[SCM] qtxmlpatterns packaging branch, master, updated. 85c43f65d08167209a58ce9462d6c24890fb3cf4

Lisandro Damián Nicanor Pérez lisandro at alioth.debian.org
Fri Apr 19 21:19:53 UTC 2013

Gitweb-URL: http://git.debian.org/?p=pkg-kde/qt/qtxmlpatterns.git;a=commitdiff;h=76140b0

The following commit has been merged in the master branch:
commit 76140b002c4bd5286893ca23020162fee5d8fd09
Author: Lisandro Damián Nicanor Pérez Meyer <perezmeyer at gmail.com>
Date:   Fri Apr 19 18:19:13 2013 -0300

    Add libqt5xmlpatterns5.symbols.
 debian/libqt5xmlpatterns5.symbols |  287 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 files changed, 287 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)

diff --git a/debian/libqt5xmlpatterns5.symbols b/debian/libqt5xmlpatterns5.symbols
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3d5072b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/libqt5xmlpatterns5.symbols
@@ -0,0 +1,287 @@
+# SymbolsHelper-Confirmed: 5.0.2 amd64
+libQt5XmlPatterns.so.5 libqt5xmlpatterns5 #MINVER#
+ _Z5qHashRK15QSourceLocation at Base 5.0.2
+ _Z5qHashRK18QXmlNodeModelIndex at Base 5.0.2
+ _Z5qHashRK8QXmlName at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZN10QXmlSchema14setUriResolverEPK20QAbstractUriResolver at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZN10QXmlSchema17setMessageHandlerEP23QAbstractMessageHandler at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZN10QXmlSchema23setNetworkAccessManagerEP21QNetworkAccessManager at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZN10QXmlSchema4loadEP9QIODeviceRK4QUrl at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZN10QXmlSchema4loadERK10QByteArrayRK4QUrl at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZN10QXmlSchema4loadERK4QUrl at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZN10QXmlSchemaC1ERKS_ at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZN10QXmlSchemaC1Ev at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZN10QXmlSchemaC2ERKS_ at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZN10QXmlSchemaC2Ev at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZN10QXmlSchemaD1Ev at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZN10QXmlSchemaD2Ev at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZN12QXmlNamePoolC1EPN11QPatternist8NamePoolE at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZN12QXmlNamePoolC1ERKS_ at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZN12QXmlNamePoolC1Ev at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZN12QXmlNamePoolC2EPN11QPatternist8NamePoolE at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZN12QXmlNamePoolC2ERKS_ at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZN12QXmlNamePoolC2Ev at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZN12QXmlNamePoolD1Ev at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZN12QXmlNamePoolD2Ev at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZN12QXmlNamePoolaSERKS_ at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZN13QXmlFormatter10charactersERK10QStringRef at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZN13QXmlFormatter10endElementEv at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZN13QXmlFormatter11atomicValueERK8QVariant at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZN13QXmlFormatter11endDocumentEv at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZN13QXmlFormatter12startElementERK8QXmlName at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZN13QXmlFormatter13endOfSequenceEv at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZN13QXmlFormatter13startDocumentEv at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZN13QXmlFormatter15startOfSequenceEv at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZN13QXmlFormatter19setIndentationDepthEi at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZN13QXmlFormatter21processingInstructionERK8QXmlNameRK7QString at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZN13QXmlFormatter4itemERKN11QPatternist4ItemE at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZN13QXmlFormatter7commentERK7QString at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZN13QXmlFormatter9attributeERK8QXmlNameRK10QStringRef at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZN13QXmlFormatterC1ERK9QXmlQueryP9QIODevice at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZN13QXmlFormatterC2ERK9QXmlQueryP9QIODevice at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZN13QXmlFormatterD0Ev at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZN13QXmlFormatterD1Ev at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZN13QXmlFormatterD2Ev at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZN14QXmlSerializer10charactersERK10QStringRef at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZN14QXmlSerializer10endElementEv at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZN14QXmlSerializer11atomicValueERK8QVariant at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZN14QXmlSerializer11endDocumentEv at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZN14QXmlSerializer12startElementERK8QXmlName at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZN14QXmlSerializer12writeEscapedERK7QString at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZN14QXmlSerializer13endOfSequenceEv at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZN14QXmlSerializer13startDocumentEv