[SCM] KTorrent Debian packaging. branch, experimental, updated. debian/4.3.1-5
Pino Toscano
pino at moszumanska.debian.org
Sat Jul 2 21:34:43 UTC 2016
Gitweb-URL: http://git.debian.org/?p=pkg-kde/kde-extras/ktorrent.git;a=commitdiff;h=38aa33d
The following commit has been merged in the experimental branch:
commit 38aa33dd0ee2b20b815f64be998da21e8bf95c17
Merge: 6ce1150924d8dc9ebf1bf8a6610e058a119cc8d4 a42e007f5897cbbcaf28b7744b52d0fd5d2da91c
Author: Modestas Vainius <modax at debian.org>
Date: Sun Sep 30 01:02:11 2012 +0300
Merge tag 'upstream/4.3.0'
Upstream version 4.3.0
CMakeLists.txt | 2 +-
ChangeLog | 33 +-
kio-magnet/INSTALL | 2 +-
kio-magnet/README | 2 +-
kio-magnet/dbushandler.cpp | 637 +-
kio-magnet/dbushandler.h | 72 +-
kio-magnet/dbusthread.cpp | 14 +-
kio-magnet/dbusthread.h | 8 +-
kio-magnet/kio_magnet.cpp | 644 +-
kio-magnet/kio_magnet.h | 50 +-
kio-magnet/magnet.protocol | 2 +-
ktorrent/CMakeLists.txt | 5 +-
ktorrent/app.cpp | 2 +-
ktorrent/core.cpp | 963 +-
ktorrent/core.h | 88 +-
ktorrent/dialogs/addpeersdlg.ui | 76 +-
ktorrent/dialogs/fileselectdlg.cpp | 410 +-
ktorrent/dialogs/fileselectdlg.h | 18 +-
ktorrent/dialogs/fileselectdlg.ui | 15 +-
ktorrent/dialogs/missingfilesdlg.ui | 20 +-
ktorrent/dialogs/torrentcreatordlg.cpp | 254 +-
ktorrent/dialogs/torrentcreatordlg.h | 30 +-
ktorrent/dialogs/torrentmigratordlg.h | 2 +-
ktorrent/groups/groupmodel.cpp | 137 -
ktorrent/groups/groupmodel.h | 62 -
ktorrent/groups/grouppolicydlg.ui | 39 +-
ktorrent/groups/groupswitcher.cpp | 279 +
ktorrent/groups/groupswitcher.h | 132 +
ktorrent/groups/groupview.cpp | 523 +-
ktorrent/groups/groupview.h | 64 +-
ktorrent/groups/groupviewmodel.cpp | 439 +
ktorrent/groups/groupviewmodel.h | 114 +
ktorrent/gui.cpp | 9 +
ktorrent/gui.h | 1 +
ktorrent/ktorrent.desktop | 2 +-
ktorrent/ktorrent.notifyrc | 15 +-
ktorrent/ktorrentplugin.desktop | 2 +-
ktorrent/kttorrentactivityui.rc | 5 +-
ktorrent/main.cpp | 11 +-
ktorrent/pref/advancedpref.ui | 48 +-
ktorrent/pref/btpref.ui | 16 +-
ktorrent/pref/generalpref.ui | 27 +-
ktorrent/pref/networkpref.ui | 39 +-
ktorrent/pref/proxypref.ui | 209 +-
ktorrent/pref/qmpref.ui | 25 +-
ktorrent/statusbar.cpp | 2 +-
ktorrent/tools/magnetmodel.cpp | 128 +-
ktorrent/tools/magnetmodel.h | 64 +-
ktorrent/tools/magnetview.cpp | 20 +-
ktorrent/tools/magnetview.h | 2 +
ktorrent/torrentactivity.cpp | 202 +-
ktorrent/torrentactivity.h | 8 +-
ktorrent/trayicon.cpp | 7 +-
ktorrent/trayicon.h | 2 -
ktorrent/view/propertiesdlg.ui | 10 +-
ktorrent/view/scanextender.ui | 22 +-
ktorrent/view/view.cpp | 203 +-
ktorrent/view/view.h | 15 +-
ktorrent/view/viewmodel.cpp | 742 +-
ktorrent/view/viewmodel.h | 76 +-
libktcore/CMakeLists.txt | 4 +-
libktcore/groups/group.cpp | 44 +-
libktcore/groups/group.h | 19 +-
libktcore/groups/groupmanager.cpp | 18 +-
libktcore/groups/groupmanager.h | 9 +-
libktcore/groups/torrentgroup.cpp | 7 +-
libktcore/groups/torrentgroup.h | 15 +-
libktcore/interfaces/coreinterface.h | 95 +-
