[Pkg-kde-trunk] Private repository has been updated

Modestas Vainius modax at alioth.debian.org
Tue Apr 26 09:50:02 UTC 2011

Hash: SHA1

The following repository change(s) were made in the last (10) minutes:

2011-04-26 09:44:13 replace exp deb main i386 blinken 4:4.6.2-0r2 4:4.6.1-0r4
2011-04-26 09:44:25 replace exp deb main i386 cantor 4:4.6.2-0r2 4:4.6.1-0r4
2011-04-26 09:44:25 replace exp deb main i386 cantor-backend-kalgebra 4:4.6.2-0r2 4:4.6.1-0r4
2011-04-26 09:44:36 replace exp deb main i386 cantor-backend-maxima 4:4.6.2-0r2 4:4.6.1-0r4
2011-04-26 09:44:47 replace exp deb main i386 cantor-backend-octave 4:4.6.2-0r2 4:4.6.1-0r4
2011-04-26 09:44:47 replace exp deb main i386 cantor-backend-r 4:4.6.2-0r2 4:4.6.1-0r4
2011-04-26 09:44:50 replace exp deb main i386 cantor-backend-sage 4:4.6.2-0r2 4:4.6.1-0r4
2011-04-26 09:44:51 replace exp deb main i386 kalgebra 4:4.6.2-0r2 4:4.6.1-0r4
2011-04-26 09:44:54 replace exp deb main i386 kalgebramobile 4:4.6.2-0r2 4:4.6.1-0r4
2011-04-26 09:44:54 replace exp deb main i386 kalzium 4:4.6.2-0r2 4:4.6.1-0r4
2011-04-26 09:44:54 replace exp deb main i386 kanagram 4:4.6.2-0r2 4:4.6.1-0r4
2011-04-26 09:44:59 replace exp deb main i386 kbruch 4:4.6.2-0r2 4:4.6.1-0r4
2011-04-26 09:45:03 replace exp deb main i386 kgeography 4:4.6.2-0r2 4:4.6.1-0r4
2011-04-26 09:45:03 replace exp deb main i386 khangman 4:4.6.2-0r2 4:4.6.1-0r4
2011-04-26 09:45:08 replace exp deb main i386 kig 4:4.6.2-0r2 4:4.6.1-0r4
2011-04-26 09:45:10 replace exp deb main i386 kiten 4:4.6.2-0r2 4:4.6.1-0r4
2011-04-26 09:45:15 replace exp deb main i386 klettres 4:4.6.2-0r2 4:4.6.1-0r4
2011-04-26 09:45:18 replace exp deb main i386 kmplot 4:4.6.2-0r2 4:4.6.1-0r4
2011-04-26 09:45:23 replace exp deb main i386 kstars 4:4.6.2-0r2 4:4.6.1-0r4
2011-04-26 09:45:25 replace exp deb main i386 ktouch 4:4.6.2-0r2 4:4.6.1-0r4
2011-04-26 09:45:25 replace exp deb main i386 kturtle 4:4.6.2-0r2 4:4.6.1-0r4
2011-04-26 09:45:32 replace exp deb main i386 kwordquiz 4:4.6.2-0r2 4:4.6.1-0r4
2011-04-26 09:45:34 replace exp deb main i386 libkdeedu-data 4:4.6.2-0r2 4:4.6.1-0r4
2011-04-26 09:45:39 add exp deb main i386 libkdeeduui4 4:4.6.2-0r2
2011-04-26 09:45:45 add exp deb main i386 libkeduvocdocument4 4:4.6.2-0r2
2011-04-26 09:45:46 add exp deb main i386 libscience4 4:4.6.2-0r2
2011-04-26 09:45:53 replace exp deb main i386 libkdeedu-dev 4:4.6.2-0r2 4:4.6.1-0r4
2011-04-26 09:46:10 replace exp deb main i386 libkiten4 4:4.6.2-0r2 4:4.6.1-0r4
2011-04-26 09:46:12 replace exp deb main i386 libkiten-dev 4:4.6.2-0r2 4:4.6.1-0r4
2011-04-26 09:46:12 replace exp deb main i386 marble 4:4.6.2-0r2 4:4.6.1-0r4
2011-04-26 09:46:12 replace exp deb main i386 marble-plugins 4:4.6.2-0r2 4:4.6.1-0r4
2011-04-26 09:46:14 replace exp deb main i386 libmarblewidget11 4:4.6.2-0r2 4:4.6.1-0r4
2011-04-26 09:46:14 replace exp deb main i386 libmarble-dev 4:4.6.2-0r2 4:4.6.1-0r4
2011-04-26 09:46:15 replace exp deb main i386 parley 4:4.6.2-0r2 4:4.6.1-0r4
2011-04-26 09:46:17 replace exp deb main i386 rocs 4:4.6.2-0r2 4:4.6.1-0r4
2011-04-26 09:46:23 replace exp deb main i386 step 4:4.6.2-0r2 4:4.6.1-0r4
2011-04-26 09:46:28 replace exp deb main i386 kdeedu-dbg 4:4.6.2-0r2 4:4.6.1-0r4
2011-04-26 09:46:50 replace exp deb main i386 kalzium-data 4:4.6.2-0r2 4:4.6.1-0r4
2011-04-26 09:46:50 replace exp deb main i386 kdeedu 4:4.6.2-0r2 4:4.6.1-0r4
2011-04-26 09:46:50 replace exp deb main i386 kdeedu-kvtml-data 4:4.6.2-0r2 4:4.6.1-0r4
2011-04-26 09:46:50 replace exp deb main i386 kgeography-data 4:4.6.2-0r2 4:4.6.1-0r4
2011-04-26 09:46:50 replace exp deb main i386 klettres-data 4:4.6.2-0r2 4:4.6.1-0r4
2011-04-26 09:46:50 replace exp deb main i386 kstars-data 4:4.6.2-0r2 4:4.6.1-0r4
2011-04-26 09:46:50 replace exp deb main i386 marble-data 4:4.6.2-0r2 4:4.6.1-0r4
2011-04-26 09:46:50 replace exp deb main i386 parley-data 4:4.6.2-0r2 4:4.6.1-0r4
Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)


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