[SCM] KTorrent Debian packaging. branch, experimental, updated. debian/4.3.1-5

Pino Toscano pino at moszumanska.debian.org
Sat Jul 2 21:34:46 UTC 2016

Gitweb-URL: http://git.debian.org/?p=pkg-kde/kde-extras/ktorrent.git;a=commitdiff;h=510e512

The following commit has been merged in the experimental branch:
commit 510e512df369bf5fe24de36626329bbaf5f5b669
Merge: 9f4afca5cc05e09118d224ecd647a47ae7eeb808 960680ea4647435a71ba69af2fa8935fc7be2157
Author: Modestas Vainius <modax at debian.org>
Date:   Sun Jan 27 11:50:33 2013 +0200

    Merge tag 'upstream/4.3.1'
    Upstream version 4.3.1

 ChangeLog                                          |    10 +
 ktorrent/core.cpp                                  |    12 +-
 ktorrent/groups/groupview.cpp                      |     1 -
 ktorrent/groups/groupviewmodel.cpp                 |    26 +-
 ktorrent/groups/groupviewmodel.h                   |     3 -
 ktorrent/ktorrent.desktop                          |     3 +
 ktorrent/ktorrent.notifyrc                         |    25 +-
 ktorrent/ktorrentplugin.desktop                    |     1 +
 ktorrent/view/view.cpp                             |     4 +
 ktorrent/view/view.h                               |     6 +-
 ktorrent/view/viewmodel.cpp                        |  1582 +--
 libktcore/CMakeLists.txt                           |     2 +-
 libktcore/groups/groupmanager.cpp                  |     2 +-
 libktcore/groups/groupmanager.h                    |     2 +-
 libktcore/ktversion.h                              |     4 +-
 plasma/applet/plasma-applet-ktorrent.desktop       |     4 +
 .../dataengine/plasma-dataengine-ktorrent.desktop  |     4 +
 plugins/bwscheduler/ktbwschedulerplugin.desktop    |     6 +-
 .../downloadorder/ktdownloadorderplugin.desktop    |     2 +
 plugins/infowidget/ktinfowidgetplugin.desktop      |     2 +
 plugins/ipfilter/CMakeLists.txt                    |     4 +-
 plugins/ipfilter/convertthread.cpp                 |   300 +-
 plugins/ipfilter/convertthread.h                   |     2 +-
 plugins/ipfilter/ipblocklist.cpp                   |   123 +
 .../ipfilter/ipblocklist.h                         |    91 +-
 plugins/ipfilter/ipfilterplugin.cpp                |   252 +-
 plugins/ipfilter/ipfilterplugin.h                  |    86 +-
 plugins/ipfilter/ktipfilterplugin.desktop          |     2 +
 plugins/ipfilter/tests/CMakeLists.txt              |     3 +
 .../tests/ipblocklisttest.cpp}                     |    71 +-
 plugins/logviewer/ktlogviewerplugin.desktop        |     2 +
 .../ktmagnetgeneratorplugin.desktop                |     4 +
 plugins/mediaplayer/ktmediaplayerplugin.desktop    |     2 +
 plugins/scanfolder/ktscanfolderplugin.desktop      |     2 +
 plugins/scanfolder/scanfolder.cpp                  |     8 +
 plugins/scripting/ktscriptingplugin.desktop        |     2 +
 .../scripts/auto_remove/auto_remove.desktop        |     4 +
 .../scripts/auto_resume/auto_resume.desktop        |     3 +
 .../email_notifications.desktop                    |     2 +
 .../scripts/tracker_groups/tracker_groups.desktop  |     4 +
 plugins/search/ktsearchplugin.desktop              |     2 +
 plugins/shutdown/ktshutdownplugin.desktop          |     4 +
 plugins/stats/ktstatsplugin.desktop                |     2 +
 plugins/syndication/feedlistview.cpp               |     2 +-
 plugins/syndication/feedwidget.cpp                 |     2 +-
 plugins/syndication/ktsyndicationplugin.desktop    |     2 +
 plugins/upnp/ktupnpplugin.desktop                  |     2 +
 plugins/webinterface/ktwebinterfaceplugin.desktop  |     2 +
 plugins/zeroconf/ktzeroconfplugin.desktop          |     2 +
 po/ar/ktorrent.po                                  |   243 +-