libktcore/interfaces/functions.cpp | 4 +-
libktcore/ktversion.h | 6 +-
libktcore/torrent/jobprogresswidget.h | 2 +-
plasma/applet/plasma-applet-ktorrent.desktop | 2 +
.../dataengine/plasma-dataengine-ktorrent.desktop | 2 +
plugins/bwscheduler/bwschedulerplugin.cpp | 10 +-
plugins/bwscheduler/ktbwschedulerplugin.desktop | 4 +-
plugins/bwscheduler/schedule.cpp | 2 +-
plugins/downloadorder/downloadorderdialog.cpp | 169 +-
plugins/downloadorder/downloadorderdialog.h | 13 +-
plugins/downloadorder/downloadordermanager.cpp | 154 +-
plugins/downloadorder/downloadordermanager.h | 25 +-
plugins/downloadorder/downloadordermodel.cpp | 330 +-
plugins/downloadorder/downloadordermodel.h | 30 +-
plugins/downloadorder/downloadorderplugin.cpp | 58 +-
plugins/downloadorder/downloadorderwidget.ui | 140 +-
.../downloadorder/ktdownloadorderplugin.desktop | 4 +-
plugins/infowidget/CMakeLists.txt | 1 +
.../infowidget/addtrackersdialog.cpp | 88 +-
.../infowidget/addtrackersdialog.h | 35 +-
plugins/infowidget/fileview.cpp | 359 +-
plugins/infowidget/fileview.h | 1 +
plugins/infowidget/geoipmanager.cpp | 4 +-
plugins/infowidget/iwprefpage.ui | 15 +-
plugins/infowidget/ktinfowidgetplugin.desktop | 4 +-
plugins/infowidget/statustab.cpp | 4 +-
plugins/infowidget/trackermodel.cpp | 208 +-
plugins/infowidget/trackermodel.h | 22 +-
plugins/infowidget/trackerview.cpp | 153 +-
plugins/infowidget/trackerview.h | 14 +-
plugins/infowidget/webseedstab.ui | 60 +-
plugins/ipfilter/ktipfilterplugin.desktop | 4 +-
plugins/ipfilter/ktipfilterplugin.kcfg | 2 +-
plugins/logviewer/ktlogviewerplugin.desktop | 2 +-
plugins/logviewer/logprefwidget.ui | 8 +-
.../ktmagnetgeneratorplugin.desktop | 2 +
plugins/mediaplayer/ktmediaplayerplugin.desktop | 4 +-
plugins/scanfolder/ktscanfolderplugin.desktop | 2 +-
plugins/scanfolder/scanfolderprefpage.ui | 101 +-
plugins/scanfolder/scanthread.h | 4 +-
plugins/scripting/ktscriptingplugin.desktop | 2 +-
plugins/scripting/script.h | 2 +-
.../scripts/auto_remove/auto_remove.desktop | 4 +-
.../scripts/auto_resume/auto_resume.desktop | 5 +-
.../email_notifications.desktop | 8 +-
.../scripts/tracker_groups/tracker_groups.desktop | 4 +-
.../scripts/tracker_groups/tracker_groups.py | 20 +-
plugins/search/ktsearchplugin.desktop | 4 +-
plugins/search/searchactivity.cpp | 2 +
plugins/search/searchwidget.cpp | 4 +-
plugins/shutdown/ktshutdownplugin.desktop | 2 +-
plugins/stats/DisplaySettings.ui | 607 +-
plugins/stats/SpdTabPage.cc | 4 +-
plugins/stats/drawer/ChartDrawer.h | 4 +-
plugins/stats/ktstatsplugin.desktop | 2 +-
plugins/syndication/feed.cpp | 1 +
plugins/syndication/filter.h | 12 +-
plugins/syndication/filtereditor.ui | 102 +-
plugins/syndication/ktsyndicationplugin.desktop | 2 +-
plugins/syndication/linkdownloader.cpp | 116 +-
plugins/syndication/syndicationactivity.cpp | 19 +-
plugins/upnp/ktupnpplugin.desktop | 2 +-
plugins/webinterface/actionhandler.cpp | 4 +-
plugins/webinterface/actionhandler.h | 2 +-
