[Pkg-kde-trunk] http://qt-kde.debian.net/ document root updated
Debian Qt/KDE Public Repository
noreply at qt-kde.debian.net
Sat Apr 2 10:50:04 UTC 2011
Hash: SHA1
http://qt-kde.debian.net/ document root has been updated.
The following changes have been made:
commit f7c36650bc1abd24d5440f5e1130f35d146539ba
Merge: 9f60442... c599a3e...
Author: Debian Qt/KDE Public Repository Daemon <noreply at qt-kde.debian.net>
Date: Sat Apr 2 10:50:03 2011 +0000
Merge branch 'documentroot' of git://git.debian.org/git/pkg-kde/qt-kde.debian.net
commit c599a3e1feb2ea369866241af5399eaff9b2a3e9
Author: Modestas Vainius <modestas at vainius.eu>
Date: Sat Apr 2 12:43:13 2011 +0300
Add news entry and information for KDE SC 4.6.1.
diff --git a/index.php b/index.php
index 631562d..0ab1944 100644
- --- a/index.php
+++ b/index.php
@@ -16,13 +16,17 @@
.inlinecmd {
font-family: monospace;
text-decoration: underline;
+ white-space: nowrap;
<h1>News & notes</h1>
- -
+<span class="newsdate">2011-04-02</span>
+KDE SC 4.6.1 (excluding kdebindings) has been uploaded. See <a href="#kdesc">below</a>.
<span class="newsdate">2010-10-16</span>
Extra entries in /etc/apt/preferences are no longer needed with <strong>apt 0.8.5</strong> or later.
@@ -93,103 +97,217 @@ Pin: release o=qt-kde,a=experimental-snapshots
Pin-Priority: 100 (your value goes here)
- -<h1>KDE Software Compilation 4.5.1 packages</h1>
+<h1 id="kdesc"><a href="http://kde.org/announcements/announce-4.6.1.php">KDE Software Compilation (SC) 4.6.1</a> packages</h1>
- -Most KDE SC 4.5.1 packages have been uploaded to this repository. You can see
- -<a href="debian/">here</a> exactly which ones. The rest of the packages have not been
- -prepared yet, but they are not very important, so you can still enjoy most of
- -KDE SC 4.5.1. The rest of the packages will be uploaded here gradually, as soon as
- -they are ready. When all the packages are ready, a release is expected to be made to
- -Debian experimental.
+KDE SC 4.6.1 packages have been uploaded to this repository. They should be
+considered of the same quality as you would expect from the official Debian
+experimental archive. We will do our best to ensure that users of these
+packages could upgrade to the official KDE SC 4.6.x packages once they hit
+official Debian archive. In case this upgrade could not be made flawless,
+the issues will be explained in the
+<a href="http://lists.debian.org/debian-kde/2011/04/threads.html">debian-kde at lists.debian.org
+mailing list</a> and this page. In the worst case, you may need to use
+<span class="inlinecmd">dpkg --force-* -i</span> or reinstall some KDE packages,
+but this scenario is <strong>highly unlikely</strong> to happen.
- -You may consider these packages to be semi official which means that you will
- -probably be able to upgrade to KDE SC 4.5.x packages which will be uploaded to
- -the official Debian archive. In case this upgrade could not be made flawless,
- -the issues will be explained in the <a
- -href="http://lists.debian.org/debian-kde/2010/03/threads.html">debian-kde at lists.debian.org
- -mailing list</a> and this page. In the worst case, you may need to use dpkg
- ---force-* -i or reinstall some KDE packages, although this is highly unlikely to happen.
+First of all, check out <a href="#whatsnew">What's new?</a> and
+<a href="#knownissues">Known issues</a> sections below. If you decide to upgrade,
+make sure to read upgrade notes for <a href="#notes4.4">unstable (4.4.5)</a>,
+<a href="#notes4.5">unstable+4.5.1/4.5.3</a> or <a href="#notes_wheezy">testing (wheezy)</a>
+whichever suits your current system configuration best. We would like to receive some
+feedback on the packaging issues. In particular, keep track of the upgrade process and if you
+hit some file conflicts or more serious problems, please report them to the
+<a href="mailto:debian-kde at lists.debian.org">debian-kde at lists.debian.org mailing</a>.
