[SCM] Qt 4 Debian packaging. annotated tag, debian/4.3.4-1, updated. debian/4.3.4-1

Modestas Vainius modax-guest at alioth.debian.org
Wed Sep 30 09:30:01 UTC 2009

The annotated tag, debian/4.3.4-1 has been updated
        to  3bf8ee0ae74bcb4871f01d65bc9c2f720b5228cd (tag)
      from  ef3be67417f61c38ee55d7a76ecec2be1ed14dd9 (which is now obsolete)
   tagging  06c6ef4e2ffd843ab1aabc9c1cdddfcda52d9edf (commit)
  replaces  debian/4.3.3-2
 tagged by  Fathi Boudra
        on  Wed Feb 27 11:25:41 2008 +0000

- Shortlog ------------------------------------------------------------
Tagging qt4-x11 4.3.4-1.

Fathi Boudra (9):
      * Add 0205-fast-qpixmap-fill qt-copy patch:
      * Refresh and enable 0172-prefer-xrandr-over-xinerama patch.
      * 0206-fix-meta-modifier
      Add 0207-better-xerrorhandler patch
      Disable 0207-better-xerrorhandler patch
      * 0208-fix-quitools-incompatibility
      Partial fix pending on my disk. I'll finish later.
      Prepare Qt4.3.4.
      * Update lintian overrides.

Raúl Sánchez Siles (1):
      Added Vcs-Svn and Vcs-Browser control fields to pacakges: qt4-x11, kde-i18n, kdegames, kdebindings,


Qt 4 Debian packaging.

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