[SCM] ktp-contact-applet packaging branch, master, updated. debian/0.7.0-1-80-g44af4f4

Maximiliano Curia maxy at moszumanska.debian.org
Mon Feb 1 10:12:40 UTC 2016

Gitweb-URL: http://git.debian.org/?p=pkg-kde/applications/ktp-desktop-applets.git;a=commitdiff;h=26827af

The following commit has been merged in the master branch:
commit 26827af4bcbad657495d1f0fb59e18698abba75f
Merge: d757b231fc9313e5abb2b2d9d073a30df296b6a9 5f0e008e4af9a17e9185863be8d47a9e29abd768
Author: Maximiliano Curia <maxy at gnuservers.com.ar>
Date:   Sun Jan 31 22:01:13 2016 +0100

    Merge remote-tracking branch 'kde-extras/master'

 .gitignore                                         |   8 +
 .reviewboardrc                                     |   2 +
 CMakeLists.txt                                     |  24 +
 COPYING                                            | 339 ++++++++++++++
 COPYING.LIB                                        | 502 +++++++++++++++++++++
 chat/CMakeLists.txt                                |  10 +
 chat/Messages.sh                                   |   2 +
 chat/org.kde.ktp-chat/contents/config/main.xml     |  11 +
 .../contents/ui/ActionDelegate.qml                 |  29 ++
 chat/org.kde.ktp-chat/contents/ui/ChatWidget.qml   | 169 +++++++
 .../contents/ui/ConversationDelegate.qml           | 115 +++++
 .../contents/ui/ConversationDelegateButton.qml     | 108 +++++
 chat/org.kde.ktp-chat/contents/ui/FullChatList.qml | 141 ++++++
 .../contents/ui/OutgoingDelegate.qml               |  29 ++
 chat/org.kde.ktp-chat/contents/ui/TextDelegate.qml |  61 +++
 chat/org.kde.ktp-chat/contents/ui/main.qml         |  37 ++
 chat/org.kde.ktp-chat/metadata.desktop.cmake       | 112 +++++
 chat/qmlplugin/CMakeLists.txt                      |  10 +
 chat/qmlplugin/hide-window-component.cpp           |  31 ++
 chat/qmlplugin/hide-window-component.h             |  38 ++
 chat/qmlplugin/qmldir                              |   4 +
 chat/qmlplugin/qmlplugin.cpp                       |  36 ++
 cmake/modules/COPYING-CMAKE-SCRIPTS                |  22 +
 cmake/modules/FindKTp.cmake                        |  38 ++
 contactlist/CMakeLists.txt                         |   7 +
 contactlist/Messages.sh                            |   2 +
 .../contents/ui/ContactList.qml                    | 152 +++++++
 .../contents/ui/ListContactDelegate.qml            |  67 +++
 .../contents/ui/Presence.qml                       |  34 ++
 .../org.kde.ktp-contactlist/contents/ui/main.qml   | 122 +++++
 .../org.kde.ktp-contactlist/metadata.desktop.cmake |  96 ++++
 debian/changelog                                   |  49 +-
 debian/control                                     |   9 +-
 debian/copyright                                   |  98 +---
 person/CMakeLists.txt                              |   8 +
 person/Messages.sh                                 |   2 +
 person/org.kde.person/contents/config/config.qml   |  29 ++
 person/org.kde.person/contents/config/main.xml     |  12 +
 person/org.kde.person/contents/ui/Person.qml       | 101 +++++
 person/org.kde.person/contents/ui/main.qml         |  37 ++
 .../org.kde.person/contents/ui/settingsGeneral.qml | 192 ++++++++
 person/org.kde.person/metadata.desktop.cmake       |  90 ++++
 42 files changed, 2875 insertions(+), 110 deletions(-)

diff --cc CMakeLists.txt
index 0000000,b0c9b82..1828e70
mode 000000,100644..100644
--- a/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/CMakeLists.txt
@@@ -1,0 -1,24 +1,24 @@@
+ project(ktp-desktop-applets)
+ cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8.12 FATAL_ERROR)
+ # KDE Application Version, managed by release script
+ find_package(ECM 0.0.11 REQUIRED NO_MODULE)
+ find_package(Qt5 REQUIRED COMPONENTS Qml)
+ find_package(KF5 REQUIRED COMPONENTS Plasma WindowSystem)
+ include(KDEInstallDirs)
+ include(KDECMakeSettings)
+ include(KDECompilerSettings)
+ add_subdirectory(chat)
+ add_subdirectory(contactlist)
+ add_subdirectory(person)