- -If you are upgrading from KDE 4.4.5 to these packages, upgrade is expected to
- -complete flawlessly without any file conflicts or more severe issues. However,
- -it may not be very easy to initiate the upgrade as this repository has the same
- -priority as Debian experimental (priority 1) by default. Please read upgrading
- -guide below.
+Feel free to ask for help on the
+ <a href="mailto:debian-kde at lists.debian.org">debian-kde at lists.debian.org mailing</a>
+or the <a href="irc://irc.debian.org/#debian-kde">#debian-kde IRC channel at
+<h2 id="whatsnew">What's new?</h2>
- -For those wondering if KDE SC 4.5.1 is rather stable and usable, the answer is
- -yes. However, if you are happy with KDE SC 4.4.5, just stay with it.
+Some adjustments have been made on the packaging side in order to make major KDE SC
+upgrades play better with Debian packages of the unrelated third party KDE applications.
+This means that you should no longer hit broken dependencies when installing
+almost any KDE application from the official Debian repositories alongside these
+new KDE SC 4.6 packages. During previous upgrades, there used to be some issues with
+the packages which use interfaces that are generally not be kept stable between major
+KDE SC releases. The list of such packages includes <i>ktorrent</i>, <i>kdiff3</i>, <i>kmess</i>
+and others.
+<p>On the software side, probably one of the major driving factors for this upgrade
+is a noticeable improvement in the overall performance. KDE SC 4.6 is (or least
+feels) much faster and more responsive. 4.6.1 also seems to be stable enough for
+daily use. If you want to find out more about news features and enhancements
+since 4.4.5, check out official KDE release announcements for
+<a href="http://www.kde.org/announcements/4.5/">4.5</a> and
+<a href="http://www.kde.org/announcements/4.6/">4.6</a>.
+<h2 id="knownissues">Known issues</h2>
+kde-l10n-* packages have undeclared file conflicts with the
+konq-plugins-l10n package. Therefore, you should remove konq-plugins-l10n
+before upgrading. This is an unresolved issue both upstream and in packaging.
+KDE PIM (kmail, kontact etc.) will lose localization once you upgrade
+kde-l10n-* packages to 4.6.x. This is an unresolved packaging issue.
+Geo-location functions may crash digikam (unstable or experimental package).
+This is an unresolved marble packaging issue.
+<li>plasma-widget-networkmanagement from testing/unstable is not compatible
+(nor installable) with these KDE SC 4.6 packages because it triggers plasma-desktop
+to crash on startup. Just use the plasma-widget-networkmanagement package
+provided in this <a href="/debian">repository</a>.
+jovie might not as good as its predecessor in 4.4.5 (kttsd) was. Some
+patches were not ported yet.
+<h2 id="notes4.4">Upgrade and installation notes for unstable users</h2>
+You may use either <span class="inlinecmd">apt-get</span> or
+<span class="inlinecmd">aptitude</span> for all apt operations below.
+First of all, make sure that your system is up-to-date.
+# apt-get dist-upgrade
- -You are very welcome to report packaging bugs to the <a
- -href="mailto:debian-kde at lists.debian.org">debian-kde at lists.debian.org mailing
- -list</a> (but not the Debian Bug Tracking System). If you either encounter any
- -unhandled file conflicts, dpkg fails or similar, you are very welcome to drop
- -an email to the mailing list. Please, do not mail developers directly. You may
- -also get some help on the <a
- -href="irc://irc.debian.org/#debian-kde">#debian-kde IRC channel at
- -irc.debian.org</a>
+If you are doing a fresh installation, install a KDE metapackage which meets
+your needs (either kde-standard, kde-full, kde-plasma-desktop or
+kde-plasma-netbook) as follows:
- -<h1>Installing or upgrading to KDE SC 4.5.1</h1>
+# apt-get -t eperimental-snapshots install kde-standard
- -Versions of the KDE SC packages in this repository are of the form 4:4.5.1-0rX.
