[Pkg-kde-trunk] [exp] kdegames_4.4.2-0rc2_source.changes ACCEPTED

Modestas Vainius modax at alioth.debian.org
Sat Mar 27 15:12:05 UTC 2010

Format: 1.8
Date: Sat, 27 Mar 2010 16:08:13 +0200
Source: kdegames
Binary: kdegames libkdegames5 kdegames-dbg libkdegames-dev kdegames-card-data kdegames-mahjongg-data bomber bovo kapman katomic kbattleship kblackbox kbounce kdiamond kgoldrunner killbots kiriki kjumpingcube klines kmahjongg kmines knetwalk kolf kollision konquest kpat kreversi ksame kshisen kspaceduel ksquares ksudoku ktuberling kfourinline kubrick kblocks lskat kbreakout ksirk ktron palapeli palapeli-data granatier kigo
Architecture: source
Version: 4:4.4.2-0rc2
Distribution: kdetrunk-experimental
Urgency: low
Maintainer: Debian Qt/KDE Maintainers <debian-qt-kde at lists.debian.org>
Changed-By: Debian Qt/KDE Maintainers <debian-qt-kde at lists.debian.org>
 bomber     - arcade spaceship game for KDE
 bovo       - gomoku board game for KDE
 granatier  - Bomberman clone
 kapman     - Pac-Man clone for KDE
 katomic    - atomix puzzle game for KDE
 kbattleship - battleship board game for KDE
 kblackbox  - Black Box puzzle game for KDE
 kblocks    - a falling blocks game for KDE
 kbounce    - Jezzball arcade game for KDE
 kbreakout  - Breakout arcade game for KDE
 kdegames   - games from the official KDE release
 kdegames-card-data - card decks for KDE games
 kdegames-dbg - debugging symbols for the KDE games module
 kdegames-mahjongg-data - tilesets and backgrounds for Mahjongg games
 kdiamond   - three-in-a-row game for KDE
 kfourinline - Connect Four game for KDE
 kgoldrunner - Lode Runner arcade game for KDE
 kigo       - Open-source implementation of the popular Go game
 killbots   - port of the classic BSD console game robots for KDE
 kiriki     - Yahtzee dice game for KDE
 kjumpingcube - simple tactical game for KDE
 klines     - color lines game for KDE
 kmahjongg  - Mahjongg solitaire game for KDE
 kmines     - minesweeper game for KDE
 knetwalk   - wire puzzle game for KDE
 kolf       - miniature golf game for KDE
 kollision  - simple ball dodging game for KDE
 konquest   - simple turn-based strategy game for KDE
 kpat       - solitaire card games for KDE
 kreversi   - reversi board game for KDE
 ksame      - SameGame puzzle game for KDE
 kshisen    - Shisen-Sho solitaire game for KDE
 ksirk      - Risk strategy game for KDE
 kspaceduel - SpaceWar! arcade game for KDE
 ksquares   - Dots and Boxes game for KDE
 ksudoku    - Sudoku puzzle game and solver for KDE
 ktron      - Tron-like game for KDE
 ktuberling - stamp drawing toy for KDE
 kubrick    - game based on Rubik's Cube for KDE
 libkdegames-dev - development files for the KDE games module
 libkdegames5 - libraries and common files for KDE games
 lskat      - Lieutnant Skat card game for KDE
 palapeli   - puzzle game for KDE4
 palapeli-data - puzzle game for KDE4 - data files
Closes: 506339 562730
 kdegames (4:4.4.2-0rc2) UNRELEASED; urgency=low
   * New upstream release:
     - makes KSudoku able to solve puzzles again. (Closes: #506339)
     - Bovo now installs its icons in the hicolor theme. (Closes: #562730)
   [ Modestas Vainius ]
   * Add myself as uploader.
   * Fix Vcs-Browser URL.
   * Add cmake to Build-Depends.
   * Add kde-sc-dev-latest (>= 4:4.4.2) to Build-Depends.
   * Bump Standards-Version to 3.8.4: no changes needed.
   * Bump pkg-kde-tools build dependency to 0.6.4.
   [ George Kiagiadakis ]
   * Add myself as uploader.
   * Bump kdelibs5-dev build dependency to >= 4:4.4.
   * Add build dependency on shared-mime-info.
   * Update installed files.
   * Re-add debian menu icon and manpages to kfourinline
     (removed accidentally on the kwin4->kfourline rename)
     and improve its debian menu title.
   * Kill the kdesnake package and move its files to ktron, since
     kdesnake is not a separate game but a special mode of ktron.
   [ Xavier Vello ]
   * Add palapeli, kigo, granatier.
   * Update ktuberling.install.
 d8cfc582795fd6a3bcc439fdf11092a3b7506d0b 1890 kdegames_4.4.2-0rc2.dsc
 e3a1b112e4119e224328912421ad79f011d92d90 132409 kdegames_4.4.2-0rc2.diff.gz
 651d2d8dac965ccb8066bf7a7cea0d7f1fbc23d3ab9be3547825c7c5a79250ec 1890 kdegames_4.4.2-0rc2.dsc
 06cc4f29b9f668564db09af24074e75eb8541a7e3d8cca0d28fa32df40d5c2f6 132409 kdegames_4.4.2-0rc2.diff.gz
 639318b96e103818c14548224cd6a36b 1890 games optional kdegames_4.4.2-0rc2.dsc
 b8313298eb16d5977dae2e5183cde231 132409 games optional kdegames_4.4.2-0rc2.diff.gz

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