[SCM] KTorrent Debian packaging. branch, experimental, updated. debian/4.3.1-5-3-gad0c8a0

Pino Toscano pino at moszumanska.debian.org
Sat Jul 2 21:51:07 UTC 2016

Gitweb-URL: http://git.debian.org/?p=pkg-kde/kde-extras/ktorrent.git;a=commitdiff;h=45a124c

The following commit has been merged in the experimental branch:
commit 45a124ccfd4b483a0d83c4c3888a3fd8e572a175
Merge: 5769db42ddc61344202aacaa9b9582f95787c11e 5ef22ac041f95593e77392138c6403aa3ae3c9d0
Author: Pino Toscano <pino at debian.org>
Date:   Sat Jul 2 23:36:19 2016 +0200

    Merge tag 'upstream/5.0.1' into experimental
    Upstream version 5.0.1

 .gitignore                                         |     3 +
 .reviewboardrc                                     |     3 +
 CMakeLists.txt                                     |    76 +-
 ChangeLog                                          |    36 +
 doc-translations/CMakeLists.txt                    |    12 +
 .../ca_ktorrent/ktorrent/CMakeLists.txt            |     1 +
 .../ca_ktorrent/ktorrent/index.docbook             |   156 +
 .../de_ktorrent/ktorrent/CMakeLists.txt            |     1 +
 .../de_ktorrent/ktorrent/index.docbook             |   170 +
 .../es_ktorrent/ktorrent/CMakeLists.txt            |     1 +
 .../es_ktorrent/ktorrent/index.docbook             |   184 +
 .../et_ktorrent/ktorrent/CMakeLists.txt            |     1 +
 .../et_ktorrent/ktorrent/index.docbook             |   171 +
 .../fr_ktorrent/ktorrent/CMakeLists.txt            |     1 +
 .../fr_ktorrent/ktorrent/index.docbook             |   189 +
 .../it_ktorrent/ktorrent/CMakeLists.txt            |     1 +
 .../it_ktorrent/ktorrent/index.docbook             |   184 +
 .../nl_ktorrent/ktorrent/CMakeLists.txt            |     1 +
 .../nl_ktorrent/ktorrent/index.docbook             |   156 +
 .../pt_BR_ktorrent/ktorrent/CMakeLists.txt         |     1 +
 .../pt_BR_ktorrent/ktorrent/index.docbook          |   170 +
 .../pt_ktorrent/ktorrent/CMakeLists.txt            |     1 +
 .../pt_ktorrent/ktorrent/index.docbook             |   189 +
 .../ru_ktorrent/ktorrent/CMakeLists.txt            |     1 +
 .../ru_ktorrent/ktorrent/index.docbook             |   189 +
 .../sv_ktorrent/ktorrent/CMakeLists.txt            |     1 +
 .../sv_ktorrent/ktorrent/index.docbook             |   170 +
 .../uk_ktorrent/ktorrent/CMakeLists.txt            |     1 +
 .../uk_ktorrent/ktorrent/index.docbook             |   170 +
 doc/CMakeLists.txt                                 |     3 +-
 doc/index.docbook                                  |    10 +-
 kio-magnet/CMakeLists.txt                          |    41 -
 kio-magnet/INSTALL                                 |    18 -
 kio-magnet/Messages.sh                             |     3 -
 kio-magnet/README                                  |   394 -
 kio-magnet/TODO                                    |    12 -
 kio-magnet/dbushandler.cpp                         |   647 --
 kio-magnet/dbushandler.h                           |    82 -
 kio-magnet/dbusthread.cpp                          |    39 -
 kio-magnet/dbusthread.h                            |    36 -
 kio-magnet/interfaces/ktorrentcoreinterface.cpp    |    26 -
 kio-magnet/interfaces/ktorrentcoreinterface.h      |   183 -
 kio-magnet/interfaces/ktorrentgroupinterface.cpp   |    26 -
 kio-magnet/interfaces/ktorrentgroupinterface.h     |   137 -
 .../ktorrenttorrentfilestreaminterface.cpp         |    26 -
 .../ktorrenttorrentfilestreaminterface.h           |    85 -
 kio-magnet/interfaces/ktorrenttorrentinterface.cpp |    26 -
 kio-magnet/interfaces/ktorrenttorrentinterface.h   |   412 -
 kio-magnet/interfaces/org.ktorrent.core.xml        |    85 -
 kio-magnet/interfaces/org.ktorrent.group.xml       |    47 -
 kio-magnet/interfaces/org.ktorrent.torrent.xml     |   191 -
 kio-magnet/kio_magnet.cpp                          |   498 -
 kio-magnet/kio_magnet.h                            |    64 -
 kio-magnet/magnet.protocol                         |    18 -
 kio-magnet/magnetsettings.kcfg                     |    31 -
 kio-magnet/magnetsettings.kcfgc                    |     4 -
 ktmagnetdownloader/CMakeLists.txt                  |     7 +-
 ktmagnetdownloader/magnetdownloader.cpp            |    88 +-
 ktmagnetdownloader/magnettest.cpp                  |   193 +-
 ktmagnetdownloader/magnettest.h                    |    30 +-
 ktorrent/CMakeLists.txt                            |    43 +-
 ktorrent/app.cpp                                   |   123 +-
 ktorrent/app.h                                     |    23 +-
 ktorrent/core.cpp                                  |  2817 +++--
 ktorrent/core.h                                    |   470 +-
 ktorrent/dialogs/addpeersdlg.cpp                   |    77 +-
 ktorrent/dialogs/addpeersdlg.h                     |    40 +-
 ktorrent/dialogs/addpeersdlg.ui                    |    11 +-
 ktorrent/dialogs/fileselectdlg.cpp                 |  1393 +--
 ktorrent/dialogs/fileselectdlg.h                   |   151 +-
 ktorrent/dialogs/fileselectdlg.ui                  |    51 +-
 ktorrent/dialogs/importdialog.cpp                  |   743 +-
 ktorrent/dialogs/importdialog.h                    |    82 +-
 ktorrent/dialogs/importdialog.ui                   |    13 +-
 ktorrent/dialogs/missingfilesdlg.cpp               |   262 +-
 ktorrent/dialogs/missingfilesdlg.h                 |    80 +-
 ktorrent/dialogs/missingfilesdlg.ui                |    15 +-
 ktorrent/dialogs/pastedialog.cpp                   |   146 +-
 ktorrent/dialogs/pastedialog.h                     |    64 +-
 ktorrent/dialogs/pastedlgbase.ui                   |     9 +-
 ktorrent/dialogs/speedlimitsdlg.cpp                |   272 +-
 ktorrent/dialogs/speedlimitsdlg.h                  |    56 +-
 ktorrent/dialogs/speedlimitsdlg.ui                 |    11 +-
 ktorrent/dialogs/speedlimitsmodel.cpp              |   431 +-
 ktorrent/dialogs/speedlimitsmodel.h                |    94 +-
 ktorrent/dialogs/spinboxdelegate.cpp               |    93 +-
 ktorrent/dialogs/spinboxdelegate.h                 |    30 +-
 ktorrent/dialogs/torrentcreatordlg.cpp             |   766 +-
 ktorrent/dialogs/torrentcreatordlg.h               |   114 +-
 ktorrent/dialogs/torrentcreatordlg.ui              |    21 +-
 ktorrent/dialogs/torrentmigratordlg.cpp            |   168 -
 ktorrent/dialogs/torrentmigratordlg.h              |    71 -
 ktorrent/dialogs/torrentmigratordlg.ui             |    78 -
 ktorrent/groups/groupfiltermodel.cpp               |    70 +-
 ktorrent/groups/groupfiltermodel.h                 |    62 +-
 ktorrent/groups/grouppolicydlg.cpp                 |    88 +-
 ktorrent/groups/grouppolicydlg.h                   |    28 +-
 ktorrent/groups/grouppolicydlg.ui                  |    19 +-
 ktorrent/groups/groupswitcher.cpp                  |   482 +-
 ktorrent/groups/groupswitcher.h                    |   192 +-
 ktorrent/groups/groupview.cpp                      |   351 +-
