[Pkg-kde-trunk] [SCM] DocumentRoot for http://qt-kde.debian.net/ branch, master, updated. c8aabb2f44878a9ef7634aff74dfee5d4e584c2d
Modestas Vainius
modax at alioth.debian.org
Fri May 27 12:09:29 UTC 2011
The following commit has been merged in the master branch:
commit 788ed49d790c8ae350aee008b66ab4ab1b7aad5b
Author: Modestas Vainius <modestas at vainius.eu>
Date: Fri May 27 15:07:54 2011 +0300
Remove KDE SC instructions from the homepage.
index.php | 209 -------------------------------------------------------------
1 files changed, 0 insertions(+), 209 deletions(-)
diff --git a/index.php b/index.php
index 451429d..ff9f5ab 100644
--- a/index.php
+++ b/index.php
@@ -147,215 +147,6 @@ Pin: release o=qt-kde,a=experimental-snapshots
Pin-Priority: 100 (your value goes here)
-<h1 id="kdesc"><a href="http://kde.org/announcements/announce-4.6.2.php">KDE Software Compilation (SC) 4.6.2</a> packages</h1>
-KDE SC 4.6.2 packages have been uploaded to this repository. They should be
-considered of the same quality as you would expect from the official Debian
-experimental archive. We will do our best to ensure that users of these
-packages could upgrade to the official KDE SC 4.6.x packages once they hit
-official Debian archive. In case this upgrade could not be made flawless,
-the issues will be explained in the
-<a href="http://lists.debian.org/debian-kde/2011/04/threads.html">debian-kde at lists.debian.org
-mailing list</a> and this page. In the worst case, you may need to use
-<span class="inlinecmd">dpkg --force-* -i</span> or reinstall some KDE packages,
-but this scenario is <strong>highly unlikely</strong> to happen.
-First of all, check out <a href="#whatsnew">What's new?</a> and
-<a href="#knownissues">Known issues</a> sections below. If you decide to upgrade,
-make sure to read upgrade notes for <a href="#notes4.4">unstable (4.4.5)</a>,
-<a href="#notes4.5">unstable+4.5.1/4.5.3</a> or <a href="#notes_wheezy">testing (wheezy)</a>
-whichever suits your current system configuration best. We would like to receive some
-feedback on the packaging issues. In particular, keep track of the upgrade process and if you
-hit some file conflicts or more serious problems, please report them to the
-<a href="mailto:debian-kde at lists.debian.org">debian-kde at lists.debian.org mailing</a>.
-Feel free to ask for help on the
- <a href="mailto:debian-kde at lists.debian.org">debian-kde at lists.debian.org mailing</a>
-or the <a href="irc://irc.debian.org/#debian-kde">#debian-kde IRC channel at
-<h2 id="whatsnew">What's new?</h2>
-Some adjustments have been made on the packaging side in order to make major KDE SC
-upgrades play better with Debian packages of the unrelated third party KDE applications.
-This means that you should no longer hit broken dependencies when installing
-almost any KDE application from the official Debian repositories alongside these
-new KDE SC 4.6 packages. During previous upgrades, there used to be some issues with
-the packages which use interfaces that are generally not be kept stable between major
-KDE SC releases. The list of such packages includes <i>ktorrent</i>, <i>kdiff3</i>, <i>kmess</i>
-and others.
-<p>On the software side, probably one of the major driving factors for this upgrade
-is a noticeable improvement in the overall performance. KDE SC 4.6 is (or least
-feels) much faster and more responsive. 4.6.2 also seems to be stable enough for
-daily use. If you want to find out more about news features and enhancements
-since 4.4.5, check out official KDE release announcements for
-<a href="http://www.kde.org/announcements/4.5/">4.5</a> and
-<a href="http://www.kde.org/announcements/4.6/">4.6</a>.
-<h2 id="knownissues">Known issues</h2>
-Geo-location functions may crash digikam (unstable or experimental package).
-If digikam crashes on startup, uninstall marble-plugins package. This is an
-unresolved marble packaging issue. If apt(itude) wants to autoremove the
-whole kde-full with marble-plugins, run the following aptitude command before
-uninstalling it:
-# aptitude unmarkauto '~R^kde-full$' '~R^kdeedu$'
-<li>plasma-widget-networkmanagement from testing/unstable is not compatible
-(nor installable) with these KDE SC 4.6 packages because it triggers plasma-desktop
-crash on startup. Just use the plasma-widget-networkmanagement package
-provided in this <a href="/debian">repository</a>.