diff --cc contactlist/org.kde.ktp-contactlist/contents/ui/ContactList.qml
index 0000000,70f6c51..fd2aca4
mode 000000,100644..100644
--- a/contactlist/org.kde.ktp-contactlist/contents/ui/ContactList.qml
+++ b/contactlist/org.kde.ktp-contactlist/contents/ui/ContactList.qml
@@@ -1,0 -1,152 +1,152 @@@
+ /***************************************************************************
+  *   Copyright (C) 2011 by Francesco Nwokeka <francesco.nwokeka at gmail.com> *
+  *                                                                         *
+  *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  *
+  *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
+  *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     *
+  *   (at your option) any later version.                                   *
+  *                                                                         *
+  *   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,       *
+  *   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of        *
+  *   GNU General Public License for more details.                          *
+  *                                                                         *
+  *   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License     *
+  *   along with this program; if not, write to the                         *
+  *   Free Software Foundation, Inc.,                                       *
+  *   51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA            *
+  ***************************************************************************/
+ import QtQuick 2.1
+ import QtQuick.Layouts 1.1
+ import org.kde.telepathy 0.1 as KTp
+ import org.kde.plasma.core 2.0 as PlasmaCore
+ import org.kde.plasma.components 2.0 as PlasmaComponents
+ import org.kde.plasma.extras 2.0 as PlasmaExtras
+ import org.kde.plasma.plasmoid 2.0
+ Item {
+     id: root
+     Layout.minimumHeight: delegateHeight*3
+     Layout.minimumWidth: 100
+     height: delegateHeight*10
+     width: 300
+     property real delegateHeight: Math.ceil(theme.mSize(theme.defaultFont).height*2)
+     onVisibleChanged: {
+         if (visible)
+             filterLineEdit.forceActiveFocus();
+     }
+     Column {
+         id: addAccountItem
+         anchors.centerIn: parent
+         width: parent.width
+         visible: !ktpPresence.hasEnabledAccounts
+         PlasmaComponents.Label {
+             anchors.left: parent.left
+             anchors.right: parent.right
+             text: i18n("It appears that you do not have any accounts configured");
+             wrapMode: Text.WordWrap
+             horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter
+         }
+         PlasmaComponents.Button {
+             id: addAccountItemButton
+             anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
+             text: i18n("Configure Now...")
+             onClicked: telepathyManager.showSettingsKCM();
+         }
+     }
+     Column {
+         id: goOnlineItem
+         anchors.centerIn: parent
+         visible: ktpPresence.presenceType == KTp.GlobalPresence.Offline && ktpPresence.hasEnabledAccounts
+         PlasmaCore.IconItem {
+             anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
+             width: goOnlineButton.width
+             height: width
+             source: "user-online"
+         }
+         PlasmaComponents.Button {
+             id: goOnlineButton
+             text: i18n("Go Online")
+             onClicked: ktpPresence.setPresence(KTp.GlobalPresence.Available, "")
+         }
+     }
+     PlasmaComponents.TextField {
+         id: filterLineEdit
+         anchors {
+             left:parent.left
+             right:parent.right
+             top:parent.top
+         }
+         visible: !goOnlineItem.visible && !addAccountItem.visible
+         focus: true
+         clearButtonShown: true
+         placeholderText: i18n("Search Contacts...")