 ktorrent/groups/groupview.h                        |   134 +-
 ktorrent/groups/groupviewmodel.cpp                 |   816 +-
 ktorrent/groups/groupviewmodel.h                   |   154 +-
 ktorrent/gui.cpp                                   |  1043 +-
 ktorrent/gui.h                                     |   226 +-
 ...i128-app-ktorrent.png => 128-apps-ktorrent.png} |   Bin
 ktorrent/icons/16-actions-kt-change-tracker.png    |   Bin 0 -> 676 bytes
 ktorrent/icons/16-actions-kt-check-data.png        |   Bin 0 -> 616 bytes
 ktorrent/icons/16-actions-kt-chunks.png            |   Bin 0 -> 235 bytes
 ktorrent/icons/16-actions-kt-encrypted.png         |   Bin 0 -> 676 bytes
 ktorrent/icons/16-actions-kt-info-widget.png       |   Bin 0 -> 560 bytes
 ktorrent/icons/16-actions-kt-magnet.png            |   Bin 0 -> 585 bytes
 ...action-kt-pause.png => 16-actions-kt-pause.png} |   Bin
 ktorrent/icons/16-actions-kt-queue-manager.png     |   Bin 0 -> 411 bytes
 ktorrent/icons/16-actions-kt-remove.png            |   Bin 0 -> 425 bytes
 ktorrent/icons/16-actions-kt-restore-defaults.png  |   Bin 0 -> 795 bytes
 .../icons/16-actions-kt-set-max-download-speed.png |   Bin 0 -> 875 bytes
 .../icons/16-actions-kt-set-max-upload-speed.png   |   Bin 0 -> 841 bytes
 ktorrent/icons/16-actions-kt-show-hide.png         |   Bin 0 -> 400 bytes
 ktorrent/icons/16-actions-kt-show-statusbar.png    |   Bin 0 -> 484 bytes
 ktorrent/icons/16-actions-kt-speed-limits.png      |   Bin 0 -> 769 bytes
 ktorrent/icons/16-actions-kt-start-all.png         |   Bin 0 -> 543 bytes
 ...action-kt-start.png => 16-actions-kt-start.png} |   Bin
 ktorrent/icons/16-actions-kt-stop-all.png          |   Bin 0 -> 546 bytes
 ...6-action-kt-stop.png => 16-actions-kt-stop.png} |   Bin
 ...6-action-kt-upnp.png => 16-actions-kt-upnp.png} |   Bin
 ktorrent/icons/16-apps-ktorrent.png                |   Bin 0 -> 641 bytes
 ktorrent/icons/22-actions-kt-magnet.png            |   Bin 0 -> 940 bytes
 ...action-kt-pause.png => 22-actions-kt-pause.png} |   Bin
 ...tion-kt-remove.png => 22-actions-kt-remove.png} |   Bin
 .../icons/22-actions-kt-set-max-download-speed.png |   Bin 0 -> 1358 bytes
 .../icons/22-actions-kt-set-max-upload-speed.png   |   Bin 0 -> 1283 bytes
 ktorrent/icons/22-actions-kt-speed-limits.png      |   Bin 0 -> 1143 bytes
 ktorrent/icons/22-actions-kt-start-all.png         |   Bin 0 -> 857 bytes
 ...action-kt-start.png => 22-actions-kt-start.png} |   Bin
 ktorrent/icons/22-actions-kt-stop-all.png          |   Bin 0 -> 871 bytes
 ...2-action-kt-stop.png => 22-actions-kt-stop.png} |   Bin
 ...{hi22-app-ktorrent.png => 22-apps-ktorrent.png} |   Bin
 ...fo-widget.png => 32-actions-kt-info-widget.png} |   Bin
 ...tion-kt-magnet.png => 32-actions-kt-magnet.png} |   Bin 1599 -> 1528 bytes
 ...action-kt-pause.png => 32-actions-kt-pause.png} |   Bin
 ktorrent/icons/32-actions-kt-queue-manager.png     |   Bin 0 -> 885 bytes
 ...tion-kt-remove.png => 32-actions-kt-remove.png} |   Bin
 .../icons/32-actions-kt-set-max-download-speed.png |   Bin 0 -> 2320 bytes
 .../icons/32-actions-kt-set-max-upload-speed.png   |   Bin 0 -> 2150 bytes
 ktorrent/icons/32-actions-kt-speed-limits.png      |   Bin 0 -> 1938 bytes
 ktorrent/icons/32-actions-kt-start-all.png         |   Bin 0 -> 1375 bytes
 ...action-kt-start.png => 32-actions-kt-start.png} |   Bin
 ktorrent/icons/32-actions-kt-stop-all.png          |   Bin 0 -> 1376 bytes
 ...2-action-kt-stop.png => 32-actions-kt-stop.png} |   Bin
 ...2-action-kt-upnp.png => 32-actions-kt-upnp.png} |   Bin
 ...{hi32-app-ktorrent.png => 32-apps-ktorrent.png} |   Bin
 ...r.png => 48-actions-kt-bandwidth-scheduler.png} |   Bin
 ...racker.png => 48-actions-kt-change-tracker.png} |   Bin
 ktorrent/icons/48-actions-kt-check-data.png        |   Bin 0 -> 2528 bytes
 ktorrent/icons/48-actions-kt-chunks.png            |   Bin 0 -> 377 bytes
 ...fo-widget.png => 48-actions-kt-info-widget.png} |   Bin
 ...tion-kt-magnet.png => 48-actions-kt-magnet.png} |   Bin
 ...action-kt-pause.png => 48-actions-kt-pause.png} |   Bin
 ktorrent/icons/48-actions-kt-plugins.png           |   Bin 0 -> 1781 bytes
 ktorrent/icons/48-actions-kt-queue-manager.png     |   Bin 0 -> 1160 bytes
 ...tion-kt-remove.png => 48-actions-kt-remove.png} |   Bin
 ...ults.png => 48-actions-kt-restore-defaults.png} |   Bin
 .../icons/48-actions-kt-set-max-download-speed.png |   Bin 0 -> 4362 bytes
 .../icons/48-actions-kt-set-max-upload-speed.png   |   Bin 0 -> 3787 bytes
 ...t-show-hide.png => 48-actions-kt-show-hide.png} |   Bin
 ktorrent/icons/48-actions-kt-show-statusbar.png    |   Bin 0 -> 2014 bytes
 ktorrent/icons/48-actions-kt-speed-limits.png      |   Bin 0 -> 3485 bytes
 ktorrent/icons/48-actions-kt-start-all.png         |   Bin 0 -> 1834 bytes
 ...action-kt-start.png => 48-actions-kt-start.png} |   Bin
 ktorrent/icons/48-actions-kt-stop-all.png          |   Bin 0 -> 1869 bytes
 ...8-action-kt-stop.png => 48-actions-kt-stop.png} |   Bin
 ...8-action-kt-upnp.png => 48-actions-kt-upnp.png} |   Bin
 ...{hi48-app-ktorrent.png => 48-apps-ktorrent.png} |   Bin
 ktorrent/icons/64-actions-kt-magnet.png            |   Bin 0 -> 4429 bytes
 ...{hi64-app-ktorrent.png => 64-apps-ktorrent.png} |   Bin
 ktorrent/icons/CMakeLists.txt                      |    62 +-
 ktorrent/icons/hi16-action-kt-change-tracker.png   |   Bin 757 -> 0 bytes
 ktorrent/icons/hi16-action-kt-check-data.png       |   Bin 685 -> 0 bytes
 ktorrent/icons/hi16-action-kt-chunks.png           |   Bin 304 -> 0 bytes
 ktorrent/icons/hi16-action-kt-info-widget.png      |   Bin 671 -> 0 bytes
 ktorrent/icons/hi16-action-kt-magnet.png           |   Bin 689 -> 0 bytes
 ktorrent/icons/hi16-action-kt-queue-manager.png    |   Bin 529 -> 0 bytes
 ktorrent/icons/hi16-action-kt-remove.png           |   Bin 456 -> 0 bytes
 ktorrent/icons/hi16-action-kt-restore-defaults.png |   Bin 845 -> 0 bytes
 .../hi16-action-kt-set-max-download-speed.png      |   Bin 982 -> 0 bytes
 .../icons/hi16-action-kt-set-max-upload-speed.png  |   Bin 975 -> 0 bytes
 ktorrent/icons/hi16-action-kt-show-hide.png        |   Bin 401 -> 0 bytes
 ktorrent/icons/hi16-action-kt-show-statusbar.png   |   Bin 551 -> 0 bytes
 ktorrent/icons/hi16-action-kt-speed-limits.png     |   Bin 918 -> 0 bytes
 ktorrent/icons/hi16-action-kt-start-all.png        |   Bin 647 -> 0 bytes
 ktorrent/icons/hi16-action-kt-stop-all.png         |   Bin 639 -> 0 bytes
 ktorrent/icons/hi16-app-ktorrent.png               |   Bin 699 -> 0 bytes
 ktorrent/icons/hi22-action-kt-encrypted.png        |   Bin 654 -> 0 bytes
 ktorrent/icons/hi22-action-kt-magnet.png           |   Bin 1008 -> 0 bytes
 .../hi22-action-kt-set-max-download-speed.png      |   Bin 1523 -> 0 bytes
 .../icons/hi22-action-kt-set-max-upload-speed.png  |   Bin 1461 -> 0 bytes
 ktorrent/icons/hi22-action-kt-speed-limits.png     |   Bin 1353 -> 0 bytes
 ktorrent/icons/hi22-action-kt-start-all.png        |   Bin 981 -> 0 bytes
