rev 10291 - scripts

Modestas Vainius modax-guest at
Sat Apr 26 22:44:43 UTC 2008

Author: modax-guest
Date: 2008-04-26 22:44:41 +0000 (Sat, 26 Apr 2008)
New Revision: 10291

* Initial version of the script that is supposed to automatically fix the most of veeeerrryy boring linking failures with cleaned up KDELibs and Qt4 deps.
* Read `autofixtll -h` for more information.
* I made some changes that I've not tested yet so it might not work. I'll test very soon though.

Added: scripts/autofixtll
--- scripts/autofixtll	                        (rev 0)
+++ scripts/autofixtll	2008-04-26 22:44:41 UTC (rev 10291)
@@ -0,0 +1,449 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+=head1 NAME
+B<autofixtll> - auto-correct CMake TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES directive according to
+the information provided by GNU ld linker S<I<'undefined references'>> errors.
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+B<autofixtll> [B<--invoke-edit|-e>] [B<--build-dir|-b>=I<dir>] [B<--build-command|-c>=I<command>] [B<--patch-name|-p>=I<name>] [B<--do-backups>]
+B<autofixtll> is capable of correcting most linking failures caused by
+S<'undefined references'> linker errors. The script should be executed from the
+extracted debian source tree with all build dependences installed in the
+environment. This script is a wrapper around S<`debian/rules build'> or
+whatever command you specify with B<--build-command> option.
+B<autofixtll> depends on B<quilt> to incrementally build up a patch of the
+changes it does. The script assumes that quilt patches are located in
+debian/patches. The default name of the patch is
+S<I<"97_fix_target_link_libraries.diff">> (it can be changed with the
+[B<--patch-name> option).  This patch must have already pushed to the "quilt
+top" when this script is executed.
+First of all, the script loads dynamic symbol names of the libraries specified
+in the @LIBS array. Then it starts building process and keeps monitoring it
+while looking for the "undefined references" errors from the linker (only GNU
+ld syntax is supported). Then it tries to match undefined symbol names with the
+symbols loaded from the libraries in the @LIBS array. If matches are found, it
+tries to update TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES command in the respective CMakeLists.txt
+file adding missing libraries.  Finally, the build process is restarted.
+This loop continues until build completes successfully or the error which
+B<autofixtll> can't handle occurs. In latter case, a user will need to `quilt
+edit' the respective file manually or add more libs to the @LIBS array.  Then
+the script can be restarted again (or use --invoke-edit option to invoke
+I<quilt edit> and restart build for you automatically).
+CMake verbose output must be enabled for B<autofixtll> to work reliably.
+B<autofixtll> was written to help maintainer resolve build failures of KDE
+applications which were introduced by the clean up of KDELibs recursive library
+=head1 OPTIONS
+=over 4
+=item B<-b> I<dir>, B<--build-dir>=I<dir>
+Specify a custom build directory. It must be relative the current (source)
+directory. Default is as returned by S<I<"obj-`dpkg-architecture
+=item B<-c> I<command>, B<--build-command>=I<command>
+The command which should be run to build the source. If the command is not
+specific, `debian/rules build' will be executed from the B<source tree>.
+However, if you specify the command, it will be from the B<build tree>.
+=item B<-p>, B<--patch-name>=I<name>
+The name of the quilt patch in which all changes made by the script will be
+stored. Default is I<97_fix_target_link_libraries.diff>.
+=item B<--do-backups>, B<--backup>
+Whether to backup CMakeLists.txt as CMakeLists.txt.orig before auto-modifying
+=item B<--invoke-edit>, B<--edit>, B<-e>
+Invoke `quilt edit' on the respective CMakeLists.txt when undefined references
+cannot be automatically resolved and restart build process immediately when the
+editor is closed.
+=head1 LICENSE
+This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
+Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
+On B<Debian> systems, the complete text of the GNU GPL v3 can be found in the
+file F</usr/share/common-licenses/GPL-3>
+=head1 AUTHORS
+Written by Modestas Vainius <modestas at>
+use strict;
+use Cwd qw(getcwd realpath);
+use File::Spec;
+use File::Copy;
+use Getopt::Long;
+use Pod::Usage;
+use FileHandle;
+use IPC::Open2;
+#### Please add predefined libraries to load dynamic symbol from here.