at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZN14QXmlSerializer15startOfSequenceEv at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZN14QXmlSerializer16namespaceBindingERK8QXmlName at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZN14QXmlSerializer21processingInstructionERK8QXmlNameRK7QString at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZN14QXmlSerializer4itemERKN11QPatternist4ItemE at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZN14QXmlSerializer7commentERK7QString at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZN14QXmlSerializer8setCodecEPK10QTextCodec at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZN14QXmlSerializer9attributeERK8QXmlNameRK10QStringRef at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZN14QXmlSerializerC1EP27QAbstractXmlReceiverPrivate at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZN14QXmlSerializerC1ERK9QXmlQueryP9QIODevice at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZN14QXmlSerializerC2EP27QAbstractXmlReceiverPrivate at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZN14QXmlSerializerC2ERK9QXmlQueryP9QIODevice at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZN14QXmlSerializerD0Ev at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZN14QXmlSerializerD1Ev at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZN14QXmlSerializerD2Ev at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZN15QSourceLocation6setUriERK4QUrl at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZN15QSourceLocation7setLineEx at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZN15QSourceLocation9setColumnEx at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZN15QSourceLocationC1ERK4QUrlii at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZN15QSourceLocationC1ERKS_ at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZN15QSourceLocationC1Ev at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZN15QSourceLocationC2ERK4QUrlii at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZN15QSourceLocationC2ERKS_ at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZN15QSourceLocationC2Ev at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZN15QSourceLocationD1Ev at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZN15QSourceLocationD2Ev at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZN15QSourceLocationaSERKS_ at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZN15QXmlResultItems4nextEv at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZN15QXmlResultItemsC1Ev at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZN15QXmlResultItemsC2Ev at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZN15QXmlResultItemsD0Ev at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZN15QXmlResultItemsD1Ev at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZN15QXmlResultItemsD2Ev at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZN19QSimpleXmlNodeModelC1ERK12QXmlNamePool at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZN19QSimpleXmlNodeModelC2ERK12QXmlNamePool at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZN19QSimpleXmlNodeModelD0Ev at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZN19QSimpleXmlNodeModelD1Ev at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZN19QSimpleXmlNodeModelD2Ev at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZN19QXmlSchemaValidator14setUriResolverEPK20QAbstractUriResolver at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZN19QXmlSchemaValidator17setMessageHandlerEP23QAbstractMessageHandler at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZN19QXmlSchemaValidator23setNetworkAccessManagerEP21QNetworkAccessManager at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZN19QXmlSchemaValidator9setSchemaERK10QXmlSchema at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZN19QXmlSchemaValidatorC1ERK10QXmlSchema at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZN19QXmlSchemaValidatorC1Ev at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZN19QXmlSchemaValidatorC2ERK10QXmlSchema at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZN19QXmlSchemaValidatorC2Ev at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZN19QXmlSchemaValidatorD1Ev at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZN19QXmlSchemaValidatorD2Ev at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZN20QAbstractUriResolver11qt_metacallEN11QMetaObject4CallEiPPv at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZN20QAbstractUriResolver11qt_metacastEPKc at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZN20QAbstractUriResolver16staticMetaObjectE at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZN20QAbstractUriResolverC1EP7QObject at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZN20QAbstractUriResolverC2EP7QObject at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZN20QAbstractUriResolverD0Ev at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZN20QAbstractUriResolverD1Ev at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZN20QAbstractUriResolverD2Ev at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZN20QAbstractXmlReceiver10sendAsNodeERKN11QPatternist4ItemE at Base 5.0.2
+ (optional=templinst)_ZN20QAbstractXmlReceiver12sendFromAxisILN18QXmlNodeModelIndex4AxisE8193EEEvRKS1_ at Base 5.0.2