 ktorrent/icons/hi22-action-kt-stop-all.png         |   Bin 977 -> 0 bytes
 ktorrent/icons/hi32-action-kt-queue-manager.png    |   Bin 1039 -> 0 bytes
 .../hi32-action-kt-set-max-download-speed.png      |   Bin 2479 -> 0 bytes
 .../icons/hi32-action-kt-set-max-upload-speed.png  |   Bin 2392 -> 0 bytes
 ktorrent/icons/hi32-action-kt-speed-limits.png     |   Bin 2226 -> 0 bytes
 ktorrent/icons/hi32-action-kt-start-all.png        |   Bin 1438 -> 0 bytes
 ktorrent/icons/hi32-action-kt-stop-all.png         |   Bin 1418 -> 0 bytes
 ktorrent/icons/hi48-action-kt-check-data.png       |   Bin 2619 -> 0 bytes
 ktorrent/icons/hi48-action-kt-chunks.png           |   Bin 451 -> 0 bytes
 ktorrent/icons/hi48-action-kt-plugins.png          |   Bin 1875 -> 0 bytes
 ktorrent/icons/hi48-action-kt-queue-manager.png    |   Bin 1244 -> 0 bytes
 .../hi48-action-kt-set-max-download-speed.png      |   Bin 4540 -> 0 bytes
 .../icons/hi48-action-kt-set-max-upload-speed.png  |   Bin 4135 -> 0 bytes
 ktorrent/icons/hi48-action-kt-show-statusbar.png   |   Bin 2122 -> 0 bytes
 ktorrent/icons/hi48-action-kt-speed-limits.png     |   Bin 3909 -> 0 bytes
 ktorrent/icons/hi48-action-kt-start-all.png        |   Bin 1943 -> 0 bytes
 ktorrent/icons/hi48-action-kt-stop-all.png         |   Bin 1946 -> 0 bytes
 ktorrent/icons/hi64-action-kt-magnet.png           |   Bin 4565 -> 0 bytes
 ...on-kt-magnet.svgz => sc-actions-kt-magnet.svgz} |   Bin
 ...z => sc-actions-kt-set-max-download-speed.svgz} |   Bin
 ...vgz => sc-actions-kt-set-max-upload-speed.svgz} |   Bin
 ...limits.svgz => sc-actions-kt-speed-limits.svgz} |   Bin
 ktorrent/ipfilterlist.cpp                          |   408 +-
 ktorrent/ipfilterlist.h                            |    82 +-
 ktorrent/ipfilterwidget.cpp                        |   375 +-
 ktorrent/ipfilterwidget.h                          |    72 +-
 ktorrent/ipfilterwidget.ui                         |    28 +-
 ktorrent/ktorrent.notifyrc                         |   167 +-
 ktorrent/ktorrentplugin.desktop                    |    56 -
 ktorrent/ktorrentui.rc                             |     3 +-
 ktorrent/magnet.protocol                           |    13 -
 ktorrent/main.cpp                                  |   342 +-
 .../{ktorrent.desktop => org.kde.ktorrent.desktop} |    20 +-
 ktorrent/pref/advancedpref.cpp                     |    51 +-
 ktorrent/pref/advancedpref.h                       |    24 +-
 ktorrent/pref/advancedpref.ui                      |   137 +-
 ktorrent/pref/btpref.cpp                           |    32 +-
 ktorrent/pref/btpref.h                             |    20 +-
 ktorrent/pref/btpref.ui                            |     9 +-
 ktorrent/pref/generalpref.cpp                      |    91 +-
 ktorrent/pref/generalpref.h                        |    20 +-
 ktorrent/pref/generalpref.ui                       |    27 +-
 ktorrent/pref/networkpref.cpp                      |   167 +-
 ktorrent/pref/networkpref.h                        |    39 +-
 ktorrent/pref/networkpref.ui                       |    26 +-
 ktorrent/pref/prefdialog.cpp                       |   262 +-
 ktorrent/pref/prefdialog.h                         |   132 +-
 ktorrent/pref/proxypref.cpp                        |    89 +-
 ktorrent/pref/proxypref.h                          |    32 +-
 ktorrent/pref/proxypref.ui                         |    21 +-
 ktorrent/pref/qmpref.cpp                           |    52 +-
 ktorrent/pref/qmpref.h                             |    30 +-
 ktorrent/pref/qmpref.ui                            |    62 +-
 ktorrent/pref/recommendedsettingsdlg.cpp           |   438 +-
 ktorrent/pref/recommendedsettingsdlg.h             |    64 +-
 ktorrent/pref/recommendedsettingsdlg.ui            |     9 +-
 ktorrent/statusbar.cpp                             |   176 +-
 ktorrent/statusbar.h                               |    74 +-
 ktorrent/tools/magnetmodel.cpp                     |   431 +-
 ktorrent/tools/magnetmodel.h                       |   108 +-
 ktorrent/tools/magnetview.cpp                      |   210 +-
 ktorrent/tools/magnetview.h                        |    70 +-
 ktorrent/tools/queuemanagermodel.cpp               |  1060 +-
 ktorrent/tools/queuemanagermodel.h                 |   207 +-
 ktorrent/tools/queuemanagerwidget.cpp              |   564 +-
 ktorrent/tools/queuemanagerwidget.h                |   120 +-
 ktorrent/torrentactivity.cpp                       |   468 +-
 ktorrent/torrentactivity.h                         |   168 +-
 ktorrent/trayicon.cpp                              |   828 +-
 ktorrent/trayicon.h                                |   316 +-
 ktorrent/view/propertiesdlg.cpp                    |   110 +-
 ktorrent/view/propertiesdlg.h                      |    42 +-
 ktorrent/view/scanextender.cpp                     |   241 +-
 ktorrent/view/scanextender.h                       |    54 +-
 ktorrent/view/scanextender.ui                      |    19 +-
 ktorrent/view/torrentsearchbar.cpp                 |   127 +-
 ktorrent/view/torrentsearchbar.h                   |    57 +-
 ktorrent/view/view.cpp                             |  1701 ++--
 ktorrent/view/view.h                               |   352 +-
 ktorrent/view/viewdelegate.cpp                     |   704 +-
 ktorrent/view/viewdelegate.h                       |   186 +-
 ktorrent/view/viewjobtracker.cpp                   |    66 +-
 ktorrent/view/viewjobtracker.h                     |    40 +-
 ktorrent/view/viewmodel.cpp                        |    82 +-
 ktorrent/view/viewmodel.h                          |   368 +-
 ktorrent/view/viewselectionmodel.cpp               |    12 +-
 ktorrent/view/viewselectionmodel.h                 |    22 +-
 ktupnptest/CMakeLists.txt                          |     6 +-
 ktupnptest/main.cpp                                |    56 +-
 ktupnptest/upnptestwidget.cpp                      |    86 +-
 ktupnptest/upnptestwidget.h                        |    28 +-
 libktcore/CMakeLists.txt                           |    19 +-
 libktcore/dbus/dbus.cpp                            |   519 +-
 libktcore/dbus/dbus.h                              |   257 +-
 libktcore/dbus/dbusgroup.cpp                       |   320 +-
 libktcore/dbus/dbusgroup.h                         |    70 +-
 libktcore/dbus/dbussettings.cpp                    |  1521 +--
 libktcore/dbus/dbussettings.h                      |   329 +-
 libktcore/dbus/dbustorrent.cpp                     |   928 +-
 libktcore/dbus/dbustorrent.h                       |   232 +-
 libktcore/dbus/dbustorrentfile.cpp                 |   130 +-
 libktcore/dbus/dbustorrentfile.h                   |    52 +-
 libktcore/dbus/dbustorrentfilestream.cpp           |   118 +-
 libktcore/dbus/dbustorrentfilestream.h             |    86 +-
 libktcore/groups/allgroup.cpp                      |    22 +-
 libktcore/groups/allgroup.h                        |    20 +-
