[SCM] signon-ui packaging annotated tag, debian/0.17+15.10.20150810-2, created. debian/0.17+15.10.20150810-2

Diane Trout diane at moszumanska.debian.org
Thu Oct 15 18:27:20 UTC 2015

The annotated tag, debian/0.17+15.10.20150810-2 has been created
        at  081b0d91b3dd8ba90707b6bc6c7f77113506d0c9 (tag)
   tagging  2e7bf3ab39832a9734e89dae34befa7e2b4f3371 (commit)
 tagged by  Diane Trout
        on  Thu Oct 15 11:26:35 2015 -0700

- Shortlog ------------------------------------------------------------
0.17+15.10.20150810-2 unstable; urgency=medium
Version: GnuPG v1


Alberto Mardegan (240):
      Initial commit
      Implement basic credentials dialog
      Fix typo
      Support custom message in credentials dialog
      Implement handling of browser requests.
      Remove unwanted files from "dist" target
      Add D-Bus service file
      Version 0.2
      Share cookies between browser requests
      Tests: click on the OK button
      Don't show any dialog when already authorized
      Show caption in web dialog, when available
      Fix typo
      Setup webview parameters according to the URL
      Captcha support
      Allow overriding UserAgent from config file
      Show page load progress
      Web authentication: show success page
      Subclass QWebView for size and background painting
      Use non-plain font style for messages.
      Force minimum dialog width
      Add explanatory text and label to CAPTCHA dialog
      Browser: keep the QSettings instance in the private structure
      Web: prefill username and password fields
      Web: send username and password back to signond
      Merge branch webfields
      Allow the signon UI to be embedded
      Allow the signon UI to be embedded.
      Use a per-identity cookie jar
      Use a per-identity cookie jar
      Implement autologin
      Tests: Remove browser test
      Tests: allow wrapping signon-ui with another program
      SQUASH with browser request
      Tests: test browser autologin
      Add browser autologin functionality
      Browser autologin
      Use PIMPL in Request
      Inform indicator-service of failed accounts
      Unit tests
      Send notifications to the user menu indicator
      Use a layout manager on the X embed widget
      Update .bzrignore
      Use a layout manager on the X embed widget
      Implement cancelling of requests.
      Implement cancelling of requests.
      If embedded, quit the request as soon as the callback URL is reached.
      Tests: skip functional tests if a D-Bus session is not available
      Tests: skip functional tests if a D-Bus session is not available
      Add webcredentials indicator service
      Unit tests for IndicatorService
      Test ServiceIndicator::serviceObject()
      Use new CredentialsId key for the signon ID
      Add the com.canonical.indicators.webcredentials service
      Activate the embedded widget.
      If embedded, quit the request as soon as the callback URL is reached.
      Fix focus issues when embedding.
      Fix focus issues when embedding.
      Add support for translations
      Add support for translations
      Fix unit tests to work with new libaccounts
      Make sure we don't miss any loadFinished signal.
      Make sure we don't miss any loadFinished signal.
      Version 0.3
      Disconnect webview signals on request completion
      Dump the full HTML when logging level > 3
      Show an error page when loading fails
      Dialog: add object names for Qt testability driver
      Disconnect webview signals on request completion
      Implement an inactivity timer (mainly for unit tests)
      Migrate functional tests to Testability driver.
      Migrate functional tests to Testability driver.
      Fix a couple of severe copy&paste errors
      Fix possible infinite loop with form autologin
      Tests: add test case for password and captcha
      Fix a couple of copy&paste errors from previous commit
      Allow the client to populate the cookie jar.
      Allow the client to populate the cookie jar.
      Version 0.4
      BrowserRequest: handle web links
      BrowserRequest: handle web links
      Update D-Bus annotation
      Implement persistent cookie storage
      Revert changes to DBus XML file
      Implement persistent cookie storage
      Version 0.6
      Allow definition of blacklisted and whitelisted links
      By default, allow https only.
      Disable functional tests
      Protect webkit from untrusted content
      Version 0.7
      Do not load the final URL
      Avoid loading the final URL.
      Version 0.8
      Don't show the final dialog if no UI was previously shown
      Early terminate successful requests with no UI
      Ignore any webview signals since the authentication is completed
      Ignore any webview signals since the authentication is completed
      Version 0.9
      Don't emit an OSD notification when accounts fail to authenticate
      Don't emit an OSD notification when accounts fail to authenticate
      Use libproxy to detect proxy settings
      Use pkg-config
      Use libproxy to detect proxy settings
      Coverage support
      Version 0.10
      Do not istantiate invalid QDBusMessages