+         Keys.onDownPressed: contactsList.incrementCurrentIndex();
+         Keys.onUpPressed: contactsList.decrementCurrentIndex();
+         Keys.onReturnPressed: contactsList.currentItem.clicked();
+         onActiveFocusChanged: filterLineEdit.selectAll();
+     }
+     PlasmaExtras.ScrollArea {
+         visible: !goOnlineItem.visible && !addAccountItem.visible
+         anchors {
+             top:filterLineEdit.bottom
+             left:parent.left
+             right:parent.right
+             bottom:parent.bottom
+         }
+         contentItem: ListView {
+             id: contactsList
+             clip: true
+             model: KTp.ContactsModel {
+                 id: contactsModel
+                 accountManager: telepathyManager.accountManager
 -                presenceTypeFilterFlags: KTp.ContactsModel.HideAllOffline
++                presenceTypeFilterFlags: (filterLineEdit.text == "") ? KTp.ContactsModel.HideAllOffline : KTp.ContactsModel.DoNotFilterByPresence
+                 globalFilterString: filterLineEdit.text
+                 sortRoleString: "presenceType"
+             }
+             boundsBehavior: Flickable.StopAtBounds
+             delegate: ListContactDelegate {
+                 height: root.delegateHeight
+                 onClicked: {
+                     plasmoid.expanded = false;
+                     telepathyManager.startChat(model.account, model.contact, "org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Client.KTp.ChatPlasmoid");
+                     filterLineEdit.text = "";
+                 }
+                 MouseArea {
+                     anchors.fill: parent
+                     hoverEnabled: true
+                     propagateComposedEvents: true
+                     onEntered: contactsList.currentIndex = index
+                 }
+             }
+             highlight: PlasmaComponents.Highlight {
+                 hover: contactsList.focus
+             }
+             highlightMoveDuration: 0
+         }
+     }
+ }
diff --cc contactlist/org.kde.ktp-contactlist/contents/ui/ListContactDelegate.qml
index 0000000,82012c2..6347285
mode 000000,100644..100644
--- a/contactlist/org.kde.ktp-contactlist/contents/ui/ListContactDelegate.qml
+++ b/contactlist/org.kde.ktp-contactlist/contents/ui/ListContactDelegate.qml
@@@ -1,0 -1,73 +1,67 @@@
+ /***************************************************************************
+  *   Copyright (C) 2011 by Francesco Nwokeka <francesco.nwokeka at gmail.com> *
+  *                                                                         *
+  *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  *
+  *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
+  *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     *
+  *   (at your option) any later version.                                   *
+  *                                                                         *
+  *   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,       *
+  *   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of        *
+  *   GNU General Public License for more details.                          *
+  *                                                                         *
+  *   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License     *
+  *   along with this program; if not, write to the                         *
+  *   Free Software Foundation, Inc.,                                       *
+  *   51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA            *
+  ***************************************************************************/
+ import QtQuick 2.1
+ import org.kde.plasma.core 2.0 as PlasmaCore
+ import org.kde.plasma.components 2.0 as PlasmaComponents
+ import org.kde.kquickcontrolsaddons 2.0 as ExtraComponents
+ PlasmaComponents.ListItem {
+     id: delegate
+     enabled: true
 -    property bool isCurrent: delegate.ListView.view.currentIndex==index
+     ExtraComponents.QPixmapItem {
+         id: avatarLabel
+         width: height
+         height: parent.height
+         pixmap: model.avatarPixmap
+         fillMode: ExtraComponents.QPixmapItem.PreserveAspectFit
+         smooth: true
+         anchors {
+             left: parent.left
+             verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
+         }
+     }
+     PlasmaComponents.Label {
+         id: nickLabel
+         text: model.display
+         elide: Text.ElideRight
 -        //consider this a workaround, because the breeze's listitem doesn't
 -        //display very clearly what's the current item
 -        styleColor: theme.viewFocusColor
 -        style: delegate.isCurrent ? Text.Raised : Text.Normal
+         anchors {
+             left: avatarLabel.right
+             right: presenceLabel.left
+             leftMargin: 4
+             verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
+         }
+     }
+     ExtraComponents.QIconItem {
+         id: presenceLabel
+         width: height
+         height: parent.height
+         icon: presenceIcon
+         anchors {
+             right:parent.right
+             leftMargin: 4
+             verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
+         }
+     }
+ }
diff --cc debian/changelog
index c469f2f,d6a581e..f7557c9
--- a/debian/changelog
+++ b/debian/changelog
@@@ -1,26 -1,36 +1,47 @@@
 +ktp-desktop-applets (15.12.1-1~) UNRELEASED; urgency=medium
-   [ Diane Trout ]
-   * New upstream release.
