[pkg-kolab] I Want to Help

Steffen Joeris Steffen.Joeris at skolelinux.de
Tue Jan 10 16:08:40 UTC 2006

On Monday 09 January 2006 17:41, Benjamin Long wrote:
> Greetings All!

> 	I'm currently starting hosting service and want to use Kolab as part of
> it. Since I base all my current work on Debian, I obviously want to use it
> for my current endeavor. Kolab packages are almost a necessity for this. As
> such, and to avoid duplicate effort, I want to offer my help to build and
> maintain Debian packages of Kolab. I have very little experience building
> Debian packages, however I am reading over the Debian new maintainers guide
> to learn how it is done. Any pointers would be greatly appreciated. If
> someone would like to point me at something simple for a beginner to get
> off the ground please do so and I'll get right on it. I am highly motivated
> to work on this project. I also know someone else on #kolab at freenode that
> wants to help. Hopefully he'll be subscribed to this list shortly and post
> a similar offer.

Thanks a lot for this offer you are welcome ;)
Currently we are preparing the experimental versions of our packages.
When we finish them it would be nice if you could test them and write your 
reports to this ML so that bugs can be fixed soon. 
I think the uploads to experimental will take place during the weekend, but 
for you and the list we will also put them on alioth so that you can directly 
get them.
Notice that the packages are "pre"alpha, means we need a lot of tests first, 
before we can announce a good and running version.

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