = bitmap->line;
+-  if (h < 0 || line <= 0 || h >= INT_MAX / line) {
++  if (h < 0 || line <= 0 || h >= (INT_MAX - 1) / line) {
+     error(-1, "invalid width/height");
+     data = NULL;
+     return;
+   }
+-  data = (Guchar *)gmalloc(h * line);
++  // need to allocate one extra guard byte for use in combine()
++  data = (Guchar *)gmalloc(h * line + 1);
+   memcpy(data, bitmap->data, h * line);
+ }
+@@ -1027,13 +1029,14 @@
+ }
+ void JBIG2Bitmap::expand(int newH, Guint pixel) {
+-  if (newH <= h || line <= 0 || newH >= INT_MAX / line) {
++  if (newH <= h || line <= 0 || newH >= (INT_MAX-1) / line) {
+     error(-1, "invalid width/height");
+     gfree(data);
+     data = NULL;
+     return;
+   }
+-  data = (Guchar *)grealloc(data, newH * line);
++  /* need to allocate one extra guard byte for use in combine() */
++  data = (Guchar *)grealloc(data, newH * line + 1);
+   if (pixel) {
+     memset(data + h * line, 0xff, (newH - h) * line);
+   } else {
+@@ -2257,6 +2260,11 @@
+   strips = 1 << logStrips;
++  if (w < 0 || h <= 0 || w >= INT_MAX / h) {
++     error(-1, "invalid width/height");
++     return NULL;
++  }
+   // allocate the bitmap
+   bitmap = new JBIG2Bitmap(0, w, h);
+   if (defPixel) {
+--- filters/kword/pdf/xpdf/xpdf/Stream.cc	(revision 488386)
++++ filters/kword/pdf/xpdf/xpdf/Stream.cc	(revision 489703)
+@@ -419,7 +419,7 @@
+     return;
+   nVals = width * nComps;
+-  if (nVals + 7 <= 0)
++  if (nVals * nBits + 7 <= 0)
+     return;
+   pixBytes = (nComps * nBits + 7) >> 3;
+@@ -1247,8 +1247,7 @@
+   endOfLine = endOfLineA;
+   byteAlign = byteAlignA;
+   columns = columnsA;
+-  if (columns < 1 || columns + 2 < 0 || columns + 3 < 0 ||
+-	  (columns + 2) >= INT_MAX / sizeof(short) || (columns + 3) >= INT_MAX / sizeof(short)) {
++  if (columns < 1 || columns >= INT_MAX / sizeof(short)) {
+     error(-1, "invalid number of columns");
+     exit(1);
+   }

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