+If you're upgrading existing 4.4.5 installation, simply run:
- -<h2>Installing on a system without previous version of KDE</h2>
- -# aptitude -t experimental-snapshots install kde-standard
+# apt-get -t experimental-snapshots dist-upgrade
- -The first proposed solution should be what you want. Just accept it after quick review.
+As noted in the <a href="#whatsnew">What's new?</a> section, this should be the
+most smooth KDE SC upgrade since the inception of the KDE 4 packaging
+(unless you hit undeclared file conflicts or a <a href="#knownissues">known issue</a>).
+This repository also contains all needed dependencies from the official Debian experimental
+archive (akonadi, polkit-qt-1, polkit-kde-1, libktorrent, ktorrent) in order to make upgrade
+process more simple.
- -NOTE: Since this repository does not contain all of KDE SC 4.5.1 packages, this command will
- -probably also install some KDE SC 4.4.5 packages. Also note that although this should work,
- -it has not been tested properly and you should avoid it. If you want to try KDE, it is recommended
- -that you first install KDE SC 4.4.5 from testing/unstable and then if you want to upgrade,
- -follow the procedure below.
+<span class="inlinecmd">apt-get</span> will probably want to remove kappfinder and
+libakonadiprivate1. In addition, the list of <span class="inlinecmd">aptitude</span>
+removals may include a bunch of other automatically-installed but no-longer-used packages
+(that's mostly lib* packages and e.g. hal). In the end, you should see a lot of packages
+versioned at -0rX being downloaded and installed.
- -<h2>Upgrading from KDE SC 4.4.5</h2>
+<h2 id="notes4.5">Upgrade notes for unstable+4.5.1/4.5.3 users</h2>
+You may use either <span class="inlinecmd">apt-get</span> or
+<span class="inlinecmd">aptitude</span> for all apt operations below.
+Once you <span class="inlinecmd">apt-get update</span>, do not attempt
+to bring the system to up-to-date unstable. This will most likely fail
+due to libkonq-common 4:4.4.5-3 attempting overwrite some files in the
+libkonq5a package.
+<p>Instead just run:</p>
- -# aptitude -t experimental-snapshots full-upgrade
+# apt-get -t experimental-snapshots dist-upgrade
+Due to complications with previous 4.5.x packages, in addition to the packages listed
+in the <a href="#notes4.4">Upgrades notes for 4.4.5 users</a> section above,
+<span class="inlinecmd">apt-get</span> (or <span class="inlinecmd">aptitude</span>) may
+want to remove some of the following third-party applications: digikam, kdiff3, kmess, konq-plugins,
+ktorrent or plasma-widget-network-management. You should let apt do it. However, you will be able
+to reinstall these applications once upgrade is done.
- -The first proposed solution should be what you want. Just accept it after quick review.
+What is more, users of the previous 4.5.x packages are also more likely to
+experience some undeclared file conflicts, hence you might need to rerun dist-upgrade
+command above a couple of times or force installation with:
+# dpkg --force-overwrite -i /var/cache/apt/archives/package_filename.deb
- -Please note that aptitude may have to remove some third party KDE applications.
- -They have to be rebuilt against newer KDE in order to be installable again.
- -In this case, drop a mail to the <a
- -href="mailto:debian-kde at lists.debian.org">debian-kde at lists.debian.org mailing
- -list</a> or come in the <a
- -href="irc://irc.debian.org/#debian-kde">#debian-kde IRC channel at
- -irc.debian.org</a> and let us know. We could rebuild these packages on request.
+Feel free to report this kind of problems to the
+<a href="mailto:debian-kde at lists.debian.org">debian-kde at lists.debian.org mailing</a>.
+<h2 id="notes_wheezy">Upgrade and installation notes for testing (wheezy) users</h2>
- -NOTE: compatible <i>digikam, kdiff3, ktorrent, kmess, konq-plugins and plasma-widget-networkmanagement</i> packages are provided in the repository.