plugins/webinterface/challengegenerator.h | 2 +-
plugins/webinterface/httpserver.cpp | 4 +-
plugins/webinterface/ktwebinterfaceplugin.desktop | 4 +-
plugins/webinterface/webinterfaceprefwidget.ui | 18 +-
plugins/zeroconf/ktzeroconfplugin.desktop | 4 +-
plugins/zeroconf/zeroconfplugin.h | 1 -
po/ar/ktorrent.po | 14486 ++++++++---------
po/ast/ktorrent.po | 14419 ++++++++---------
po/be/ktorrent.po | 11475 ++++++--------
po/bg/ktorrent.po | 12635 +++++++--------
po/bs/ktorrent.po | 13636 ++++++++--------
po/ca/ktorrent.po | 14614 ++++++++---------
po/ca at valencia/ktorrent.po | 14663 ++++++++---------
po/cs/ktorrent.po | 13768 +++++++---------
po/da/ktorrent.po | 15070 +++++++++---------
po/de/ktorrent.po | 15350 +++++++++---------
po/el/ktorrent.po | 15136 +++++++++---------
po/en_GB/ktorrent.po | 15704 +++++++++---------
po/eo/ktorrent.po | 15168 +++++++++---------
po/es/ktorrent.po | 14740 ++++++++---------
po/et/ktorrent.po | 15221 +++++++++---------
po/eu/ktorrent.po | 10504 +++++-------
po/fi/ktorrent.po | 14311 ++++++++---------
po/fr/ktorrent.po | 15885 +++++++++----------
po/ga/ktorrent.po | 12966 +++++++--------
po/gl/ktorrent.po | 15158 +++++++++---------
po/hi/ktorrent.po | 11391 ++++++-------
po/hne/ktorrent.po | 11854 ++++++--------
po/hu/ktorrent.po | 15238 +++++++++---------
po/is/ktorrent.po | 15129 +++++++++---------
po/it/ktorrent.po | 14936 +++++++++--------
po/ja/ktorrent.po | 13799 ++++++++--------
po/km/ktorrent.po | 14430 ++++++++---------
po/ku/ktorrent.po | 11677 ++++++--------
po/lt/ktorrent.po | 12318 ++++++--------
po/lv/ktorrent.po | 15242 +++++++++---------
po/mai/ktorrent.po | 11348 ++++++-------
po/ms/ktorrent.po | 11400 ++++++-------
po/nb/ktorrent.po | 12976 ++++++---------
po/nds/ktorrent.po | 15203 +++++++++---------
po/nl/ktorrent.po | 15072 +++++++++---------
po/nn/ktorrent.po | 12812 ++++++---------
po/oc/ktorrent.po | 11340 ++++++-------
po/pl/ktorrent.po | 14875 ++++++++---------
po/pt/ktorrent.po | 13549 +++++++---------
po/pt_BR/ktorrent.po | 15267 +++++++++---------
po/ro/ktorrent.po | 15086 +++++++++---------
po/ru/ktorrent.po | 15266 +++++++++---------
po/se/ktorrent.po | 10269 +++++-------
po/si/ktorrent.po | 11917 ++++++--------
po/sk/ktorrent.po | 13127 +++++++--------
po/sl/ktorrent.po | 15160 +++++++++---------
po/sq/ktorrent.po | 13432 ++++++++--------
po/sr/ktorrent.po | 6939 ++++----
po/sr at ijekavian/ktorrent.po | 6938 ++++----
po/sr at ijekavianlatin/ktorrent.po | 7022 ++++----
po/sr at latin/ktorrent.po | 7021 ++++----
po/sv/ktorrent.po | 15081 +++++++++---------
po/tr/ktorrent.po | 15024 +++++++++---------
po/ug/ktorrent.po | 11120 ++++++-------
po/uk/ktorrent.po | 15079 +++++++++---------
po/zh_CN/ktorrent.po | 15259 +++++++++---------
po/zh_TW/ktorrent.po | 14772 ++++++++---------
195 files changed, 355068 insertions(+), 418489 deletions(-)
KTorrent Debian packaging.
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