+# new Library(name, cmake_target, [path]). If path is not specified,
+# it's path=/usr/lib/$ Use '' quotes.
+my @LIBS = (
+    new Library('QtDBus', '${QT_QTDBUS_LIBRARY}'),
+    new Library('QtNetwork', '${QT_QTNETWORK_LIBRARY}'),
+    new Library('QtXml', '${QT_QTXML_LIBRARY}'),
+    new Library('QtSvg', '${QT_QTSVG_LIBRARY}'),
+    new Library('X11', '${X11_X11_LIB}'),
+    new Library('z', '${ZLIB_LIBRARY}'),
+#### Some defaults
+my $QUILT = "QUILT_PATCHES=debian/patches quilt";
+my $MSG_PREFIX = "--=--";
+############### Implementation ###############################
+sub Library::new {
+    my ($cls, $name, $cmake_target, $path) = @_;
+    if (!defined $path) {
+        $path = "/usr/lib/lib$";
+    }
+    return bless( { name => $name, path => $path, cmake_target => $cmake_target }, $cls);
+sub Library::load {
+    my $self = shift;
+    my @symbols;
+    my @cpp_symbols;
+    if (-r $self->{path}) {
+        open(OBJDUMP, "objdump -T '$self->{path}' |") or die "Unable to run objdump";
+        while(<OBJDUMP>) {
+            # 0000000000021e80 g    DF .text  00000000000000f9  Base        _XSendClientPrefix
+            if (m/^[0-9a-f]+\s+g\s+DF\s+\.text\s+[0-9a-f]+\s+Base\s+(.*)$/) {
+                my $symbol = $1;
+                if ($symbol =~ m/^_Z/) {
+                    # It is C++ symbol. Needs demangling.
+                    push @cpp_symbols, $symbol;
+                } else {
+                    # FIXME: use hashes?
+                    push @symbols, $symbol;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        close(OBJDUMP);
+    }
+    if (@cpp_symbols) {
+        open2(*OUT, *IN, "c++filt") or die "Unable to run c++filt";
+        for (@cpp_symbols) {
+            print IN "$_\n";
+        }
+        close(IN);
+        my $count = 0;
+        while(<OUT>) {
+            chomp;
+            # Don't care about everything after `('
+            s/\(.*$//;
+            s/^non-virtual thunk to\s+//;
+            push @symbols, $_;
+            $count++;
+        }
+        close(OUT);
+        print(STDERR "Lost a few C++ symbols (", (scalar(@cpp_symbols) - $count), 
+                     ") while demangling ", $self->to_string(), "\n") unless ($count == scalar(@cpp_symbols));
+    }
+    if (@symbols) {
+        $self->{symbols} = \@symbols;
+        return scalar(@symbols);
+    } else {
+        $self->{symbols} = [];
+        return 0;
+    }
+sub Library::has_symbol {
+    my ($self, $symbol) = @_;
+    for my $sym (@{$self->{symbols}}) {
+        if ($symbol =~ m/^\Q$sym\E/) {
+            return 1;
+        }
+    }
+    return 0;
+sub Library::to_string() {
+    my ($self) = @_;
+    return $self->{name} . " ( " . $self->{path} . " )";
+sub determine_needed_libs {
+    my ($alllibs, $undefrefs) = @_;
+    my @_libs;
+    my @libs = ();
+    for my $ref (@$undefrefs) {
+        my $lib;
+        for my $lib (@$alllibs) {
+            if ($lib->has_symbol($ref)) {
+                push @_libs, $lib;
+                next;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    # Kill dupes
+    my $prev = "";
+    for (sort { $a->{cmake_target} cmp $b->{cmake_target} }  @_libs) {
+        if ($_ ne $prev) {
+            push @libs, $_;
+            $prev = $_;
+        }
+    }
+    return \@libs;
+sub write_target_link_libs {
+    my ($dir, $target, $libs, $do_backups) = @_;
+    my $cmakelists = File::Spec->catfile($dir, "CMakeLists.txt");
+    my $strlibs = join(" ", map($_->{cmake_target}, @$libs));
+    if (-r $cmakelists) {
+        my @contents;
+        my $found = 0;
+        # Read and change
+        open(CMAKELISTS, "<$cmakelists");
+        while (<CMAKELISTS>) {
+            if (!$found && m/(target_link_libraries\s*\(\s*$target\s+)(.*?)(\s*\).*)?$/i) {
+                # Fix it
+                my $newline = $1;