      Do not allocate the proxy factory on the stack
      Do not allocate the proxy factory on the stack
      Do not instantiate invalid QDBusMessages
      Version 0.11
      Implement reauthentication
      Fix DBus reply.
      Remove tabs
      Remove empty test
      Allow building with Qt5
      Allow fine grained control over which URLs are allowed
      Allow fine grained control over which URLs are allowed
      Allow fine grained control over which URLs are allowed
      New ReauthenticateAccount D-Bus API
      Allow building with Qt5
      Tests: add functional test for the reauthenticator
      Tests: add test for reauthenticator with more failures
      Remove useless line
      Run functional tests only with qmake CONFIG+=medium-tests
      Version 0.12
      Fix typo in proxy detection algorythm
      Fix xvfb invocation
      Fix typo in proxy detection algorithm
      Tests: add functional test for the reauthenticator
      Use NotifyOSD on authentication failures
      Use NotifyOSD on authentication failures
      Do not quit if some accounts are failing
      Use xvfb-run
      Do not quit if some accounts are failing
      Prevent double deletion of Browser dialog.
      Allow configuring scrollbar behaviour
      Prevent a double deletion of the browser dialog. Fixes: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1111507.
      Allow configuring scrollbar behaviour
      Tests: don't use any libnotify methods
      Tests: don't use any libnotify methods
      Release 0.14
      For raring
      Release 0.14.
      Use bzr-export to implement the "make dist" command
      Use bzr-export to implement the "make dist" command
      Don't crash when re-embedding into the same window ID
      Add flag to ignore SSL errors
      Update changelog
      Don't crash when re-embedding into the same window ID
      Optionally use WebKit2
      Fix the hack
      Fix building of tests with Qt5
      Attempt skipping the stdout noise
      Don't setup channels before the process is started
      Fix copyright in QML files
      Wait 3 seconds before reporting a page load failure
      Wait 3 seconds before reporting a page load failure
      Implement removeIdentityData
      Cancel fail timer when a load is in progress
      Cancel fail timer when a load is in progress
      Implement removeIdentityData
      Implement embedding/reparenting in Qt5
      Enable "force-foreign-qwindow" in debian/rules
      [ Ken VanDine ]
      Merge latest trunk
      Optionally use WebKit2 in Qt5
      Runtime detection of browser handler
      rename no-widgets to use-webkit2
      Runtime detection of browser handler
      Update from trunk
      Add a flag to disable SSL errors (to be used for integration tests).
      Add flag to ignore SSL errors
      Allow opening about:blank
      Don't prefill form fields with null values
      * Don't block the "about:blank" URL.
      A couple of fixes for Google accounts having 2-legged auth enabled
      Don't hardcode prefix in D-Bus service files
      Do not hardcode the prefix in D-Bus service files.
      Release 0.15
      Version 0.15.
      Show security warning for HTTP connections
      Show a worning message when authenticating with plain HTTP
      Use 16px icon
      Fix changelog conflicts
      Show a worning message when authenticating with plain HTTP
      Add missing import line
      Add missing import line
      DBus: stop using deprecated annotation
      Add Cancel button, handle failures
      Bump build dependency version
      Bump build dependency for XEmbed support
      Allow the request to be cancelled from the UI.
      Let the client override the page component
      Let the client override the Page component.
      Do not anchor to the osk, as it's not a sibling
      Do not anchor to the osk item (OnScreenKeyboard), as it's not a sibling.
      Add D-Bus API to export cookies
      Add a timestamp parameter
      Mark the method as experimental
      Add an experimental method to get the WebView cookies
      Disable failing test on QtDBus Q_ASSERT
      Disable failing test on QtDBus Q_ASSERT
      Tag version 0.16.
      Tag version 0.16.
      Use Oxide instead of WebKit2
      Cookies: assume cookies are passed in raw format
      Cookies: assume cookies are passed in raw format
      Rename webkit2 to ubuntu-web-view
      Fix missing rename
      Update to new Oxide version
      Add desktop file for signon-ui (unity8)
      Add desktop_file_hint for unity8
      Restore "cancel" functionality
      Remove unused variable
      Removed unused memebers
      Update changelog
      Merge from trunk
      From trunk
      Use Oxide instead of WebKit2
      Use signon-ui-service, to fix co-installation with u-s-s-o-a
      Add signon-ui-service, do not install tests
      From trunk
      Add signon-ui-service, to fix co-installation with u-s-s-o-a
      Remove version from signon-ui Breaks
      New release
      Add dummy package for signon-ui
      Add dummy package for signon-ui
      Update service files to use online-accounts-service
      Merge from trunk
      Update service files to use online-accounts-service
      New release

