[SCM] KTorrent library Debian packaging branch, master, updated. debian/1.1.3-1

Modestas Vainius modax at alioth.debian.org
Mon Dec 5 23:08:37 UTC 2011

The following commit has been merged in the master branch:
commit 8a45f1370ab2149e427d5d57d47cb72742fae07f
Merge: 85907292f9e5939a04f8ba76d8595630359b0fdf 7945efa43a7f82efdf45c778eb85dc132ff59a03
Author: Modestas Vainius <modax at debian.org>
Date:   Tue Dec 6 00:19:41 2011 +0200

    Merge commit 'upstream/1.1.3'

 ChangeLog                           |    4 +
 po/ar/libktorrent.po                |   12 +-
 po/ast/libktorrent.po               |   12 +-
 po/be/libktorrent.po                |   12 +-
 po/bg/libktorrent.po                |   12 +-
 po/ca/libktorrent.po                |   12 +-
 po/ca at valencia/libktorrent.po       |   12 +-
 po/cs/libktorrent.po                |   22 +-
 po/da/libktorrent.po                |   12 +-
 po/de/libktorrent.po                |   19 +-
 po/el/libktorrent.po                |   12 +-
 po/en_GB/libktorrent.po             |   12 +-
 po/eo/libktorrent.po                |   12 +-
 po/es/libktorrent.po                |   12 +-
 po/et/libktorrent.po                |   12 +-
 po/eu/libktorrent.po                |   12 +-
 po/fi/libktorrent.po                |   14 +-
 po/fr/libktorrent.po                |   12 +-
 po/ga/libktorrent.po                |   12 +-
 po/gl/libktorrent.po                |   12 +-
 po/hi/libktorrent.po                |   12 +-
 po/hne/libktorrent.po               |   12 +-
 po/hr/libktorrent.po                | 9034 ++---------------------------------
 po/hu/libktorrent.po                |   12 +-
 po/is/libktorrent.po                |   12 +-
 po/it/libktorrent.po                |   12 +-
 po/ja/libktorrent.po                |   12 +-
 po/km/libktorrent.po                |   12 +-
 po/ku/libktorrent.po                |   12 +-
 po/lt/libktorrent.po                |  218 +-
 po/lv/libktorrent.po                |   12 +-
 po/ms/libktorrent.po                |   12 +-
 po/nb/libktorrent.po                |   14 +-
 po/nds/libktorrent.po               |   12 +-
 po/nl/libktorrent.po                |   12 +-
 po/nn/libktorrent.po                |   12 +-
 po/oc/libktorrent.po                |   12 +-
 po/pl/libktorrent.po                |  193 +-
 po/pt/libktorrent.po                |   14 +-
 po/pt_BR/libktorrent.po             |   14 +-
 po/ro/libktorrent.po                |   12 +-
 po/ru/libktorrent.po                |   14 +-
 po/se/libktorrent.po                |   12 +-
 po/si/libktorrent.po                |   12 +-
 po/sk/libktorrent.po                |   12 +-
 po/sl/libktorrent.po                |   12 +-
 po/sr/libktorrent.po                |   12 +-
 po/sr at ijekavian/libktorrent.po      |   12 +-
 po/sr at ijekavianlatin/libktorrent.po |   12 +-
 po/sr at latin/libktorrent.po          |   12 +-
 po/sv/libktorrent.po                |   12 +-
 po/tr/libktorrent.po                |   12 +-
 po/ug/libktorrent.po                |   18 +-
 po/uk/libktorrent.po                |   16 +-
 po/zh_CN/libktorrent.po             |  109 +-
 po/zh_TW/libktorrent.po             |   12 +-
 src/CMakeLists.txt                  |    2 +-
 src/download/webseed.cpp            |    3 +-
 src/upnp/upnprouter.cpp             |   37 +-
 src/version.h                       |    2 +-
 60 files changed, 875 insertions(+), 9376 deletions(-)

KTorrent library Debian packaging

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