-   * Update copyright file.
-   * Update build-depends for libktpcommoninternalsprivate-dev to 0.8.80
-   * Update depends for kde-telepathy-declarative to source:Upstream-Version
 +  [ Maximiliano Curia ]
 +  * Update watch file.
-   * New upstream release (15.04.1).
-   * New upstream release (15.04.2).
-   * New upstream release (15.04.3).
-   * New upstream release (15.08.0).
-   * New upstream release (15.08.1).
 +  * Bump Standards-Version to 3.9.6.
-   * New upstream release (15.08.2).
-   * New upstream release (15.08.3).
 +  * New upstream release (15.12.0).
 +  * New upstream release (15.12.1).
 + -- Maximiliano Curia <maxy at debian.org>  Fri, 29 Jan 2016 11:22:24 +0100
+ ktp-desktop-applets (15.08.3-1) unstable; urgency=medium
+   * New upstream release.
+  -- Diane Trout <diane at ghic.org>  Wed, 02 Dec 2015 21:55:30 -0800
+ ktp-desktop-applets (15.08.2-1) unstable; urgency=medium
+   * Apply homepage update patch from Matthew Cope
+   * Update watch file for KTp's move to Applications.
+   * New upstream release. (Closes: #791894)
+   * Update build dependencies for move to Qt5 and rename of
+     libktpcommoninternalsprivate-dev to libktp-dev
+   * Use dhmk from pkg-kde-tools to build ktp.
+     - Change maintainer to debian-qt-kde
+     - Update debian/rules
+   * Add KDE's unstable download url to watch file
+   * kde-telepathy-declarative was renamed to qml-module-org-kde-
+     telepathy
+  -- Diane Trout <diane at ghic.org>  Sat, 07 Nov 2015 10:54:13 -0800
+ ktp-desktop-applets (0.9.0-1) unstable; urgency=medium
++  [ Diane Trout ]
+   * New upstream release.
+   * Update copyright file.
+   * Update build-depends for libktpcommoninternalsprivate-dev to 0.9.0
+   * Update depends for kde-telepathy-declarative to source:Upstream-Version
+   * Update Standards-Version to 3.9.6. No changes needed.
+   * Update debian/watch file to use http://download.kde.org
+  -- Diane Trout <diane at ghic.org>  Sat, 25 Apr 2015 19:58:23 -0700
  ktp-desktop-applets (0.8.1-1) unstable; urgency=medium
    * New upstream release
@@@ -66,7 -76,7 +87,7 @@@ ktp-desktop-applets (0.6.3-1) unstable
    * Update Standards-Version to 3.9.4. No changes needed.
    * Add dependency on kde-telepathy-declarative for QML components.