Alexandre Abreu (2):
      Update UA overrides
      Update UA overrides from the most recent ones

Automatic PS uploader (22):
      Releasing 0.14daily13.05.01.1ubuntu.unity.next-0ubuntu1, based on r90
      Releasing 0.14daily13.05.01.1ubuntu.unity.next-0ubuntu1 to ubuntu.
      Releasing 0.14daily13.05.02ubuntu.unity.next-0ubuntu1, based on r92
      Releasing 0.14daily13.05.02ubuntu.unity.next-0ubuntu1 to ubuntu.
      Releasing 0.14daily13.05.02.1ubuntu.unity.next-0ubuntu1, based on r95
      Releasing 0.14daily13.05.02.1ubuntu.unity.next-0ubuntu1 to ubuntu.
      Releasing 0.14daily13.05.14ubuntu.unity.next-0ubuntu1, based on r97
      Releasing 0.14daily13.05.14ubuntu.unity.next-0ubuntu1 to ubuntu.
      Releasing 0.14daily13.06.05.1-0ubuntu1, based on r100
      Releasing 0.14daily13.06.05.1-0ubuntu1 to ubuntu.
      Releasing 0.15daily13.06.12-0ubuntu1, based on r104
      Releasing 0.15daily13.06.12-0ubuntu1 to ubuntu.
      Releasing 0.15daily13.06.25-0ubuntu1, based on r106
      Releasing 0.15daily13.06.25-0ubuntu1 to ubuntu.
      Releasing 0.15+13.10.20131003.1-0ubuntu1, based on r108
      Releasing 0.15+13.10.20131003.1-0ubuntu1 (revision 108 from lp:signon-ui).
      Releasing 0.15+13.10.20131011-0ubuntu1, based on r115
      Releasing 0.15+13.10.20131011-0ubuntu1 (revision 115 from lp:signon-ui).
      Releasing 0.15+13.10.20131016.2-0ubuntu1, based on r117
      Releasing 0.15+13.10.20131016.2-0ubuntu1 (revision 117 from lp:signon-ui).
      Releasing 0.15+14.04.20131024.2-0ubuntu1, based on r119
      Releasing 0.15+14.04.20131024.2-0ubuntu1 (revision 119 from lp:signon-ui).

CI Train Bot (1):
      Releasing 0.17+15.04.20150410-0ubuntu1

CI bot (6):
      Releasing 0.16+14.04.20140304-0ubuntu1
      Releasing 0.16+14.04.20140304.is.0.15+14.04.20140313-0ubuntu1
      Releasing 0.16+14.10.20140530-0ubuntu1
      Releasing 0.17+14.10.20140612-0ubuntu1
      Releasing 0.17+14.10.20140814-0ubuntu1
      Releasing 0.17+14.10.20140916-0ubuntu1

Colin Watson (2):
      Add versioned Breaks/Replaces on signon-ui to signon-ui-x11 to fix upgrades from before 0.17.
      Add versioned Breaks/Replaces on signon-ui to signon-ui-x11 to fix upgrades from before 0.17. Fixes: 1363352

David King (4):
      Remove page load progress bar
      Add progress spinner to web view dialog
      Update coding style as per review comments
      Improve progress indicator for web view loading

Diane Trout (16):
      update to new upstream release
      Change maintainer to Debian qt-kde team, add myself as uploader
      Use QT_SELECT=qt5 in rules instead of qt5-default in build-dep
      Remove ubuntu-specific version number from qtbase5-dev
      Disable qtlocation5-dev from build-dep as Debian doesn't have it.
      Add xauth to build-dep needed for tests.
      Add myself to debian/* debian/copyright
      Remove signon-ui transitional package as we have never been released to Debian.
      Remove Breaks/Replaces from signon-ui-service as we have never been released to Debian
      Add watch file
      Add LGPL-2.1-QTexception-1.1 text to debian/copyright
      remove copyright of copyright file
      remove auto generated copyright block. Lintian was thinking it applied to both GPL-3 and LGPL-2.1-QTexception-1.1
      Update copyright file with more dates
      Remove libgstreamer-plugins-base1.0-dev from Build-Depends (Closes: #800536)
      Release to unstable

