[SCM] KDE Bindings module packaging annotated tag, debian/4.1.3-1, created. debian/4.1.3-1
Modestas Vainius
modax at alioth.debian.org
Mon Jul 26 10:44:46 UTC 2010
The annotated tag, debian/4.1.3-1 has been created
at d4cac3060549541b5079aaf8a192a9f10eb69385 (tag)
tagging fe3e63e6b334038cf5a843d6a663cf9915d6451c (commit)
tagged by Sune Vuorela
on Wed Nov 5 23:15:56 2008 +0000
- Shortlog ------------------------------------------------------------
4:4.1.3-1 experimental; urgency=low
Adeodato Simó (12):
Leave a minimal, non-cdbs skeleton for now.
Add section.
Dummy, testing post-commit hook.
Initial PyKDE4 packaging.
Ensure we fail if make fails for any pyversion.
Drop these flags, as --no-undefined is part of FindKDE4Internal.cmake anyway.
Do not let python modules link against libpython.
Er, keep --as-needed, lots of spurious dependencies otherwise.
Lines in the description paragraph can't start with a dot.
D'oh, delete these files before dh_install.
Don't install empty directory.
<pusling> dato: qt designer generates ui files, not uic files ,)
Ana Beatriz Guerrero Lopez (3):
kdebinding, initial import.
some b-d? this module is a mess.
what i did with kdebindings last week..
David Palacio (15):
* Made Ruby bindings more rubyish by naming them lib[package]-ruby
Removed -dev ruby packages as they are not considered stable by upstream
Add upstream documents
Update manpages
remove ruby plasma clocks as they do not build without rbuic4 already in the system
add patches/05_static_class_constructor.diff
Patch ktexteditor-ruby.diff merged upstream. Remove.
disable -j6 parallel build for pykde
Package ruby examples
Start work of copyright
Except for doc/ & sip/ finished python. May finish it with a script
copyright holders, authors and license information
webapplet was translated to scriptengine.
typo: krosspython
nonexistant patch
Matthew Rosewarne (2):
* Homepages in control
* Ooops, forgot changelog entries for r8818
Modestas Vainius (2):
(Build-)Depend on cmake (>= 2.6.0) everywhere
cmake 2.6.0 => 2.4.5
Sune Vuorela (86):
add mono builddeps for qyoto, kimoon and friends
try emable almost everything except stuff that doesn't build - and do a more solid make implementation of the python build (but quite much uglier)
pykde4 doesn't seem to build alone without these includes
the ruby bindings seems to have a bug. I expet this to be very temporary
smokeqtuitools needs QtGui during linking
enable newly committed patches
add changelog entries for my work
* nepomuk apparantly uses a qHash(QUrl) withotu defining it in headers
Team => Maintainers
phonon apparantly have issues. try to at least temporary disable it
python-nepomuk seems to not want to be disabled on command line. let us disable it a bit harder. Sholud really be fixed instead, but needs someone fluently in sip.
phonon-stuff now builds
this was at best a wrong fix - removing for now
seems to be merged upstream
update target_link_libraries
a few more build-deps, qt4-opengl and libmono-dev
moare packages
update target_link_libraries
update target link libraries - fix the pykdestuff as well
these have arch specific bindings, so make arch all
add makeshlibs, add utils.mk, replace more shell constructs with make constructs
document cdbs usage in changelog
add not-installed
update branch - build system fixes. not enough though
refresh after branch update
disable csharp tutorials - at least for now
add new patchen
add && update install files - still very much a WiP
add dllmaps
update control, add ruby packages
fix ruby install vars, fix csharp installing
update install files
don't hardcode -j5 in pykde build ... woops. local hack
typo c/p error
typo - missing /cli
typo - wrong version
don't look for debian in
mono debhelpers are in cli-common-dev, add to b-d
a few more files
add kimonopluginfactory
match package name
fix ruby ktextedito build
adapting mono stuff to mono policy
dotnet fixes - -l to clideps
more mono fixes, installcligac needs to be earlier
better descriptions, versioned build-d's
remove zerobyte install files
merge changelog entries
fix python nepomuk building
patch to not use qyotoshared directly so we can use it as a normal shared library. The other gluelibs uses it.
more dllmaps
more fixes, proper sonaming, following CLI policy better
bug number for the issue we hack around
moere mono fixes
I guess soprano at least currently also belongs here
use wildcard instead of arch dir
qtscript is also part of qt4
arch dir to wildcard
better order of dh_commands
better descriptions and lpia is mono arch
new upstream
qtscript belongs hele
upstream did also properly soname this
upstream chandeg
also adapt content
specifically enable qtruby phonon
mono package name issues and pykde issues
better descriptions and package names
no need to include the examples dir and the contenst
bug. dh_install can't rename stuff
New upstreams
update copyrigth file
fix up changelog a bit
typo fix thanks lintian
run dh_lintian and install the ChangeLog
don't install changelog this way.
override these two warnings
don't install the dir directly, it ends up as examples/examples
don't install the dir directyl, it endsn up as examples7examples
proper soname the smoke libraries
dato is too busy currently to be maintainer. we hope he is back soon
dh_lintian was introduced at this version
remove empty dir
yay. finally. kdebindings upload
Vincent Fourmond (1):
[kdebindings] Vcs-* fields + watchfile
KDE Bindings module packaging
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