+                my $end = $3;
+                $newline .= $2 if ($2);
+                $newline .= " " if ($newline !~ m/\s+$/);
+                $newline .= $strlibs;
+                $newline .= $end if ($end);
+                $newline .= "\n";
+                push @contents, $newline;
+                $found = $.;
+            } else {
+                push @contents, $_;
+            }
+        }
+        close(CMAKELISTS);
+        if (!$found) {
+            die "$MSG_PREFIX $cmakelists could not be corrected (needed '$strlibs' for target '$target'). Respective target_link_libraries() was not found $MSG_PREFIX";
+        } else {
+            # Write
+            system("$QUILT add '$cmakelists'");
+            open(CMAKELISTS, ">$cmakelists.tmp");
+            for (@contents) {
+                print CMAKELISTS $_;
+            }
+            close(CMAKELISTS);
+            if ($do_backups) {
+                File::Copy::move("$cmakelists", "$cmakelists.orig") 
+                    or die "Could not rename file '$cmakelists' -> '$'";
+            }
+            File::Copy::move("$cmakelists.tmp", "$cmakelists") 
+                or die "Could not rename file '$cmakelists.tmp' -> '$cmakelists'";
+            print "$MSG_PREFIX $cmakelists edited. Added libraries '$strlibs' for target $target\n";
+        }
+    } else {
+        die "$cmakelists for target $target could not be found. Something is wrong";
+    }
+sub build_and_fix {
+    my ($sourcedir, $builddir, $buildcmd, $do_backups, $invoke_edit) = @_;
+    my $bdir;
+    my $btarget;
+    my $islderror = 0;
+    my @undefrefs;
+    my $link_cmd = 0;
+    if (defined $buildcmd) {
+        chdir $builddir;
+        open(MAKE, "$buildcmd 2>&1 |") or die "Unable to run `$buildcmd' in $builddir";
+    } else {
+        chdir $sourcedir;
+        open(MAKE, "debian/rules build 2>&1 |") or die "Unable to run `$buildcmd' in $builddir";
+    }
+    while (<MAKE>) {
+        # [ 39%] Building CXX object kwin/kcmkwin/kwindecoration/CMakeFiles
+        print $_;
+        chomp;
+        if ($link_cmd) {
+            #cd /buildd/kdebase-workspace/obj-x86_64-linux-gnu/kwin/kcmkwin/kwindecoration && /usr/bin/cmake -E cmake_link_script CMakeFiles/kcm_kwindecoration.dir/link.txt $MSG_PREFIXverbose=1
+            if (m#^cd (.*) && .*/cmake -E cmake_link_script CMakeFiles/(.*?)\.dir/#) {
+                $btarget = $2;
+                $bdir = File::Spec->abs2rel(Cwd::realpath($1), $builddir);
+                $link_cmd = 0;
+            } else {
+                die "Unrecognized link line";
+            }
+        } elsif (m/\[\s*\d+\%\] Building (.*) object (.*)/) {
+            $bdir = $2;
+            if ($bdir =~ m#CMakeFiles/(.*?)\.dir/#) {
+                $btarget = $1;
+            } else {
+                die "Could not extract target from $bdir";
+            }
+            $bdir =~ s#/CMakeFiles/.*##;
+        } elsif (m/^Linking (.*) (shared module|executable) /) {
+            $link_cmd = 1;
+        } elsif (m/undefined reference to `(.*)'$/) {
+            # undefined reference to `QDBusMessage::createSignal(QString const&, QString const&, QString const&)'
+            push @undefrefs, $1;
+        } elsif (m/collect\d+: ld returned \d+ exit status/) {
+            $islderror = 1;
+        }
+    }
+    close(MAKE);
+    chdir $sourcedir;
+    # Try to correct the error
+    if ($islderror && $bdir && $btarget && @undefrefs) {
+        my $libs = determine_needed_libs(\@LIBS, \@undefrefs);
+        if (@$libs) {
+            write_target_link_libs($bdir, $btarget, $libs, $do_backups);
+            return 0; # again
+        } else {
+            my $cmakelists = "$bdir/CMakeLists.txt";
+            print "$MSG_PREFIX Could not resolve linkage problem automatically. Undefined symbols have not been recognized\n";