+ (optional=templinst)_ZN20QAbstractXmlReceiver12sendFromAxisILN18QXmlNodeModelIndex4AxisE8196EEEvRKS1_ at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZN20QAbstractXmlReceiver14whitespaceOnlyERK10QStringRef at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZN20QAbstractXmlReceiver4itemERKN11QPatternist4ItemE at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZN20QAbstractXmlReceiverC1EP27QAbstractXmlReceiverPrivate at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZN20QAbstractXmlReceiverC1Ev at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZN20QAbstractXmlReceiverC2EP27QAbstractXmlReceiverPrivate at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZN20QAbstractXmlReceiverC2Ev at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZN20QAbstractXmlReceiverD0Ev at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZN20QAbstractXmlReceiverD1Ev at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZN20QAbstractXmlReceiverD2Ev at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZN20QXmlStreamAttributesD1Ev at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZN20QXmlStreamAttributesD2Ev at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZN20QXmlStreamAttributesaSEOS_ at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZN21QAbstractXmlNodeModelC1EP28QAbstractXmlNodeModelPrivate at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZN21QAbstractXmlNodeModelC1Ev at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZN21QAbstractXmlNodeModelC2EP28QAbstractXmlNodeModelPrivate at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZN21QAbstractXmlNodeModelC2Ev at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZN21QAbstractXmlNodeModelD0Ev at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZN21QAbstractXmlNodeModelD1Ev at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZN21QAbstractXmlNodeModelD2Ev at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZN23QAbstractMessageHandler11qt_metacallEN11QMetaObject4CallEiPPv at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZN23QAbstractMessageHandler11qt_metacastEPKc at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZN23QAbstractMessageHandler16staticMetaObjectE at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZN23QAbstractMessageHandler7messageE9QtMsgTypeRK7QStringRK4QUrlRK15QSourceLocation at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZN23QAbstractMessageHandlerC1EP7QObject at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZN23QAbstractMessageHandlerC2EP7QObject at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZN23QAbstractMessageHandlerD0Ev at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZN23QAbstractMessageHandlerD1Ev at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZN23QAbstractMessageHandlerD2Ev at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZN8QXmlItemC1ERK18QXmlNodeModelIndex at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZN8QXmlItemC1ERK8QVariant at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZN8QXmlItemC1ERKS_ at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZN8QXmlItemC1Ev at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZN8QXmlItemC2ERK18QXmlNodeModelIndex at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZN8QXmlItemC2ERK8QVariant at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZN8QXmlItemC2ERKS_ at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZN8QXmlItemC2Ev at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZN8QXmlItemD1Ev at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZN8QXmlItemD2Ev at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZN8QXmlItemaSERKS_ at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZN8QXmlName13fromClarkNameERK7QStringRK12QXmlNamePool at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZN8QXmlName8isNCNameERK7QString at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZN8QXmlNameC1ER12QXmlNamePoolRK7QStringS4_S4_ at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZN8QXmlNameC1Ev at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZN8QXmlNameC2ER12QXmlNamePoolRK7QStringS4_S4_ at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZN8QXmlNameC2Ev at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZN8QXmlNameaSERKS_ at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZN9QHashData8willGrowEv at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZN9QHashData9hasShrunkEv at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZN9QXmlQuery12bindVariableERK7QStringP9QIODevice at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZN9QXmlQuery12bindVariableERK7QStringRK8QXmlItem at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZN9QXmlQuery12bindVariableERK7QStringRKS_ at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZN9QXmlQuery12bindVariableERK8QXmlNameP9QIODevice at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZN9QXmlQuery12bindVariableERK8QXmlNameRK8QXmlItem at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZN9QXmlQuery12bindVariableERK8QXmlNameRKS_ at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZN9QXmlQuery14setUriResolverEPK20QAbstractUriResolver at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZN9QXmlQuery17setMessageHandlerEP23QAbstractMessageHandler at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZN9QXmlQuery22setInitialTemplateNameERK7QString at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZN9QXmlQuery22setInitialTemplateNameERK8QXmlName