 po/ast/ktorrent.po                                 |   246 +-
 po/be/ktorrent.po                                  |   243 +-
 po/bg/ktorrent.po                                  |   246 +-
 po/bs/ktorrent.po                                  |  2117 +---
 po/ca/ktorrent.po                                  |   854 +-
 po/ca at valencia/ktorrent.po                         |   246 +-
 po/cs/ktorrent.po                                  |   253 +-
 po/da/ktorrent.po                                  |   253 +-
 po/de/ktorrent.po                                  |   826 +-
 po/el/ktorrent.po                                  |   916 +-
 po/en_GB/ktorrent.po                               |   243 +-
 po/eo/ktorrent.po                                  |   246 +-
 po/es/ktorrent.po                                  |   269 +-
 po/et/ktorrent.po                                  |   808 +-
 po/eu/ktorrent.po                                  |   243 +-
 po/fi/ktorrent.po                                  |   403 +-
 po/fr/ktorrent.po                                  |   815 +-
 po/ga/ktorrent.po                                  |   516 +-
 po/gl/ktorrent.po                                  |  4991 ++------
 po/hi/ktorrent.po                                  |   243 +-
 po/hne/ktorrent.po                                 |   246 +-
 po/hu/ktorrent.po                                  |   840 +-
 po/is/ktorrent.po                                  |   244 +-
 po/it/ktorrent.po                                  |   243 +-
 po/ja/ktorrent.po                                  |   246 +-
 po/km/ktorrent.po                                  |   246 +-
 po/ku/ktorrent.po                                  |   246 +-
 po/lt/ktorrent.po                                  |   252 +-
 po/lv/ktorrent.po                                  |   246 +-
 po/mai/ktorrent.po                                 |   243 +-
 po/ms/ktorrent.po                                  |   243 +-
 po/nb/ktorrent.po                                  |   564 +-
 po/nds/ktorrent.po                                 |   246 +-
 po/nl/ktorrent.po                                  |   265 +-
 po/nn/ktorrent.po                                  |   243 +-
 po/oc/ktorrent.po                                  |   246 +-
 po/pl/ktorrent.po                                  |   379 +-
 po/pt/ktorrent.po                                  |   243 +-
 po/pt_BR/ktorrent.po                               |   251 +-
 po/ro/ktorrent.po                                  |   246 +-
 po/ru/ktorrent.po                                  |   246 +-
 po/se/ktorrent.po                                  |   243 +-
 po/si/ktorrent.po                                  |   246 +-
 po/sk/ktorrent.po                                  |   249 +-
 po/sl/ktorrent.po                                  |  1244 +-
 po/sq/ktorrent.po                                  |   246 +-
 po/sr/ktorrent.po                                  | 12472 ++++++++----------
 po/sr at ijekavian/ktorrent.po                        | 11920 ++++++++---------
 po/sr at ijekavianlatin/ktorrent.po                   | 12690 +++++++++----------
 po/sr at latin/ktorrent.po                            | 11920 ++++++++---------
 po/sv/ktorrent.po                                  |   245 +-
 po/tr/ktorrent.po                                  |   246 +-
 po/ug/ktorrent.po                                  |   246 +-
 po/uk/ktorrent.po                                  |   247 +-
 po/zh_CN/ktorrent.po                               |  2374 ++--
 po/zh_TW/ktorrent.po                               |   865 +-
 106 files changed, 34663 insertions(+), 44922 deletions(-)

KTorrent Debian packaging.

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