-jovie might not be as good as its predecessor (kttsd) in 4.4.5 was. A
-patch was not ported yet.
-<h2 id="notes4.4">Upgrade and installation notes for unstable users</h2>
-You may use either <span class="inlinecmd">apt-get</span> or
-<span class="inlinecmd">aptitude</span> for all apt operations below.
-First of all, make sure that your system is up-to-date.
-# apt-get dist-upgrade
-If you are doing a fresh installation, install a KDE metapackage which meets
-your needs (either kde-standard, kde-full, kde-plasma-desktop or
-kde-plasma-netbook) as follows:
-# apt-get -t experimental-snapshots install kde-standard
-If you're upgrading existing 4.4.5 installation, simply run:
-# apt-get -t experimental-snapshots dist-upgrade
-As noted in the <a href="#whatsnew">What's new?</a> section, this should be the
-most smooth KDE SC upgrade since the inception of the KDE 4 packaging
-(unless you hit undeclared file conflicts or a <a href="#knownissues">known issue</a>).
-This repository also contains all needed dependencies from the official Debian experimental
-archive (akonadi, polkit-qt-1, polkit-kde-1, libktorrent, ktorrent) in order to make upgrade
-process more simple.
-<span class="inlinecmd">apt-get</span> will probably want to remove kappfinder and
-libakonadiprivate1. In addition, the list of <span class="inlinecmd">aptitude</span>
-removals may include a bunch of other automatically-installed but no-longer-used packages
-(that's mostly lib* packages and e.g. hal). In the end, you should see a lot of packages
-versioned at -0rX being downloaded and installed.
-<h2 id="notes4.5">Upgrade notes for unstable+4.5.1/4.5.3 users</h2>
-You may use either <span class="inlinecmd">apt-get</span> or
-<span class="inlinecmd">aptitude</span> for all apt operations below.
-Once you <span class="inlinecmd">apt-get update</span>, do not attempt
-to bring the system to up-to-date unstable. This will most likely fail
-due to libkonq-common 4:4.4.5-3 attempting overwrite some files in the
-libkonq5a package.
-<p>Instead just run:</p>
-# apt-get -t experimental-snapshots dist-upgrade
-Due to complications with previous 4.5.x packages, in addition to the packages listed
-in the <a href="#notes4.4">Upgrades notes for 4.4.5 users</a> section above,
-<span class="inlinecmd">apt-get</span> (or <span class="inlinecmd">aptitude</span>) may
-want to remove some of the following third-party applications: digikam, kdiff3, kmess, konq-plugins,
-ktorrent or plasma-widget-network-management. You should let apt do it. However, you will be able
-to reinstall these applications once upgrade is done.
-What is more, users of the previous 4.5.x packages are also more likely to
-experience some undeclared file conflicts, hence you might need to rerun dist-upgrade
-command above a couple of times or force installation with:
-# dpkg --force-overwrite -i /var/cache/apt/archives/package_filename.deb
-Feel free to report this kind of problems to the
-<a href="mailto:debian-kde at lists.debian.org">debian-kde at lists.debian.org mailing list</a>.
-<h2 id="notes_wheezy">Upgrade and installation notes for testing (wheezy) users</h2>
-This type of installation or upgrade is not supported and was not tested. So if you
-decide to do this, you are on your own. Generally,
-<a href="#notes4.4">instructions for 4.4.5 users</a> might be a good reference. However,
-before starting the upgrade, you may want to pull
-<a href="http://packages.debian.org/source/sid/kdebase">kdebase 4:4.4.5-3</a> or
-<a href="http://packages.debian.org/source/sid/quassel">quassel 0.7.1-1.1</a> (if you use it)
-binary packages from unstable:
-# aptitude -t unstable install '?source-package(^kdebase$)~i' '?source-package(^quassel$)~i'
-<h2>Upgrade and installation notes for stable (squeeze) users</h2>
-It is unlikely that you will be able to install these packages on
-squeeze without breaking something. Also don't expect much help about
-this topic on the mailing list or the irc channel. These packages are
-not backports.
-<h2>End of Life for these KDE SC 4.6.x packages</h2>
-KDE SC 4.6.x packages will be removed from this repository once their newer
-versions enter official Debian archive (either experimental or unstable). The
-repository itself will continue to exist though it will be empty most of the
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