at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZN9QXmlQuery23setNetworkAccessManagerEP21QNetworkAccessManager at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZN9QXmlQuery8setFocusEP9QIODevice at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZN9QXmlQuery8setFocusERK4QUrl at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZN9QXmlQuery8setFocusERK7QString at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZN9QXmlQuery8setFocusERK8QXmlItem at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZN9QXmlQuery8setQueryEP9QIODeviceRK4QUrl at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZN9QXmlQuery8setQueryERK4QUrlS2_ at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZN9QXmlQuery8setQueryERK7QStringRK4QUrl at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZN9QXmlQueryC1ENS_13QueryLanguageERK12QXmlNamePool at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZN9QXmlQueryC1ERK12QXmlNamePool at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZN9QXmlQueryC1ERKS_ at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZN9QXmlQueryC1Ev at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZN9QXmlQueryC2ENS_13QueryLanguageERK12QXmlNamePool at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZN9QXmlQueryC2ERK12QXmlNamePool at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZN9QXmlQueryC2ERKS_ at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZN9QXmlQueryC2Ev at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZN9QXmlQueryD1Ev at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZN9QXmlQueryD2Ev at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZN9QXmlQueryaSERKS_ at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZNK10QXmlSchema11documentUriEv at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZNK10QXmlSchema11uriResolverEv at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZNK10QXmlSchema14messageHandlerEv at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZNK10QXmlSchema20networkAccessManagerEv at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZNK10QXmlSchema7isValidEv at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZNK10QXmlSchema8namePoolEv at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZNK13QXmlFormatter16indentationDepthEv at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZNK14QXmlSerializer12outputDeviceEv at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZNK14QXmlSerializer5codecEv at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZNK15QSourceLocation3uriEv at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZNK15QSourceLocation4lineEv at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZNK15QSourceLocation6columnEv at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZNK15QSourceLocation6isNullEv at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZNK15QSourceLocationeqERKS_ at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZNK15QSourceLocationneERKS_ at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZNK15QXmlResultItems7currentEv at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZNK15QXmlResultItems8hasErrorEv at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZNK18QXmlNodeModelIndexeqERKS_ at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZNK18QXmlNodeModelIndexneERKS_ at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZNK19QSimpleXmlNodeModel11elementByIdERK8QXmlName at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZNK19QSimpleXmlNodeModel11stringValueERK18QXmlNodeModelIndex at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZNK19QSimpleXmlNodeModel12nodesByIdrefERK8QXmlName at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZNK19QSimpleXmlNodeModel17namespaceBindingsERK18QXmlNodeModelIndex at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZNK19QSimpleXmlNodeModel7baseUriERK18QXmlNodeModelIndex at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZNK19QSimpleXmlNodeModel8namePoolEv at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZNK19QXmlSchemaValidator11uriResolverEv at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZNK19QXmlSchemaValidator14messageHandlerEv at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZNK19QXmlSchemaValidator20networkAccessManagerEv at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZNK19QXmlSchemaValidator6schemaEv at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZNK19QXmlSchemaValidator8namePoolEv at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZNK19QXmlSchemaValidator8validateEP9QIODeviceRK4QUrl at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZNK19QXmlSchemaValidator8validateERK10QByteArrayRK4QUrl at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZNK19QXmlSchemaValidator8validateERK4QUrl at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZNK20QAbstractUriResolver10metaObjectEv at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZNK21QAbstractXmlNodeModel10copyNodeToERK18QXmlNodeModelIndexP20QAbstractXmlReceiverRK6QFlagsINS_15NodeCopySettingEE at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZNK21QAbstractXmlNodeModel11isDeepEqualERK18QXmlNodeModelIndexS2_ at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZNK21QAbstractXmlNodeModel14sendNamespacesERK18QXmlNodeModelIndexP20QAbstractXmlReceiver at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZNK21QAbstractXmlNodeModel14sourceLocationERK18QXmlNodeModelIndex