--  [ Mark Purcell ] 
++  [ Mark Purcell ]
    * Imported Upstream version 0.6.3
    * Add myself to Uploaders
    * Update Build-Depends: libktpcommoninternalsprivate-dev (>= 0.6.3)
diff --cc debian/control
index c1b724c,6d00742..23bc59a
--- a/debian/control
+++ b/debian/control
@@@ -1,31 -1,28 +1,32 @@@
  Source: ktp-desktop-applets
  Section: kde
  Priority: optional
- Maintainer: Debian KDE Extras Team <pkg-kde-extras at lists.alioth.debian.org>
+ Maintainer: Debian/Kubuntu Qt/KDE Maintainers <debian-qt-kde at lists.debian.org>
 -Uploaders: Diane Trout <diane at ghic.org>, Michał Zając <quintasan at kubuntu.org>, Mark Purcell <msp at debian.org>
 -Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 9),
 - pkg-kde-tools (>= 0.9),
 - libtelepathy-qt5-dev (>= 0.9.1),
 - cmake (>= 2.8),
 - libktp-dev (>= 15.04),
 - extra-cmake-modules (>= 0.0.11),
 - qtdeclarative5-dev,
 - plasma-framework-dev,
 - libkf5windowsystem-dev,
 +Uploaders: Diane Trout <diane at ghic.org>,
 +           Michał Zając <quintasan at kubuntu.org>,
 +           Mark Purcell <msp at debian.org>
 +Build-Depends: cmake (>= 2.8.12~),
 +               debhelper (>= 9),
 +               extra-cmake-modules (>= 0.0.11~),
 +               libkf5windowsystem-dev,
-                libtelepathy-qt4-dev (>= 0.9.1),
++               libktp-dev (>= 15.04),
++               libtelepathy-qt5-dev (>= 0.9.1),
 +               pkg-kde-tools (>= 0.9),
 +               plasma-framework-dev,
 +               qtdeclarative5-dev (>= 5.4)
  Standards-Version: 3.9.6
- Homepage: https://projects.kde.org/projects/extragear/network/telepathy/ktp-desktop-applets
+ Homepage: https://projects.kde.org/projects/kde/kdenetwork/ktp-desktop-applets
  Vcs-Git: git://anonscm.debian.org/pkg-kde/kde-extras/kde-telepathy/ktp-desktop-applets.git
  Vcs-Browser: http://anonscm.debian.org/gitweb/?p=pkg-kde/kde-extras/kde-telepathy/ktp-desktop-applets.git
  Package: kde-telepathy-desktop-applets
  Architecture: any
 -Replaces: plasma-widget-telepathy-presence (<= 0.6.1-1), 
 - plasma-widget-telepathy-chat (<= 0.6.1-1),
 - ktp-telepathy-contact-list (<= 0.6.1-1)
 -Depends: qml-module-org-kde-telepathy (>= ${source:Upstream-Version}), ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}
 +Replaces: ktp-telepathy-contact-list (<= 0.6.1-1),
 +          plasma-widget-telepathy-chat (<= 0.6.1-1),
 +          plasma-widget-telepathy-presence (<= 0.6.1-1)
- Depends: kde-telepathy-declarative (>= ${source:Upstream-Version}),
++Depends: qml-module-org-kde-telepathy (>= ${source:Upstream-Version}),
 +         ${misc:Depends},
 +         ${shlibs:Depends}
  Description: KDE Telepathy contact plasmoid
   This package provides widgets that allow you to have any
   of your IM contacts easily accessible as an icon on your desktop.
