[SCM] ci-tooling packaging branch, master, updated. 1057b74bf91a718f36ab197ae6eabb076ed20b90

Harald Sitter apachelogger-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Tue Oct 6 11:56:13 UTC 2015

Gitweb-URL: http://git.debian.org/?p=pkg-kde/ci-tooling.git;a=commitdiff;h=1057b74

The following commit has been merged in the master branch:
commit 1057b74bf91a718f36ab197ae6eabb076ed20b90
Author: Harald Sitter <sitter at kde.org>
Date:   Tue Oct 6 13:56:03 2015 +0200

    refactor kcibuilder to contain build_and_publish into a method
    we will eventually be able to test this independently and tear apart
    the entire builder
 kci/builder.rb | 83 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------------------------
 1 file changed, 43 insertions(+), 40 deletions(-)

diff --git a/kci/builder.rb b/kci/builder.rb
index aee8b3d..8d91d5f 100755
--- a/kci/builder.rb
+++ b/kci/builder.rb
@@ -53,6 +53,48 @@ class KCIBuilder
     @testing ||= false
+  def self.build_and_publish(source)
+    Dir.chdir('build') do
+      # Upload likes to get stuck, so we do timeout control to prevent all of
+      # builder from getting stuck.
+      # We try to dput two times in a row giving it first 30 minutes and then
+      # 15 minutes to complete. If it didn't manage to upload after that we
+      # ignore the package and move on.
+      `cp -rf /var/lib/jenkins/.ssh /root/`
+      `chown -Rv root:root /root/.ssh`
+      if `ssh-keygen -F ppa.launchpad.net`.strip.empty?
+        `ssh-keyscan -H ppa.launchpad.net >> ~/.ssh/known_hosts`
+      end
+      dput = "dput -d -c #{DPUTCONF} #{@ppa} #{source.name}_#{source.build_version.tar}*.changes"
+      success = false
+      4.times do |count|
+        # Note: count starts at 0 ;)
+        if timeout_spawn(dput, 60 * (30.0 / (count + 1)))
+          puts "spawn timeout goody"
+          success = true
+          break
+        end
+        puts "spawn timout badly"
+        sleep(60) # Sleep for a minute
+      end
+      abort '		 !!!!!!!!!!!! dput failed two times !!!!!!!!!!!!' unless success
+      Dir.chdir('..') do # main dir
+        puts "before require"
+        require_relative 'source_publisher'
+        puts "after require; before new"
+        publisher = SourcePublisher.new(source.name, source.version, project.stability)
+        puts "after new"
+        abort 'PPA Build Failed' unless publisher.wait
+        # Write upload data to file, we perhaps want to do something outside the
+        # build container.
+        data = { name: source.name,
+                 version: source.version,
+                 type: project.stability }
+        File.write('source.json', JSON.generate(data))
+      end
+    end
+  end
   def self.run
     ENV['GNUPGHOME'] = '/var/lib/jenkins/tooling/gnupg'
@@ -115,46 +157,7 @@ class KCIBuilder
-    Dir.chdir('build/source/') do
-      changelog = Changelog.new
-      # Upload likes to get stuck, so we do timeout control to prevent all of
-      # builder from getting stuck.
-      # We try to dput two times in a row giving it first 30 minutes and then
-      # 15 minutes to complete. If it didn't manage to upload after that we
-      # ignore the package and move on.
-      `cp -rf /var/lib/jenkins/.ssh /root/`
-      `chown -Rv root:root /root/.ssh`
-      if `ssh-keygen -F ppa.launchpad.net`.strip.empty?
-        `ssh-keyscan -H ppa.launchpad.net >> ~/.ssh/known_hosts`
-      end
-      dput = "dput -d -c #{DPUTCONF} #{@ppa} ../#{changelog.name}_#{changelog.version(Changelog::BASE | Changelog::BASESUFFIX)}*.changes"
-      success = false
-      4.times do |count|
-        # Note: count starts at 0 ;)
-        if timeout_spawn(dput, 60 * (30.0 / (count + 1)))
-          puts "spawn timeout goody"
-          success = true
-          break
-        end
-        puts "spawn timout badly"
-        sleep(60) # Sleep for a minute
-      end
-      abort '		 !!!!!!!!!!!! dput failed two times !!!!!!!!!!!!' unless success
-      Dir.chdir('../..') do # main dir
-        puts "before require"
-        require_relative 'source_publisher'
-        puts "after require; before new"
-        publisher = SourcePublisher.new(changelog.name, changelog.version, project.stability)
-        puts "after new"
-        abort 'PPA Build Failed' unless publisher.wait
-        # Write upload data to file, we perhaps want to do something outside the
-        # build container.
-        data = { name: changelog.name,
-                 version: changelog.version,
-                 type: project.stability }
-        File.write('source.json', JSON.generate(data))
-      end
-    end
+    build_and_publish(source)
     unless File.exist?('logs/i386.log')
       puts "found no logs"

ci-tooling packaging

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