+This type of installation or upgrade is not supported and was not tested. So if you
+decide to do this, you are on your own. Generally,
+<a href="notes4.4">instructions for 4.4.5 users</a> might be a good reference. However,
+before starting the upgrade, you may want to pull
+<a href="http://packages.debian.org/source/sid/kdebase">kdebase 4:4.4.5-3</a> or
+<a href="http://packages.debian.org/source/sid/quassel">quassel 0.7.1-1.1</a> (if you use it)
+binary packages from unstable:
- -<h1>Known issues</h1>
+# aptitude -t unstable install '?source-package(^kdebase$)~i' '?source-package(^quassel$)~i'
+<h2>Upgrade and installation notes for stable (squeeze) users</h2>
- -It has been reported that in some cases, after the upgrade some keys are not functioning correctly,
- -especially the arrow keys. If you hit this issue, you can try running "setxkbmap -keycodes evdev"
- -as a workaround. It is still unknown what causes that and how it can be properly fixed.
+It is unlikely that you will be able to install these packages on
+squeeze without breaking something. Also don't expect much help about
+this topic on the mailing list or the irc channel. These packages are
+not backports.
- -<h1>End of Life for these KDE SC 4.5.1 packages</h1>
+<h2>End of Life for these KDE SC 4.6.x packages</h2>
- -KDE SC 4.5.1 packages will be removed from this repository once their newer
- -versions enter official Debian archive (in experimental). The
+KDE SC 4.6.x packages will be removed from this repository once their newer
+versions enter official Debian archive (either experimental or unstable). The
repository itself will continue to exist though it will be empty most of the
commit 764ae7d61e6d68e038a5399086493d067cbc3602
Author: Modestas Vainius <modestas at vainius.eu>
Date: Sat Apr 2 03:40:57 2011 +0300
Reword description of the target audience.
diff --git a/index.php b/index.php
index ee6164f..631562d 100644
- --- a/index.php
+++ b/index.php
@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ In order to get repository key, install the
You can view the list of available packages <a href="debian/">here</a>.
- -</p>
<h1 id="about">About repository</h1>
@@ -75,7 +75,8 @@ You can view the list of available packages <a href="debian/">here</a>.
The primary purpose of this repository is to provide package versions of the
KDE applications which for some reason cannot be uploaded to unstable or
experimental. Therefore, this repository is targetted at Debian
- -unstable/experimental users.
+unstable users who don't mind installing, testing and providing feedback for
+a bit more experimental stuff.
In order to receive repository updates using standard
commit 9f037e64bc5206c110dad21754e90153dac0baf5
Author: Modestas Vainius <modestas at vainius.eu>
Date: Sat Apr 2 03:39:13 2011 +0300
Update info about apt 0.8.5.
Among other things, squeeze has been released since this was written.
diff --git a/index.php b/index.php
index f5b1dd5..ee6164f 100644
- --- a/index.php
+++ b/index.php
@@ -81,22 +81,16 @@ unstable/experimental users.
In order to receive repository updates using standard
<span class="inlinecmd">apt-get dist-upgrade</span> or
<span class="inlinecmd">aptitude full-upgrade</span> process, make sure that
- -you have <strong>apt 0.8.5</strong> or later installed. Both testing and unstable
- -distributions already have this version so if your system is up-to-date, you do
- -not need to worry about further repository setup. However, if you had to hold
- -back <strong>apt</strong> for some reason, it's recommended that you add the
- -following snippet to the /etc/apt/preferences file:
+you have <strong>apt 0.8.5</strong> or later installed. It is available in
+Debian 6.0 (squeeze) or later. However, if you still want to change default
+priority (that is 100) of this repository, you can add the following snippet to
+the /etc/apt/preferences file (or /etc/apt/preferences.d/ directory):
Package: *
Pin: release o=qt-kde,a=experimental-snapshots
- -Pin-Priority: 100
+Pin-Priority: 100 (your value goes here)
- -<p>
- -Once you upgrade to <strong>apt 0.8.5</strong> or later, you can remove this
- -snippet from /etc/apt/preferences. However, if you happen to keep it, it won't
- -do any harm.
- -</p>
<h1>KDE Software Compilation 4.5.1 packages</h1>
Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)
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