[Pkg-kde-trunk] [unreleased] amarok_1.86-0r2_multi.changes ACCEPTED

Modestas Vainius modax-guest at alioth.debian.org
Tue Jul 22 13:28:10 UTC 2008

Hash: SHA1

Format: 1.8
Date: Tue, 22 Jul 2008 15:18:54 +0300
Source: amarok
Binary: amarok amarok-common amarok-dbg
Architecture: all amd64 i386 source 
Version: 1.86-0r2
Distribution: UNRELEASED
Urgency: low
Maintainer: Modestas Vainius <modestas at vainius.eu>
Changed-By: Modestas Vainius <modestas at vainius.eu>
Closes: 367910 390412 406937 416783 420057 421810 439795 453151 458210 481834
 amarok-common - architecture independent files for Amarok
 amarok-dbg - debugging symbols for Amarok
 amarok     - easy to use media player based on the KDE 4 technology platform
 amarok (1.86-0r2) UNRELEASED; urgency=low
   * New upstream development release (2.0 Alpha 2) (Closes: #481834):
     - Improved & rewriten Last.fm support (Closes: #367910, #390412, #421810),
       (Closes: #439795). If closed bugs still apply, please reopen.
     - There is no counter anymore (Closes: #406937).
     - "Manage Devices and Plugins" popup no longer exists (Closes: #420057).
     - "setBpm" DBus call is not available. The bug is no longer applicable
       (Closes: #458210).
     - Playlist code was rewritten (Closes: #416783).
     - Wikipedia information is reloaded when another song is played
       (Closes: #453151).
   * TODO: copyright update.
     - Serious: looks like GPL code links with OpenSSL.
   * Remove patches:
     - 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 97 - no longer applicable as amarok 2 uses cmake
       instead of autotools.
     - 11_bug403340_cancel_rename_when_deleting_items.diff - playlist code was
     - 12_devicemanager_dcopcall_no_timeout.diff - no longer applicable as DCOP
       has been replaced by DBus.
     - 13_lastfm_crash_434835.diff - Last.fm support was completely rewritten.
     - 14_ruby_libs_not_scripts.diff - no longer applicable.
   * Disable patches (needs evaluation and/or porting if still applicable):
     - 10_queuemedia.patch
     - 15_temptables_more_indices.diff
   * Switch away from cdbs to debhelper v7:
     - Port important stuff from pkg-kde KDE4 cdbs/kde.mk to my dh/kde.mk
     - Appropriate changes to debian/rules.
   * Bump Standards-Version to 3.8.0:
     - add README.source and build-depend on quilt (>= 0.46-4.1) to ensure
       presence of /usr/share/doc/quilt/README.source in the quilt package.
   * Drop Vcs fields for now. amarok 2 packaging is not under any Vcs yet.
   * Drop amarok-engine* packages amarok 2 Alpha 1 supports only one engine
     (Phonon) currently. Also:
     - Drop individual engines from amarok Depends.
     - Drop Conflicts with amarok-engine. No longer applicable.
     - Do not suggest non-existant amarok-engines metapackage.
   * Drop amarok-konqsidebar package as it is not present in this release. Also
     drop it from amarok Recommends.
   * Drop moodbar from amarok Suggests. Not supported in this release.
   * Update amarok and amarok-common install files.
   * Use (=) relationship for amarok depends on amarok-common.
   * Remove Last.fm, Ruby and KDE socket notes from README.Debian. They are no
     longer applicable.
   * Update watch file to track unstable amarok 2 releases (until amarok 2
     final is released).
   * Make amarok-common depend on libplasma2 for the animator and a few plasma
     servicetypes (in kdebase-workspace-data).
   * Cleanup amarok-common suggests too. I do not see any python scripts being
   * Update amarok.1 manpage, add amarokmp3tunesharmonydaemon.1 manpage.
   * Update lintian-overrides.
   * Add presubj to discourage users from reporting upstream bugs to Debian BTS
     until Amarok 2 is not stable.
 427d8e1f9939063a2a6f8ad62d136525c71a7623 32613476 amarok-dbg_1.86-0r2_amd64.deb
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 55b266c0f66c0379251ae8f5148167df47a4d156 3627308 amarok_1.86-0r2_amd64.deb
 80b3761dbf01128c709c079ec634ab3aba992849 1132550 amarok-common_1.86-0r2_all.deb
 819f0e33ee286bff45301f24071f6da5ab3c4830 4032923 amarok_1.86.orig.tar.gz
 9ac42cbe9ad65ec7d5aab60d13be73865f9356da 32247930 amarok-dbg_1.86-0r2_i386.deb
 a9b210f0bd01452aaf737b21136bc05701b25edc 3383922 amarok_1.86-0r2_i386.deb
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 574037458bf8f5d844800e92948f2df85e6a8a44c4e325083bc5b3ac005f80a7 33329 amarok_1.86-0r2.diff.gz
 673c96c32085af048f308f900ea02e12f04b977352e2d2a0a9db17399c543f27 3383922 amarok_1.86-0r2_i386.deb
 874792e3ef6f08a1987077a44a4270ee09f976623f748b72eccbba2d54514c16 32247930 amarok-dbg_1.86-0r2_i386.deb
 8f9cd5a5d5dac077e622dd1fd6c72ccd78bda99576edc1a2add18a2baacc6243 32613476 amarok-dbg_1.86-0r2_amd64.deb
 fe148a0a996f6db0fb3693cb0a387efbd7fb9e99ffb90d99d11780b19d7019b7 1420 amarok_1.86-0r2.dsc
 beef2515da141f29cbc2b0280057ef348babbe8595ce978083b4560a2181f2f0 3627308 amarok_1.86-0r2_amd64.deb
 c85d288c3af17c27f40a31e029590645fce9263991a6bc201c93bcb0f18bb56f 4032923 amarok_1.86.orig.tar.gz
 3ce2726aa7496cabe3273cf702ad0277 4032923 kde optional amarok_1.86.orig.tar.gz
 5275a55ecd6ae37051f6ee7b6e2e8ee8 3383922 kde optional amarok_1.86-0r2_i386.deb
 542a329d741a6e988d2677f6baf3fff3 3627308 kde optional amarok_1.86-0r2_amd64.deb
 77a3e2154c0aec7e1a8993e6c4180732 32247930 kde extra amarok-dbg_1.86-0r2_i386.deb
 791c13eb7a9e09739be09e23a6ce1195 33329 kde optional amarok_1.86-0r2.diff.gz
 8c6c9757fbe944b5cc9c90e9a5ae6c74 1132550 kde optional amarok-common_1.86-0r2_all.deb
 d0147bda2687a39bf9f39494b7b25787 32613476 kde extra amarok-dbg_1.86-0r2_amd64.deb
 c9ac764ae8a8a1a7381621825c64a50c 1420 kde optional amarok_1.86-0r2.dsc

Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)


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