at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZNK21QAbstractXmlNodeModel18namespaceForPrefixERK18QXmlNodeModelIndexs at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZNK21QAbstractXmlNodeModel19sequencedTypedValueERK18QXmlNodeModelIndex at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZNK21QAbstractXmlNodeModel4typeERK18QXmlNodeModelIndex at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZNK21QAbstractXmlNodeModel7iterateERK18QXmlNodeModelIndexNS0_4AxisE at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZNK23QAbstractMessageHandler10metaObjectEv at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZNK7QString3argERKS_S1_ at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZNK7QString3argERKS_S1_S1_ at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZNK7QString3argERKS_S1_S1_S1_ at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZNK7QString3argERKS_S1_S1_S1_S1_ at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZNK8QXmlItem13isAtomicValueEv at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZNK8QXmlItem13toAtomicValueEv at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZNK8QXmlItem16toNodeModelIndexEv at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZNK8QXmlItem6isNodeEv at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZNK8QXmlItem6isNullEv at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZNK8QXmlName11toClarkNameERK12QXmlNamePool at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZNK8QXmlName12namespaceUriERK12QXmlNamePool at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZNK8QXmlName6isNullEv at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZNK8QXmlName6prefixERK12QXmlNamePool at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZNK8QXmlName9localNameERK12QXmlNamePool at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZNK8QXmlNameeqERKS_ at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZNK8QXmlNameneERKS_ at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZNK9QXmlQuery10evaluateToEP11QStringList at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZNK9QXmlQuery10evaluateToEP15QXmlResultItems at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZNK9QXmlQuery10evaluateToEP20QAbstractXmlReceiver at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZNK9QXmlQuery10evaluateToEP7QString at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZNK9QXmlQuery10evaluateToEP9QIODevice at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZNK9QXmlQuery11uriResolverEv at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZNK9QXmlQuery13queryLanguageEv at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZNK9QXmlQuery14messageHandlerEv at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZNK9QXmlQuery19initialTemplateNameEv at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZNK9QXmlQuery20networkAccessManagerEv at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZNK9QXmlQuery7isValidEv at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZNK9QXmlQuery8namePoolEv at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZTI11QSharedData at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZTI13QXmlFormatter at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZTI14QXmlSerializer at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZTI15QXmlResultItems at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZTI16QXmlStreamReader at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZTI19QSimpleXmlNodeModel at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZTI20QAbstractUriResolver at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZTI20QAbstractXmlReceiver at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZTI21QAbstractXmlNodeModel at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZTI23QAbstractMessageHandler at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZTS11QSharedData at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZTS13QXmlFormatter at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZTS14QXmlSerializer at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZTS15QXmlResultItems at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZTS16QXmlStreamReader at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZTS19QSimpleXmlNodeModel at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZTS20QAbstractUriResolver at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZTS20QAbstractXmlReceiver at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZTS21QAbstractXmlNodeModel at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZTS23QAbstractMessageHandler at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZTV13QXmlFormatter at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZTV14QXmlSerializer at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZTV15QXmlResultItems at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZTV19QSimpleXmlNodeModel at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZTV20QAbstractUriResolver at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZTV20QAbstractXmlReceiver at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZTV21QAbstractXmlNodeModel at Base 5.0.2
+ _ZTV23QAbstractMessageHandler at Base 5.0.2
+ _Zls6QDebugRK15QSourceLocation at Base 5.0.2

qtxmlpatterns packaging

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