diff --cc person/org.kde.person/metadata.desktop.cmake
index 0000000,e713d85..1bc6f71
mode 000000,100644..100644
--- a/person/org.kde.person/metadata.desktop.cmake
+++ b/person/org.kde.person/metadata.desktop.cmake
@@@ -1,0 -1,89 +1,90 @@@
+ [Desktop Entry]
+ Name=Person
+ Name[ar]=شخص
+ Name[ast]=Persona
+ Name[ca]=Persona
+ Name[ca at valencia]=Persona
+ Name[cs]=Osoba
+ Name[da]=Person
+ Name[de]=Person
+ Name[el]=Πρόσωπο
+ Name[en_GB]=Person
+ Name[es]=Persona
+ Name[fi]=Henkilö
+ Name[fr]=Personne
+ Name[gl]=Persoa
+ Name[it]=Persona
+ Name[ko]=사람
+ Name[nl]=Persoon
+ Name[nn]=Person
+ Name[pt]=Pessoa
+ Name[pt_BR]=Pessoa
+ Name[ro]=Persoană
+ Name[ru]=Человек
+ Name[sk]=Osoba
+ Name[sl]=Oseba
+ Name[sr]=Особа
+ Name[sr at ijekavian]=Особа
+ Name[sr at ijekavianlatin]=Osoba
+ Name[sr at latin]=Osoba
+ Name[sv]=Person
+ Name[tr]=Kişi
+ Name[uk]=Особа
+ Name[x-test]=xxPersonxx
+ Name[zh_CN]=个人
+ Name[zh_TW]=人物
+ Comment=Makes a person easily accessible
+ Comment[ast]=Fai d'accesu cenciellu una persona
+ Comment[ca]=Fa accessible una persona fàcilment
+ Comment[ca at valencia]=Fa accessible una persona fàcilment
+ Comment[cs]=Usnadňuje přístup k osobám
+ Comment[da]=Gør en person nemt tilgængelig
+ Comment[de]=Ermöglicht den einfachen Zugriff auf eine Person
+ Comment[el]=Καθιστά ένα πρόσωπο προσβάσιμο εύκολα
+ Comment[en_GB]=Makes a person easily accessible
+ Comment[es]=Hace a una persona fácilmente accesible
+ Comment[fi]=Helppo pääsy henkilöön
+ Comment[fr]=Rendre une personne facilement accessible
+ Comment[gl]=Permite acceder facilmente a unha persoa.
+ Comment[it]=Rende una persona facilmente accessibile
+ Comment[ko]=특정 사람과 빠르게 대화합니다
+ Comment[nl]=Maakt een persoon gemakkelijk toegankelijk
+ Comment[nn]=Gjer ein person lett tilgjengeleg
 -Comment[pl]=Czyni osobę łatwo dostępną
++Comment[pl]=Czyni ludzi łatwo dostępnymi
+ Comment[pt]=Torna uma pessoa facilmente acessível
+ Comment[pt_BR]=Torna uma pessoa facilmente acessível
+ Comment[ro]=Face o persoană să fie accesibilă ușor
+ Comment[ru]=Виджет для быстрого начала разговора с человеком
+ Comment[sk]=Urobí osobu ľahko prístupnú
+ Comment[sl]=Napravi osebo enostavno dostopno
+ Comment[sr]=Чини особу лако доступном
+ Comment[sr at ijekavian]=Чини особу лако доступном
+ Comment[sr at ijekavianlatin]=Čini osobu lako dostupnom
+ Comment[sr at latin]=Čini osobu lako dostupnom
+ Comment[sv]=Gör en person lätt tillgänglig
+ Comment[tr]=Bir kişiyi kolay erişilebilir yapar
+ Comment[uk]=Спрощує доступ до особи
+ Comment[x-test]=xxMakes a person easily accessiblexx
+ Comment[zh_CN]=访问他人变得简单
+ Comment[zh_TW]=輕鬆與人互動
+ Icon=applications-system
+ Type=Service
+ X-KDE-ServiceTypes=Plasma/Applet
+ X-Plasma-API=declarativeappletscript
+ X-KDE-PluginInfo-Author=Aleix Pol Gonzalez
+ X-KDE-PluginInfo-Email=aleixpol at blue-systems.com
+ X-KDE-PluginInfo-Name=person
+ X-KDE-PluginInfo-Website=http://plasma.kde.org/
+ X-KDE-PluginInfo-Category=Utilities
+ X-KDE-PluginInfo-Depends=
+ X-KDE-PluginInfo-License=GPL
+ X-KDE-PluginInfo-Name=org.kde.person
+ X-Plasma-MainScript=ui/main.qml
+ X-Plasma-Requires-LaunchApp=Unused
+ X-Plasma-DefaultSize=200,300

ktp-contact-applet packaging

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