[Pkg-kde-trunk] [exp] kde4libs_4.5.0-0r1_source.changes ACCEPTED
George Kiagiadakis
gkiagia-guest at alioth.debian.org
Fri Jul 30 12:15:39 UTC 2010
Format: 1.8
Date: Tue, 27 Jul 2010 20:01:26 +0300
Source: kde4libs
Binary: libkdecore5 libkdeui5 libkpty4 libkdesu5 libkjsapi4 libkjsembed4 libkio5 libkntlm4 libsolid4 libkde3support4 libkfile4 libknewstuff2-4 libknewstuff3-4 libkparts4 libkutils4 libthreadweaver4 libkhtml5 libkimproxy4 libkmediaplayer4 libktexteditor4 libknotifyconfig4 libkdnssd4 libkrosscore4 libkrossui4 libnepomuk4 libnepomukquery4a libplasma3 libkunitconversion4 libkdewebkit5 libkatepartinterfaces4 libkcmutils4 libkemoticons4 libkidletime4 libkprintutils4 kdelibs-bin kdelibs5-plugins kdelibs5-data kdoctools kdelibs5-dev kdelibs5 kdelibs5-dbg
Architecture: source
Version: 4:4.5.0-0r1
Distribution: UNRELEASED
Urgency: low
Maintainer: Debian Qt/KDE Maintainers <debian-qt-kde at lists.debian.org>
Changed-By: Debian Qt/KDE Maintainers <debian-qt-kde at lists.debian.org>
kdelibs-bin - core executables for KDE Applications
kdelibs5 - transitional package for the KDE Development Platform libraries
kdelibs5-data - core shared data for all KDE Applications
kdelibs5-dbg - debugging symbols for the KDE Development Platform libraries
kdelibs5-dev - development files for the KDE Development Platform libraries
kdelibs5-plugins - core plugins for KDE Applications
kdoctools - various tools for accessing application documentation
libkatepartinterfaces4 - WRITEME
libkcmutils4 - WRITEME
libkde3support4 - the KDE 3 Support Library for the KDE 4 Platform
libkdecore5 - the KDE Platform Core Library
libkdesu5 - the Console-mode Authentication Library for the KDE Platform
libkdeui5 - the KDE Platform User Interface Library
libkdewebkit5 - the KDE WebKit Library
libkdnssd4 - the DNS-SD Protocol Library for the KDE Platform
libkemoticons4 - WRITEME
libkfile4 - the File Selection Dialog Library for KDE Platform
libkhtml5 - the KHTML Web Content Rendering Engine
libkidletime4 - WRITEME
libkimproxy4 - the Instant Messaging Interface Library for the KDE Platform
libkio5 - the Network-enabled File Management Library for the KDE Platform
libkjsapi4 - the KJS API Library for the KDE Development Platform
libkjsembed4 - library for binding JavaScript objects to QObjects
libkmediaplayer4 - the KMediaPlayer Interface for the KDE Platform
libknewstuff2-4 - the "Get Hot New Stuff" v2 Library for the KDE Platform
libknewstuff3-4 - the "Get Hot New Stuff" v3 Library for the KDE Platform
libknotifyconfig4 - library for configuring KDE Notifications
libkntlm4 - the NTLM Authentication Library for the KDE Platform
libkparts4 - the Framework for the KDE Platform Graphical Components
libkprintutils4 - WRITEME
libkpty4 - the Pseudo Terminal Library for the KDE Platform
libkrosscore4 - the Kross Core Library
libkrossui4 - the Kross UI Library
libktexteditor4 - the KTextEditor interfaces for the KDE Platform
libkunitconversion4 - the Unit Conversion library for the KDE Platform
libkutils4 - various utility classes for the KDE Platform
libnepomuk4 - the Nepomuk Meta Data Library
libnepomukquery4a - the Nepomuk Query Library for the KDE Platform
libplasma3 - the Plasma Library for the KDE Platform
libsolid4 - Solid Library for KDE Platform
libthreadweaver4 - the ThreadWeaver Library for the KDE Platform
kde4libs (4:4.5.0-0r1) UNRELEASED; urgency=low
* New upstream release.
[ Modestas Vainius ]
* Point debian/control Vcs fields to the new Git repository.
[ George Kiagiadakis ]
* Change my email address in uploaders.
* Bump required cmake version to 2.6.4.
* Bump required soprano version to 2.4.63.
* Add build dependencies on libdbusmenu-qt-dev, docbook-xml, docbook-xsl.
* Update installed files.
* Add packages for the new libararies: libkatepartinterfaces4,
libkcmutils4, libkidletime4, libkemoticons4, libkprintutils4.
* Update symbol files.
* Add symbol files for the new libraries.
* Remove libkutils4.symbols as kutils is now a dummy
transitional library with no symbols.
* Refresh patches.
* Add patch 01_link_to_pthreads_typo.diff to fix a typo
in kdecore/CMakeLists.txt.
30a75d562bca474fa54869cbfc7bdfe59b673e8c 2673 kde4libs_4.5.0-0r1.dsc
46317e073f7c7c4a960cc2a72b60359c9ff94573 13857427 kde4libs_4.5.0.orig.tar.bz2
222d950794fda3719647765bc5623fbddb8c4ea1 330147 kde4libs_4.5.0-0r1.debian.tar.gz
7b3347189d8ba44e649e7367fb636ef2a763c7008122e08a77068f0c79b3b526 2673 kde4libs_4.5.0-0r1.dsc
e3b92841bba3842c02c903cf1f68892a6b64184ab30c49281de6fce91cf92a92 13857427 kde4libs_4.5.0.orig.tar.bz2
d92f7b641ebc077658f5537c50214b5d2823d318f4743e2c7d981b354a182e80 330147 kde4libs_4.5.0-0r1.debian.tar.gz
5f82735e5d054fe8cceebfc06b13aa5b 2673 libs optional kde4libs_4.5.0-0r1.dsc
9c4b1bc5114c4960a49549aa484e7c27 13857427 libs optional kde4libs_4.5.0.orig.tar.bz2
5e6c61c91d7fd734a7a85312151cca5f 330147 libs optional kde4libs_4.5.0-0r1.debian.tar.gz
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