Iain Lane (5):
      Allow LIBDIR and LIBEXECDIR to be overridden; install in multiarch path; set LIBEXECDIR=LIBDIR
      Drop trailing / in debian/rules
      Allow LIBDIR and LIBEXECDIR to be overridden; install in multiarch path; set LIBEXECDIR=LIBDIR
      src/signon.pro: Add 'quick' to the list of Qt modules used; we use QQuickView
      src/signon.pro: Add 'quick' to the list of Qt modules used; we use QQuickView

Ken VanDine (37):
      fixed FTBFS by including X11 in pkgconfif
      use xvfb-run and dbus-test-runner in running unit tests
      Add x11 to PKGCONFIG to fix FTBFS
      Build fixes:
      Dist fixes:
      releasing version 0.12bzr13.01.09-0ubuntu1
      Default daemonTimeout to 30, which can be overridden with SSOUI_DAEMON_TIMEOUT (LP: #1112680)
      Default daemonTimeout to 30, which can be overridden with SSOUI_DAEMON_TIMEOUT (LP: #1112680)
      releasing version 0.13bzr13.03.19-0ubuntu1
      Version bump to 0.14
      releasing version 0.13bzr13.03.19-0ubuntu1
      Version bump, prepare for 0.14.
      releasing version 0.14-0ubuntu1
      Automatic snapshot from revision 84 (bootstrap)
      Automatic snapshot from revision 84 (bootstrap).
      Updated build depends for Qt5 and work around missing depends in libqt5webkit5-dev
      * debian/control
      Don't build for powerpc, qtsensors5-dev isn't available for it.
      Add some more logic for the webview, based on Ubuntu.Browser for better
      dropped unused import of Ubuntu.Components
      * Fix a crash potentially happening when the XEmbed container reused the
      cleaned up comments
      updated from trunk
      Added some tweaks to the webview for to improve the experience on ubuntu touch devices.
      Added some stuff from the browser component for handling size and useragent
      Added new files
      use Page and set toolbaritems
      added cancel icon for toolbar
      merged trunk
      Drop the toolbar
      Use a MainView and pull in the UserAgent logic used in the Browser
      Use a MainView and pull in the UserAgent logic used in the Browser
      Allow overriding the QML files used by placing them in /usr/share/signon-ui/qml
      Allow overriding the QML files used by placing them in /usr/share/signon-ui/qml
      Don't limit arch to a fixed set (LP: #1239743)
      Don't limit arch to a fixed set (LP: #1239743)

Maximiliano Curia (6):
      Add 3.0 source format
      Un merge debian and upstream branches
      Bump Standards-Version to 3.9.6, no changes needed.
      debian/control: Update Vcs-Git: and Vcs-Browser: fields
      debian/copyright: format
      Update copyright information

Ricardo Salveti de Araujo (1):
      releasing package signon-ui version 0.16+14.04.20140304.is.0.15+14.04.20140313-0ubuntu2

Robert Bruce Park (9):
      Inline packaging metadata.
      Upgrade to DH9
      Inline packaging metadata.
      Update changelog for release.
      Merged ken's release branch.
      Installed this and the UOA dialog seems to be working fine, not really sure how to really test this though. Also friends was able to do a full refresh with this branch installed.
      Automatic snapshot from revision 73 (bootstrap)
      Fix revno as per didrocks.
      This is the bootstrap commit for enabling autolanding.

Timo Jyrinki (6):
      Build depend on libicu-dev to fix FTBFS (LP: #1287177)
      Rebuild against Qt 5.2.1 and do the revert similar to what was done in the archive.
      (merge) Build depend on libicu-dev to fix FTBFS (LP: #1287177)
      Rebuild against Qt 5.2.1 and do the revert similar to what was done in the archive.
      Depend on libqt5sensors5-dev instead of qtsensors5-dev. (LP: #1317885)
      Depend on libqt5sensors5-dev instead of qtsensors5-dev. (LP: #1317885) Fixes: 1317885

Víctor R. Ruiz (1):
      Coverage support (qmake CONFIG+=coverage)


signon-ui packaging

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