+            print "$MSG_PREFIX Target: $btarget; CMakeLists.txt: $cmakelists", "\n";
+            my $quilt_cmd = "$QUILT edit $cmakelists";
+            if ($invoke_edit) {
+                print "$MSG_PREFIX Press any key to edit '$cmakelists' or ^C to cancel ...";
+                <>;
+                system($quilt_cmd);
+            } else {
+                print "$MSG_PREFIX You probably want to run the command to correct the problem yourself: \n",
+                      "$MSG_PREFIX     \$ $quilt_cmd\n";
+                return 2;
+            }
+        }
+    } else {
+        #print $islderror, ", ", $bdir, ", ", $btarget, ", ", @undefrefs, "\n";
+        print "$MSG_PREFIX Building completed successfully or unrecognized error\n";
+        return 1;
+    }
+sub load_libraries {
+    my $LIBS = shift;
+    print "$MSG_PREFIX Reading dynamic symbol table of ", scalar(@$LIBS), " shared libraries... ", "\n";
+    my $count = 0;
+    for my $lib (@$LIBS) {
+        print "$MSG_PREFIX Loading ", $lib->to_string(), " ... ";
+        if ($lib->load()) {
+            print "success\n";
+            $count++;
+        } else {
+            print "failed (path is not readable or has no symbols)\n";
+        }
+    }
+    return $count;
+sub check_environment {
+    my ($builddir, $patchname) = @_;
+    print "$MSG_PREFIX Script Version v$main::VERSION $MSG_PREFIX", "\n";
+    system("dh_testdir") == 0 or die "$MSG_PREFIX Please run this script from the debianized source tree $MSG_PREFIX\n";
+    my $toppatch = `$QUILT top`;
+    chomp $toppatch;
+    if (!defined $toppatch || $toppatch ne $patchname) {
+        die "$MSG_PREFIX Quilt top patch must be named '$patchname' when this script is run. Please either:\n" .
+          "$MSG_PREFIX    \$ $QUILT push $patchname\n" .
+          "$MSG_PREFIX    \$ $QUILT new $patchname\n";
+    }
+    if (! -d $builddir) {
+        die "Build directory '$builddir' does not exist";
+    }
+sub get_gnu_build_type {
+    my $buildtype = `dpkg-architecture -qDEB_BUILD_GNU_TYPE`;
+    chomp $buildtype;
+    return $buildtype;
+############## Main loop ##############################
+$main::VERSION = "0.2";
+my $sourcedir = Cwd::getcwd();
+my $builddir = "obj-" . get_gnu_build_type();
+my $buildcmd = undef;
+my $patchname = "97_fix_target_link_libraries.diff";
+my $do_backups = 0;
+my $show_help = 0;
+my $invoke_edit = 0;
+if (GetOptions(
+        "help|h|?" => \$show_help,
+        "build-dir|b=s" => \$builddir,
+        "build-command|c=s" => \$buildcmd,
+        "patch-name|p=s" => \$patchname,
+        "do-backups|backup!" => \$do_backups,
+        "invoke-edit|edit|e!" => \$invoke_edit,
+    )) {
+    pod2usage(-exitval => 1, -verbose => 2, -noperldoc => 1) if ($show_help);
+    $builddir = Cwd::realpath(File::Spec->catdir($sourcedir, $builddir));
+    check_environment($builddir, $patchname);
+    if (load_libraries(\@LIBS) == 0) {
+        die "Error: No dynamic symbols found in predefined libraries";
+    }
+    my $ret;
+    while (!($ret = build_and_fix($sourcedir, $builddir, $buildcmd, $do_backups, $invoke_edit))) {
+        print "$MSG_PREFIX Linkage problem fixed, rebuilding again\n";
+    }
+    if ($ret == 1) {
+        print "$MSG_PREFIX If build process is complete, you may want to run the following command to build/refresh the patch\n" .
+            "$MSG_PREFIX    \$ $QUILT refresh --no-index\n";
+        if ($do_backups) {
+            print "$MSG_PREFIX Also run the following command to cleanup backup files:\n" .
+                  "$MSG_PREFIX    \$ find -name 'CMakeLists.txt.orig' -delete\n";
+        }
+    }
+    exit 0;
+} else {
+    podusage(-exitval => 2, -verbose => 1);

Property changes on: scripts/autofixtll
Name: svn:executable
   + *

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