[Pkg-kde-trunk] [exp-snapshots] kdepim_4.4.1-0rc3_source.changes ACCEPTED

Modestas Vainius modax at alioth.debian.org
Sun Mar 7 13:42:37 UTC 2010

Format: 1.8
Date: Thu, 04 Mar 2010 12:39:18 +0200
Source: kdepim
Binary: kdepim kdepim-dbg akregator kaddressbook kalarm kdepim-kresources kdepim-groupware kdepim-wizards kleopatra kmail knode knotes konsolekalendar kontact korganizer ktimetracker libkdepim4 libkleo4 libkpgp4 libksieve4 libmimelib4 libmessagecore4 libmessagelist4 libmessageviewer0 kdepim-strigi-plugins kjots blogilo akonadiconsole
Architecture: source
Version: 4:4.4.1-0rc3
Distribution: kdetrunk-experimental-snapshots
Urgency: low
Maintainer: Debian Qt/KDE Maintainers <debian-qt-kde at lists.debian.org>
Changed-By: Debian Qt/KDE Maintainers <debian-qt-kde at lists.debian.org>
 akonadiconsole - the Management and Debugging Console for Akonadi
 akregator  - RSS/Atom feed aggregator for KDE
 blogilo    - blogging client based on the KDE Platform
 kaddressbook - KDE address book
 kalarm     - KDE alarm message, command and email scheduler
 kdepim     - Personal Information Management apps from the official KDE releas
 kdepim-dbg - debugging symbols for kdepim
 kdepim-groupware - KDE PIM Groupware plugins
 kdepim-kresources - KDE PIM resource plugins
 kdepim-strigi-plugins - PIM file format plugins for Strigi Desktop Search
 kdepim-wizards - KDE server configuration wizards
 kjots      - note-taking utility for KDE 4
 kleopatra  - KDE Certificate Manager
 kmail      - KDE Email client
 knode      - KDE news reader
 knotes     - KDE sticky notes
 konsolekalendar - KDE konsole personal organizer
 kontact    - KDE pim application
 korganizer - KDE personal organizer
 ktimetracker - KDE time tracker tool
 libkdepim4 - KDE PIM library
 libkleo4   - certificate based crypto library for KDE
 libkpgp4   - gpg based crypto library for KDE
 libksieve4 - KDE mail/news message filtering library
 libmessagecore4 - message core library for KDE
 libmessagelist4 - message list library for KDE
 libmessageviewer0 - message viewer library for KDE
 libmimelib4 - KDE MIME library
Closes: 186164 308311 327447 454137 459831 505153 514612 532696 535324 535689 541722 567159 571651
 kdepim (4:4.4.1-0rc3) UNRELEASED; urgency=low
   * New upstream release:
     - KMail no longer corrupts single attachment of multipart emails generated
       by MS Outlook or Outlook Express. (Closes: #505153)
     - KAddressBook requires Akonadi. (Closes: #535324)
     - KMail no longer blocks on GPG operations. (Closes: #186164)
     - Events can now be moved between calendars in KOrganizer.
       (Closes: #308311)
     - As-you-type spell checking can now be disabled in KNode.
       (Closes: #327447)
     - Akregator now renders first line break correctly. (Closes: #454137)
     - Improved handling of (malformed) multi-line headers in KMail.
       (Closes: #459831)
     - KMail uses current locale settings for group header in aggregation.
       (Closes: #532696)
     - Custom fonts work again in KMail message list. (Closes: #541722)
     - KTimeTracker's documentation does not refer to unexisting commands.
       (Closes: #535689)
   [ Pino Toscano ]
   * "mime" -> "MIME" in libmimelib4 descriptions. (Closes: #567159)
   * kalarm does no more need to suggest kmix. Thanks David Jarvie for the
     heads up! (Closes: #514612)
   [ Modestas Vainius ]
   * Add cmake to Build-Depends.
   * Add kde-sc-dev-latest (>= 4:4.4.1) to Build-Depends.
   * Bump Standards-Version to 3.8.4: no changes needed.
   * Bump KDE build dependencies to 4:4.4.
   * Bump libphonon-dev build dependency to 4:
   * Bump pkg-kde-tools build dependency to 0.6.4.
   * Drop libknotificationitem-1-dev from Build-Depends: no longer needed.
   * Bump akonadi build dependency to 1.3.0.
   * Drop 01_slot_fix.diff patch, taken from upstream.
   * Add DEP-3 headers to the 30_debianize_akregator_default.diff patch.
   * Add shared-desktop-ontologies to Build-Depends.
   * Introduce package for blogilo (Closes: #571651).
   * Drop libkabcommon4 package, removed upstream.
   * Drop libkontactinterfaces4 package, moved to kdepimlibs.
   * Drop kpilot package, removed upstream.
   * Add new binary packages:
     - blogilo - blogging client based on the KDE Platform;
     - akonadiconsole - the Management and Debugging Console for Akonadi;
     - libmessagecore4 - message core library;
     - libmessagelist4 - message list library;
     - libmessageviewer0 - message viewer library.
   * Add usr/lib/libakonadi{-kcal}_next.so.4.4.0 to libkdepim4.
   * Add akonadi_nepomuk_email_feeder to kmail package.
   * Add ${misc:Depends} to all packages.
   * Update other install files.
   * Fix up dependencies of the kdepim-dbg package.
   * Use library-packages.mk from pkg-kde-tools and generate strict local shlibs
     for libraries (there are no external ones anyway).
   * Add lintian overrides.
   * Remove akonadi-server and kdepim-runtime from Depends of kaddressbook and
     korganizer. They are injected via shlibs now.
   * Add ${perl:Depends} to kalarm and kdepim-groupware Depends.
   * Kill empty libmaildir4 package.
   [ George Kiagiadakis ]
   * libkdepim4 replaces kdepim-runtime (<< 4:4.4.0) due to moved
   [ Xavier Vello ]
   * Remove kpilot from the kdepim deps
 adc616a445a5ef53f959fbaee402b1929fcfa75d 2058 kdepim_4.4.1-0rc3.dsc
 9bed6046b638cb2e4ae8368c303956a51c9f265e 25822 kdepim_4.4.1-0rc3.diff.gz
 3e1ed326f5737eef5e3e01f4b716da3d7a1b1ab6818eceff467ebf89d6fc70e4 2058 kdepim_4.4.1-0rc3.dsc
 ce49ded3ef03e8a3b0f7f065ceffa42dd4262d2baf4fa385c047714e30328847 25822 kdepim_4.4.1-0rc3.diff.gz
 52efe318af20d26a3d58b5aede904395 2058 kde optional kdepim_4.4.1-0rc3.dsc
 36b0092763c0ccee6419673b588d95fb 25822 kde optional kdepim_4.4.1-0rc3.diff.gz

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