 libktcore/groups/functiongroup.cpp                 |     2 +-
 libktcore/groups/functiongroup.h                   |    56 +-
 libktcore/groups/group.cpp                         |   116 +-
 libktcore/groups/group.h                           |   302 +-
 libktcore/groups/groupmanager.cpp                  |   632 +-
 libktcore/groups/groupmanager.h                    |   233 +-
 libktcore/groups/torrentgroup.cpp                  |   342 +-
 libktcore/groups/torrentgroup.h                    |    64 +-
 libktcore/groups/ungroupedgroup.cpp                |    31 +-
 libktcore/groups/ungroupedgroup.h                  |    26 +-
 libktcore/gui/centralwidget.cpp                    |   174 +-
 libktcore/gui/centralwidget.h                      |    90 +-
 libktcore/gui/extender.cpp                         |    14 +-
 libktcore/gui/extender.h                           |    56 +-
 libktcore/gui/tabbarwidget.cpp                     |   461 +-
 libktcore/gui/tabbarwidget.h                       |   126 +-
 libktcore/interfaces/activity.cpp                  |   109 +-
 libktcore/interfaces/activity.h                    |   136 +-
 libktcore/interfaces/coreinterface.cpp             |     9 +-
 libktcore/interfaces/coreinterface.h               |   509 +-
 libktcore/interfaces/functions.cpp                 |   265 +-
 libktcore/interfaces/functions.h                   |    17 +-
 libktcore/interfaces/guiinterface.cpp              |     8 +-
 libktcore/interfaces/guiinterface.h                |   185 +-
 libktcore/interfaces/plugin.cpp                    |    29 +-
 libktcore/interfaces/plugin.h                      |   188 +-
 libktcore/interfaces/prefpageinterface.cpp         |    29 +-
 libktcore/interfaces/prefpageinterface.h           |    86 +-
 libktcore/interfaces/torrentactivityinterface.cpp  |    46 +-
 libktcore/interfaces/torrentactivityinterface.h    |   122 +-
 libktcore/ktcore_export.h                          |    40 -
 libktcore/ktorrent.kcfg                            |    44 +-
 libktcore/ktversion.h                              |    12 +-
 libktcore/plugin/pluginactivity.cpp                |    62 +-
 libktcore/plugin/pluginactivity.h                  |    46 +-
 libktcore/plugin/pluginmanager.cpp                 |   354 +-
 libktcore/plugin/pluginmanager.h                   |   106 +-
 libktcore/torrent/basicjobprogresswidget.cpp       |   126 +-
 libktcore/torrent/basicjobprogresswidget.h         |    50 +-
 libktcore/torrent/chunkbar.cpp                     |   231 +-
 libktcore/torrent/chunkbar.h                       |    59 +-
 libktcore/torrent/chunkbarrenderer.cpp             |   278 +-
 libktcore/torrent/chunkbarrenderer.h               |    26 +-
 libktcore/torrent/jobprogresswidget.cpp            |    24 +-
 libktcore/torrent/jobprogresswidget.h              |    94 +-
 libktcore/torrent/jobtracker.cpp                   |   260 +-
 libktcore/torrent/jobtracker.h                     |    78 +-
 libktcore/torrent/magnetmanager.cpp                |   581 ++
 libktcore/torrent/magnetmanager.h                  |   185 +
 libktcore/torrent/queuemanager.cpp                 |  1799 ++--
 libktcore/torrent/queuemanager.h                   |   533 +-
 libktcore/torrent/torrentfilelistmodel.cpp         |   569 +-
 libktcore/torrent/torrentfilelistmodel.h           |    58 +-
 libktcore/torrent/torrentfilemodel.cpp             |   103 +-
 libktcore/torrent/torrentfilemodel.h               |   224 +-
 libktcore/torrent/torrentfiletreemodel.cpp         |  1489 +--
 libktcore/torrent/torrentfiletreemodel.h           |   146 +-
 libktcore/util/indexofcompare.h                    |    28 +-
 libktcore/util/itemselectionmodel.cpp              |   160 +-
 libktcore/util/itemselectionmodel.h                |    54 +-
 libktcore/util/mmapfile.cpp                        |   469 +-
 libktcore/util/mmapfile.h                          |   194 +-
 libktcore/util/stringcompletionmodel.cpp           |   105 +-
 libktcore/util/stringcompletionmodel.h             |    56 +-
 libktcore/util/treefiltermodel.cpp                 |    64 +-
 libktcore/util/treefiltermodel.h                   |    26 +-
 plasma/applet/CMakeLists.txt                       |     6 +-
 plasma/applet/applet.cpp                           |   704 +-
 plasma/applet/applet.h                             |   122 +-
 plasma/applet/chunkbar.cpp                         |    90 +-
 plasma/applet/chunkbar.h                           |    40 +-
 plasma/applet/fadingitem.cpp                       |    78 +-
 plasma/applet/fadingitem.h                         |    52 +-
 plasma/applet/fadingnavigationwidget.cpp           |   126 +-
 plasma/applet/fadingnavigationwidget.h             |    44 +-
 plasma/applet/plasma-applet-ktorrent.desktop       |    21 +-
 plasma/dataengine/CMakeLists.txt                   |     4 +-
 plasma/dataengine/coredbusinterface.cpp            |    82 +-
 plasma/dataengine/coredbusinterface.h              |    46 +-
 plasma/dataengine/engine.cpp                       |   215 +-
 plasma/dataengine/engine.h                         |    60 +-
 .../dataengine/plasma-dataengine-ktorrent.desktop  |    13 +-
 plasma/dataengine/torrentdbusinterface.cpp         |   132 +-
 plasma/dataengine/torrentdbusinterface.h           |    30 +-
 plugins/CMakeLists.txt                             |    38 +-
 plugins/bwscheduler/CMakeLists.txt                 |    24 +-
 plugins/bwscheduler/bwprefpage.cpp                 |    42 +-
 plugins/bwscheduler/bwprefpage.h                   |    32 +-
 plugins/bwscheduler/bwschedulerplugin.cpp          |   451 +-
 plugins/bwscheduler/bwschedulerplugin.h            |    81 +-
 plugins/bwscheduler/edititemdlg.cpp                |   274 +-
 plugins/bwscheduler/edititemdlg.h                  |    64 +-
 plugins/bwscheduler/guidanceline.cpp               |    66 +-
 plugins/bwscheduler/guidanceline.h                 |    44 +-
 plugins/bwscheduler/ktbwschedulerplugin.kcfg       |     2 +-
 ...plugin.desktop => ktorrent_bwscheduler.desktop} |    29 +-
 ...edulerpluginui.rc => ktorrent_bwschedulerui.rc} |     0
 plugins/bwscheduler/schedule.cpp                   |   806 +-
 plugins/bwscheduler/schedule.h                     |   334 +-
 plugins/bwscheduler/scheduleeditor.cpp             |   416 +-
 plugins/bwscheduler/scheduleeditor.h               |   144 +-
 plugins/bwscheduler/schedulegraphicsitem.cpp       |   662 +-
 plugins/bwscheduler/schedulegraphicsitem.h         |    74 +-
 plugins/bwscheduler/weekdaymodel.cpp               |   135 +-
 plugins/bwscheduler/weekdaymodel.h                 |    42 +-
 plugins/bwscheduler/weekscene.cpp                  |   572 +-
 plugins/bwscheduler/weekscene.h                    |   244 +-
 plugins/bwscheduler/weekview.cpp                   |   248 +-
 plugins/bwscheduler/weekview.h                     |   164 +-
 plugins/downloadorder/CMakeLists.txt               |    21 +-
