[pkg-kolab] forward mail from user

Steffen Joeris Steffen.Joeris at skolelinux.de
Mon Aug 21 11:56:25 UTC 2006


I forward the mail below to this list as this is the best place to ask 
questions about kolab in debian. The mail doesn't contain any private or 
sensible information so I dare that the author disagrees with publishing it 
Please keep in mind to cc him.




i read that you are working on the kolab package for debian.

I am following the kolab project since 1 year and i am a debian user.

As you could immagine i really hate the OpenPKG framework :\

I am setting up a production infrastructure for email and i would like
to know which is the status of the kolab implementation for debian.

Is this alpha or beta quality?

Is this based on kolab 2.0 or on kolab 2.1?

Waiting for yours


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