rev 5247 - trunk/packages/meta-kde-extras/debian

Sune Vuorela pusling-guest at
Sun Jan 7 17:53:01 CET 2007

Author: pusling-guest
Date: 2007-01-07 17:53:01 +0100 (Sun, 07 Jan 2007)
New Revision: 5247

remove kimdaba, add ktorrent

Modified: trunk/packages/meta-kde-extras/debian/changelog
--- trunk/packages/meta-kde-extras/debian/changelog	2007-01-07 13:00:06 UTC (rev 5246)
+++ trunk/packages/meta-kde-extras/debian/changelog	2007-01-07 16:53:01 UTC (rev 5247)
@@ -1,3 +1,12 @@
+meta-kde-extras (5:52) unstable; urgency=low
+  +++ Changes by Sune Vuorela
+  * Remove kimdaba from kde-extras, package removed. New upstream is 
+    called kphotoalbum. (Closes: #405959)
+  * Add ktorrent (Closes: #405095)
+ -- Debian Qt/KDE Maintainers <debian-qt-kde at>  Sun,  7 Jan 2007 17:47:55 +0100
 meta-kde-extras (5:51) unstable; urgency=low
   +++ Changes by Fathi Boudra:

Modified: trunk/packages/meta-kde-extras/debian/control
--- trunk/packages/meta-kde-extras/debian/control	2007-01-07 13:00:06 UTC (rev 5246)
+++ trunk/packages/meta-kde-extras/debian/control	2007-01-07 16:53:01 UTC (rev 5247)
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
 Section: kde
 Priority: optional
 Depends: kde-core (>= 5:47)
-Recommends: abakus, amarok, apollon, arson, codeine, creox, digikam, gtk-qt-engine, guarddog, guidedog, gwenview, hotswap-gui, k3b, kaffeine, karamba, kasablanca, kbarcode, kbfx, kboincspy, kbiff, kcpuload, kde-guidance, kdiff3, kdirstat, keep, kerry, keybled, kflog, kfocus, kftpgrabber, kid3, kile, kimdaba, klibido, klog, klogic, kmplayer, kmymoney2, knapster2, knemo, knetfilter, knetload, knights, knmap, knutclient, koffice, komba2, komparator, kompose, konversation, kover, kphone, kphotoalbum, kpowersave, kpsk, krecipes, krecord, krusader, kscope, ksensors, ksimus, ksplash-engine-moodin, ksudoku, ksystemlog, ktechlab, kvdr, kvirc, kvpnc, kwave, kwavecontrol, kwlan, kxmleditor, noteedit, regina-normal, rekall, rosegarden4, rsibreak, showimg, smb4k, strigi-applet, synce-kde, taskjuggler, tellico, tora, wlassistant, wordtrans-kde, yakuake
+Recommends: abakus, amarok, apollon, arson, codeine, creox, digikam, gtk-qt-engine, guarddog, guidedog, gwenview, hotswap-gui, k3b, kaffeine, karamba, kasablanca, kbarcode, kbfx, kboincspy, kbiff, kcpuload, kde-guidance, kdiff3, kdirstat, keep, kerry, keybled, kflog, kfocus, kftpgrabber, kid3, kile, klibido, klog, klogic, kmplayer, kmymoney2, knapster2, knemo, knetfilter, knetload, knights, knmap, knutclient, koffice, komba2, komparator, kompose, konversation, kover, kphone, kphotoalbum, kpowersave, kpsk, krecipes, krecord, krusader, kscope, ksensors, ksimus, ksplash-engine-moodin, ksudoku, ksystemlog, ktechlab, ktorrent, kvdr, kvirc, kvpnc, kwave, kwavecontrol, kwlan, kxmleditor, noteedit, regina-normal, rekall, rosegarden4, rsibreak, showimg, smb4k, strigi-applet, synce-kde, taskjuggler, tellico, tora, wlassistant, wordtrans-kde, yakuake
 Description: extra applications for use with KDE
  KDE (the K Desktop Environment) is a powerful Open Source graphical
  desktop environment for Unix workstations. It combines ease of use,

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