 plugins/downloadorder/downloadorderdialog.cpp      |   376 +-
 plugins/downloadorder/downloadorderdialog.h        |    54 +-
 plugins/downloadorder/downloadordermanager.cpp     |   300 +-
 plugins/downloadorder/downloadordermanager.h       |    84 +-
 plugins/downloadorder/downloadordermodel.cpp       |   722 +-
 plugins/downloadorder/downloadordermodel.h         |    78 +-
 plugins/downloadorder/downloadorderplugin.cpp      |   205 +-
 plugins/downloadorder/downloadorderplugin.h        |    66 +-
 plugins/downloadorder/downloadorderwidget.ui       |    31 +-
 ...ugin.desktop => ktorrent_downloadorder.desktop} |    25 +-
 ...rderpluginui.rc => ktorrent_downloadorderui.rc} |     2 +-
 plugins/infowidget/CMakeLists.txt                  |    19 +-
 plugins/infowidget/GeoIP.c                         |  1562 +--
 plugins/infowidget/GeoIP.h                         |   218 +-
 plugins/infowidget/addtrackersdialog.cpp           |    80 +-
 plugins/infowidget/addtrackersdialog.h             |    34 +-
 plugins/infowidget/availabilitychunkbar.cpp        |    66 +-
 plugins/infowidget/availabilitychunkbar.h          |    35 +-
 plugins/infowidget/chunkdownloadmodel.cpp          |   454 +-
 plugins/infowidget/chunkdownloadmodel.h            |   102 +-
 plugins/infowidget/chunkdownloadview.cpp           |   196 +-
 plugins/infowidget/chunkdownloadview.h             |    58 +-
 plugins/infowidget/downloadedchunkbar.cpp          |   165 +-
 plugins/infowidget/downloadedchunkbar.h            |    40 +-
 plugins/infowidget/fileview.cpp                    |  1146 ++-
 plugins/infowidget/fileview.h                      |   166 +-
 plugins/infowidget/flagdb.cpp                      |   121 +-
 plugins/infowidget/flagdb.h                        |    65 +-
 plugins/infowidget/geoipmanager.cpp                |   274 +-
 plugins/infowidget/geoipmanager.h                  |   116 +-
 plugins/infowidget/infowidgetplugin.cpp            |   556 +-
 plugins/infowidget/infowidgetplugin.h              |   100 +-
 plugins/infowidget/iwfilelistmodel.cpp             |   534 +-
 plugins/infowidget/iwfilelistmodel.h               |    62 +-
 plugins/infowidget/iwfiletreemodel.cpp             |   672 +-
 plugins/infowidget/iwfiletreemodel.h               |    66 +-
 plugins/infowidget/iwprefpage.cpp                  |    15 +-
 plugins/infowidget/iwprefpage.h                    |    14 +-
 plugins/infowidget/ktinfowidgetplugin.kcfg         |     2 +-
 ...tplugin.desktop => ktorrent_infowidget.desktop} |    25 +-
 plugins/infowidget/monitor.cpp                     |   136 +-
 plugins/infowidget/monitor.h                       |    54 +-
 plugins/infowidget/peerview.cpp                    |   213 +-
 plugins/infowidget/peerview.h                      |    70 +-
 plugins/infowidget/peerviewmodel.cpp               |   622 +-
 plugins/infowidget/peerviewmodel.h                 |   112 +-
 plugins/infowidget/statustab.cpp                   |   617 +-
 plugins/infowidget/statustab.h                     |    55 +-
 plugins/infowidget/trackermodel.cpp                |   561 +-
 plugins/infowidget/trackermodel.h                  |    92 +-
 plugins/infowidget/trackerview.cpp                 |   458 +-
 plugins/infowidget/trackerview.h                   |    67 +-
 plugins/infowidget/trackerview.ui                  |    15 +-
 plugins/infowidget/webseedsmodel.cpp               |   324 +-
 plugins/infowidget/webseedsmodel.h                 |    80 +-
 plugins/infowidget/webseedstab.cpp                 |   318 +-
 plugins/infowidget/webseedstab.h                   |    76 +-
 plugins/infowidget/webseedstab.ui                  |     9 +-
 plugins/ipfilter/CMakeLists.txt                    |    11 +-
 plugins/ipfilter/antip2p.cpp                       |   350 +-
 plugins/ipfilter/antip2p.h                         |   150 +-
 plugins/ipfilter/convertdialog.cpp                 |   180 +-
 plugins/ipfilter/convertdialog.h                   |    78 +-
 plugins/ipfilter/convertthread.cpp                 |     2 +-
 plugins/ipfilter/convertthread.h                   |    68 +-
 plugins/ipfilter/downloadandconvertjob.cpp         |   546 +-
 plugins/ipfilter/downloadandconvertjob.h           |   102 +-
 plugins/ipfilter/ipblockingprefpage.cpp            |   402 +-
 plugins/ipfilter/ipblockingprefpage.h              |    82 +-
 plugins/ipfilter/ipblockingprefpage.ui             |    20 +-
 plugins/ipfilter/ipblocklist.cpp                   |    16 +-
 plugins/ipfilter/ipblocklist.h                     |     8 +-
 plugins/ipfilter/ipfilterplugin.cpp                |     4 +-
 plugins/ipfilter/ktipfilterplugin.desktop          |    23 +-
 plugins/ipfilter/tests/CMakeLists.txt              |     6 +-
 plugins/ipfilter/tests/ipblocklisttest.cpp         |    18 +-
 plugins/logviewer/CMakeLists.txt                   |    17 +-
 plugins/logviewer/ktlogviewerplugin.kcfg           |     2 +-
 ...erplugin.desktop => ktorrent_logviewer.desktop} |    14 +-
 plugins/logviewer/logflags.cpp                     |   416 +-
 plugins/logviewer/logflags.h                       |   104 +-
 plugins/logviewer/logflagsdelegate.cpp             |   105 +-
 plugins/logviewer/logflagsdelegate.h               |    30 +-
 plugins/logviewer/logprefpage.cpp                  |    98 +-
 plugins/logviewer/logprefpage.h                    |    36 +-
 plugins/logviewer/logprefwidget.ui                 |     9 +-
 plugins/logviewer/logviewer.cpp                    |   214 +-
 plugins/logviewer/logviewer.h                      |    62 +-
 plugins/logviewer/logviewerplugin.cpp              |   235 +-
 plugins/logviewer/logviewerplugin.h                |    76 +-
 plugins/magnetgenerator/CMakeLists.txt             |    25 +-
 .../magnetgenerator/ktmagnetgeneratorplugin.kcfg   |     2 +-
 ...in.desktop => ktorrent_magnetgenerator.desktop} |    18 +-
 ...orpluginui.rc => ktorrent_magnetgeneratorui.rc} |     0
 plugins/magnetgenerator/magnetgeneratorplugin.cpp  |   209 +-
 plugins/magnetgenerator/magnetgeneratorplugin.h    |    48 +-
 .../magnetgenerator/magnetgeneratorprefwidget.cpp  |    61 +-
 .../magnetgenerator/magnetgeneratorprefwidget.h    |    58 +-
 .../magnetgenerator/magnetgeneratorprefwidget.ui   |     6 -
 plugins/mediaplayer/CMakeLists.txt                 |    56 +-
 plugins/mediaplayer/ktmediaplayerplugin.kcfg       |     2 +-
 ...plugin.desktop => ktorrent_mediaplayer.desktop} |    23 +-
 ...playerpluginui.rc => ktorrent_mediaplayerui.rc} |     0
 plugins/mediaplayer/mediacontroller.cpp            |   209 +-
 plugins/mediaplayer/mediacontroller.h              |    44 +-
 plugins/mediaplayer/mediafile.cpp                  |   464 +-
 plugins/mediaplayer/mediafile.h                    |   246 +-
 plugins/mediaplayer/mediafilestream.cpp            |   244 +-
 plugins/mediaplayer/mediafilestream.h              |    72 +-
 plugins/mediaplayer/mediamodel.cpp                 |   450 +-
