[SCM] libbluedevil packaging annotated tag, debian/1.9.1-1, created. debian/1.9.1-1

Pino Toscano pino at alioth.debian.org
Tue Apr 3 10:51:20 UTC 2012

The annotated tag, debian/1.9.1-1 has been created
        at  1db6070ae5ee6ca5e4a1123e481a65047688673e (tag)
   tagging  531859dca60863e0686cfe38f72dbb017a1d8607 (commit)
  replaces  debian/1.9-1
 tagged by  Pino Toscano
        on  Tue Apr 3 12:41:05 2012 +0200

- Shortlog ------------------------------------------------------------
1.9.1-1 unstable; urgency=low
Version: GnuPG v1.4.12 (GNU/Linux)


George Kiagiadakis (2):
      Convert to multiarch; patch from Daniel Schaal (Closes: #636042)
      Fix required cmake version for multiarch support.

Pino Toscano (11):
      changelog: turn into a team upload
      fix watch file
      bump to 1.9.1
      02_hidden_visibility.diff: drop, no more required
      03_use_multiarch_lib_paths.diff: refresh, add DEP3 headers, remove part concerning the pkg-config file
      upstream_use-LIB_INSTALL_DIR.patch: backport upstream commit to properly set "libdir" in the pkg-config file
      bump debhelper build dependency to 9
      bump Standards-Version to 3.9.3
      slightly improve the package descriptions
      minor: sort .install files
      release to unstable, as team upload


libbluedevil packaging

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