[SCM] ci-tooling packaging branch, master, updated. 39985e1a3a4812ec26f07c58c4417fcc1f91da42

Harald Sitter apachelogger-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Wed Feb 25 10:53:45 UTC 2015

Gitweb-URL: http://git.debian.org/?p=pkg-kde/ci-tooling.git;a=commitdiff;h=10e956d

The following commit has been merged in the master branch:
commit 10e956d44100147ed2d31a5bdeeb241614f8dd55
Author: Harald Sitter <sitter at kde.org>
Date:   Wed Feb 25 11:44:26 2015 +0100

    refactor binary list building in install test to use a threadpool
    there's some 100-170 sources per series that are published, for each of
    those we need to do a getPublishedBinaries which according to profiling
    takes anywhere between 0.5 and 3 seconds (KCI always is in the upper
    half of that due to inherit traffic delay to australia).
    so we are looking at well above 1 minute just spent querying. in practice
    on KCI we are more in the range of upwards of 3 minutes.
 kci/daily-qa.rb      | 117 +++++++++++++++++++++------------------------------
 kci/install_check.rb |  35 +++++++++++----
 2 files changed, 75 insertions(+), 77 deletions(-)

diff --git a/kci/daily-qa.rb b/kci/daily-qa.rb
index 7c4c84f..df57cae 100755
--- a/kci/daily-qa.rb
+++ b/kci/daily-qa.rb
@@ -8,8 +8,11 @@ require_relative "lib/install_and_require"
 install_and_require "logger"
 install_and_require "thwait"
 install_and_require "logger/colors"
 require_relative "lib/jenkins"
 require_relative "lib/lp"
+require_relative 'lib/retry'
+require_relative 'lib/thread_pool'
 $logger = Logger.new(STDERR)
 $logger.level = Logger::INFO
@@ -87,78 +90,56 @@ class CiPPA
     def packages
-        return @packages unless @packages.empty?
-        $logger.info "Building package list for PPA #{@type}."
-#         # TODO: this presently does not take multiarch into account.
-#         Dir.glob("/var/lib/apt/lists/ppa.launchpad.net_kubuntu-ci_#{@type}_*_Packages") do |cache_file|
-#             file = File.open(cache_file, 'r')
-#             while !file.eof?
-#                 line = file.readline
-#                 match = line.match(/^Package: (.*)$/)
-#                 next unless match and match.size == 2 # fullmatch + name match
-#                 @packages << match[1]
-#             end
-#         end
-#         @packages.uniq!
-#         @packages.delete_if { |p| p.end_with?('-dbg') || p.end_with?('-data') }
-#         @packages.sort!
-        ubuntu = Launchpad::Rubber::from_json(Net::HTTP.get(URI('https://api.launchpad.net/1.0/ubuntu')))
-        series = nil
-        ubuntu.series.each do |_series|
-            next unless _series.name == @series
-            series = _series
-            break
-        end
-        reference_distro_arch_series_link = nil
-        series.architectures.each do |_arch|
-            # FIXME: arch harcode
-            next unless _arch.architecture_tag == 'amd64'
-            reference_distro_arch_series_link = _arch.self_link
-            break
-        end
-        ppas = Launchpad::Rubber::from_json(Net::HTTP.get(URI('https://api.launchpad.net/1.0/~kubuntu-ci/ppas'))).entries
-        p ppas
-        ppa = nil
-        ppas.each do |_ppa|
-            p _ppa.name
-            next unless _ppa.name == @type
-            ppa = _ppa
-            break
+      return @packages unless @packages.empty?
+      logger = $logger
+      logger.info "Building package list for PPA #{@type}."
+      series = Launchpad::Rubber.from_url("https://api.launchpad.net/devel/ubuntu/#{@series}")
+      # FIXME: arch hardcode
+      reference_distro_arch_series_link =
+        Launchpad::Rubber.from_url("#{series.self_link}/amd64")
+      ppa = Launchpad::Rubber.from_url("https://api.launchpad.net/devel/~kubuntu-ci/+archive/ubuntu/#{@type}")
+      packages = {}
+      sources = ppa.getPublishedSources(status: 'Published',
+                                        distro_series: series)
+      source_queue = Queue.new
+      sources.each { |s| source_queue << s }
+      binary_queue = Queue.new
+      BlockingThreadPool.run(8) do
+        until source_queue.empty?
+          source = source_queue.pop(true)
+          Retry.retry_it do
+            binary_queue << source.getPublishedBinaries
+          end
+      end
-        packages = {}
-        # ppa.getPublishedBinaries(:ordered => false,
-        #                          :status => 'Published',
-        #                          :distro_arch_series => reference_distro_arch_series_link).each do |binary|
-        #     packages[binary.binary_package_name] = binary.binary_package_version
-        # end
-        ppa.getPublishedSources(:status => 'Published',
-                                :distro_series => series).each do |source|