 plugins/mediaplayer/mediamodel.h                   |   106 +-
 plugins/mediaplayer/mediaplayer.cpp                |   428 +-
 plugins/mediaplayer/mediaplayer.h                  |   186 +-
 plugins/mediaplayer/mediaplayeractivity.cpp        |   724 +-
 plugins/mediaplayer/mediaplayeractivity.h          |   143 +-
 plugins/mediaplayer/mediaplayerplugin.cpp          |    81 +-
 plugins/mediaplayer/mediaplayerplugin.h            |    38 +-
 plugins/mediaplayer/mediaview.cpp                  |   248 +-
 plugins/mediaplayer/mediaview.h                    |   108 +-
 plugins/mediaplayer/playlist.cpp                   |   603 +-
 plugins/mediaplayer/playlist.h                     |    90 +-
 plugins/mediaplayer/playlistwidget.cpp             |   475 +-
 plugins/mediaplayer/playlistwidget.h               |   132 +-
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 plugins/mediaplayer/videochunkbar.h                |    64 +-
 plugins/mediaplayer/videowidget.cpp                |   399 +-
 plugins/mediaplayer/videowidget.h                  |   106 +-
 plugins/scanfolder/CMakeLists.txt                  |     8 +-
 plugins/scanfolder/ktscanfolderplugin.desktop      |    22 +-
 plugins/scanfolder/ktscanfolderplugin.kcfg         |     8 +-
 plugins/scanfolder/scanfolder.cpp                  |   115 +-
 plugins/scanfolder/scanfolder.h                    |    74 +-
 plugins/scanfolder/scanfolderplugin.cpp            |   136 +-
 plugins/scanfolder/scanfolderplugin.h              |    60 +-
 plugins/scanfolder/scanfolderprefpage.cpp          |   236 +-
 plugins/scanfolder/scanfolderprefpage.h            |    58 +-
 plugins/scanfolder/scanthread.cpp                  |   344 +-
 plugins/scanfolder/scanthread.h                    |   118 +-
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 plugins/scanfolder/torrentloadqueue.h              |   152 +-
 plugins/scripting/CMakeLists.txt                   |    15 +-
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 plugins/scripting/api/scriptablegroup.h            |    28 +-
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 plugins/scripting/api/scriptingmodule.h            |    94 +-
 plugins/scripting/ktscriptingplugin.desktop        |    21 +-
 plugins/scripting/script.cpp                       |   258 +-
 plugins/scripting/script.h                         |   190 +-
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 plugins/scripting/scriptdelegate.h                 |    50 +-
 plugins/scripting/scriptingplugin.cpp              |   404 +-
 plugins/scripting/scriptingplugin.h                |    62 +-
 plugins/scripting/scriptmanager.cpp                |   432 +-
 plugins/scripting/scriptmanager.h                  |   100 +-
 plugins/scripting/scriptmodel.cpp                  |   574 +-
 plugins/scripting/scriptmodel.h                    |   130 +-
 .../scripts/auto_remove/auto_remove.desktop        |    16 +-
 .../scripts/auto_resume/auto_resume.desktop        |     9 +-
 .../email_notifications.desktop                    |    23 +-
 .../scripts/tracker_groups/tracker_groups.desktop  |    15 +-
 plugins/search/CMakeLists.txt                      |    23 +-
 plugins/search/buffernetworkreply.cpp              |    62 +-
 plugins/search/buffernetworkreply.h                |    50 +-
 ...earchplugin.desktop => ktorrent_search.desktop} |    12 +-
 .../{ktsearchpluginui.rc => ktorrent_searchui.rc}  |     0
 plugins/search/ktsearchplugin.kcfg                 |     2 +-
 plugins/search/localfilenetworkreply.cpp           |    88 +-
 plugins/search/localfilenetworkreply.h             |    42 +-
 plugins/search/opensearchdownloadjob.cpp           |   198 +-
 plugins/search/opensearchdownloadjob.h             |    64 +-
 plugins/search/searchactivity.cpp                  |   579 +-
 plugins/search/searchactivity.h                    |   108 +-
 plugins/search/searchengine.cpp                    |   244 +-
 plugins/search/searchengine.h                      |   116 +-
 plugins/search/searchenginelist.cpp                |   716 +-
 plugins/search/searchenginelist.h                  |   147 +-
 plugins/search/searchplugin.cpp                    |   174 +-
 plugins/search/searchplugin.h                      |    58 +-
 plugins/search/searchpref.ui                       |    13 +-
 plugins/search/searchprefpage.cpp                  |   358 +-
 plugins/search/searchprefpage.h                    |    80 +-
 plugins/search/searchtoolbar.cpp                   |   297 +-
 plugins/search/searchtoolbar.h                     |    84 +-
 plugins/search/searchwidget.cpp                    |   455 +-
 plugins/search/searchwidget.h                      |   127 +-
 plugins/search/webview.cpp                         |   364 +-
 plugins/search/webview.h                           |   156 +-
 plugins/shutdown/CMakeLists.txt                    |    60 +-
 ...ownplugin.desktop => ktorrent_shutdown.desktop} |    15 +-
 ...tshutdownpluginui.rc => ktorrent_shutdownui.rc} |     0
 plugins/shutdown/shutdowndlg.cpp                   |   323 +-
 plugins/shutdown/shutdowndlg.h                     |    52 +-
 plugins/shutdown/shutdowndlg.ui                    |    18 +-
 plugins/shutdown/shutdownplugin.cpp                |   304 +-
 plugins/shutdown/shutdownplugin.h                  |    62 +-
 plugins/shutdown/shutdownruleset.cpp               |   696 +-
 plugins/shutdown/shutdownruleset.h                 |   228 +-
 plugins/shutdown/shutdowntorrentmodel.cpp          |   486 +-
 plugins/shutdown/shutdowntorrentmodel.h            |   126 +-
 plugins/stats/CMakeLists.txt                       |    15 +-
 plugins/stats/Conns.ui                             |    12 +-
 plugins/stats/ConnsTabPage.cc                      |   498 +-
 plugins/stats/ConnsTabPage.h                       |   108 +-
 plugins/stats/DisplaySettings.ui                   |    62 +-
 plugins/stats/DisplaySettingsPage.cc               |    16 +-
 plugins/stats/DisplaySettingsPage.h                |    18 +-
 plugins/stats/PluginPage.cc                        |    12 +-
 plugins/stats/PluginPage.h                         |    74 +-
 plugins/stats/Settings.ui                          |   116 +-
 plugins/stats/SettingsPage.cc                      |    38 +-
 plugins/stats/SettingsPage.h                       |    55 +-
 plugins/stats/Spd.ui                               |    18 +-
 plugins/stats/SpdTabPage.cc                        |   410 +-
 plugins/stats/SpdTabPage.h                         |   108 +-
 plugins/stats/StatsPlugin.cc                       |   175 +-
 plugins/stats/StatsPlugin.h                        |    81 +-
 plugins/stats/drawer/ChartDrawer.cc                |    69 +-
 plugins/stats/drawer/ChartDrawer.h                 |   350 +-
 plugins/stats/drawer/ChartDrawerData.cc            |   186 +-
 plugins/stats/drawer/ChartDrawerData.h             |   224 +-
 plugins/stats/drawer/KPlotWgtDrawer.cc             |   772 +-
