[pkg-kolab] Error in kolab2.schema

Matthew King matthew.king at time-net.co.uk
Tue Apr 4 12:34:39 UTC 2006

Ingo Fischenich <ifischenich at benhur.de> writes:

> pontius:~# /etc/init.d/slapd restart
> Stopping OpenLDAP: slurpd slapd.
> Starting OpenLDAP: running BDB recovery, slapd - failed:
> /usr/share/kolabd/schema/kolab2.schema: line 536: Unexpected token before 1
> ObjectClassDescription = "(" whsp
>   numericoid whsp                 ; ObjectClass identifier
>   [ "NAME" qdescrs ]
>   [ "DESC" qdstring ]
>   [ "OBSOLETE" whsp ]
>   [ "SUP" oids ]                ; Superior ObjectClasses
>   [ ( "ABSTRACT" / "STRUCTURAL" / "AUXILIARY" ) whsp ]
>                                   ; default structural
>   [ "MUST" oids ]               ; AttributeTypes
>   [ "MAY" oids ]                ; AttributeTypes
>   whsp ")"
> I created the /etc/ldap/slapd.conf 
> following /usr/share/doc/kolabd/README.Debian.gz.
> What went wrong, which further information do you need?

I had this last night myself (among other things which I am making notes

This problem is a commented line at or around line 536. The line should
be removed as commenting does not work at that location.

I forget now what exactly the line which needs to be removed says but
it's fairly obvious once you see it.


I must take issue with the term "a mere child," for it has been my
invariable experience that the company of a mere child is infinitely
preferable to that of a mere adult.
                                           --  Fran Lebowitz

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