[Pkg-kde-trunk] Private repository has been updated

Modestas Vainius modax at alioth.debian.org
Sat Apr 2 00:40:01 UTC 2011

Hash: SHA1

The following repository change(s) were made in the last (10) minutes:

2011-04-02 00:36:30 replace exp deb main i386 plasma-desktop 4:4.6.1-0r5 4:4.6.1-0r4
2011-04-02 00:36:32 replace exp deb main i386 plasma-netbook 4:4.6.1-0r5 4:4.6.1-0r4
2011-04-02 00:36:33 replace exp deb main i386 kdebase-workspace-bin 4:4.6.1-0r5 4:4.6.1-0r4
2011-04-02 00:36:36 replace exp deb main i386 kdebase-workspace-dev 4:4.6.1-0r5 4:4.6.1-0r4
2011-04-02 00:36:49 replace exp deb main i386 plasma-dataengines-workspace 4:4.6.1-0r5 4:4.6.1-0r4
2011-04-02 00:36:50 replace exp deb main i386 plasma-widgets-workspace 4:4.6.1-0r5 4:4.6.1-0r4
2011-04-02 00:36:51 replace exp deb main i386 plasma-scriptengine-webkit 4:4.6.1-0r5 4:4.6.1-0r4
2011-04-02 00:37:00 replace exp deb main i386 plasma-scriptengine-googlegadgets 4:4.6.1-0r5 4:4.6.1-0r4
2011-04-02 00:37:01 replace exp deb main i386 freespacenotifier 4:4.6.1-0r5 4:4.6.1-0r4
2011-04-02 00:37:03 replace exp deb main i386 kdm 4:4.6.1-0r5 4:4.6.1-0r4
2011-04-02 00:37:03 replace exp deb main i386 kinfocenter 4:4.6.1-0r5 4:4.6.1-0r4
2011-04-02 00:37:04 replace exp deb main i386 klipper 4:4.6.1-0r5 4:4.6.1-0r4
2011-04-02 00:37:07 replace exp deb main i386 ksysguardd 4:4.6.1-0r5 4:4.6.1-0r4
2011-04-02 00:37:09 replace exp deb main i386 ksysguard 4:4.6.1-0r5 4:4.6.1-0r4
2011-04-02 00:37:09 replace exp deb main i386 kde-window-manager 4:4.6.1-0r5 4:4.6.1-0r4
2011-04-02 00:37:13 replace exp deb main i386 libkdecorations4 4:4.6.1-0r5 4:4.6.1-0r4
2011-04-02 00:37:15 replace exp deb main i386 libkwineffects1abi1 4:4.6.1-0r5 4:4.6.1-0r4
2011-04-02 00:37:18 replace exp deb main i386 systemsettings 4:4.6.1-0r5 4:4.6.1-0r4
2011-04-02 00:37:20 replace exp deb main i386 kdebase-workspace-kgreet-plugins 4:4.6.1-0r5 4:4.6.1-0r4
2011-04-02 00:37:20 replace exp deb main i386 libkephal4abi1 4:4.6.1-0r5 4:4.6.1-0r4
2011-04-02 00:37:24 replace exp deb main i386 libkscreensaver5 4:4.6.1-0r5 4:4.6.1-0r4
2011-04-02 00:37:25 replace exp deb main i386 libksgrd4 4:4.6.1-0r5 4:4.6.1-0r4
2011-04-02 00:37:27 replace exp deb main i386 libksignalplotter4 4:4.6.1-0r5 4:4.6.1-0r4
2011-04-02 00:37:28 replace exp deb main i386 libkworkspace4 4:4.6.1-0r5 4:4.6.1-0r4
2011-04-02 00:37:35 replace exp deb main i386 liblsofui4 4:4.6.1-0r5 4:4.6.1-0r4
2011-04-02 00:37:36 replace exp deb main i386 libplasmaclock4abi1 4:4.6.1-0r5 4:4.6.1-0r4
2011-04-02 00:37:38 replace exp deb main i386 libplasma-geolocation-interface4 4:4.6.1-0r5 4:4.6.1-0r4
2011-04-02 00:37:38 replace exp deb main i386 libplasmagenericshell4 4:4.6.1-0r5 4:4.6.1-0r4
2011-04-02 00:37:39 replace exp deb main i386 libprocesscore4abi1 4:4.6.1-0r5 4:4.6.1-0r4
2011-04-02 00:37:43 replace exp deb main i386 libprocessui4a 4:4.6.1-0r5 4:4.6.1-0r4
2011-04-02 00:37:44 replace exp deb main i386 libsolidcontrol4abi1 4:4.6.1-0r5 4:4.6.1-0r4
2011-04-02 00:37:44 replace exp deb main i386 libsolidcontrolifaces4abi1 4:4.6.1-0r5 4:4.6.1-0r4
2011-04-02 00:37:50 replace exp deb main i386 libtaskmanager4abi1 4:4.6.1-0r5 4:4.6.1-0r4
2011-04-02 00:37:59 replace exp deb main i386 libweather-ion6 4:4.6.1-0r5 4:4.6.1-0r4
2011-04-02 00:38:06 replace exp deb main i386 kdebase-workspace-dbg 4:4.6.1-0r5 4:4.6.1-0r4
2011-04-02 00:38:18 replace exp deb main i386 kdebase-workspace 4:4.6.1-0r5 4:4.6.1-0r4
2011-04-02 00:38:18 replace exp deb main i386 kdebase-workspace-data 4:4.6.1-0r5 4:4.6.1-0r4
2011-04-02 00:38:18 replace exp deb main i386 plasma-scriptengine-python 4:4.6.1-0r5 4:4.6.1-0r4
2011-04-02 00:38:18 replace exp deb main i386 plasma-scriptengine-ruby 4:4.6.1-0r5 4:4.6.1-0r4
2011-04-02 00:38:18 replace exp deb main i386 plasma-scriptengines 4:4.6.1-0r5 4:4.6.1-0r4
Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)


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