 plugins/stats/drawer/KPlotWgtDrawer.h              |   152 +-
 plugins/stats/drawer/PlainChartDrawer.cc           |   973 +-
 plugins/stats/drawer/PlainChartDrawer.h            |   220 +-
 ...tstatsplugin.desktop => ktorrent_stats.desktop} |    15 +-
 plugins/stats/ktstatsplugin.kcfg                   |     2 +-
 plugins/syndication/CMakeLists.txt                 |    12 +-
 plugins/syndication/feed.cpp                       |   933 +-
 plugins/syndication/feed.h                         |   303 +-
 plugins/syndication/feedlist.cpp                   |   494 +-
 plugins/syndication/feedlist.h                     |    72 +-
 plugins/syndication/feedlistdelegate.cpp           |    74 +-
 plugins/syndication/feedlistdelegate.h             |    26 +-
 plugins/syndication/feedlistview.cpp               |    63 +-
 plugins/syndication/feedlistview.h                 |    54 +-
 plugins/syndication/feedretriever.cpp              |   116 +-
 plugins/syndication/feedretriever.h                |    64 +-
 plugins/syndication/feedwidget.cpp                 |   334 +-
 plugins/syndication/feedwidget.h                   |    78 +-
 plugins/syndication/feedwidget.ui                  |   329 +-
 plugins/syndication/feedwidgetmodel.cpp            |   294 +-
 plugins/syndication/feedwidgetmodel.h              |    64 +-
 plugins/syndication/filter.cpp                     |   880 +-
 plugins/syndication/filter.h                       |   448 +-
 plugins/syndication/filtereditor.cpp               |   463 +-
 plugins/syndication/filtereditor.h                 |    90 +-
 plugins/syndication/filterlist.cpp                 |   154 +-
 plugins/syndication/filterlist.h                   |    28 +-
 plugins/syndication/filterlistmodel.cpp            |   222 +-
 plugins/syndication/filterlistmodel.h              |    56 +-
 plugins/syndication/filterlistview.cpp             |    58 +-
 plugins/syndication/filterlistview.h               |    54 +-
 plugins/syndication/icons/CMakeLists.txt           |     2 +-
 plugins/syndication/ktsyndicationplugin.desktop    |     9 +-
 plugins/syndication/linkdownloader.cpp             |   414 +-
 plugins/syndication/linkdownloader.h               |    78 +-
 plugins/syndication/managefiltersdlg.cpp           |   302 +-
 plugins/syndication/managefiltersdlg.h             |    62 +-
 plugins/syndication/syndicationactivity.cpp        |   585 +-
 plugins/syndication/syndicationactivity.h          |    90 +-
 plugins/syndication/syndicationplugin.cpp          |   163 +-
 plugins/syndication/syndicationplugin.h            |    63 +-
 plugins/syndication/syndicationtab.cpp             |   176 +-
 plugins/syndication/syndicationtab.h               |    68 +-
 plugins/upnp/CMakeLists.txt                        |    17 +-
 ...{ktupnpplugin.desktop => ktorrent_upnp.desktop} |     7 +-
 plugins/upnp/ktupnpplugin.kcfg                     |     2 +-
 plugins/upnp/routermodel.cpp                       |   348 +-
 plugins/upnp/routermodel.h                         |    84 +-
 plugins/upnp/upnpplugin.cpp                        |   101 +-
 plugins/upnp/upnpplugin.h                          |    38 +-
 plugins/upnp/upnpwidget.cpp                        |   289 +-
 plugins/upnp/upnpwidget.h                          |    76 +-
 plugins/webinterface/CMakeLists.txt                |     8 +-
 plugins/webinterface/actionhandler.cpp             |   588 +-
 plugins/webinterface/actionhandler.h               |    42 +-
 plugins/webinterface/challengegenerator.cpp        |    62 +-
 plugins/webinterface/challengegenerator.h          |    22 +-
 plugins/webinterface/globaldatagenerator.cpp       |    80 +-
 plugins/webinterface/globaldatagenerator.h         |    40 +-
 plugins/webinterface/httpclienthandler.cpp         |   526 +-
 plugins/webinterface/httpclienthandler.h           |    98 +-
 plugins/webinterface/httpresponseheader.cpp        |   108 +-
 plugins/webinterface/httpresponseheader.h          |    42 +-
 plugins/webinterface/httpserver.cpp                |  1106 +-
 plugins/webinterface/httpserver.h                  |   192 +-
 plugins/webinterface/iconhandler.cpp               |    60 +-
 plugins/webinterface/iconhandler.h                 |    22 +-
 plugins/webinterface/ktwebinterfaceplugin.desktop  |    21 +-
 plugins/webinterface/loginhandler.cpp              |    88 +-
 plugins/webinterface/loginhandler.h                |    29 +-
 plugins/webinterface/logouthandler.cpp             |    46 +-
 plugins/webinterface/logouthandler.h               |    28 +-
 plugins/webinterface/settingsgenerator.cpp         |   138 +-
 plugins/webinterface/settingsgenerator.h           |    32 +-
 plugins/webinterface/torrentfilesgenerator.cpp     |   154 +-
 plugins/webinterface/torrentfilesgenerator.h       |    44 +-
 plugins/webinterface/torrentlistgenerator.cpp      |   122 +-
 plugins/webinterface/torrentlistgenerator.h        |    40 +-
 plugins/webinterface/torrentposthandler.cpp        |   140 +-
 plugins/webinterface/torrentposthandler.h          |    32 +-
 plugins/webinterface/webcontentgenerator.cpp       |    18 +-
 plugins/webinterface/webcontentgenerator.h         |    94 +-
 plugins/webinterface/webinterfaceplugin.cpp        |   214 +-
 plugins/webinterface/webinterfaceplugin.h          |    90 +-
 plugins/webinterface/webinterfaceprefwidget.cpp    |    68 +-
 plugins/webinterface/webinterfaceprefwidget.h      |    60 +-
 plugins/webinterface/webinterfaceprefwidget.ui     |     6 -
 plugins/webinterface/www/common/action.js          |     3 +-
 plugins/zeroconf/CMakeLists.txt                    |    13 +-
 ...onfplugin.desktop => ktorrent_zeroconf.desktop} |    11 +-
 plugins/zeroconf/torrentservice.cpp                |   182 +-
 plugins/zeroconf/torrentservice.h                  |    58 +-
 plugins/zeroconf/zeroconfplugin.cpp                |   203 +-
 plugins/zeroconf/zeroconfplugin.h                  |    76 +-
 po/CMakeLists.txt                                  |    58 -
 po/ar/CMakeLists.txt                               |     2 -
 po/ar/ktorrent.po                                  |  6099 +++++------
 po/ast/CMakeLists.txt                              |     2 -
 po/ast/ktorrent.po                                 |  3547 ++++---
 po/be/CMakeLists.txt                               |     2 -
 po/be/ktorrent.po                                  |  2863 +++---
 po/bg/CMakeLists.txt                               |     2 -
 po/bg/ktorrent.po                                  |  3340 +++---
 po/bs/CMakeLists.txt                               |     2 -
 po/bs/ktorrent.po                                  |  2541 ++---
 po/ca/CMakeLists.txt                               |     2 -
 po/ca/ktorrent.po                                  |  4592 +++------
 po/ca at valencia/CMakeLists.txt                      |     2 -
 po/ca at valencia/ktorrent.po                         |  5164 +++-------