-            binaries = source.getPublishedBinaries()
-            binaries.each do |binary|
-#                 puts "archspecific: #{binary.architecture_specific} . #{binary.binary_package_name} . #{binary.binary_package_version}"
-                next if binary.binary_package_name.end_with?('-dbg')
-                # Do not include known to conflict packages
-                next if binary.binary_package_name == 'libqca2-dev'
-                # Do not include udebs, this unfortunately cannot be determined easily via api
-                next if binary.binary_package_name.start_with?('oem-config')
-                # Unresolvable as that requires more PPAs...
-                next if binary.binary_package_name == 'kubuntu-ci-live'
-                next if binary.binary_package_name == 'kubuntu-plasma5-desktop'
-                if binary.architecture_specific
-                    next unless binary.distro_arch_series_link == reference_distro_arch_series_link
-                end
-                packages[binary.binary_package_name] = binary.binary_package_version
-            end
+      until binary_queue.empty?
+        binaries = binary_queue.pop(true)
+        binaries.each do |binary|
+          # Do not include debug packages, they can't conflict anyway, and if
+          # they did we still wouldn't care.
+          next if binary.binary_package_name.end_with?('-dbg')
+          # Do not include known to conflict packages
+          next if binary.binary_package_name == 'libqca2-dev'
+          # Do not include udebs, this unfortunately cannot be determined
+          # easily via the API.
+          next if binary.binary_package_name.start_with?('oem-config')
+          # Unresolvable as that requires more PPAs...
+          next if binary.binary_package_name == 'kubuntu-ci-live'
+          next if binary.binary_package_name == 'kubuntu-plasma5-desktop'
+          if binary.architecture_specific
+            next unless binary.distro_arch_series_link == reference_distro_arch_series_link
+          end
+          packages[binary.binary_package_name] = binary.binary_package_version
+      end
-        $logger.info "Built package list: #{packages.keys().join(", ")}"
-        return @packages = packages
+      logger.info "Built package list: #{packages.keys.join(', ')}"
+      @packages = packages
     def install
diff --git a/kci/install_check.rb b/kci/install_check.rb
index da1dc35..7b38699 100755
--- a/kci/install_check.rb
+++ b/kci/install_check.rb
@@ -6,9 +6,10 @@ ENV['PATH'] = '/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/sbin'
 require 'logger'
 require 'logger/colors'
 require 'thwait'
-require_relative 'lib/lp'
-require 'benchmark'
+require_relative 'lib/lp'
+require_relative 'lib/retry'
+require_relative 'lib/thread_pool'
 LOG = Logger.new(STDERR)
 LOG.level = Logger::INFO
@@ -52,18 +53,34 @@ class CiPPA
     ppa = Launchpad::Rubber.from_path("~kubuntu-ci/+archive/ubuntu/#{@type}")
     packages = {}
-    ppa.getPublishedSources(status: 'Published',
-                            distro_series: series).each do |source|
-      binaries = source.getPublishedBinaries
+    sources = ppa.getPublishedSources(status: 'Published',
+                                      distro_series: series)
+    source_queue = Queue.new
+    sources.each { |s| source_queue << s }
+    binary_queue = Queue.new
+    BlockingThreadPool.run(8) do
+      until source_queue.empty?
+        source = source_queue.pop(true)
+        Retry.retry_it do
+          binary_queue << source.getPublishedBinaries
+        end
+      end
+    end
+    until binary_queue.empty?
+      binaries = binary_queue.pop(true)
       binaries.each do |binary|
-        # Do not include debug packages, they can't conflict anyway, and if they
-        # did we still wouldn't care.
+        # Do not include debug packages, they can't conflict anyway, and if
+        # they did we still wouldn't care.
         next if binary.binary_package_name.end_with?('-dbg')
         # Do not include known to conflict packages
         next if binary.binary_package_name == 'libqca2-dev'
-        # Do not include udebs, this unfortunately cannot be determined easily
-        # via the API.
+        # Do not include udebs, this unfortunately cannot be determined
+        # easily via the API.
         next if binary.binary_package_name.start_with?('oem-config')
+        next if binary.binary_package_name == 'kubuntu-ci-live'
+        next if binary.binary_package_name == 'kubuntu-plasma5-desktop'
         if binary.architecture_specific
           next unless binary.distro_arch_series_link == host_arch

ci-tooling packaging

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