 po/cs/CMakeLists.txt                               |     2 -
 po/cs/ktorrent.po                                  |  2281 ++---
 po/da/CMakeLists.txt                               |     2 -
 po/da/ktorrent.po                                  |  2997 +++---
 po/de/CMakeLists.txt                               |     2 -
 po/de/ktorrent.po                                  |  3094 +++---
 po/el/CMakeLists.txt                               |     2 -
 po/el/ktorrent.po                                  |  3227 +++---
 po/en_GB/CMakeLists.txt                            |     2 -
 po/en_GB/ktorrent.po                               |  4237 ++++----
 po/eo/CMakeLists.txt                               |     2 -
 po/eo/ktorrent.po                                  |  4285 +++++---
 po/es/CMakeLists.txt                               |     2 -
 po/es/ktorrent.po                                  |  4450 +++-----
 po/et/CMakeLists.txt                               |     2 -
 po/et/ktorrent.po                                  |  3067 +++---
 po/eu/CMakeLists.txt                               |     2 -
 po/eu/ktorrent.po                                  |  5228 +++++-----
 po/fi/CMakeLists.txt                               |     2 -
 po/fi/ktorrent.po                                  |  4000 +++-----
 po/fr/CMakeLists.txt                               |     2 -
 po/fr/ktorrent.po                                  |  3255 +++---
 po/ga/CMakeLists.txt                               |     2 -
 po/ga/ktorrent.po                                  |  2847 +++---
 po/gl/CMakeLists.txt                               |     2 -
 po/gl/ktorrent.po                                  |  2726 ++---
 po/hi/CMakeLists.txt                               |     2 -
 po/hi/ktorrent.po                                  |  2942 +++---
 po/hne/CMakeLists.txt                              |     2 -
 po/hne/ktorrent.po                                 |  2882 +++---
 po/hr/CMakeLists.txt                               |     2 -
 po/hr/ktorrent.po                                  | 10153 ++++++++-----------
 po/hu/CMakeLists.txt                               |     2 -
 po/hu/ktorrent.po                                  |  2992 +++---
 po/is/CMakeLists.txt                               |     2 -
 po/is/ktorrent.po                                  |  3589 ++++---
 po/it/CMakeLists.txt                               |     2 -
 po/it/ktorrent.po                                  |  5331 +++-------
 po/ja/CMakeLists.txt                               |     2 -
 po/ja/ktorrent.po                                  |  3447 +++----
 po/{pt => kk}/ktorrent.po                          |  5537 +++++-----
 po/km/CMakeLists.txt                               |     2 -
 po/km/ktorrent.po                                  |  5309 ++++------
 po/{sk => ko}/ktorrent.po                          |  5242 +++++-----
 po/ku/CMakeLists.txt                               |     2 -
 po/ku/ktorrent.po                                  |  2646 ++---
 po/lt/CMakeLists.txt                               |     2 -
 po/lt/ktorrent.po                                  |  2608 ++---
 po/lv/CMakeLists.txt                               |     2 -
 po/lv/ktorrent.po                                  |  3656 ++++---
 po/mai/CMakeLists.txt                              |     2 -
 po/{mai => mr}/ktorrent.po                         |  3117 +++---
 po/ms/CMakeLists.txt                               |     2 -
 po/ms/ktorrent.po                                  |  2881 +++---
 po/nb/CMakeLists.txt                               |     2 -
 po/nb/ktorrent.po                                  |  2368 +++--
 po/nds/CMakeLists.txt                              |     2 -
 po/nds/ktorrent.po                                 |  3691 +++----
 po/nl/CMakeLists.txt                               |     2 -
 po/nl/ktorrent.po                                  |  3304 +++---
 po/nn/CMakeLists.txt                               |     2 -
 po/nn/ktorrent.po                                  |  2320 +++--
 po/oc/CMakeLists.txt                               |     2 -
 po/oc/ktorrent.po                                  |  2937 +++---
 po/pl/CMakeLists.txt                               |     2 -
 po/pl/ktorrent.po                                  |  3620 ++++---
 po/pt/CMakeLists.txt                               |     2 -
 po/pt/ktorrent.po                                  |  2259 ++---
 po/pt_BR/CMakeLists.txt                            |     2 -
 po/pt_BR/ktorrent.po                               |  3996 +++-----
 po/ro/CMakeLists.txt                               |     2 -
 po/ro/ktorrent.po                                  |  3707 ++++---
 po/ru/CMakeLists.txt                               |     2 -
 po/ru/ktorrent.po                                  |  5125 +++-------
 po/se/CMakeLists.txt                               |     2 -
 po/se/ktorrent.po                                  |  2177 ++--
 po/si/CMakeLists.txt                               |     2 -
 po/si/ktorrent.po                                  |  3032 +++---
 po/sk/CMakeLists.txt                               |     2 -
 po/sk/ktorrent.po                                  |  2279 ++---
 po/sl/CMakeLists.txt                               |     2 -
 po/sl/ktorrent.po                                  |  5607 +++-------
 po/sq/CMakeLists.txt                               |     2 -
 po/sq/ktorrent.po                                  |  3358 +++---
 po/sr/CMakeLists.txt                               |     2 -
 po/sr/ktorrent.po                                  |  2381 +++--
 po/sr at ijekavian/CMakeLists.txt                     |     2 -
 po/sr at ijekavian/ktorrent.po                        |  2437 +++--
 po/sr at ijekavianlatin/CMakeLists.txt                |     2 -
 po/sr at ijekavianlatin/ktorrent.po                   |  2447 +++--
 po/sr at latin/CMakeLists.txt                         |     2 -
 po/sr at latin/ktorrent.po                            |  2391 +++--
 po/sv/CMakeLists.txt                               |     2 -
 po/sv/ktorrent.po                                  |  2526 ++---
 po/tr/CMakeLists.txt                               |     2 -
 po/tr/ktorrent.po                                  |  5224 +++-------
 po/ug/CMakeLists.txt                               |     2 -
 po/ug/ktorrent.po                                  |  2270 ++---
 po/uk/CMakeLists.txt                               |     2 -
 po/uk/ktorrent.po                                  |  3414 ++++---
 po/zh_CN/CMakeLists.txt                            |     2 -
 po/zh_CN/ktorrent.po                               |  3128 +++---
 po/zh_TW/CMakeLists.txt                            |     2 -
 po/zh_TW/ktorrent.po                               |  3151 +++---
 850 files changed, 155969 insertions(+), 167787 deletions(-)

KTorrent Debian packaging.

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